The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 362 Part 124 Inheritance of Past Dynasties

Chapter 362 Part 124 The Inheritance of Past Generations

royal palace.

In the early morning light, Yu Mo was woken up, with half-opened sleepy eyes, she lifted the bed curtain and looked outside.

Lin Lang smiled happily, and behind her stood a row of women she didn't know, who looked like maids, but their clothes were different from the maids she usually saw.

"Auntie, it's early in the morning, what's wrong?" Once she was woken up, she couldn't fall asleep, rubbed her eyes, and simply got up, the fur ball was sleeping beside her, in order not to wake it up, she lightly Getting off the bed lightly, looking at the people behind Lin Lang, she asked again: "Who are these..."

The five maids at the back stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "Miss, well! We are from Zhishi Mansion."


What the hell! ?

Yu Mo didn't understand, so she had to look at Lin Lang and wait for her to clarify.

Lin Lang said: "The Zhishi Mansion is a mansion that tailors cloth and clothes for the royal family and makes accessories."

The Zhishi Mansion is also one of the nobles of the dog demon clan. It specializes in the manufacture of royal clothing and accessories. The work it does is a bit like the ancient clothing bureau, but it belongs to the wealthy and nobles.

Yumo understood, tied up her loose long hair with a hair tie, and said to the five maids, "The one who came to look for Mei Luo, but he is not here, in the morning..."

The expressions on the faces of the five maids were shocked when they heard her call Mei Luo's name directly.

She noticed it, paused quickly, and stuck out her tongue again, forgetting that Lin Lang had reminded her before that if there were outsiders around, she had to call Mei Luo the king, otherwise some people would think she didn't understand etiquette.

She changed her words: "I'm talking about what the king said. I got up early to deal with political affairs, and I'm not here."

This time Wang barked very stiffly, because she had never barked before, and she stuck out her tongue again after she finished speaking.

Lin Lang is used to it, and she can change her words immediately, which is a lesson for a child, and said with a smile: "Miss misunderstood, they came here specially to find you."

Yu Mo was stunned, "Looking for me?"

Lin Lang nodded: "The Wang arranged this yesterday, and I came here to tailor it for Miss..."

When Yu Mo heard the word tailoring, she just thought that she was going to make new clothes again, and quickly interrupted her, "New clothes are going to be made again? Didn't I just send more than 20 pieces over the day before yesterday? Didn't I keep them?" Have you ever moved?"

When she first came to Shanhaijie, she thought she would go back soon, so she didn't bring much clothes, just a few T-shirts and jeans. Who knew that the Pangu ax would be so hard to find, and so many things happened during the period, she and Meiluo fell in love , Now it is difficult to leave even if I want to.Since you want to stay for a long time, it is always necessary to do as the Romans do, so you can no longer wear the clothes of the human world. Although the world of mountains and seas is a world of demons, it is similar to life in ancient China. The clothes are a bit like the style of the Han Dynasty, which is a bit cumbersome. But after wearing it for a long time, you will get used to it.

Although she was always thinking about improving these clothes with reduced mobility, no one listened to them, so she could only wear them honestly, but this does not mean that she needs a hundred or eighty pieces of clothes, and five or six sets are enough , It's not a fashion conference.The clothes that are changed every day, Zijing and Muxiang will also be washed, ironed, and dried in turn, and they can be worn properly the next day. She can wear the same clothes every day.

Counting the new clothes delivered the day before yesterday, the new clothes delivered last month, and the ones from last month, and when we first arrived in the dog land, there are a total of about a hundred sets in total. Change every day, Can be worn for more than three months.

Some clothes have been pressed at the bottom of the box since they were delivered, and they have not been worn once.

She knew that Mei Luo doted on her very much and wanted to give her the best in everything, food, clothing, housing and transportation, everything must be top-notch, but in conscience, she deserved it.

"Auntie, I have enough clothes. I can wear them for five or six years. I really don't need to make any more."

Lin Lang knew that she was a person who pursued a simple life, but today's meaning was different, and she couldn't do it unless she agreed.

"Those are the clothes you wear on weekdays, how can they compare with what you will do today." When she said this, her eyes flashed with joy, and she looked very excited.

Yu Mo was a little confused when she heard that, "It's all clothes, what's the point?" She shook her head again, and said stubbornly: "It's better not to, let them go back soon."

Hearing that, the faces of the five maids in Zhishi Mansion changed drastically, and they all knelt on the ground. The oldest maid said, "Miss, how many of us are dissatisfied? If so, Zhishi Mansion can find someone else."

"Hey, that's not what I meant! Get up quickly." Yu Mo wanted to reduce their workload, wouldn't she go back to rest if she had nothing to do, and forced her to make new clothes, "I just think there are enough clothes, no need Do it again, it has nothing to do with you, get up quickly, or I will be embarrassed." After she finished speaking, she glanced at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang chimed in, "You all get up when Miss tells you to get up. She doesn't blame you, but she has no desires by nature, and she doesn't want to waste money."

