The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 371 Part 134 Assassination of Cangwu Mansion

Chapter 371 Part 134 Assassination of Cangwu Mansion

After nightfall, Cang Wu would stay in the study to read after dinner, and rest in the study when he was tired. Although he is the head of the five elders, the servants in the mansion are not as many as those of ordinary rich people, but the rules in the mansion are strict , except for the personal maids and servants, no one is allowed to enter or leave the inner house. Most of the servants spend most of their time in the outer house at night. It is difficult for anyone to know what he does at night, including where he sleeps.

Zhiqiu is his schoolboy and personal servant, who takes over from his deceased father, and is very loyal to Cangwu, and Cangwu trusts him very much.

"Elder, it's time to rest."

"What time is it?"

Zhiqiu cut off a section of the lamp wick, and then covered the lampshade, "It's three quarters."

"Well, you go make the bed."


Cangwu blew out the candles on the table, and went to the inner room of the study in a brocade robe. Suddenly, the tiles on the roof made a sound, very softly, Zhiqiu didn't notice it at all, but he heard it, and immediately raised his head.

There was no sound from the tiles anymore, but he still stared, his eyes dark as if he saw something through the tiles.

Zhiqiu spread the quilt and was about to turn around to serve him when Cangwu jumped up, broke through the roof, and fell a piece of rubble.


Under the dark night, with the bright moon in the sky, the silhouette of a person stands out, no matter how dark they are dressed, they can be seen at a glance.

Qingyi instantly flung out a handful of powder from his sleeve, which was used to escape, but Cangwu had already noticed it, waved his sleeve to resist, and his nose and mouth were not stained at all. The next moment, the long sword he had transformed with demon power, stabbed in the past.

Zhiqiu flew up, and had a perfect understanding with Cangwu, "Elder! Zhiqiu is here to help you."

"Block his way, catch him alive!"


Zhiqiu opened his mouth and took a breath, his body swelled instantly, and when the evil spirit burst out, he had already turned into a giant golden dog, blocking Qingyi's path.

Facing Bai Sensen's canine teeth, Qingyi took two steps back, but there was a tiger in front of him and a wolf in the back, he couldn't escape, and he secretly regretted that he shouldn't have recklessly visited the elder's mansion at night just because he wanted to rescue Fengchen.

However, the moonlight of this night is like a pure silver plate, just now it was covered by thick clouds, hiding the light, but now it is bright and bright, he doesn't even have a place to hide.

Cangwu stared at him closely, judging his identity from his clothes. He was dressed in a strong outfit, either an assassin or a thief. I think the former was more likely, because if it was a thief, the dog outside the border There are many merchants' houses in the circle, and the defense is not so strict, and he will definitely not choose his mansion to steal.

If it's an assassin...he doesn't look like he's here to kill.

This identity is worth exploring, and he must not be allowed to escape.

Qing Yi was also looking at Cang Wu, and his gaze quietly shifted to his magnificent, fairy-like brows, and then the radiant deep eyes, as a great elder, nearly 1500 years old, he still Being so young, it can be seen that the demon power is extremely strong. He has no flaws in his body at all, and he has no chance to take advantage of it.

He thought about how to get out of this predicament.

Cang Wu moved his steps slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If you surrender now, you can suffer less."

Qingyi knew that he was testing himself, so he would not speak. Suwen Cangwu is like a think tank of the dog monster clan. Any clues in his hands will be infinitely magnified. At this moment, he must not know that he is the night People from the Falcon Clan, otherwise Master Bai Yu's plan will fall short.

I can only force my way!
He unleashed his demon power, and in an instant there was a spear in his hand, and he attacked Zhiqiu.

In terms of force, he can never defeat Cang Wu, he can only break through from this helper.

Zhiqiu waved his paws to attack him, one dog and one person immediately wrestled together, hit the ground from the roof, the noise woke up the servants in the outer house, and they all came to help after seeing this situation.

Cangwu saw Zhichun and Zhidong, and shouted: "Go and see how Madam is doing?"

If the assassin wants to kill him, he should have been to the bedroom before. According to Wisteria's ability, it is impossible that there is no movement.

"Yes, my lord!"

Qingyi knew that the matter might be exposed, so he wanted to use a big move, but if so, his wings would be exposed without any concealment, which is equivalent to exposing his identity. Find a chance to escape in Qiu's struggle.

After dozens of offensive and defensive moves, he found that this helper was more powerful than he had imagined, and the servants who came to help were not bad. Although there were not many in number, each of them had considerable combat power.

This Cangwu mansion can be described as a place where the crouching tiger hides the dragon, with his own strength, he can only put all his eggs in one basket.

He secretly took out three bullets of different colors, ready to fight to the death.

Cangwu sensed the danger, and immediately shouted, "Stay away!"

With a bang, Qingyi threw the projectile, and the mist of three colors immediately diffused, blurring the thick vision.

