The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 369 Part 132 Wisteria Comes

Chapter 369 Part 132 Wisteria Comes

"Ah! Why are these books so difficult to read!"

Yu Mo lay on the couch and felt that her eyes were about to become cross-eyed. In the past few days, she showed the energy of the college entrance examination and studied desperately. However, these books in classical Chinese are useless by memorizing them. You have to understand the meaning, not to mention those military books, she knows all the words, but the meaning is unclear, she suddenly feels that her time travel is weak, the heroines in those novels are obviously modern He is a human being, but he knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he is especially good at fighting in the military. Why is it so difficult for her to come here?

Fingers off, she really doesn't know much. She was very good at studying mathematics, physics and chemistry, but now she almost forgets it. Even if she remembers it all, it's useless. Maybe she can still make inventions. Think about it. The only thing that got the table was surgery.

It is precisely this strength that is dispensable for the queen.

She collapsed on the bed, sighed deeply, felt that life was so gloomy, she flopped on the couch, like a frog struggling for death, after a while, she raised her head with her messy hair, and it was here This is the point, never give up.

The stupid bird flies first, and then tries harder.


She sat up straight again and read the book. Although she scratched her ears and scratched her head trying to figure out the true meaning of the book, she would not forget what she read, and she could recite it word for word if she picked out a random paragraph. .

When it was time for dinner, Lin Lang urged her a few times, but she turned a deaf ear to it. While reading and drawing key points, she bit the pen holder out of her teeth marks.

When Mei Luo came back, the food was already hot for the fourth time, he walked to the side of the couch without disturbing anyone, and while Yu Mo was concentrating, he took the book away from her hand.

"Give it back to me!" Yu Mo hurriedly got up to grab the book.

He sat on the couch, closed the book and threw it back into the stack, "It's time to eat!"

Yu Mo sat cross-legged with a bitter face, "Not hungry!"

"Eat even if you are not hungry. How can you forget to eat and sleep while reading a book?"

She tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder, "I want to sleep more than eat."

After reading a book all day, I feel dizzy, and when I close my eyes, I want to fall asleep.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Take your time in everything. Your body is just right. If you don't eat well and read books like this all the time, you will be exhausted again."

"No! I know my body well, it's these books..." She wanted to cry without tears, "It's really difficult!"

Mei Luo caressed her hair that was loose on her back, "Of course you can't rely on you to look at me like this alone. Tomorrow, Elder Wisteria will come to teach you etiquette. She was known as a talented woman when she was young. If you don't understand, you can ask ask her."

Yumo knew in advance about teaching etiquette, and the reason why she had been procrastinating was because she was sick. Mei Luo was worried that she would be too tired, so she delayed the etiquette study.

"Is Elder Wisteria the wife of Elder Cangwu?"

"Yes! She is also Lin Lang's aunt."

"Huh?" It was the first time she had heard of this, "What a coincidence?"

He scratched her nose, "Don't believe me? You can ask Lin Lang."

Of course she didn't believe it, she raised her head and grabbed Mei Luo's skirt, pulled it towards her, forced his face to her, pouted and said, "I ask you, why didn't you want to teach me yourself?"

He is the king, he must know these books better than anyone else, and he is the person she is most familiar with, she wants him to teach her more than a stranger.

"Do you think I don't want to, but recently, a lot of trivial things have happened in the clan because I want to make you the queen. If I don't come forward, I'm afraid there will be chaos."

Although Bu Jie has a glib mouth, but some nobles are naturally stubborn people, it is useless to say more, and finally he has to come forward in person.

Yu Mo shrugged his nose at him, "Who said you believed in Bu Jie's ability before?"

She had expected that the nobles would disagree with her as queen, and she felt a little bit uncomfortable, but she couldn't blame these people entirely, they were also thinking about the ethnic group, not her.

"I overestimated him, but there are only a few of them. If you continue to pester him, you will let go sooner or later."

Yumo warned, "Tell them well, don't learn from divination, and threaten them with gluttonous donkeys."

Three days ago, Bu Jie found the last batch of nobles, but it didn’t make any sense, so he was so excited that he simply moved Taotie out and told them, don’t make her unhappy, otherwise she will release them in minutes. Taotie, when the time comes for Taotie to overthrow the entire dog monster clan, they will be sinners through the ages.

Under harsh words, there must be cowards, but her image was ruined, and she became a moody female tyrant.

He lifted her chin and kissed her, "The female tyrant is not very good, at least they dare not mess with you."

"Get out, what's the matter?" She thumped him, "Aren't you afraid of being mistaken for a strict wife?"

He blinked and said solemnly, "When am I not anymore?"

"Fuck you! When have I ever been cruel to you, warn you, don't slander my personality!"

