The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 360 Part 122 4 Miss Sends Fu

Chapter 360 Part 122

When the dawn dawned, Bu Jie went out and arrived at the gate of Zhanshou Mansion, and the servants welcomed him into the mansion gate politely.

Family Prime Minister Bai Fang had just finished his breakfast, and he greeted him personally after hearing the servant's announcement.

"My lord, I am coming suddenly, I am not far away to welcome you!"

Bai Fang was about the same age as Qing Shan Huang Hua, but he was full of vigor, standing like a pine and cypress, with white hair and eyebrows fluttering down, showing a somewhat fairy-like artistic conception. His blue shirt was clean and tidy, which could be seen Wearing it for many years, he is simple and unpretentious, and his behavior is exactly the same. He can definitely bear the four characters of Guoshi Wushuang. He has sharp eyebrows, is not angry and arrogant, and has good facial features. Therefore, in terms of age, she looks much younger than Huang Hua, in her fifties, with extremely rosy cheeks.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I also passed by here for a walk in the morning. I thought I haven't seen you for a long time. Come and have a look."

"Miss Lao, please!" Bai Fang made a gesture of please.

The two walked into the main hall and sat down, the servant quickly brought the tea, Bu Jie took a sip of the tea and praised: "This tea is well cooked and fragrant!"

"Your Excellency praises it. This is this year's spring tea, and it's not as good as the one in your lord's mansion."

He is a member of the family, no matter how rich or noble he is, he is still a minister, but Bu Jie is from the royal family, the uncle of the king of the dog and demon clan, so the clothes he wears are of a higher class.

Putting down the teacup, Bu Jie said, "What's the use of good tea? It's only good if you have good tea cooking skills. Your tea-cooking servant is good. Bad tea can be made into good tea. It's no different than those wine bags and rice bags in my house. Good tea is all spoiled." It became bad tea." He suddenly sighed softly, "Drinking this tea in your mouth reminds me of someone!"


"Lin Lang!"

Lin Lang used to be the chief steward of his mansion, and everyone in the family knew about it, but now Lin Lang has entered the palace and became Yu Mo's personal maid, and no one is hiding this fact.

When the topic came up, Bu Jie picked up the teacup and glanced at White Fang secretly through it.

The purpose of coming here is to tell him about Mei Luo's succession. This matter was decided yesterday, but the family history was kept in the dark. It's a little unreasonable. If it's too straight-forward, it may cause his displeasure. They had no choice but to insinuate, and wait to see if White Fang accepted the trick.

Bai Fang also picked up the teacup, and when Lin Lang was mentioned, he vaguely understood Bu Jie's purpose.

"If you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

"Oh, I just miss Lin Lang, and I don't know if she's okay in the palace."

"Is Miss Linlang okay? My lord will know when he enters the palace."

He is the uncle of the dog demon king, and he can enter the palace anytime he wants, no more than his courtiers who have to notify before entering the palace.

"You think I don't want to, but I still want to meet someone. This girl is very busy, even busier than me."

A gleam flashed in Bai Fang's eyes, how busy a personal maid can be, no matter how busy she is, she can't go against his will, this is already obvious, what is going to be talked about is not Lin Lang, but someone else.

He already had the answer in his heart, it must be the human woman.

Recently, he heard many rumors, saying that the king hid this woman in his bedroom, took good care of her, and intended to make her a queen, but the rumors were rumors, as long as the king did not make a queen, the rumors would not be credible. He also heard that yesterday Wang Xuan sent the Fifth Elder and Bu Jie to the meeting hall to discuss important matters, but he was the only one left behind.

The meaning of this, he also thought about it last night, is just a loyal family of Zhan Beast Mansion, who has been loyal to the emperor for generations, believes that the king's order is everything, and has never tried to speculate on the king's mind. He will always know when he should know , don't mind knowing whether it's early or late, so he doesn't resent what happened yesterday, but it doesn't mean that he is stupid and loyal, and he doesn't know whether the order is good or bad, one of which is to stand up.

