The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 361 Part 123 Adai and Amo

Chapter 361 Part 123 Adai and Amo

"Ade is back?"


Walking slowly on the long corridor at the back of the War Beast Mansion, a woman dressed in a dark blue dress came slowly. She was in her twenties. Her appearance was a bit ordinary, but she was dignified. The sword eyebrows are flying, which is different from the coquettishness of ordinary women, and because the height is higher than ordinary women, it suddenly gives off a manly temperament.

Her name is A Dai, and she is Jifu's right guard and her personal maid.

When the servants and maids on the porch passed her by, they all stopped and bowed their heads in salute, with respect in their eyes.

"Miss is back?"

"I just got back home and asked us to fetch water to wash up."

"Oh, I got it." Adai reminded, "Don't make the water too hot, Miss likes to take a cold bath in the morning."


A Dai walked east along the path of the promenade, and at the end there was a small two-story building, commonly known as the Xiulou. It can be called a boudoir, which is similar to the ancient women’s boudoir in the human world. In traditional Chinese culture, the boudoir or embroidery building is the place where young girls sit, sleep, live, practice female red, and study poetry and etiquette. Boudoir life is more for women. The extremely important and warmest and most beautiful stage in life is like a beautiful butterfly that needs to slowly transform before it takes off and grows quietly in an exquisite cocoon wrapped in bright silk. It's not so strict, there is no so-called rule of not leaving the gate and not stepping in. Even men can enter with the permission of the master.

Adai patted the dust off her body, and walked into the embroidery building. The first floor is the living room and study room, filled with many books, and the case is also full of scrolls on military formations. Compared with the daughters of other nobles, This place is more like a man's residence, without any feminine decorations, but it has a simple and elegant charm.

"Miss, I'm back."

"Come on, I'm about to wash and change." Jifu replied in the bedroom on the second floor.

Adai went upstairs lightly, and the girls who delivered the water saw her and leaned over slightly.

The layout on the second floor is warm and comfortable, and there are not too many feminine decorations, but the things used are all good things. The Babu bed in the center is the place of focus. It has a soothing aroma and repels insects.

Jifu was combing her hair in front of the vanity mirror. She had a free and easy personality. Her hair was knotted with sweat, so she didn't know how to comb it gently. Instead, she lowered the gravity and brushed it from top to bottom with the comb.

Adai walked over in a hurry, "Miss, you can't comb your knotted hair like this. Look, your hair is falling out."


"Miss, sit down and let Adai come."

"Okay, you come."

A Daizai carefully separated her knotted hair, and then combed it smooth with a comb, "Miss is not afraid of scalp pain after working so hard."

"What's the pain? It's better than the pain of falling from the Warcraft dog. You and I had to fall a few times every day when we were young. This pain is nothing."

"Miss is a daughter's family, hair is very important."

"It's broken, it's dropped, it will still be born, that's all you have to worry about."

After combing her hair, Jifu took off her clothes and went into the water room to take a bath. The sound of water splashed, and Adai took advantage of this time to tidy up the clothes she had taken off, put them in the laundry basket, and put the clothes she was about to wear The clothes were taken out of the cupboard, carefully spread out with a shelf, and smoothed out.

When Ji Fu came out, she took a cotton cloth and wrung her hair dry.

The maid in the small kitchen went upstairs and asked, "Miss, do you want breakfast?"

Every day before dawn, Jifu would get up and go to the World of Warcraft to practice martial arts and ride. After the practice, at dawn, she would come back to take a bath and then have breakfast. , rain or shine.

"Don't eat, I have no appetite! Go down."

The maid didn't dare to leave, she glanced at A Dai.

Adai understood and said: "Miss, if you feel that the weather is hot and you don't have an appetite, ask the kitchen to bring some cold food. The sour plum porridge made by Baoniang last time is good, appetizing and refreshing."

Baoniang is Jifu's exclusive cook. She works in the small kitchen south of Xiulou and is a good cook.

Without waiting for Jifu's consent, Adai took the initiative and ordered the maid to prepare.

The sour plum porridge was served quickly, along with a few appetizing side dishes.

Facing the table full of dishes, Jifu picked up the chopsticks, frowned, poked the side dishes a few times and stopped moving.

"Miss, isn't it to your liking?" A Dai filled the porridge and handed it to her, "At least eat some, I've been running and dancing all morning, how can I survive if I'm not full?"

Jifu reluctantly took a sip from the bowl.

Adai put some side dishes into the bowl for her.

She was still not interested, poking with chopsticks just refused to eat.

"Miss, do you have something on your mind?" She has served her side since she was a child, and knows her temperament best, so she must have encountered something unhappy.


