The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 370 Part 133 Breasts Are the Key

Chapter 370 Part 133 Breasts Are the Key

Lin Lang and Mu Xiang came back when the willows were on the top of the moon. Not only did they bring back spices, but they also brought back a wood-burning censer.

When Yu Mo saw this incense burner, she liked it very much, holding it in her hand and couldn't put it down.

The beauty of this firewood lies in its gold and stone atmosphere, which is more primitive than ceramics, more elegant than silver and copper, and is a beauty that is more in line with nature, without artificiality.

Lin Lang placed it in the windy place under the inner hall, in a quiet corner. Although it is not eye-catching, it is full of aura.

When the cigarette is curled up, there is no pungent smell at all, and there is some pine wood smell, which smells very comfortable and pleasant.

"This fragrance is good. It smells better than the fragrance from Meiluo's study." Yumo lay on the table, watching the shredded tobacco slowly float out from the hollow of the stove cover. The taste seems to be a bit different.

"This is made by my aunt herself today. When I made it, I was worried that the lady would not like it, and I was also afraid that the lady would choke if she didn't use incense on weekdays. The portions were all the smallest. When she came back, she specifically told me that if she didn't like it, tomorrow She'll make another one."

"No need to change it, it smells good, I like it." Yu Mo let Mu Xiang undress her, and went to the water room in plain brocade, "I also used some incense when I was at home, both Indian and Thai. , There are also various flavors, such as jasmine, rosin, rose, and the most terrible thing is sandalwood. I don’t know if it’s because Thais and Indians are not very sensitive to smell, or they just like this strong one. After ordering, Eating a chicken wing can taste the taste of sandalwood."

Lin Lang didn't quite understand the Thais and Indians she was talking about, so she figured out what ethnic group was called Thailand and India, so she took a few spice balls from the sachet and threw them into the pool without asking any further questions.

The balls quickly dissolved in the water, turning the clear water into a white soup.

"What did Auntie vote for?"

"It's a bath pill made by my aunt. It can moisturize and beautify the skin, and it can also relieve fatigue. I want me to give some to the lady for a try."

Yumo felt that the bath pills were a bit like bath salt, so he was very curious. After taking off his clothes, he stepped into the pool water along the steps.

The water in the pool is milky white, but not sticky. It still has the texture of water, and the smell is a bit cool, which is very suitable for the hot summer.

"Auntie, I like this bath pill, it feels like soaking in a hot spring."

"Hot spring!? What hot spring?" Le Xian walked in swaggeringly.

The purple cat behind chased and stopped, "Princess, princess, I told you that the lady is taking a bath."

A Luo and A Man were ordered by Le Xian to stay at the door of the water room, so they didn't come in.

"Why are you here!?" Yu Mo glared at Le Xian, it was impossible to drive her back, so she had to wave her hand to let Zi Jia go down.

"Can't you come? This dog environment is not yours." Le Xian walked to the bathing pool and took a look inside, "Hehe, isn't it just a bath pill? What's the big deal? It's the hot spring, my princess I am sure you have never seen a hot spring."

"Yes, yes, I am ignorant, but you know a lot."

Yumo didn't argue with her, and wiped her body with a towel. Both of them were women, so she had nothing to be shy about.

Lin Lang said, "Why don't people let the princess know when she's here?"

"Have you notified me so that your lady can refuse? This princess is not so stupid." Now she is shrewd, so she directly used it.

"Princess has a noble status, so she should know etiquette!"

"Aunt Linlang, you are more verbose than A Luo, the princess has come in now, is it possible that you still want to drive the princess back?"

"Lin Lang doesn't dare!" I definitely won't rush, but it's always bad for her to stand in the water room and watch others take a bath, "The water room is damp, the princess might as well go to the outer hall and wait, Lin Lang can make tea too Give it to the princess."

"No, it's so hot, what kind of hot tea do you want to drink? If you want to treat me well, get me some mung bean cakes. I want something cold."

Yumo, who was bathing in the pool, said, "That's not mung bean cake, that's a smoothie made from mung beans."

Ice is not a rare thing in the dog world, you can get it at any time, it used to be iced, but Yu Mo made it into smoothies on a whim, when Le Xian came the day before yesterday, he just made some and let her taste it Fresh, after returning, she asked Ah Luo to learn how to make it, but it was not as good as Yumo's, so she didn't bother to study it, and ran here when she wanted to eat.

"Whatever it is, this princess just wants to eat it!"

Yumo looked at Linlang and ordered, "Go and help her get some. Remember to grind the ice finely, otherwise it will knock your teeth. Put less mung bean paste."

"No, why put less mung bean paste, this princess loves sweet things."

"Get out, there's only a little mung bean paste left, I'll eat it all for you, what should I eat. Aunt Linlang, listen to me, just give her a spoonful, eat it or not!"

"You're so stingy, won't you do it again?"