Cangwu smelled a little smell and knew it was an extremely powerful poison, so he hurriedly released his demonic aura to blow away the poisonous smoke.

After the smoke blew away, Qing Yi also disappeared.

"Elder, the person is gone!"

Cang Wu frowned, "Chasing, I don't care about this poisonous enemy. It's a way to injure the enemy one thousand and eight hundred. He must be poisoned, and he can't escape far."


Zhiqiu flew out, and several servants followed quickly.

Zhichun and Zhidong ran to the inner house, shouting for Madam while running.

Wisteria didn't sleep, so she could hear it naturally. There was so much movement outside before, she knew something had happened. If she didn't have anything to do at this juncture, Cangwu would definitely become suspicious. After thinking about it, she messed up the whole room , and sprinkled some misty smoke, then picked up the dagger, without any hesitation, backhand stabbed himself in the back of the waist.

The cold sharp blade pierced into the flesh, causing her to take a deep breath of pain, but it was not deep enough. She gritted her teeth and exerted more force until the blade was completely sunk into her waist, leaving only the handle, and when the blood snaked down, She was sweating coldly, lying on the ground, and raised her brightest smile.

How can this piercing pain be compared to the pain in my heart? It cannot be compared at all.

The door of the bedroom was pushed open from the outside, and it was Qing Ling who ran in. When she saw her lying in a pool of blood, she screamed uncontrollably.


Zhidong and Zhichun heard the screams and quickened their pace.

"Come here, madam is injured." Qing Qiao desperately pressed the wound on the back of Wisteria's waist.

Zhichun ran over, took the clothes on the bed, tore them open with his teeth, and made an emergency bandage for her, then turned around and said, "Zhidong, hurry up and invite Master Bujie."

"it is good!"

Zhidong immediately turned around and ran out.

Cang Wu rushed over after hearing the news, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Wisteria, whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss.

Qingqiao was crying out of shape, knelt down and cried to him, "Elder, Qingqiao deserves death, but she fell asleep and didn't notice any movement, causing Madam to be seriously injured."

Cang Wu looked around the entire bedroom, it was a mess, it could be seen that there had been a fight, and there was a smell of smoke.

"How is it?"

Zhichun said: "The dagger is still on Madam's waist, if you don't pull it out, the blood won't stop."

Wisteria was still awake, and when she saw him coming, she was in a daze. How long had he been in this room? It was so long that she couldn't remember it. Because she was lying on the ground, she couldn't see his face, so she could only slow down. Slowly start from his dark boots trimmed with silver trim, then the slender legs wrapped in dark blue trousers, and then the tight waist under the black belt, and the width is moderate, one more and one less points will be imperfect shoulders, and finally his face.

When she met his eyes, she burst into tears.

He always amazes her so much, no matter what color he wears, it is difficult for anyone to look better than him.

When we met for the first time, he was dressed in white, even more flawless than snow. He wore gorgeous, delicate and elegant clothes, and his handsome appearance made all the ladies who participated in the concert lose their composure and breathless.

The ladies half covered their faces with silk fans, and looked at him blushing from behind the fans, and she was one of them.

At that time, she knew that she had fallen in love, and it would be difficult to break free.

"Hu... Husband..."

"Elder, madam is calling for you."

Cang Wu walked over, "Wisteria, hold on, Bu Jie will be here soon."

She didn't want to hear such words, raised her bloody hand, looked for his hand, and held him tightly.

"Husband, are you injured?"


"That's good, that's good!" She smiled so purely.

Zhichun said: "Madam, don't talk, save some energy!"

It's not the first time Cangwu noticed that when she faced him, all her arrogance would be put away, and there was a kind of humility that voluntarily fell into the dust. He didn't know what to say to her, so he could only let her hold his hand. hand.

For so many years, he never cared about her, but only gave her the title of wife.

When we first met, she was dressed as a teenager, thin but elegant, hiding among a group of girls, her figure was covered by men's clothes, but her slender waist and long legs could still be seen, she was heroic at that time Impressive, with flying eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes are big and bright, just looking at it, it's like looking into the clearest green spring.

But at some point, her eyes were no longer clear, and he didn't explore the reason why they were no longer clear.

In the end...he failed her.

Wisteria woke up, she knew that she was alive, she stabbed that knife ruthlessly, and did not avoid the vital point, but she also knew that Bu Jie's ability might not be unable to save her.

Half and half chance, she won the bet.


However, she was disappointed, the first thing she saw was Ziying.

"Wisteria, are you awake?"

"Sister..." At this moment, her heart was colder than ten thousand years of ice.

"Thank God, do you know how dangerous you were last night, Bu Jie almost couldn't save you, but fortunately you woke up." Ziying's face was dark and sleepless, and she hurriedly shouted to the door, " Lightweight!"


"Go and call Master Bujie."

Seeing that Wisteria woke up, Qing Qiao wiped away her tears and said happily, "Yes!"