"What's bothering you? Why don't you talk to Adai."

Jifu put down her chopsticks and twisted her face into a ball, "It's not grandpa, but I'm talking about the queen again."

A Dai understood, and said with a smile: "So Miss is annoyed!"

"I don't understand what grandpa thinks. Does it have to be a queen to be good?"

"The master thinks that the young lady is too outstanding. None of the noble women in the family can stand shoulder to shoulder with the young lady. If the young lady does not become the queen, who else has the qualifications."

"I'm excellent, I'm natural, but what does it have to do with the queen." She picked up the chopsticks and poked the porridge again, "Grandpa didn't even think about what the queen was before, whether it was a concubine or a concubine among a bunch of people If you want me to compete with those women, you might as well kill me."

A Dai came over with the brewed fragrant tea, and said, "A Dai knows that Miss is arrogant, and she doesn't bother to do the thing of competing for favor. It is precisely because of this that Miss rejected the master's proposal and ran away from home because of this matter." For a few days, there was a lot of trouble in the house. But Miss really thinks that Master just thinks that no one in the clan is more suitable than Miss to take this supreme position?"

"Is not it?"

"When young lady was young, she admired Queen Qiluo very much. She thought she was a model for women, and even wanted to worship her as a teacher at one point."

"Well, I remember, there is indeed such a thing! But it has nothing to do with whether I am a queen or not. Queen Qiluo is not a concubine. The previous king directly married her into the palace."

Adai nodded, and knew very well about this period of the past, "But why did the previous king violate the rule of neutrality in the family, and did not establish a concubine, but directly established a queen?"

"Because Queen Qiluo is the eldest princess of the wolf monster clan, with a noble status. If she is still a concubine to run for the election as a concubine, my dog ​​monster clan will definitely fight with the wolf monster clan. Besides, Queen Qiluo is extremely Excellent, no woman can compare with her."

"Miss is smart! So it's the same when you switch to Miss. Isn't Miss's status not noble? Isn't her ability good enough?"

Jifu was taken aback.

Adai continued: "Miss only thinks that she doesn't want to become a first-class concubine concubine, but she never thought that with her status and ability, it's so good to be a concubine. Does it mean that you have to fight for favor to get the position of queen? Miss Your beauty, temperament, family background, any item is enough to overwhelm other women, I believe that even if you do nothing, the king will look at you differently, favor you, and know that you are not those vulgar fans."

Jifu had never thought of it this way before, and was immediately shocked by her words.

"Miss, being a concubine first is just a formality, a rule. With the ability of a young lady, even if she becomes a concubine, she is still outstanding. Don't say that there are two candidates for concubines, even if there are twenty, the young lady is the same." The one that reigns supreme."

Adai wanted to say this a long time ago, but at that time, Jifu was so angry that she couldn't listen to anyone's words, so she ran away overnight. When she came back, Bai Fang was afraid that she would leave home again, so she didn't mention the Queen's matter again. I won't talk about it.

"A Dai, did grandpa teach you to say this?"

"Do you still need to teach me this? Everyone in the mansion understands the master's thoughts. The master would want the young lady to be the queen, but he just thinks that the queen is the only one who can accompany you, young lady."

"Is that right?"

A Dai nodded, "Master can't wait to give Miss all the best things in the world."

Jifu blinked, "Okay, what you said made some sense, but it's too late now, the concubine Ji has already been selected, and she just needs to enter the palace. It has nothing to do with me, and I can't mention it." Get interested."

But Adai thought it was not too late, her master would bring it up again, it must be something changed in Lihou's affairs, could it be...

She secretly made a decision.

Jifu took a sip of the side dish, and said: "Now I just want to be like my grandfather, to be a peerless national scholar, to become the first female matriarch of my clan."

"Miss has a great ambition, Adai admires her, but..."

"Huh? But what?"

"Although the family members are high and powerful, under the elders, there is a king above."

After Jifu had a mouthful of sour plum porridge, Xu Shi whetted her appetite, and after finishing one bowl, she filled another bowl.

"It's always been like this!"

"Then, have you ever thought about it, miss, the position of clan prime minister is also under the queen, and the queen and the king have the right to control the important affairs of the clan together."

The king and queen are husband and wife, but they are not monarchs and ministers. They have the same status and have the same decision-making power.Although not all the monster clan groups in the mountain and sea world are like this, but the dog monster clan is like this.

Jifu smiled, "Adai, do you still need to say these things? Isn't it always the case that my dog ​​monster clan has a foundation of tens of thousands of years?"

This stems from the virtuousness of the queen of the Kai clan, Fu Ya, who is more accomplished than the king of the Kai clan, and is quite favored by the king. This has led to the queens of all dynasties enjoying equal royal power.