He chuckled, and pecked her again, trying to tease her, "What should I do? Now the rumors are spreading, saying that you love me as much as you want, and if I don't obey, you will be ready to kill me." It's a tigress through and through."

"Really?" Yu Mo was anxious, and tightened his collar, "Hurry up and find a way to clarify, otherwise I will still be able to walk in the dog environment in the future, and whether I want to meet people."

When she is in a hurry, her eyes will be wide open. She has recently recuperated from illness and has eaten well, and she has become rounder. When she stares like this, she looks like a fat groundhog, which is very cute.

It took Mei Luo a lot of strength to control herself from pushing her down, cleared her throat and said, "I don't mind, what do you mind?"

"Of course I mind. This is nonsense. I don't care. You have to clarify and return my name."

"I paid back your name, what about my name?"

"What does it have to do with your reputation? I'm the one being hacked now."

"Because it is said that you have eaten me up and wiped it out. Now go to clarify, how many people will believe it? It will only become darker and darker, trying to cover up the truth, and the rumor that I have been eaten by you has been confirmed. In this way My reputation will be completely gone."

It all stemmed from the fact that Bu Jie's mouth wasn't covered, and she said all the serious things, not the serious ones. Yesterday Lin Lang was still staring at her stomach.

"Who ate you? Who loves to eat, who will eat it? What about Jin Ji Yin Ji, Ji Fu, yes, and Le Xian..."

After speaking in this tone, the whole room became jealous, and Mei Luo blocked her mouth before she finished speaking.

She had known about Jin Ji and Yin Ji for a long time, but she didn't expect that Ji Fu was also one of the candidates for the queen. She would know that Lin Lang had slipped her mouth, and she let Mei Luo sleep again because of this matter. Floor overnight.

Le Xian didn't mention it, and recently came to her when she had nothing to do, swearing at her under the banner of seeing Mei Luo, she would not go back until Shudu was dispatched.

Mei Luo grinded her lips and said: "You are not much better, the capital of Shu is still clamoring to see you every day."

When she had a fever, the capital of Shu was waiting at the gate of the palace every day, and so was Li Wang. Although he didn't come, Ning Yi sent things here every now and then. Herbal resources are mostly rare varieties, and they are a basketful when they are given away.

She put her arms around his neck, "What? You're jealous!"

He stared hard, pushed her down, and kissed her hard.

Lin Lang came in to urge dinner, saw the two rolled together, quickly retreated, closed the door, it time to make some children's clothes.

Well, it's time to do it, so as to save time and be too late.

Early the next morning, Elder Ziteng came to the door, and Lin Lang went out to welcome her in personally.

"Auntie, long time no see, how are you?"

When she was young, she admired this aunt very much. Although the illusionist's talent is not as high as her mother's, her demon power is higher than her mother's. She is also a person who dares to love and hate. She became one of the elders, and Elder Hongsong also became an elder after her. At that time, she and Queen Qiluo were also known as the twin sisters of the dog monster clan.

But in the end, she chose a man who didn't love her, and devoted the rest of her life to that man, and the beautiful years just withered day by day.

Lin Lang didn't understand from the beginning to the end, is it really meaningful for her to fly like moths to the flame?
"Could it be that I look very old, and I still can't walk, and you will ask me how I am?"

"Looks like Linlang offended my aunt. If I take back what I said earlier, my aunt is still as beautiful as ever."

"Sweet mouth!" Wisteria stretched out her hand and tapped her forehead, "After all, she is living in the palace, and she doesn't blink her eyes when she says pleasant things."

"It's not flattering words, it's true words."

"Okay, it's good!" Wisteria smiled and took her hand, "Let's go, don't keep the delicate guests in the palace waiting."


The two then entered the bedroom. Yu Mo just got up and was washing in the water room, and came out after a cup of tea.

Seeing her, Wisteria immediately saluted respectfully, "Hello, miss!"

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, staring at her, because it was the first time she saw such a beautiful woman, as if she had stepped out of a painting, the purple Bixialuo embroidered with willow branches, the veil that stretched across the floor Dress, wearing a deep purple thin smoked veil, if the shoulders are cut into a waist, if the waist is plain, if the muscles are fat, like orchids, charming and boneless, three points of beauty, the eyes contain spring water and clear waves, the delicate and delicate beauty A dimple is more delicate than a flower, and every frown and smile is touching.

Didn't it mean that she was Lin Lang's aunt, about the same age as Elder Hongsong, she didn't look old at all, she even looked younger when she stood with Lin Lang.

If you look at it this way, Cang Wu and Cang Wu are really a match made in heaven, with ridiculously high looks.

Seeing that she did not reply for a long time, Lin Lang reminded: "Miss, this is Elder Wisteria!"

"Look at me, I'm dumbfounded, Elder Wisteria, you're so pretty!"

Wisteria chuckled, "Thank you for your praise, Miss. This is sweeter than what Lin Lang said just now."