"It takes time to do it, and it can't be done in a short while. I have to eat it after I take a shower. It's too late. If you talk too much, I won't give you a spoonful. Let you eat ice."

Le Xian pursed his lips, "Hmph, just one spoonful!" Turning her head, she said to Linlang, "Less ice!"

"Yes, princess!"

After Yu Mo finished washing, she came up from the pool, and Mu Xiang took a large handkerchief and walked over, "Miss, do you want to apply sesame oil?"

"No, I'm tired." She doesn't like this kind of thing, just dry it after washing.

Le Xian stood close, saw the two lumps of flesh on Yu Mo's chest through the mist, and then looked at his own, looking very surprised.

"Demon girl, look at you so thin, why are your breasts so big?" I usually see her wearing loose clothes, I can't see anything, but today I saw her so "out of the ordinary", blurted out in surprise up.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm.

Yu Mo glanced at Le Xian's chest, it was really flat, without any ups and downs, and secretly laughed in his heart.

What's the use of being good-looking, the key is to look at the chest.

"Eat mine, drink mine, and call me a witch, do you think you have any conscience, at least you should call me sister."

"Why do you call me sister? You are not as old as me! You should call me sister."

"Boobs are bigger than yours!"

Mu Xiang couldn't speak well, so she could only hold back a smile and lowered her head to dress Yu Mo.

"The ones with big breasts are all vixen, they are witches!" She stared at Yu Mo's breasts again with a distasteful look.

"Jealous!" Yu Mo deliberately squeezed her chest, revealing a deep gap, "Here, it looks good!"

Le Xian blushed with anger, and immediately jumped up, "Shameless!"

After speaking, he turned his head and rushed out.

Lin Lang had just finished grinding the ice and came in. She opened the preserved mung bean paste, which was made by Yu Mo himself. After the mung beans were boiled, they were marinated in a honey jar. After three days of marinating, some dried osmanthus petals were sprinkled into it. After storing for a few days, open it again, filter the mung bean dregs, and eat it when the sauce thickens.

The process is not complicated, but it is a product of the human world, and it is difficult for others to figure out the way of it.

She dug out a spoonful of mung bean paste and poured it on the smoothie, thinking that Le Xian was a princess, so it would be bad if she really gave him a spoonful, but there was indeed not much left in the bottle, so she secretly dug out another half spoonful.

"Princess, the smoothie is ready."

Le Xian sat down angrily, grabbed the smoothie bowl, angrily picked up a spoon, dug a big mouthful and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Auntie, I want to eat too!"

Yumo has just finished washing, and her whole body is very hot. Having a bowl of smoothies at this time is definitely a treat on earth.

"Miss's day is coming soon, you can't eat this!"

"Just eat a little!"

"Not at all!"

Le Xian heard that the arrogance suppressed by Yu Mo in the water room immediately emerged, picked up the bowl, and deliberately ate it at her.

Yu Mo snorted, "Eat well, the more you eat, the smaller your breasts will be!"

Le Xian: "..."

Mei Luo didn't come back until late at night, and as soon as she entered the palace door, she saw Le Xian who was sleeping on the desk.

Yu Mo raised his head from the scroll, "Are you back? It's early today."

"why are not you sleeping?"

"Read a book!"

Fungus followed behind, taking the robe that Mei Luo had taken off.

"Why is she here?"

"You want to play with me, but you can't make trouble with me, and you are so angry that you don't want to leave. You fall asleep when you make a fuss. Be gentle, don't wake her up. This girl won't see you a few times. Wake up and see you." When it comes to you, don't leave."

"Is it possible to let her sleep here?"

Mei Luo felt something was wrong, so she ordered Mu Er to get a chariot to come over.

After the chariot arrived, a group of people gently sent Le Xian into the car, and successfully sent the little plague god back to the bedroom.

After taking a bath, Mei Luo saw that Yu Mo was still concentrating on reading, but the location was changed to the bed, so she couldn't help smiling, "You're almost becoming a bookworm."

"It's called diligence!"

"Reading at night is not good for your eyes. Don't read it. If you want to read it, you should read it during the day."

"Isn't this waiting for you to come back? I have nothing else to do but read."

Mei Luo went to bed, took the book out of her hand, and threw it back on the pile of books with precision.

"Why didn't you chase Le Xian away?" Before that, she complained that Le Xian came to bother her every day and said she wanted to live in another place.

"How dare I?"

He looked down at her, "Why don't you dare?"

"Aunt Linlang said, she looks like your queen mother, and I can't deal with a face that looks so much like her future mother-in-law."

"If my mother is still alive, seeing her current appearance, she will be so angry that she will break her legs. You don't have to be polite to her."

"So ruthless?" She rolled her eyes in a circle, and stretched out her hand to hook his neck, "I ask you, you really don't have any feelings for Le Xian, cousin, cousin, you want to live in the ancient world of our human world?" , nine out of ten are going to get married, not to mention that the little girl looks like your mother..."