Adai was angry, and seemed to want to speak more clearly.

"Miss, if the queen is like Queen Qiluo, you will treat her as your master and be loyal to her."

"Naturally! Queen Qiluo is the greatest queen of our clan. She has powerful monster power and profound strategies. Even if I am like her, it is difficult to compare with her. If my dog ​​clan can still have such a queen, I will not only be loyal to her, but also respect her very much. .”

"Then... what if the queen is not as good as Queen Qiluo?"

"Why not?" Jifu bit her chopsticks, thought for a while and said, "It's normal to be better, a woman like Queen Qiluo is unique, how can I meet her every now and then, but since she is the queen, naturally it won't be too bad , as long as she is a good queen, she is a good queen who always thinks of my dog ​​clan, and I will be loyal to her naturally."

"Then..." Adai's eyes flickered, "If the queen is mediocre, what should I do?"

"Mediocre?" Ji Fu patted the table and said, "How can a mediocre be a queen? Adai is not talking nonsense. My king is a wise king. Although he is young, he is the only son born to Queen Qiluo. Grandpa mentioned him from time to time. Compared with the former king, my king is better than the blue, so how could he choose a mediocre person as the queen in a muddle."

A Dai knelt down on her knees and said: "A Dai made a slip of the tongue, I hope Miss will forgive me, but what I just said was from the bottom of my heart."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Adai knows that the young lady is arrogant and arrogant. If the queen is like a queen like Qiluo, and the talent is not inferior to that of a man, the young lady will be convinced. If not, but as long as she is better than the young lady, the young lady will recognize it. But if the Queen's choice is far worse than Miss Zhi's, but the king's love is deeply rooted and he insists on marrying, will Miss be willing to convince her?"

Jifu was dumbfounded, this was another question she had never thought about.

"The reason why the master insists on wanting the young lady to be the queen is also due to this. With the young lady's disposition, she only wants to submit to those who are stronger than herself. She has always disdained those who are weaker than herself, and she even doesn't want to be with her. Of course, the young lady is by no means proud of her talents, she just has to have a strong heart. If the queen is a person without talent, and only takes the second place because of the king's favor, she will come to the palace with the young lady in the future, discuss matters, and make foolish decisions. If we go in the opposite direction, would Miss be willing to back down?"

"Since I'm fatuous, how can I back down?"

"But she is the queen, her status is higher than that of the young lady, and she holds the power of life and death for the young lady."

Jifu was startled.

"Miss' heart is higher than the sky. When I was young, I once said that if I have power one day, I will definitely reform the dog monster clan and eradicate all kinds of evils of the dog monster clan. This word is still in my ears. Adai is really worried. If One day, when the lady became the Prime Minister of the clan, when she was planning for the clan, she met a queen who had no talent. Under the harsh words of the lady, maybe the queen would agree with the lady's argument, but the crime of disrespect of the lady would accumulate in her heart. One day it will explode, even if there is no such thing, the young lady is both talented and capable, in comparison, the queen is even more vulgar, she is also a woman, she will definitely feel jealous, if things go on like this, the young lady will be in trouble at every step in the future .”

Jifu frowned and said, " are all assumptions!"

"Yes, these are all Adai's assumptions, but can you guarantee that it won't happen? Miss has the potential to become a queen, so why should she submit to others..."

Jifu sat on the chair blankly, lost in thought.

A Dai didn't say much so far, she quietly retreated, and bumped into a person when she was walking down the stairs.

He leaned on the handrail of the stairs, his body was dignified, his appearance was majestic, his eyes shot cold stars, as far away as the independence of a high mountain, even if he stood so casually, he was invincible.

He is very handsome, but he also looks a little indifferent. When he raised his head, he was [-]% similar to A Dai in terms of eyebrows and eyes.

A Dai called out, "Brother, when did you come?"

He is Jifu's left guard, her own brother, Ah Mo.

"It's been a long time."

Adai said nothing, and went downstairs.

After leaving the Xiulou, Ah Mo chased after him.

"Adai, stop!"

She turned around, "Brother, do you have something to say?"

"Why are you saving young lady to be your empress again?" He spoke loudly and breathed out coldly.

"Miss deserves the best, whether it's clothes, jewelry, or the high status."

"Don't you think about the lifelong happiness of Miss?"

Adai snorted, "Could it be happiness to be married to my brother?"

Ah Mo's handsome face was red, embarrassment was evident at a glance.

"Status is everything in the clan of the Great Monster. Isn't it because of these things that Brother has been hesitant to express Miss Aimu's thoughts?"

"That's different!"

"Why is it different? Does my brother want to see Miss being bullied by an incompetent person in the court hall in the future?"