Bu Jie rushed over and took her pulse.

Ziying asked worriedly, "Master Bu Jie, how are you doing?"

"It's a bit of a loss, but it's much better than last night, and my life is safe."

Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes were red again.

"You girl, why can't you protect yourself at all, and let the assassin hurt you so badly?"

Wisteria couldn't answer anything at the moment, so she could only pursed her lips and looked at her.

Looking at the situation, the matter of the assassin is a foregone conclusion, and she should not be suspected, but we can't relax our vigilance because no one knows Cangwu better than her.

"Husband..." She desperately wanted to know where he was, and whether Qing Yi had escaped.

"He is not in the mansion, he entered the palace early in the morning, and you are still thinking about what he is doing. A man who can't even protect his wife is a man in vain."

Bu Jie knows Ziying's temper, he is a straightforward person, and he will not change his way of speaking just because he is there.

"Master Ziying, Elder Ziteng has just woken up, so don't disturb her here. With such a loud voice, you are not afraid to startle her. Didn't you scold her hard enough last night?"

Last night, Ziying received the bad news that Wisteria was seriously injured, and rushed over overnight. When she saw that Wisteria was dying, she yelled at Cangwu and slapped her. If Elder Hongsong didn't stop her, she might be Cang Wu will be killed directly.

Ziying's face turned cold, "Master Bu Jie only cares about medical treatment and healing, why is there so much nonsense!"

"Okay, I'm talking nonsense..." He looked at the maid at the door lightly, "Go to the kitchen and see if the medicine is ready, and the two little wizards I brought, tell them to come in."

Taking medicine alone is not enough, the injury is so serious, and it needs to rely on the magical power of the wizard to assist in the treatment.

"Wisteria, if you are tired, go to sleep for a while." Ziying was only so gentle with this younger sister.

"Let... sister... sister worry."

"Silly girl, what are you talking about, rest at ease, I'll be here with you!"


She can only get such warmth from her relatives.

Yu Mo in the palace waited for a long time for the wisteria not to come, so she asked Lin Lang to inquire, and naturally got the news that the wisteria was injured.

"How did you get hurt?"

"It is said that there was an assassin in the mansion last night!" Lin Lang was also very anxious when she heard that her aunt was injured.

"Auntie, go and have a look. What you need most at this time is the company of your relatives."

She wanted to follow, but considering her status, it was not appropriate to go out to meet people at this time, and if she collided with someone, it would not be good for the injured person.

"Thank you, Miss Grace!"

"After you go, take a closer look at Elder Wisteria's injury, and then come back and tell me, and I can help."

"Lin Lang understands!"

Yumo was worried that if she went alone, she would be sad and out of control, so she asked Muxiang to go with her.

Not long after the two left, Mei Luo came back with two teams of patrolling guards, and the entire bedroom was surrounded by guards.

"What are you doing? It's not me who was hurt."

"The Cangwu Mansion is in the inner circle of the Dog Realm, protected by an enchantment, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to break in without a talisman. Last night, the assassin was like no one's land, coming and going like the wind, which shows his ability! "

"You mean that assassin has the token to freely enter and exit the barrier?" She had already learned about the barrier of the dog realm in the book Cangwu gave her, so she quickly understood his worries.

"Nine times out of ten."

"But this is the royal palace..." The enchantment of the royal palace will be tighter, and it will be strengthened after being broken by Shudu last time.

"Same!" He hugged her tightly. When he heard the news that Wisteria was injured, he thought of her. In the whole palace, she was the most vulnerable person. "I'm worried that this matter is not that simple."

"Don't worry, I will stay in the palace and I won't go out."

He kissed the top of her hair, "This arrangement is also a precautionary measure, you don't have to be intimidated, don't think too much, I will investigate this matter strictly, and I will never let the assassin escape like this."

"Well, you have to be careful." She stood on tiptoe and hugged his waist tightly.

"Dada and Awu are by your side, call them if you need anything."

"You don't have to worry too much about me. With so many people around here, that assassin is not a fool, he won't rush in. By the way, how is Elder Wisteria's injury?"

"I'm already awake, so it should be fine." He suddenly frowned and looked at her with a warning in his eyes, "Her injury is definitely there, so don't meddle in your own business."

"Understood! If I wanted to go, I would have gone with Aunt Linlang when I asked Aunt Linlang to go. Why would I talk to you here?" Although she had thought about it before, but in this situation, killing her , she won't even go, and if she really needs her help, the wisteria can only be brought here.

Mei Luo left after making sure that she would not mess around. She probably won't come back tonight, and she didn't know that the assassin's matter would cause trouble for a few days, but Yu Mo calmed down, after all, there were a bunch of books waiting for her to read. ,

In the past, Le Xian, the little plague god, would come and make trouble, but now she must not be able to break in.

She lit up the spices from Wisteria, and the fragrance smelled better and better. She was a little fascinated, but just smelled it today, why did her head feel a little dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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