"Yes, yes, that's what it means."

The five maids breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly.

Zijie and Fungus came in from the outside with a water basin, and they were not surprised to see so many people there, because Linlang had ordered the people from Zhishi Mansion to come in the morning yesterday, asking them to come earlier to serve Yumo.

"Hello, aunts." Mu Xiang and Zi Kai greeted each other.

Zhishi Mansion is rich and noble, and the maids in it are higher than them.

"Girl, good!"

Mu Xiang took the water basin and walked to Yu Mo, "The water is still hot, Miss, hurry up and wash up."


Yu Mo went into the water room to wash up, and let Zi Jia arrange her hair before coming out.

When she came out, she found that Lin Lang and the five maids were still there. She couldn't help but had a headache and said, "Auntie, why haven't they left yet?"

Lin Lang replied angrily: "The mission is not completed yet, how can we leave?"

"How did making clothes become a mission? Make a big deal out of a molehill!" She assumed that it was Mei Luo's order, and decided to have a good talk when she met him at night.Even local tyrants can't be so extravagant and wasteful. Sooner or later, they will sit and eat, "Auntie, I will talk to Mei... no... Wang said, let them go back quickly.

Lin Lang would not just be dismissed by her words.

"Miss, sit down first, today, this dress must be made, you can't refuse."


"Why!?" Is there any reason for this? It's not good to save money.

"Today is the queen's gown, which is also the wedding dress that the young lady will wear when she and the king get married."

Yumo was shocked on the spot.


She instantly remembered Mei Luo's proposal, and her face immediately turned red.

Seeing this, Lin Lang covered her mouth and snickered, and finally remembered, otherwise she would really drive people away with her stubborn temper.

"The queen's robes have always been custom-made before the wedding of the king and the queen. In the past, the new clothes were made in the size of the lady, but the queen's robes must be completed by the weaving room. From tailoring to tailoring, every step Every part of the business needs to be kept perfect, and it must be perfect, so we sent the five best tailor maids here this morning to measure your size."

"Isn't it so troublesome!?"

Lin Lang glared at her, "How can it be called trouble? The queen's robe is a symbol of honor and status, and the young lady cannot be ignored."

"Okay, got it."

"It's good that Miss understands, so hurry up and have breakfast, and let them make a measurement for you as soon as you run out, so as not to delay the auspicious time."

It's the first time Yumo heard about choosing an auspicious time for the body measurement. In fact, when Mei Luo proposed marriage, she expected that the marriage would be troublesome, but she didn't know it would be so troublesome.

Hey, if only we could travel and get married.

Now, she can only accept her fate.

After breakfast, Yu Mo stood in the inner hall of the bedroom, with her arms outstretched, shaped like a straight cross, surrounded by five maids, carefully measuring the size, some of the names of the sizes, she had never heard of them before, I didn't touch my whole body.

Time passed by, and she became impatient, "Auntie, it's been almost two hours, why is it still not healed, her legs are almost numb."

Lin Lang has been with her for a long time, and knows the conversion between hours and hours, which is one hour, and she doesn't understand, so she persuaded: "Miss, please bear with me, the measurement must be accurate."

"It's not accurate. Each of the five of them has to measure in one place."

"This is to ensure that the size will not be wrong, and it will be ready soon."

Yu Mo pursed her lips and muttered softly, "It's not that troublesome for my grandma to make a cheongsam."

After another half an hour, the measurement was finally finished, and the booklet recording the size was carefully put into the box brought by the maid of the Weaver Mansion, and locked.

Yumo felt liberated, and couldn't help but slumped on the bed, which was more tiring than running a marathon.

At this time, the head of the maids in Zhishi Mansion said, "If Miss is tired, take a rest for a while and have some snacks. There is still a size to be measured later, and it will be done when it is done."

"Ah! What else?" Yu Mo jumped up from the bed in shock, she looked at Lin Lang pitifully, "Auntie, this is still going on."

"Miss, don't worry, just measure the circumference of your head!"

"Head circumference? Do you want to make a hat? But the dog's climate is warm, so you need a hat."

It is rare to have very cold days in the dogland, so there is no such thing as a hat in the dogland.

Lin Lang served the freshly brewed tea, took a small plate, picked up a piece of her favorite mung bean cake, and handed it to her, "Apart from the imperial robes, the queen also has one more important thing...the crown!"

The maid of the Zhishi Mansion echoed: "Aunt Linlang is right, it is exactly this tiara. The tiara is something that has been around since Queen Fuya, and there is no need to re-customize it, just modify it according to the size of the young lady."

Yumo was stunned. Who is Queen Fu Ya? She has read the history books of the dog monster clan, so she knows that she is the queen of the founding clan. Since she has had a crown, it has a history of tens of thousands of years. Wearing such a valuable old antique on the head is very stressful.

