The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 366 Part 1291 Nest Trouble

Chapter 366 Part 129 A Nest of Trouble
"Mei Luo, wake up!"

Yu Mo pushed Mei Luo who was sleeping soundly on the bed. He came back to accompany her after lunch, and when he saw her taking a nap, he lay on the bed together. Maybe it was busy these days, and he didn't sleep well at night. She fell asleep, sleeping very deeply, and when she woke up, he didn't wake up, so she didn't disturb him, and continued her great career of studying.

It was supposed to be a quiet and pleasant afternoon, but it was interrupted by Le Xian.

After calling for a while, Mei Luo didn't respond, she was still in a deep sleep and snored lightly, she must be really tired.

Yumo couldn't help complaining, "You slept soundly, but you didn't know that trouble was coming."

Linlang said: "If Miss doesn't want to see you, I'll go and refuse."

"Don't! Everyone is here. I don't know about the others, but I know Le Xian's temper. If I don't see her, she will make a fuss."

This little girl's temperament, when she was treating her illness, she had learned so much that she didn't want to learn it anymore.

Yumo thought for a while and asked, "Auntie, do you know what's going on?"

"It seems that a court lady offended the princess, and the princess refused to let her go. It happened that the fourth lady of the War Beast Mansion passed by and thought that the princess was bullying others, so they came here together and wanted to ask the king to judge."

Lin Lang was serving in the palace today, Mu Xiang told about Le Xian's arrival, so she didn't know the specific details, so she didn't know that the so-called court lady was actually Jin Ji. Originally, she wanted to solve it by herself, but Ji Fu was also there Among them, she is the granddaughter of the clan prime minister and the captain of the cavalry. With such a status, it would be inappropriate for her to mediate.

"War Beast Mansion... but the War Beast Mansion with the reputation of having a horse as a thousand."

Before this, Yu Mo definitely did not know about the War Beast Mansion, but now she has read the books sent by Cangwu, and two of them are books explaining the nobles of the dog monster clan in detail. She just read them in the morning, so remember very clear.

China's exam-oriented education has many shortcomings, but after reading it all the way, I didn't learn anything else, the most important thing is rote memorization. Although she doesn't have the ability to remember with a photograph like Cang Wu, her ability to memorize is absolutely first-rate, which is not bad. Getting to the bottom of the point, if you give her a test paper for the nobles of the dog monster tribe now, she will definitely get full marks.

"Miss remembers well, it is this Beast Mansion."

Having said that, Yu Mo has confidence in his heart, not only a princess like a naughty monkey, but also a daughter of a nobleman who does not give in to others is the one who is looking for trouble.

"Auntie, what is the character of this young lady from the War Beast Mansion?"

Trouble is coming, and she can't stop it. Since the meeting cannot be avoided, she has to make full preparations.

"I am familiar with her mother. She is a demure person, and she handles things extremely justly. As for this young lady, I don't see much. She is the youngest granddaughter of the lord. Parents, two elder brothers, and three older sisters all died in the end, so the clan loves her very much, it can be said that they are like pearls and treasures..."

Yu Mo frowned, the younger generation are all dead, only such a daughter is left, the clan aristocrat probably not only regards her like a jewel, but also holds her in his hand for fear of falling, and holds her in his mouth for fear of falling. It's transformed, and it's extremely pampering.

But whoever has the word doting and spoiling will not be able to give birth to any good birds, and I am afraid that they will be a coquettish and domineering one.

"Miss, don't worry, although the family members dote on her very much, there have never been any bad rumors about this lady. She is a person who likes to be with Warcraft dogs all day long. There have never been any incidents, so he should be a good person to get along with."

"My aunt can say that, so I feel relieved, but..." She said with a little distress: "She is a nobleman after all, so it would be inappropriate for me to go."

"Miss is the future queen. In the future, all women in the family will be under Miss. How can it be inappropriate?"

"But I'm not the queen now."

"Miss and Wang's wedding has been engaged, and the elders have all agreed. That is half a queen, and she can overwhelm her in terms of status."

Yu Mo felt that Lin Lang would say that because she was on her side. If it really counted, this half queen had no deterrent power at all.


Outside the door, Mu Xiang was anxiously waiting for a reply, she was afraid that people outside would fight if it was too late.

At this time, Zi Kai ran over, and shouted while running: "Auntie, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Lin Lang asked.

"The maid outside the door... the maid... I know..." She ran out of breath, and when she reached the door, she held on to the door frame and gasped, "That's not a palace lady, it''s Miss Jin Ji!"

She is not on duty today, but she left her most beloved purse yesterday, so she came back to pick it up. When she came in, she saw Le Xian and others at the door. At first she didn't pay attention, it was a few little maids talking at the corner of the door, After hearing something, she looked back and happened to see Jin Ji.

"you sure?"

She nodded desperately, "Sure!"

I heard that Yumo's forehead was completely black.

Well, the princess and the noble daughter are here, not to mention an enemy!
Now she just feels that her head is getting bigger.

