Chapter 373 Part 136

Bu Jie was pulled all the way over by Zi Kai, mumbling in his mouth: "Your lady is a wizard herself, and her ability is not inferior to mine, so she can make a diagnosis by herself. Isn't it superfluous to find me?"

Seeing that she didn't have time to listen to his complaints, Zi Kai grabbed his sleeve and ran straight to the bedroom.

In front of the gate of the bedroom, there was a row of patrolling guards, sent by Mei Luo to protect Yu Mo, who had been ordered to strictly inspect whoever came, regardless of their identity.

Seeing that it was Bu Jie, the guards bowed respectfully, then checked him carefully, and only let him go after making sure there was nothing suspicious.

After Bu Jie's foot crossed the threshold, he yelled, "You girl is really looking for trouble. Is it missing an arm or a leg? You insist on me coming over."

Lin Lang came out from the inner hall, straightened her face and said, "My lord, don't talk nonsense, can you write four words from your mouth?"

Bu Jietian was not afraid of anything, but was afraid of Lin Lang's cold face, "I'm also your former master, it's only a matter of time, I don't talk about affection at all, I have a cold face when I see you, do you have a conscience?"

"Lin Lang is afraid that something big will come out of her mouth, and she committed a taboo!"

"What taboo?" He didn't understand at all.

"Taboo for descendants!"

He said just now that he had broken arms and short legs. If the lady is really pregnant, wouldn't it be a curse?

Bu Jie was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, but when Lin Lang said this, his eyes went straight to the inner hall, and after thinking about it... he suddenly understood.

Could it be...

He was startled, Mei Luo wasn't so quick, he had already eaten everything up and made him conceive?

"Lin Lang... are you sure?"

"If you can be sure, what do you need adults to do?"

Bu Jie was in a hurry, and hurried into the inner hall with the medicine box, his heart was churning.

Mei Luo is going to be the father, and the dog monster clan is about to usher in a new heir.

This is a gratifying event.

He's going to be a great uncle too!

Yu Mo lay on the bed, his head still felt heavy, and he was a little drowsy. When he was waiting for Bu Jie, he squinted for a while, then opened his eyes when he heard the movement, and saw him walking in with a red face. There was still a smile on his face, as if he had encountered some happy event, he couldn't help asking: "What is so happy?"

"It's your business!"

Yu Mo wanted to get out of bed, "My business? What is it?"

"Don't move, don't move, just lie down!"

"I'm not sick!"

"Would you wait until I get the pulse?" Bu Jie sat on the stool that Mu Xiang brought over, "Come on, give me your hand."

"I'm really fine. I just feel a little tired. My aunt is overthinking."

"All my people are here, and it won't take much time to get a pulse."

Yumo couldn't resist him, so she stretched out her hand, and she would do the pulse diagnosis. She went to the doctor just now, and there was nothing wrong.

While he was taking his pulse, she asked, "How is Elder Ziteng?"

"I recovered my life, but I was seriously injured, and I need to recuperate for a while."

"Is there anyone who needs my help?"

"No! I can handle it."

Bu Jie felt his pulse, frowned, glanced at Yu Mo, and then looked back at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang was waiting for him anxiously, "How about it, my lord?"

In order to ensure that there would be no mistakes, Bu Jie cautiously asked Yu Mo to give him another hand. After a long time of consultation, he did not find out why.


Upon hearing this, Lin Lang thought it was impossible, "My lord, has the diagnosis been clear?"

"Both hands have been examined, how could it be unclear."

"But the young lady vomited just now, and she is not in a good mood, and the little days are not here!"

All these signs are signs of pregnancy.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Yu Mo understood that no matter how stupid he was, it was really a misunderstanding.

This is really... She really wanted to explain, but thought about whether it would embarrass Mei Luo if she told the truth. The two had slept together for a long time, and they hadn't done that kind of thing until now, so it couldn't be justified.

It would be bad if they suspected Mei Luo was not good enough.

It's better not to say it, to lose face to a man is to lose face to oneself, a smart woman would not do that.

Play stupid!

Just act like you don't know anything.

"Auntie, what are you talking about?"

Lin Lang believed that she was pregnant before, but now Bu Jie said no, she seemed very disappointed.

Bu Jie was also very disappointed. Just now he thought he was going to be a great-uncle, so he started to think about what name he should give him.

It is said that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the expressions of the two are unified and ugly.

Yu Mo felt that there was nothing to be disappointed about. It wasn't that she couldn't have a baby, it was just that it wasn't the right time.

Lin Lang quickly regained her spirits. There was no rush to get pregnant, it would happen sooner or later.

"It's okay, Lin Lang thought about it too much, miss doesn't need to worry about it." She looked at Bu Jie, "Miss vomited earlier and fell down for no reason, do you know the reason?"

"There is nothing wrong with the pulse condition, but the spleen and stomach are a little weak, but it's not a big deal. It should be caused by not having a good rest recently. Let the kitchen cook some qi-invigorating medicinal food, eat more, and pay attention to rest."

"Lin Lang understands."

Bu Jie picked up the medical box, and said: "The hot weather may also be a reason, but don't be greedy for cold, it is better to eat warm food."