Establishing a queen is a major event for the clan, and the selection of candidates is extremely important. A clan of strong monsters must have a powerful queen. This is the most basic condition, followed by character, integrity, knowledge, and appearance.

Do human women have these conditions?
Powerful refers to demon power. Human women naturally don't have demon power, so how can they be so strong, but it is said that the human woman obtained the artifact on Mount Sumeru and became the master of the beast glutton, reversing this fatal flaw. about character, integrity, and knowledge?

He didn't know about this, because she was hidden in the deep palace, and she had never seen it before, so he couldn't judge it. He only knew that she had good medical skills, and she was on par with the great wizard Bu Jie, and even had the potential to surpass her.

If the king wants to make her his queen...

White Fang frowned, thinking of his beloved granddaughter.

Even if this woman has fierce beasts and artifacts, she is definitely not as good as Fu'er, she is the best candidate for queen.

"" Bu Jie couldn't help reminding him when he saw him frowned and pondered for a long time.

White Fang raised his eyes, and the eyebrows that were knit together remained in a line.

"Your Excellency is here to mention the matter of the Queen Li."

Bu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and finally said it, otherwise he wouldn't know how to continue.

"The clan is wise."

"Whether it is wise or not, let's wait for the adults to be open and honest."

Bu Jie knew that he was already unhappy, and the matter of becoming a successor was of great importance. In addition to the opinions of the elders, the opinions of the family members were also very important. , but his vote was completely ignored, and he would definitely feel dissatisfied.

"What the family minister said was that the king was a bit reckless in his actions. Bu Jie will apologize to the family minister first, but the family minister can't blame the king entirely. He is still young, and he is eager to experience love for the first time. Some, but he didn't mess around, he thought it through carefully, that woman..."

Bai Fang snorted, and interrupted his words, "How about that woman? She has talents, whether she is capable of martial arts or literary skills, what is her strategy for marching and fighting? Can she control magical beasts? Can my lord know?"

Bu Jie twitched his eyebrows. If the girl knew this, would he still need it?

"Prince of the clan, don't underestimate her, she must be talented. The fumigant box she invented has cured many cough patients in the clan. The princess Le Xian of the wolf monster clan suffered from asthma since childhood. , she is also treating, and the curative effect is quite good. As for civil and martial arts..." He smiled, "Master, this person will always have what he is good at, and what he is not good at. Look, I am not good at healing. , I am definitely not as good as you when I go to battle to kill the enemy, and you are the same in turn, let you heal your illness, will you?"

"My lord, this is sophistry! After the family, how can she not know martial arts, how can she not be good at marching and deploying troops, if a strong enemy comes in the future, will she still have to hide in the palace and be protected by others?"

"That's wrong. The method of marching and forming a formation was also learned when she was young. She is a human being, and Xuanyuan Realm is a peaceful world. Without us fighting and killing, you don't need to learn this. If it is a place where you change positions, how can you learn it?" Can you know her? Cang Wu and you are masters of strategy, you can spend some time teaching her, it’s okay. As for you saying that when a strong enemy comes in the future, if she needs to be protected by others, that’s even more wrong. Tao Tie and Zhong Shanshen Now I only listen to her orders, if one day a strong enemy comes to attack, how many strong enemies can defeat these two beasts? Your family, you are worrying unnecessarily."

Bai Fang sneered, "What about ferocious beasts? Marching and fighting pay attention to tactics, not reckless behavior. Who wouldn't go on the rampage? Besides, my lord can guarantee that ferocious beasts will always obey her orders? She has a mere mortal body, and her longevity How old are you, and how many days can you live?"

Bu Jie knew that he would come up with this story, and continued to see the tricks: "The family is too worried. The fierce beast recognizes the master and signed a contract. It will be fused with blood until death. When she was alive , there is absolutely no possibility of betraying the master. As for the don’t tell me, I also know that it is indeed a shortcoming, but it is not necessarily all bad, and there are also good ones. "

Bai Fang sneered, "Your Excellency has said all the good things about this girl, and the minister has opened his eyes. It seems that he is extremely dissatisfied with her! Since he is satisfied, why do you need to tell me so much?"