Lin Lang was a little puzzled, "Jin Ji has always acted cautiously, how could she offend Princess Le Xian?"

Not to mention that she was puzzled, Yu Mo also felt that things were suspicious.

During that fight, she had met Jin Ji, she was a very tolerant person, she spoke and acted decently, completely different from Le Xian's frizzy temper, it was really strange that these two people would get together.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Jin Ji's identity. She was the original candidate for queen, but she was robbed by her. The hatred will be very deep.

Yu Mo wanted to back down a bit, but everyone was already outside, and they had been waiting for a long time, and now they didn’t see a single word, so why did they go so early, I’m afraid it would be difficult to pass it off, if Mei Luo was used as an excuse, it’s not impossible , but avoiding this time, there may be a next time, is she going to hide behind Mei Luo like this all the time as a vase?
She doesn't want to, and doesn't want to live this kind of life.

It suddenly occurred to me that the note I found in the book earlier was written by Cang Wu himself, and only wrote a short sentence.

What is most important for the latter?
She thought that he wrote this sentence specially for her.

What matters most for the latter...

It is difficult for her to give an answer now, because she is not the queen yet, and her responsibilities to the queen are still in the fog, but if she avoids things like today, if we meet again in the future, she will be fine. Emboldened.

She closed her eyes, pinched the hem of the skirt, the tension in her heart can be imagined, she kept exhaling and exhaling, she had already promised to marry Mei Luo, she could not go back on it, and she didn't want to go back on it, since she promised to be his wife, then she should take on the responsibility of a wife.

there is always a solution to a problem!
I thought she got full marks in advanced mathematics, ranked first in the class in English CET-[-] and CET-[-], and dissected animal corpses without blinking her eyes, so there was nothing to be afraid of.


She holds the necklace of the demon refining pot tightly, she is someone who can open it at any time, so don't be afraid if there is a fight.

After calming down, she straightened her face and told Lin Lang, "Auntie, please welcome them in. Mu Xiangzi is going to prepare snacks and tea."


Lin Lang said, "Miss, you need to change your clothes."

If she wanted to meet people, the clothes she wore were rather plain, and she didn't seem to have the aura of a queen.

Yumo looked at her clothes, the color was light and the style was simple, but the material was the best, she was already like this, why should she change for others.

"Need not!"

True color is the best protective color.

Lin Lang nodded, "The young lady is sitting still, I'll go and welcome them in."

Outside, the sun is scorching like fire.

Le Xian and Ji Fu looked like two dogs in a dogfight arena, staring at each other. Fortunately, their maids were both smart and brought umbrellas to hold them up, shielding them from the harshness of the sun.

Jin Ji didn't have a maid holding an umbrella by her side, and stood far away from the two of them, making her look a bit out of place, but she held her head high and her face upright, showing no sign of being bothered by the heat. She looked at the palace in front of her with mixed feelings in her heart.

Once, she thought that she would live her whole life in this palace. Although she was not very willing, it was her only way out. She had thought more than once about what the end of this way would be like. The way out is gone.

She has been angry, complained, and unwilling, but now standing in front of this palace, she has a different mood.

The king and queen never lived in the same palace in ancient times, but each had their own palace. Among the kings and queens in the past, only Queen Qiluoxian had this honor. She could share the same palace with the king. Previous generations have said that the queen is usually not the king's favorite woman. Her existence is more to assist the king and be a good wife. Although she has the same status as the king, the queen will be very lonely in love. She needs It is not the king's favor, but the respect, wearing the most honorable crown, but may not be able to enjoy the warmth of her husband.

It's actually quite sad when you think about it.

But at that time, she felt that this kind of sadness was a relief for her. When she became a queen, she could do what she wanted to do and win glory for the family, and she didn't have to be ridiculed and ridiculed by her father and brother. If she could, Yin Ji doesn't have to go to the palace with her, she can find a good marriage for her, but now she realizes that these thoughts are too naive, without the favor of the king, how much can she do.

Not being the favorite doesn’t mean not loving, there is no emotional foundation, no matter how hard she works, no matter how good she is, it’s useless. If she loses her temper one day, then she may end up as a waste queen, which is not the case in the dog monster clan. Never had.

But that human woman has completely won the favor of the king, and she lives in the king's bedroom. I'm afraid it's hard to explain her feelings with a word of love.

She doesn't understand why the king just likes her among so many beautiful and excellent noble daughters in the dog monster clan, just like Jifu standing here, no matter her appearance, family background, or ability, nothing is better than her. In the end, she was convinced that she lost, but she lost to a human woman for no apparent reason. She still couldn't swallow this tone. Even though she knew that her feelings could not be controlled by others, there was still a stone in her heart, and there was always something in her mouth. With a bitter taste, I often wonder if it wasn't for this woman, would her future be different?

She lowered her head and looked at her toes, because no one could answer her, so she could only swallow the bitterness back again.

"Princess Lexian, Miss Jifu, Miss Jinji, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Hearing Lin Lang's voice, the three of them looked at her in unison.

