The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 365 Part 128 Ji Fu VS Jin Ji

Chapter 365 Part 128 Ji Fu VS Jin Ji
When they arrived at the water cage, seeing heavy soldiers guarding them, Jifu first asked Adai to find out if the people from Huansi Mansion had arrived.

Adai nodded, asked and came back, "It is said to have been here for more than an hour."

"Who is it that asked?"

"It's Aunt Qingyin, the right protector of Huansi Mansion."

Jifu nodded, "Then it's time to come, you take Grandpa's token and show it to the guards, and complete the formalities, so as not to cause trouble, and Zhan Beast Mansion will suffer."

The water cage is a high-level prison, and it holds serious criminals. Generally, it is not allowed to enter without permission. She came here to see the formation method of the Magic Division Mansion. She was very interested in illusion in her early years. Unfortunately, she has no talent, but the formation method It can also be used in cavalry tactics. It will not be a disadvantage if you look at it, and you may be able to steal a division.

A Dai handed over the token to the guard and explained the situation. The guard saw that she was the lady of the War Beast Mansion and let her go naturally.

After Jifu went in, she didn't see Qingyin, but she saw Jinji first, she was stunned, thinking she was wrong.

Why is she here?

Jin Ji was arranging the formation on Gen's seat, and saw her when she looked up, and was also stunned.

According to reports, it has been three or four years since the last time the two met, and the place where they met was still in the captive farm of Zhan Beast Mansion. She and Ji Fu had a fight because of her second brother who was not up to date. According to the decree of the law, the principle that the same clan is not allowed to use demon power. The two were purely fighting. They fought hundreds of moves, but there was no winner. Still have some energy left.

After the two looked at each other, Jifu spoke first, "Why is Miss Jin Ji here?"

"Help set up."

Jifu was stunned, she is not from the Huansi Mansion, how could she help them set up the formation, besides, the formation is related to the effectiveness of the illusion, and the person who is cast is a repeat offender of the White Feather Party, such an important matter, the Huansi Mansion How could she ask an outsider to help, but she didn't think Jin Ji was lying, because to get in here, she must have a pass token.

"Is Aunt Qingyin not here?"

Even if the Huansi Mansion is short of people, if the lack of people makes an exception and asks her for help, it is impossible for her to complete the formation independently. Just now the guards also said that Qingyin is inside, but now there is no one. If the Huansi Mansion is negligent, she will never No mercy.

Jin Ji pointed to the well where the Eagle Demon was held, "Auntie is at the bottom of the well."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyin flew up from the bottom of the well.

"Jin Ji, that eagle demon is extremely weak. I'm afraid he won't be able to bear the current formation. Go back and tell your lord about it." When she turned her head, she found Jifu. Hurry to salute, "Miss Jifu, well."

"Auntie is well."

"Why did Miss Today come?"

"Grandpa was thinking about the eagle monster at the bottom of the well, and when he learned that Huansi Mansion would come to set up formation today, he asked me to come and have a look."

"Master Lao is concerned about it."

"You're welcome, aunt. I just took a look. Now that I have seen it, I can go back and die." She walked to the well and asked, "In the well is the eagle demon that Elder Huang Hua captured."


Jifu took a look inside, the well was very deep, but the demon's eyesight was excellent, and he could still see clearly at this distance.

Feng Chen was dying in the well, he had sent a wizard to heal his wounds in order to perform the illusion, but now it seems that the healing of the wounds is nothing, for those who want to die, even Da Luo's elixir is useless.

Jifu has also heard some things about him before. He has a tough temper and hard bones. To be kind is to be cruel to yourself.

She withdrew her gaze and returned to Jin Ji.

Qingyin is talking with Jin Ji, and they seem to have a very good relationship.

"Remember?" Qingyin asked.

"Write it down, don't worry, aunt, I will definitely tell you everything when I go back."

"Okay, hurry up and come back."


Seeing that Jin Ji was about to leave, Jifu didn't stay any longer, and went out of the restricted area of ​​the water cage with her.

A Dai came up to greet her, "Miss, are you watching?"

"En!" She replied lightly, not thinking about Adai, she looked at Jin Ji and said, "When did Miss Jin Ji go to the Huansi Mansion?"

Jin Ji knew that she had doubts in her heart, so she said calmly, "Just a few days ago."

"Oh, is that so strange? The Huansi Mansion is famous for its high barriers to entry. In the past, people from other mansions have never been recruited for help. Even for apprentices, they are only selected from their own family members. Miss Jin Ji It can be regarded as No.1.”

She really wanted to know how Jin Ji got to the Huansi Mansion. Although she was also from a noble family, she was at the bottom, and her father and brother were both rich and rich. She went to the army for training, but no one was willing to accept her, and now she was accepted by the Huansi Mansion, and she still took on this important task. What happened in this process really made her curious, and even a little jealous.

Many years ago, because she became interested in illusion, she begged her grandfather to let her go to the Mansion of Illusion to practice, but Ziying flatly refused. The reason is that the demon power is strong, but the illusion is not qualified enough, and it is useless to learn it.