"You are a family member, so I want to discuss with you."

"It wasn't yesterday, but today, my lord looks down on me."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm sorry, the king is afraid of your displeasure, so he asked me to come here personally, to tell you."

"Thank you for your love, but my lord said that this short life is good, is it a bit of nonsense?"

"Hey, family minister, listen to me..."

"My lord, please tell me, I would also like to hear what your lord has to say."

Bu Jie continued: "Life is short, and the days to come are also short. If she dies, does the family believe that the king will not marry again? Always be a widower?"

He didn't want to curse Yu Mo, but he really had nothing to say. If he didn't talk about it, Bai Ya might go to the palace with aristocrats whom he was acquainted with to speak out.

Sure enough, White Fang was stunned.

Bu Jie took the opportunity to say: "How can I not understand the thoughts of the family members, don't worry, I will never let you down."

White Fang clenched his fists and looked at him with clear eyes, "What does your lord mean..."

Bu Jie smiled and pointed outside, "It seems that the granddaughter of the clan chief is back..."

As soon as the words fell, there was a tender cry from outside.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Following the sound came in a young girl, sixteen or seventeen years old, full of heroic spirit, her skin was as smooth and smooth as a jade, and her white skin showed a faint red, like the morning glow reflecting the snow, which made her more charming. , her eyes were as clear as the moon shining on the cold river, and her two delicate and heroic eyebrows fluttered away as she spoke, like ribbons flying in the wind.

She is Bai Fang's favorite granddaughter, the Fourth Miss of the War Beast Mansion - Jifu.

Bai Fang softened his face, looked at Bu Jie, and understood his meaning in his heart.

There will not be only one queen. If one dies, another one will be established. The process is not important, but the result is important.

His Fu'er has just grown up, and the human woman can live for a few years. Even if she can live to be more than a hundred years old, she will be old and pale, but Fu'er is still tender and beautiful. With her identity, strategy, and talent, when the time comes There is no other woman in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

Jin Ji and her like are just at the end of their strength, and they can't attract the king now, and they won't make achievements in the future. Her Fu'er is different. As long as his position as a member of the family can not fall, she is the best candidate for the queen.

It's just Fu'er's temper...

He sighed secretly, he was too proud to be a concubine Ji, if not, she would have entered the palace long ago, but it is not too late now, the dog monster clan has rules since ancient times, after the queen dies, she must be immediately Afterwards, it will not start with the concubine Ji.

The second queen is usually elected by the five elders and the clan ministers, and he will be able to elect Fu'er out at that time. What Bu Jie said just now is to remind him that he will stand by his side at that time. He is the uncle of the king. , recommended by him, will this work?
That's one thing that just happens.Even if Fuer was wronged and wanted to be the successor, not the original spouse, in the future sacrifice ceremony, he still had to kneel down and kowtow three times to the human woman, but it was impossible to guarantee that Fuer would be deeply loved by the king, so this level of etiquette was abolished .

Thinking of this, he smiled kindly and greeted his precious granddaughter.

"Fu'er, are you back?"


Ji Fu took his arm affectionately, and said: "The Beast Taming House sent five Warcraft dogs, and I will try them myself in my spare time today."


"Excellent! I thought about it just now. Adai's mount Qiantian suffered a recurrence of injury. No matter how difficult it is to gallop on the battlefield, it should be retired. The few that came today can just be used as substitutes, and Ah Mo, who has been looking for He didn’t find the mount he wanted, so I asked him to try it out today, and it happened that there was one that fit his wish, so we changed all of them.”

Talking about these things, the light in her eyes was like stars, making her appearance even more beautiful, making people fall in love at first sight.

"You can figure it out. That's your team, and you're the one to make the decisions. But switching to a monster will take time to get used to. Remember to ask Adiamo to practice more."

"I know, Fu'er will never forget this rule."