"Yes, Lin Lang will send you out."

It was only after the two left that Yu Mo dared to laugh. He had been holding back just now, afraid that they would see the clue, and it was hard enough to endure.

"Miss, what are you laughing at?" Mu Xiang looked at her incomprehensibly.

"It's okay, it's okay, you go down, I'm sleepy now, I want to sleep for a while."

Mu Xiang put down the curtain of the bed, and asked when she left: "Miss didn't eat anything before, do you want to ask the kitchen to make some rice porridge, and then go to bed after eating?"

She shook her head, "I don't have an appetite, so I don't need it, I'll talk about it when I wake up."

"That Mu Xiang has gone out, if you need anything, please call me."


After everyone had left, Yu Mo hid under the blanket and covered her mouth and sniggered, almost out of breath from laughing, this oolong got a little too big.

But having said that, even though it was an oolong, it also reminded her, what if Mei Luo couldn't control her and wanted her one day, what if she really got pregnant?
She is only 19 years old this year, and she has not yet reached the legal marriage age, but she never thought of becoming a mother so early, not to mention... It is still unknown whether she will stay in the mountain and sea world.


She grinned and smiled sweetly again, she wasn't too afraid that Mei Luo and her would have a child, at most she was a little flustered, but if she really did, she would definitely give birth.

She lifted the quilt, lay on her back and looked at the top of the bed, and began to imagine what the child of herself and Mei Luo would be like...Will it be like her, or like him...

When she thought of this question, she was startled suddenly, and sat up from the bed hastily.

Mei Luo is a dog demon, she is a human, and this child is a half demon... This reminds her of her favorite anime "Inuyasha", Inuyasha is also a half demon, mother is human, father is a big dog demon, because it is a half demon , he is different from a purebred dog demon. Even in human form, he also has a pair of dog ears. He is usually a demon, but he will become a human being at the new moon.

Wouldn't it be the same for her and Mei Luo's child?
A handsome guy with dog ears... a bit cute.

But... the big demon's human form is perfect, and there will be no animal features. If her child is like this, will people look down on her?

She couldn't help wrinkling her face, worried that what would happen if the child was bullied?
However, looking at the entire dog world, demons with weaker demon powers also have some characteristics of dogs in human form. She has seen many, and it is not a big deal to have two dog ears. It's a dog's head.

Well, there's nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter if the monster is strong or not. Mei Luo will definitely protect him.

But... what if it was a dog with a human head?

Her face immediately darkened, and her mind had a picture...

Is there such a monster in the dog realm? It seems that there is no such thing. The monsters are all based on the human form.

Human head and dog body...

A bean-sized drop of cold sweat oozed from her forehead...

What if this happens?what to do?what to do?
She turned pale, not because she was scaring herself, but because the scene was too horrifying.

When Mei Luo heard the news that Bu Jie came to check her pulse, she thought she was sick again, so she immediately left her work and rushed back. Before Lin Lang could explain, he rushed into the inner hall.

After lifting the curtain of the bed, she saw her pale face, with moisture in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.


Yu Mo raised her head, tears immediately fell, "Mei Luo...Mei Luo...Mei Luo, I thought of a very bad thing."

She hugged him and started crying loudly.

Mei Luo looked at Lin Lang who followed, "What's the matter?"

Lin Lang was also inexplicable, thinking that she was sleeping before, she asked, "Miss, did you have a nightmare?"

Yu Mo's face was covered with tears, and she couldn't cry anymore, "It's scarier than...a nightmare!"

A dog with a human head...that can't even be considered a living thing.

is a monster!

Maybe they will be regarded as evildoers, tied up and burned to death.

Mei Luo hugged her into her arms and coaxed her, while asking Lin Lang, "Did Bu Jie say anything?"

"It is said that the young lady's spleen and stomach are a little weak, and she needs to eat more qi-invigorating food, and also need to rest more."

"Can you prescribe medicine?"


Hearing that no medicine was prescribed, Mei Luo felt relieved, just now she thought she had a fever again, "Okay, why did you call him here?"

Lin Lang blushed, and faltered, "Lin Lang misunderstood!"


"Miss vomited while eating this morning, fell down again, was not in good spirits, and did not have a good day, so Lin Lang thought..."


Mei Luo hadn't turned the corner yet, but Lin Lang had already knelt down and admitted her mistake, "Lin Lang is confused, please forgive me."

Following Lin Lang's words, after thinking about it for a while, he finally understood.

He didn't know what expression to put on, so he froze, "Get up!"

Lin Lang didn't dare to stay longer, and retreated silently.

Yu Mo was still crying fiercely, his head was buried in his chest, wet with tears.

"It's just that I was misunderstood. There's nothing to cry about. Don't cry. Be careful of getting angry."

"It's not about this!" She raised her teary face, and pulled his sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"No? What was it that made you cry like this?"

"It's a child..." She sobbed, because she was crying hard and was busy breathing, so she couldn't finish her words, intermittently, " pitiful!"

These nonsensical words made Mei Luo completely confused.