Lin Lang bowed slightly: "Queen..." She paused, glanced at the three of them, and then changed her words, "Miss just woke up from a nap, so I have to wash and change clothes. It took me some time, but I still look at the three Haihans."

The word queen is intentional, to remind them who is inside.

They are all aristocrats, and Yu Mo wants to do something about it later, even if it has not been widely announced, but the rumors have already spread, it is impossible for them not to know, so she came to dismount.

After writing down Ma Wei, Ji Fu and Jin Ji naturally understood each other, but Le Xian didn't hear it at all, and the anger that had finally subsided rose again.

"What kind of queen? This princess has never heard of it. This princess wants to see Brother Mei Luo..."

"Princess, king..."

Le Xian waved his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, you just need to tell this princess that brother Mei Luo is inside."

"Yes, but the king..."

Before Lin Lang finished speaking, Le Xian rushed in.

Seeing this, Lin Lang could only shake her head secretly, feeling sorry, if she had the temperament of Princess Qi Luo, the king might have married her long ago.

It's a pity, it's just the appearance, but the Shen Yun is far behind.

"Miss, please too."

"Thank you, aunt!"

In the palace, Yumo has already prepared everything, Muxiang and Zijing are on both sides, the door of the inner hall has been closed, so that Meiluo will not be disturbed to sleep, although she mustered up her courage and decided to face it by herself. , but at the end, there was still a little nervousness.

The hairball slipped out from the inner hall at some point, and insisted on climbing up her legs, being disturbed by it, the tension was somewhat relieved.

Le Xian rushed in like a locomotive, and seeing only Yu Mo was there, he immediately became arrogant, pointed at Yu Mo's nose and asked, "Where's Brother Mei Luo?"

"Sleep!" Yumo replied honestly, neither salty nor light.

"Sleep... sleep... sleep!?"

Le Xian's face distorted exaggeratedly. Just outside, she heard Lin Lang say that the woman just woke up from a nap, and now she heard that brother Mei Luo was sleeping. Doesn't that mean they are sleeping together?

We slept together before we got married! ?
Suddenly, some very spring images appeared in his mind. The originally distorted face was still distorted, but it was stained with a layer of red, making it look even weirder.

Ji Fu and Jin Ji who came in later happened to hear it too, and thought of something with Le Xian, but they didn't change their faces, they just frowned slightly.

Yu Mo thinks their expressions are quite interesting, what's so strange about her sleeping with Mei Luo, they both live in the same bedroom, does one still sleep on the floor and the other on the bed?

Her thoughts are women in the 21st century, but these three are not. Although the monsters in the mountains and seas do not pay much attention to women's chastity, and there is no problem with remarriage and divorce, they still attach great importance to the reservedness of unmarried women. There will be things like going to bed before getting married.

Especially the nobles are not allowed.

Therefore, they suddenly felt that Yu Mo was a bit unruly.

Yu Mo also felt a little unhappy when the three of them watched her constantly changing expressions. She always felt that they were scolding her in their hearts, but what did they scold her for?Le Xian can still understand, and Jin Ji can also understand, the fourth lady of the Beast Mansion has an expression on her face, as if she is unreasonable, and the maid standing behind her has been sizing her up and down since she came in, After reading it, I sighed, feeling like I was relieved.

She was sensitive to the fact that this maid seemed to look down on her.

Yu Mo immediately tightened his face, deeply feeling that this pile of troubles is not so easy to deal with.

Le Xian's psychological construction collapsed immediately because of her words of sleeping, and the circles of her eyes immediately turned red, and she yelled: "You bastard, you are more seductive than a woman from the fox demon tribe, you are shameless, shameless!"

"Who is shameless, you can try again?"

Le Xian's neck turned red, "Shameless!"

"Okay, say I'm shameless, right? Then I'll really be shameless. You've finished your medicine this month, right? You'll change the prescription next month. I've decided to add more yellow lotus to you."

"How dare you!" When he heard that he was about to drink bitter medicine, Le Xian's confidence was a little lacking.

"If you don't dare, I just clear the fire for you, so as not to cause trouble for me if you have nothing to do!"

"Who bothered you? It was this woman who bumped into this princess. This princess came to seek justice from Brother Mei Luo." She pointed her white and tender fingers at Jin Ji.

Facing the accusation, Jin Ji didn't change his face or speak.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't speak, Yumo has her own method.

"Ah Luo, tell me, what happened?"

Ah Luo was named and knew the truth, but she was Le Xian's person, so she could never help.

"A Luo didn't see the situation at that time."

Ha ha……

Yu Mo saw through at a glance that she was lying, it didn't matter, there were other people around.

"That..." She sat, raised her finger, and pointed at Adai behind Jifu, "Come out, I see that you have been looking at me, and your face is still very weird, you must have something to say. Don't hide it." Now, I’m talking about you, just say what you have to say, don’t keep looking at me with those eyes, I don’t have horns on my head.”

Adai didn't expect Yumo to call her by name, and she still used such words, her heart sank, and she felt that she might have done something wrong.

Yu Mo secretly felt refreshed, this is what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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