"I don't know what your human world was like in ancient times, but I know that there is a word in your world called Oedipus complex. Unfortunately, I don't have this complex."

How can he attack a woman who looks like his mother? This is worse than a beast.

Yu Mo giggled and said, "I have learned a lot, even the Oedipus complex."

He bit her nose lightly and snorted, "Is this answer satisfactory?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied." She offered her red lips and kissed him on the cheek, "However, if Le Xian hears what you say, he will cry until his heart breaks."

"Don't mention her, it will annoy me if I mention her."

It's not that he hates Le Xian, on the contrary, like Shu Du, he loves this younger sister very much. When the queen mother was here, every time Le Xian came, he doted on her, and he didn't know if it was the wrong way to dote on her, or what he did. Let her misunderstand, which led to her wanting to marry him.

"She's still young, it's inevitable that she's just beginning to fall in love."

"Still young? Much bigger than you!"

Age is no excuse for capriciousness.

"She is older than me, but her mind is not as mature as mine! Look at her, the reason for coming here every day is to see you, but every time she quarrels with me, and forgets to see you after arguing." , What is it that likes you, it's clearly that you don't know what love is."

"You love her more and more, and you speak good words for her."

Yumo turned over and snuggled into his arms, "I don't know anyone in Shanhaijie other than my aunt Zijia Muxiang. She comes every day. It's annoying, but it's also very interesting. You I don't know what she is staring at me today..." She covered her mouth and almost said something about the water room.

"What is staring at you?"

"No, nothing!" She blushed, and buried her head in his chest, "Don't ask! By the way... Elder Wisteria is here today."


She twisted her face, "It's so strict, no one did it."

"Famous teachers make great apprentices..."

"It's easy to say, if I knew how troublesome it would be to get married, I wouldn't do it. Just thinking about those saluting postures makes my skin tremble. Meiluo, I'm a little worried, what if I can't do well that day, Or forget, what should I do?"

Embarrassed in front of everyone, that's a shame.

"I'm thinking too much. Can you calm down for a while, don't keep putting pressure on yourself, then you won't be the only one, I will be there too."

"But I'm afraid of getting nervous, so I don't dare to move." She leaned against his chest, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was very strong.

Mei Luo didn't take it seriously, "If it's really like this, I'll hold you in my arms and perform the whole salute!"

"How can this work!?"

"I'll do it!" If it wasn't for the ceremony that had to be held, he really didn't want her to suffer, "Okay, don't think about it so much, just treat this as if you were doing an operation. Remember, there is no reason to remember these things, you are just worrying, go to sleep, you stay up late all day long, and sooner or later your body will be exhausted."


In fact, it’s useless to think too much, it will only make you more and more nervous, so it’s better not to think about it.

It was a dark night, quiet and gloomy, only the rustling of the leaves in the wind could be heard occasionally, when suddenly a black shadow brushed past the window, awakening the wisteria sitting on the edge of the bed.

She stood up and opened the window. The horror outside was silent, as if the darkness had swallowed everything. She frowned and closed the window again. When she turned around, there was suddenly another person in the room.

She was not frightened, and stood there, looking at the person coming.

The other party was a man, wearing an indigo blue robe, with cyan feather pattern embroidered on the collar and cuffs. He covered his face and could not see his facial features, only his eyes were exposed, and those eyes shone a cyan color under the candlelight. Obvious, but enough for Wisteria to know who he is.

"Blue Wing?"

Qingyi's jet-black hair was tied up with a small silver crown, and the white jade on the silver crown was crystal clear and moist, and as he saluted, it showed the radiance of beautiful jade.

"Elder, good eyesight!"

"Don't be polite, talk quickly!" Wisteria walked back to the bed and sat down.

"Elder, how are things going?"

"It's done!"

"When can I do it?"

"It will take a few more days."

A trace of anxiety appeared on Qingyi's calm face. According to his investigations these days, he knew that Fengchen's body would not last long. If he could not be rescued as soon as possible, he might die directly in the water cage of the dog monster clan inside.

"How many days are the elders?"

"What are you in such a hurry for? I have sent Bai Yu's life-saving medicine to the water cage, and now there is a special person to heal her wounds, so she will definitely not lose her life. It's just that my sister Ziying is a cautious person. If she is not completely sure, she I can’t activate illusions, the formation is now complete, it’s just a matter of these few days, it’s useless for you to rush.”

"Qingyi is just worried that the night will be long and dreamy!"

Wisteria snorted coldly: "Aren't I worried? Don't worry, once the date for the activation of the illusion is confirmed, I will tell you as soon as possible. It's fine now, too early activation will affect Bai Yu's plan. Don't worry." Forget, it takes at least three days for his poison to penetrate the body, otherwise it will have no effect."

Qingyi said: "Elder Xie reminded me that Qingyi was reckless."

"Hurry up, there are patrols in the mansion every night, if you have something to do in the future, don't come to see me like this."

After the words fell, Qing Yi disappeared as silently as a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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