After hearing this reason, she was full of anger for a year.

Now, she can't do it, but Jin Ji has gone to the Huansi Mansion. Could it be that her aptitude is enough?
She was faintly dissatisfied, and just wanted to clarify the ins and outs of the matter.

"Miss Si doesn't need to insinuate. Jin Ji only went to the Huansi Mansion to help with the help of Elder Wisteria, and did not ask anyone as a teacher."

"Elder Wisteria?" Jifu frowned. Hasn't she been out of business for a long time?

"Exactly. Ten days ago, Elder Wisteria came to my Thousand Beast Mansion to select monsters for formation. I led the way. Xu thought I was smart, and there was a shortage of people in the Huansi Mansion, so he recommended me to go."

Regarding Wisteria's recommendation, she was actually quite puzzled. Huansi's mansion was strictly guarded and never accepted outsiders. Military power, only the Huansi Mansion, will always be its own family.After she left, there was a lot of criticism, all of which were mediated by Elder Wisteria, and it was she who persuaded Master Ziying to let him examine her in the secret room.

Although she is puzzled, it is a rare opportunity for her who has become an abandoned wife and a laughing stock. Of course, she will not give up. As long as she can complete this task, her ability will be recognized. With the recommendation of the elders, she might be able to enter the War Beast Mansion of her dreams. This is her ambition since she was a child. For this reason, she will work a hundred times harder than anyone else. As long as she can win a place, her life at home will not be difficult.In the future, if she is lucky enough to make military achievements, she can also take Yin Ji to move out to find another residence, so she doesn't have to look at her father and brother's face to get by.

Therefore, she was able to seize this opportunity eagerly, and she was sure that she would not be inferior to others, even the fourth lady of the War Beast Mansion who had the rank of ten thousand husbands in front of her. She thought that this fourth lady must look down on herself, It doesn't matter if the family background is far worse, and there are four useless brothers, and now she is an abandoned wife, she will definitely laugh in her heart, if it is not the case, why ask so many questions, it is clear that she does not believe that she made it by ability Huansi Mansion.

She originally wanted to leave as soon as possible, but considering that she is the young lady of the Zhan Beast Mansion and the head of the future Zhan Beast Mansion, if she wants to enter the Zhan Beast Mansion in the future, her relationship with her must not be hostile. She had forgotten about the absurdity, otherwise she would not have tolerated her even if Elder Wisteria recommended it.

"I see……"

"If Miss Si is fine, please excuse me to leave. Jin Ji has something urgent to rush back to the Huansi Mansion to report to the Lord."

"Oh, I was the one who was nagging. Miss Jin Ji, please go."

Jin Ji bowed, "Farewell."


After she walked a little further, Adai who was standing behind Jifu said, "Miss seems to be very curious about this Miss Jin Ji."

"How can you not be curious, do you know who she is?"

A Dai shook her head, "However, I have some impression of the name, it seems to be... Ah, yes, Concubine Ji!"

"You're right, but I'm going to say not this!"

"Adai is dull, and doesn't understand what the lady is going to say."

"I don't blame you. You were not there that time. If you were there, you would definitely remember her deeply. Do you still remember the apprentice I told you about the Thousand Beast Mansion?"

"Of course I remember, he coveted Miss's beauty, followed him many times, and even boldly followed him to the captive farm, but was caught by the lady, who beat him up in a moment of anger, and notified the people from Thousand Beast Mansion to pick him up , the person who came to pick him up is her younger sister... Ah!" A Dai remembered it thoroughly, "Miss, could it be that Jin Ji is the one who fought you so hard?"

"That's right, it's her."

Ji Fu glanced at Jin Ji's back, she remembered the events of that day deeply, as if it just happened yesterday, and because of this, after she knew that Jin Ji had been elected concubine Ji, she didn't act like other noble ladies. Angry and unwilling.

It's unbelievable that such an excellent daughter could be born in the smoky place of Thousand Beast Mansion, but it's a pity that her father and brother dragged her down, otherwise she believed that Jin Ji would be able to make some achievements.

Now she has become an abandoned woman abandoned by the king...

"It's a pity..." Jifu not only felt a little sympathy for her.

Adai didn't think it was a pity, but felt that it was a very lucky thing for Jin Ji not to be favored by the king. If not, Jin Ji would definitely become her young lady's rival.

"Miss, the sun is bright, and I think the time is about the same. How about going to see her earlier?"

Jin Ji is not enough to worry about, now only the delicate guest in the bedroom is left.

"You're right, I'll see you sooner, and I'll come back sooner. I just saw the formation in the water cage. If I'm right, it's the ninety-five formation..." Speaking of this, she became excited Get up, "Adai, it's rare to see a ninety-five formation, today is really the right time."

The ninety-five formation is Ziying's self-created formation. It is used in illusions to attack powerfully and has a large safety factor. It complements each other. Similarly, it is used in cavalry formations. It has great attack and complete defense. It is extremely perfect. Array.

The source of the so-called array technique is the five elements and eight trigrams, all of which are evolved and transformed on this basis, so as long as you master the essence, you will be inseparable from it.