"My dog ​​monster clan is full of talents. Although the queen has great power, there are also people like Elder Cangwu and the Prime Minister who are not afraid of royal power. If things like what you said happen in the future, someone will definitely protect the lady. Furthermore, the king is not a fool, if there is such an evil queen, the king will definitely dethrone her."

"Brother is a man, you should know a word, it is the most difficult to bear the grace of a beauty. That woman saved the king, and the king will not do anything to her because of this. What's more, poisonous scorpion beauties are best at this kind of thing." Pillow wind, did my brother forget Erniang and Sanniang? They looked gentle and virtuous, but how they treated mother and you and me in private. Brother forgot, but Adai will not forget. "

"This is all in the past, how can it be compared with the matter of Miss."

"It can't be the same, as long as it's a woman, it's possible to hide evil intentions, especially when you meet a woman who is more beautiful and smarter than yourself, you will want to get rid of it quickly. Adai doesn't want to let the young lady suffer that kind of humiliation one day." Adai looked at him sharply, "Brother just doesn't want Miss to marry the king, and thinks that one day he will be able to stand out and restore our family's former glory, and then brother will be able to propose to the master without any scruples, right? ?”

She and Ah Mo used to belong to aristocratic family, but 700 years ago, her father was defeated in the battlefield, missed the opportunity to make meritorious service, and was convicted of a crime of unfavorable marching. She climbed up, became a glorious family member, and married a concubine from two noble families as a wife and concubine. Unfortunately, her ability was limited, and she was unable to turn the tide. By the time the siblings were born, the family was at the end of their rope. So far, her father became addicted to alcoholism. Regardless of family affairs, the two wives and concubines bullied her mother because of their youth and love, and their brothers and sisters did not let her go. The pain of bullying is vivid in her eyes, and she will never forget it.

When she and Ah Mo were adults, her father got drunk and made trouble, became a prisoner, and died of illness in prison. Afterwards, the family collapsed and became a commoner. But fortunately, he was selected by the clan chief Bai Ya as a cavalry soldier, and later he was appreciated by Jifu , Only then did the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment have the name of the left and right guards.

The kindness of knowing you is like rebirth, A Dai will remember it in her heart and never dare to forget it.

Because of this, she expects Jifu to become the queen, which is a title worthy of her, and she does not allow her to be inferior to others.

"I won't tell you this, you just need to remember that you can't interfere with Miss' affairs."

"It's late!" She said loudly, like a lion shaking the sky, "With my intelligence, I will definitely understand the true meaning of A Dai's words."


"If brother has nothing else to do, Adai will leave first."

On the embroidered building, Jifu sat for a long time, and she didn't wake up until the sun went down.

Adai's words hit her mind, she is indeed not a woman who is willing to be inferior to others, if she is better than herself, she is willing to submit, but inferior to her...she won't submit.

Just like what Adai said, one day, she met a queen who was not convinced, and she was afraid that she would directly show her face to the other party. If she had such a temper, it would be difficult to change it.

However, she had heard that the choice of concubine Ji was Jin Ji, the eldest lady of the Thousand Beast Mansion. As for the Yin Ji who was given as a gift, she definitely couldn't be the queen.

What about Jin Ji, others may not know, but she knows, because the two have met twice, once in the captive farm of Thousand Beast Mansion, and once when the second son of Thousand Beast Mansion was injured by herself. People fought over it.

Evenly matched!

Therefore, her demonic power is not inferior to hers, she just has a father who is doing nothing. If she is the empress, given time, she will be able to show her talent, and she may not be unconvinced.

If someone else...

If you are mediocre...

She squeezed hard and broke the chopsticks in her hand.

It is said that there is a human woman hidden in the palace by Wang Shen, it can't be her, right?

She knocked on her forehead, but she didn't have any information about this human woman, and she blamed herself. Since the post-election incident, she hadn't paid attention to it. Today, grandpa will suddenly bring up the Queen's matter again, and I'm afraid it's just Something to do with it?

How can a human woman be a queen without any demonic power?

But she wasn't going to overturn it with one shot, she still understood Wang's nature.

Could it be that there is something extraordinary about this woman! ?

Well, whether it's a mediocrity or a genius, she must meet her.

 Momo: What am I talking about, who is the one who attracts the bees and attracts the butterflies, and also invites such a person who refuses to admit that he is arrogant, he can't beat him.

  Taotie: What am I afraid of?
  Mo Mo: You are cheating, so you can’t be counted.

  Taotie: What a trick, don't underestimate the cheat, and this cheat is for you.

  Mo Mo: Oh, that's right, um, good boy, I'll give you an extra meal tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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