" the crown heavy?" She was more concerned about whether her neck would be broken by the crown than the pressure.

Lin Lang laughed when he heard that.

Yu Mo pursed her lips and said, "Auntie, why are you laughing, I'm asking a serious question!"

"Lin Lang didn't mean to make fun of Miss, it's just...Queen Qi Luo asked me this question back then."

"Really? Then how did you answer?"

"Since it is the crown, how can the people we wait for easily touch it?"

"Isn't aunt the personal maid of Queen Qiluo?"

"Although she is a personal maid, the tiara is stored in the box every day. When the queen needs it, the maid will take it out of the box. When she goes to bed and takes off the tiara at night, the queen will put it in the box and lock it up. , and then put it back by the maid. This is the rule, and it has always been the case, so even the closest maid can't know its weight. Miss, this question is really difficult for Ling Lang."

"What about the master craftsman? You can always know the weight of the crown after changing the size, right?"

Seeing that she had finished eating the mung bean cake, Lin Lang took another piece and said, "Miss, I don't know that the crown is invulnerable to swords and swords, and can only be edited and modified with a demon sword transformed by demon power, so every queen's crown is a weaving room. Only she knows what the master of the family has modified, how much has been changed, and how much has been added, and no one else will know."

"So special?"

"If not, how can it be passed down for tens of thousands of years? Miss, don't worry, after the tiara is repaired, and you put it on yourself, don't you know whether it is heavy or not?"

Yumo laughed dryly, "I'm afraid that when I put it on, my neck will be broken immediately."

"Miss is not a dodder flower, how could she not be able to wear a tiara? If so, wouldn't all the previous ones suffer."

Yu Mo is right when she thinks about it, isn't it just a crown, no matter how heavy it can be, if it is really heavy, she can always do without it.

Well, she will have a good talk with Mei Luo tonight.

After eating the snacks, she resigned to her fate and asked the maid in Oranoshi Mansion to measure the size of her head. In order to adapt to the hairstyle and hairpins in the future, the size had to match. She fiddled with several styles before confirming the size.

After she was done, she collapsed on the bed again, so tired that her soul seemed to be out of her body.

"If Miss is tired, just catch up on some sleep. Lin Lang will call you again when we have lunch."

Although Yu Mo felt very tired, she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Auntie, to tell you the truth, I'm a little scared."

"Miss, what are you afraid of, but are you scared by the crown?"

"It's not that, it's..." She got up from the bed with nervousness on her face, "Auntie, I want to marry Mei Luo because I love him, and I thought it was between the two of us, but It was the queen's robe and the crown just now, which made me realize that my thoughts are too simple, I don't even know what the duty of a queen is, I don't understand anything, and I haven't thought about anything."

The crown has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and what is passed down is not just a thing, but a responsibility.

Queen Qiluo, that is, Meiluo's mother, is the legendary figure she has heard the most since she came to the dog realm. In comparison, she found that she was worthless, and felt timid in her heart.

"It's rare for Miss to think like this, and Lin Lang is very relieved. But Miss, don't put pressure on yourself, just be yourself, and there is still time to learn to be a good queen in the future. There have been so many queens in history, it is not Everyone who can be called a virtuous queen should have a clear conscience. The lady is the king's wife first, and then the queen. She loves the king and can never leave him. Sharing weal and woe is the first step to being a good queen. I believe that the king That's what I thought too."

"Really? I just need to love Meiluo? Is it really that simple?"

"It's better for husband and wife to be united. Miss, don't think so much!"

Yu Mo was still full of worries. Thinking of the tiara, although he hadn't worn it yet, he could already feel its heaviness.

If a queen of a family only stays in the deep palace and loves the king, and does nothing, then what kind of queen is she?

Most importantly, does she have the confidence to be the queen?

With this question in mind, she began to feel more stressed, and she couldn't even eat anymore, thinking about this question every day.In fact, she didn't have to think so much, because she wasn't sure whether she would stay in the end, like a swinging clock, the days passed, but her heart shook.

This also made her understand that from the moment she married Mei Luo, what she had to face was not just him alone, but the entire group.

Do they accept her?

She should not accept it, she is just a mere human being, too ordinary, ordinary and even a little small, her only specialty is treating animals, although she is really suitable for the environment of mountains and seas, which is full of animals, but she can treat diseases It's not him alone, but Bu Jie can do it, and there are even other great wizards who can do it.

If you think about it this way, her contribution to the ethnic group is really pitiful.

If one day, someone suddenly pointed at her nose and scolded her for not being qualified to be a queen, she would not be surprised.

Because she really didn't.

She suddenly wanted to do something, but she couldn't do it. Since she came to Shanhaijie, she was used to being cared for and protected by Meiluo. Delicious food, and what she has to do is to make him like her forever.

She buried her head in the pillow, her thoughts became more and more chaotic, and she thought about more and more things, and the pressure became more and more intense.

Eventually, she fell ill and developed a high fever.

(End of this chapter)

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