This is also the reason why Ziying refused her to come to the mansion to learn illusion formations. If the formations were copied by the people of the War Beast Mansion, then how will they mess around in the Illusion Division Mansion in the future, so it is not because she is not qualified enough, but to learn The original intention of the formation is wrong.

Although they are all members of the dog monster clan, the rivalry between the nobles has not changed since ancient times. Who would be willing to be inferior to other nobles? It must be that the more prosperous his family is, the better.

When Ji Fu was about to go to the bedroom, there was a piercing shout from Jin Ji.

"Who are you, to stand in the way of this princess, and still not get out of the way!"

Le Xian, who rushed out of the dormitory, was in a hurry to find Yu Mo to settle accounts, so he didn't look at the way, and bumped into Jin Ji who was about to leave the palace. together.

Seeing that she was young, Jin Ji thought that some palace maid accidentally bumped into her because she was in a hurry, but she didn't take it to heart, and was about to help her up and comfort her, when the little girl who fell on her body pointed at her nose cursed.


Aman and Aluo chased after her. Seeing that she had fallen, they hurriedly helped her up.

"Princess, do you feel pain from the fall?"

"Go away!"

Le Xian was furious, and fired at anyone he saw. After pushing them away, he pointed at Jin Ji and shouted, "What kind of eyes do you have? You don't like this princess, do you?"

She was looking for a pump, so she didn't intend to let Jin Ji go.

When Jin Ji heard her calling herself a princess, she knew who she was - Le Xian, the eldest princess of the wolf monster clan.

She knew very well that her status couldn't provoke her, so even though she was angry, she didn't dare to do anything wrong.

"Princess please forgive me!" She lowered her head and knelt down on the ground.

"Why forgive me! If you dare to bump into this princess, you should know what will happen to you?"

A Luo persuaded: "Princess, this matter should not be a big deal, please invite the princess..."

"Go away, who told you to talk!"

Le Xian doesn't want to listen to anyone now, like a lion cub with its hair blown.

Ah Luo was right behind her just now, and she could see clearly that it wasn't someone else who hit her at all, but she just knocked someone to the ground because she didn't look at the road without thinking. This woman is not a court lady. Although she knelt on the ground and said nothing, but her back is straight, she must be a person with backbone, but because of her status as a princess, she wants to calm things down, but if her own princess continues to be relentless , I'm afraid it will happen.

"Why don't you speak? Are you afraid of this princess? This princess tells you that today..."

"What happened?"

When Jin Ji heard the voice, she was slightly taken aback, looked up, and found that it was really Jifu.

Ji Fu nodded to her, then looked at Le Xian, leaned over and said politely: "Ji Fu in Xiazhan Beast Mansion, met Princess Le Xian, the princess is well."

She also saw what happened just now. Like Jin Ji, she knew Le Xian's identity when she heard Le Xian claiming to be a princess.

"Which onion are you!?"

A Luo whispered, "Princess, she is the lady of the War Beast Mansion, a nobleman."

"Aristocrats? What about nobles? This princess is still a royal family."

The royal family is right, but not the princess of the dog monster clan.Because there is no princess in the dog monster clan, the status of a daughter of a nobleman will be equal to that of a princess in dealing with other clans, so the status of the two is not much different.

What Jifu hates the most in her life is that women rely on their status to be coquettish and domineering.

She stood up, her face turned cold, "Your Highness, if you feel that the dog monster clan has offended you, you can ask someone to report it to the king. Everything will be decided by the king. I believe the king will deal with it fairly. Why do you have to shout here?" Small call."

"You dare to say that this princess is yelling. You are so brave. This princess just wants to dispose of a court lady. Do you have to report this to your king?"

No wonder Le Xian thought Jin Ji was a court lady, because Jin Ji was dressed too plainly.

"Lady of the palace!?" Jifu snorted, "I'm afraid the princess made a mistake. This young lady is the daughter of a noble family just like me, and she is not a palace lady."

"Who are you lying to?" No nobleman could wear such plain clothes, she didn't believe a word.

"If the princess doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate. This lady is named Jin Ji, the eldest lady of the Thousand Beast Mansion, and Jifu's friend. Today, we are going to the palace together to handle business. She is just taking a step ahead."

Hearing the word "friend", Jin Ji trembled, and looked at Jifu, feeling a little grateful in her heart.

Jifu continued: "Since the daughter of a nobleman has her own family law, don't worry about it, princess!"

Le Xian's face was flushed with anger, but she couldn't say a word of rebuttal, but she was too spoiled, and she couldn't get rid of it with a few words, and she was already angry in her heart, and now she was even more angry, so she simply had sex with Jifu On the bar, "Okay, you said you want to find your Wang Pingli, right? Okay, look for it, go now, this princess wants to see who Brother Mei Luo will help."

As soon as her temper came up, a hundred chocobos couldn't pull her back, so she yelled at a group of people and rushed to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Yu Mo's face darkened as soon as he heard Lin Lang's report.

(End of this chapter)

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