If you are not pregnant, where will the child come from?
"Silently, speak clearly!"

She took a breath to ease her sobbing, but the more she thought about it, the sadder she became, and the tears flooded again.

"Mei Luo, what if we have children in the future who are neither like you nor like me?"


He smiled wryly, suppressed the pain in his heart, and wiped away the tears on her face, "Silly girl, why is our child not like us?"

"I am a human, you are a demon, our child may be deformed, for example, a human head and a dog body..." She seemed to be afraid that he would not realize the seriousness of the problem, so she repeated in a higher voice, "It is a human head and a dog body..." Dog body!"

Human head and dog body...?
Mei Luo raised her head, looking at the sky speechlessly.

He couldn't imagine it.

"He will definitely be regarded as a monster, evildoer, just like Dorji's people, who don't like him, don't love him, and will bully him."

"Momo..." He didn't know how to comfort her, because it was nothing.

Yu Mo was still chattering, "The fate of half-demons is not very good, look at Inuyasha...Humans don't treat him as a human, and demons don't treat him as a companion, how pitiful!"

Melo: "..."

The more you talk about it, the more outrageous it is, it's just an anime character.

"I don't want my child to be so miserable!"

"Momo... You think too much, that's different. The Inuyasha you mentioned has no parents, but our child will have one. No matter how weird he is, I won't let people bully him, and no one dares to bully him." he."

He is the king, the supreme leader of the dog monster clan, who would have the guts to bully the future crown prince.


Yumo opened her eyes swollen from crying. Although it was a fiction, she took it seriously. It was ridiculous to say that she would think of this issue.

"I swear!"

If he and Momo have a child, no matter what kind of child that child is, it will be the treasure in his heart, and he will do everything to love him, and will never let him suffer any grievances.


"Silly girl, you can cry because of this. Your child and I must be the most beautiful children in the world!"

"Hmm!" She rubbed her eyes that were swollen from crying, feeling better.

"Lin Lang said you threw up this morning?"

She nodded, "Maybe the porridge doesn't suit your appetite, don't worry, Bu Jie also said I'm fine, maybe it's because I'm too tired from reading recently."

"I told you earlier, you have to read those books slowly." He sat on the edge of the bed and covered her with a thin quilt, "Rest more when you are tired, and sleep a little longer.

"Well, I'm fine, you go and do your work."

I didn't feel it just now, but now that I have calmed down, I feel a little embarrassed.

"I'll leave when you fall asleep."

After crying for so long, she was also tired and obediently closed her eyes.

Seeing her sleeping soundly, Mei Luo sat there quietly, without crying out in pain, without crying sadly, only pieces of heartbroken wreckage.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead.

At least he knows, Momo loves their 'child' very much.

It was already afternoon when Mei Luo returned to the Hall of Discussions, all the elders arrived except for Wisteria, and there was also Bai Fang, the chief of the clan.

He adjusted his mood, sat on the throne with a blank face, looked at the crowd and said: "Go on."

Before they left, they were discussing the matter of the assassin, and Cang Wu explained what happened at that time in detail. After the assassin escaped, the people in his house followed closely, but the assassin was very cunning and quickly disappeared.

As for how the assassin stabbed Wisteria, I have no clue for the time being, because Wisteria was seriously injured, and she was in a daze, even if she wanted to ask, she couldn't ask anything.

Despite this, Cangwu still found out the possibility from the subtle clues—the assassin was Bai Yu's men.

"Elder Cangwu would make such a judgment, but because the assassin used poison?" Bai Fang asked.


"Is this reason a bit weak? Based on this alone, it may be that people want to kill people with a knife."

"Clan Prime Minister, there are two reasons why I made this judgment. First, the situation was critical at that time. The assassin was under attack from both sides, and it was difficult to escape. He used this poison in a hurry. If he wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, he could have done it in the first place. Why wait until it was critical?" Second, there must be something very important to take such a risk of going deep into the enemy's camp, except for the eagle monster in the water cage, I really can't think of anything else that would make the assassin take such a big risk to break in."

"If that's the case, then you should also break into the water cage. Why did the assassin break into your mansion?"

"This is indeed a doubtful point, and I am also puzzled by it, but it does not hinder my judgment."

Huang Hua felt that it made sense, and agreed: "My lord, I have the same opinion as Elder Cangwu."

Qingshan said: "If it's really for saving that eagle demon, then he must be very important to Bai Yu, otherwise with Bai Yu's heart, he would never risk saving people."

"My lord, I feel that the current strategy should be to strengthen the guards and keep the water cage tightly, so as not to let Bai Yu's men take advantage of it."

Mei Luo asked: "When will the Illusion Mansion be able to activate the illusion?"

"The formation has been completed, and it will be ready in a few days."

"Well, order the Huansi Mansion to launch tomorrow. Since the eagle demon can get Bai Yu's attention, he must know a lot of his secrets."


 The future little dog demon king said... hey, mother, you don't have to worry, your son doesn't have this problem, but he gets excited easily when he sees a girl he likes, and he will turn into a dog when he gets excited.

  Yu Mo: "..."

  more worried.

(End of this chapter)

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