"Aunt!" Linlang said in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I'm not joking, so as not to delay the serious business."

The fungus and purple cockles brought in the prepared refreshments, and after Lin Lang arranged them herself, she said, "Miss, my aunt never likes sweet things, so the cakes in this pot of green plate are specially prepared, and Miss likes them." The snacks are on a red plate, and the tea is the same, if not enough, the lady will ask Mu Xiang to add."

"Understood." She woke up late today and was so hungry that she picked the biggest snack and stuffed it into her mouth.

As soon as she picked it up, Wisteria took out a ruler from her sleeve and hit her hand.

With a snap, Yu Mo immediately withdrew his hand back in fright, and the snack rolled down on the table.

Wisteria said with a serious face: "Miss will be the queen in the future, it's better not to do such indecent behavior again."

"I just had a snack..."

"If you want to eat snacks, you should have a serving lady take them for you, put them on a small plate, and eat them slowly with a spoon."

"Ah!? So troublesome? Before..."

Lin Lang coughed quickly, "Miss, today is different from the past."

Yumo understood, and looked at Wisteria, "Elder, it started so soon?"

"Naturally! Now that I'm here, I will teach the young lady how to behave properly. Please forgive me if I speak harshly."

Yumo scratched her head, and glanced at the ruler in her hand. If it is so long, if you hit it a few more times, her hand will definitely turn red, but a strict teacher makes a good student, as long as she studies and memorizes seriously, the beaten Things don't happen all the time.

But she was wrong. This matter of etiquette is much more difficult to understand than the books she read.

Especially the details of wedding etiquette, bowing and kneeling, serving tea on the road are all different, and there are so many roads, she can't remember at all. .

Lin Lang looked a little distressed, but Wisteria forbade her to speak out, as harsh as a devil.

At noon, Yu Mo couldn't do it anymore, and her whole body lay on the table. She walked all morning with a bowl of water on her back, but just as she lay down, the wisteria ruler came up and beat her up and down.

"Elder, elder, stop beating, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"As a queen, you must sit like a bell and stand like a pine..." She crackled a long series of words as soon as she opened her mouth.

Yu Mo wanted to cry, but didn't dare to move her back.

It was finally time for lunch, and she thought she could relax a bit, but in the end, she even paid attention to eating, and she had to follow the steps of the wisteria when holding chopsticks, spoons, and plates. I took three mouthfuls of rice.

This day is over!

After the afternoon class, Yu Mo was already stiff, with joint pain all over his body, and it was difficult to turn his neck.

"Let's learn this today, and I'll come back tomorrow." Wisteria put away the ruler and signaled Yumo not to be restrained.

How could Yumo dare, she was afraid that she would loosen up, and she would have a psychological shadow if she hit up again.

"Elder, this... How long will it take to learn this?" She couldn't study for a day.

"It depends on the young lady's comprehension. If it is short, it will take seven days, if it is long..." She smiled, and poured a cup of tea for Yumo herself. "I'm afraid it will take a month!"

When Yu Mo heard that it would take seven days at the earliest, he already wanted to retreat.

"Since ancient times, it has not been easy to be a queen. The young lady's qualifications are not bad. If you work hard, you will learn it soon."

"Hehe..." Yumo laughed dryly, "I just feel sore all over now."

"Then take a bath tonight and use some spices to soothe and sleep soundly." She looked at Lin Lang, "Come back with me later and get some spices for Miss."


"Spices?" Yu Mo frowned, "I don't like to use those things, just take a hot bath."

"Miss doesn't know something. My aunt is very good at blending fragrances. The spices she mixes have the effect of strengthening the body. Miss has been tired from reading recently. Using some can refresh her mind, killing two birds with one stone."

"Really? But I don't like things with a strong fragrance."

Wisteria said: "It's okay, I don't like strong scents either, if Miss likes something lighter, just take a few herbs."

"Thank you, elder."

"Miss, don't be too polite, this is what Wisteria should do, and it's getting late, I should leave."

"it is good!"

Yumo got up and wanted to see her off in person, but she declined, but still insisted on sending her to the gate of the palace.

Before leaving, Wisteria said: "The matter of getting the spices is the most important thing, Lin Lang, find another person to go with you, and the things used by the lady must be strictly inspected, so the king will feel more at ease."

"Yes, Auntie!"

Yumo felt that it was a trivial matter, and hurriedly said: "Don't bother, you are Aunt Linlang's aunt, so I can trust you."

"This is a rule. Since I am an elder, I should abide by it. Miss, I must remember this rule in the future. Don't ignore it just because of the convenience. If something happens, it is very likely to bring disaster to the entire ethnic group."

Yumo couldn't say no to her, so he had no choice but to agree, and told Lin Lang and Mu Xiang to go and come back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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