"Yeah!" He patted the back of Jifu's hand, suddenly remembered that Bujie was still there, and hurriedly said: "Girl, I was so busy talking to you that I forgot that there is still a distinguished guest."

Bu Jie smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the cavalry regiment of Zhanshou Mansion is my clan's magic weapon for victory, and it is much more important than me."

Jifu hastily bowed slightly, and said in a crisp voice: "Jifu's eyes are clumsy, I haven't noticed my lord, I hope my lord will forgive me."

"Don't be too polite, get up."

"Thank you sir!" She stood up cheerfully, and said again: "How come sir today?"

"Oh, I have something to say with the family."

"Then Jifu won't bother you."

She bowed slightly again, not to mention her dignified posture, her appearance is even more beautiful, the most rare thing is the majesty in her eyes, which cannot be underestimated.

His family background, appearance, and ability are all outstanding, and he became the commander of the Warcraft cavalry at a young age. He is in charge of the most brave, best at fighting, and most elite eight hundred cavalry of the dog monster clan. The best candidate for queen.

Bu Jie secretly compared her and Yu Mo in his heart.

It's a pity that there's no way to compare. To put it bluntly, Taotie has a slight advantage.Although what he said just now was to appease White Fang's dissatisfaction, in the long run, it was indeed a good idea.

It's just that whether it will be like this in the future is not up to him and Bai Fang.

"Fu'er didn't interrupt, the matter has been finished, I should go too."

Bu Jie got up, ready to go back to report.

"Fu'er, come with me to see off the adults."

Bai Fang obviously believed the follow-up statement, and was going to let his granddaughter show more in front of Bu Jie.

Jifu walked over tall and straight, "My lord, please."

After Bu Jie left, Bai Ya and Jifu went back to the main hall together. They sweated a lot while riding the monster dog in the morning, and Jifu wanted to go back to the room to wash up, but seeing Bai Ya's serious face, he couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, what's the matter? But what did Master Bu Jie say?"

"Nothing? It's you, remember to see him more in the future!"

"Grandpa, Mr. Bujie is a great wizard. You want me to see him more in the future. Are you hoping that I will get hurt or get sick?"

Bai Fang stared, "What nonsense, why are you cursing yourself? I mean let you get close to him more."

Jifu is even more unclear.

"Silly girl, you're all thinking about fighting, and you don't think about your future."

It's also his fault, since she was instilled in her daughter the concept of self-improvement, she was so focused on building a career that she didn't care about her life's major events at all.

"Who said I didn't plan well, but since I was a child, I determined to become the first female matriarch of the dog monster clan."

Bai Fang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. Her ambition was to be praised, but what he hoped was that she would become a generation of good queens, even surpassing the former queen Qi Luo.

"Fu'er, don't think grandpa is wordy, this daughter's family is always going to marry."

"Female matriarchs can also marry."


"Why is it different?"

"Of course it's different. This woman's appearance is comparable to the queen's."

As soon as Jifu heard the word "queen", Jifu's face turned cold, "Grandpa, we agreed not to mention this matter again."

She has also cared about the matter of the queen, and she even had a wish in her heart to become a woman like the former queen Qiluo, who can not only assist the king, but also fight on the battlefield and keep the group safe, but the rule of entering the palace first is to be a concubine , which made her very unhappy.

In order to be the queen, she has to compete with other women for favor in front of the king. She can't do such things.

Why can't we see the outcome on the battlefield, fighting beasts, it's fine.She will definitely not lose, and she disdains such things as damaging to her integrity, such as fighting for favor.

She was annoyed, red light flashed in her beautiful eyes, like flames flashed by a gust of wind, "The big deal is that if I don't marry in this life, do I have to rely on a man to send my wife? Don't tell grandpa, I'll go back to the room to wash up .”

She left without looking back, white teeth stroked her beard in anger and sighed.

 Whether Jifu is good or bad, I won't say for now.

  Although I said how can dogs be bad, but they are demons with human thinking ability.


(End of this chapter)

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