The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 374 Part 137 Illusion Launch Day

Chapter 374 Part 137 Illusion Launch Day

Yumo had a nightmare.

In the dream, there was a monster with a human head and a dog body calling her mother. The appearance on the head of this monster is still very good, but the body of this dog is a Chihuahua...a huge human head was pressed on the body of a Chihuahua dog , ran towards her.

She couldn't bear to look directly at the picture, he smiled and raised his dog's leg to urinate, when he ran over and stuck out his tongue to lick her, she woke up from her sleep in shock, sweating profusely.

When she knew it was a dream, she breathed a sigh of relief, looked up to her side, and didn't see Mei Luo, so she knew that he hadn't come back all night.

She stroked her chest, calming down the horror brought by the nightmare, and drank slowly when she thought about it, but her body didn't obey her control, and her head was not as heavy as her own, as if it had been pushed against a huge rock.

"Wood fragrance..."

Mu Xiang was on duty tonight, and when she heard the sound, she quickly ran in.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

"Water!" she said weakly.

Mu Xiang handed her the teacup, she raised her head, drank upside down, and asked for another cup.

Because she was sweating and sticky all over her body, she was very uncomfortable, so she decided to take a bath before going to bed.

After entering the water room, she took the bath pills she used last time and threw them into the pool.

Mu Xiang said: "Miss really likes this bath pill, I use it every time."

"It's very cool and comfortable after taking a bath!" Yumo sighed while sitting in the pool. She always felt that it was a waste to use such a large pool for taking a bath, but now she felt that it was just right. Arms swam in the pool.

"Miss, don't play for too long, watch out for skin blisters."

"Know, know!"

She loves the smell of the bath balls so much, it's fresh and cool, and her skin is especially smooth after washing, if it's not inconvenient to go out now, she will definitely go to Cangwu Mansion to thank Elder Wisteria in person.

After swimming for a while, she got up and asked, "Has Mei Luo been back?"

"I've been back. At midnight, Miss was in a deep sleep. Wang stayed for a while and then left."

"He can eat."

"I ate some. It's the snack specially left by the lady."

Meiluo doesn’t like to eat when it’s hot, Yumo will often prepare some appetizing snacks or side dishes for him, most of which are what he likes to eat, and leave a note to force him to eat, and others force him to eat. It's useless, he will definitely follow her words, even if he has no appetite, he will still eat two bites.

"Ah That's good."

After Mu Xiang cleaned her body, she wanted to apply sesame oil on her again. She really didn't like this kind of thing, so she took some from the bottle and rubbed it on her body casually, and it was over.

After returning to the bed, she couldn't fall asleep, she tossed and turned non-stop, and finally had to sit up. She didn't know why, but her body was refreshed and clean, but her mind was still heavy. She shook, thinking it might be related to a nightmare , who hadn't recovered from the panic, didn't take it seriously, lifted the curtain of the bed, and shouted, "Mu Xiang, is Mao Qiu asleep?"

The fur ball was the same as yesterday, and it wanted to bite her before going to bed, and it was useless to scold it. In order to punish it, she locked it in the garden, let it cry, let it make trouble, but just ignored it. It has been tossing for a long time and disappeared With strength, he nestled in a corner of the garden and did not move.

"I saw it before and fell asleep."

"Oh, then don't bother with it, so that it won't have a long memory." She looked at the book on the case table, "Mu Xiang, bring me that "Military Aircraft Record"."

Since I can't sleep, I'm still idle, so I might as well read a book.

"Miss, I'm still reading at this time, it's almost dawn."

"I can't sleep, it's okay, maybe I can fall asleep after watching it."

Each of these books is very difficult, and the eyelids will fight when you look at it. It can be regarded as a magic weapon for hypnosis.

"By the way, light the spices too." Those spices are particularly soothing and good for hypnosis.


When the shredded tobacco curled up, Yu Mo took a strong sniff, as if she was addicted. If she didn't smell it, she would feel uncomfortable all over her body. She leaned on the pillow and opened the book. There were still things she couldn't understand, but After watching for a long time, she also found a way.

You can't just read military books, you have to imagine them in your mind.

She also used a cup to form a formation, attacked it, blocked it back, it was pretty exciting, but she didn't cooperate with it, and after watching it for a while, she started to gasp, she blinked, and suddenly felt a little dark in front of her eyes , couldn't see anything, and her head hurt a little, she covered her forehead, knocked again, a sudden dizziness hit her, she fell on the bed, unconscious.

Mu Xiang thought she was asleep, took the book out of her hand, covered the quilt carefully, and put down the outer layer of the bed curtain to block the light.

In the wood-burning censer, the shredded tobacco drifted away, and the faint fragrance permeated the entire palace. No one extinguished it, and let it float into the thick bed curtain.

In the early morning, a magnificent morning glow appeared in the east, and the air was filled with a veil-like mist, accompanied by strands of golden light. When everything was still silent, the restricted area of ​​the water cage was already surrounded by guards, all of whom were waiting solemnly. Airtight surrounding the water cage.

Ziying wore the purple gold brocade robe unique to illusionists and a feather crown on her head, and got out of the carriage.

"grown ups!"

Qingyin walked out from the group of guards, and Jin Ji followed behind.



"Okay, let's go in."

The guard immediately moved out of the way, and when he entered, Mei Luo was also there, standing by the well, looking at Feng Chen inside.

She knelt down and saluted, "King!"

"Get up, I'm going to work hard for you today."

"The minister must fulfill his mission."

Seeing Ziying, Cangwu retreated a few steps. Before when Wisteria was injured, she yelled at her and even moved her hands. It is really embarrassing to meet her now.

Ziying didn't look at him straight from the beginning to the end, and after answering a few questions from Meiluo, she looked at Qingyin, "How is the condition of the eagle demon?"

"It's better than the previous two days. Lord Bujie is at the bottom of the well right now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bu Jie flew up from the bottom of the well. He loves cleanliness very much. The eagle demon eats, drinks, and scatter in the well. When he came up, he was still pinching his own nose with a disheveled expression on his face.

"Master Bujie, how are you doing?"

"The situation is not bad, but you should be more careful, you only have half your life left, and I'm not sure if I can get through this."

Ziying nodded, "Thank you for reminding me!"

Her gentle and clean voice sounded a little alienated. Following the voice, a silver-white chain in her sleeve swiped away, stretched out in the air, and connected all the jade pillars under the cloth with a swipe. Go, it is a pattern of a pentagram.

Qingyin then sat down cross-legged, and at the same time, there were four people from the Huansi Mansion, each sitting on a corner of the pentagram.

Ziying's figure was fixed in the middle of the air, her long hair was hanging down, swaying in the wind, and when she closed her eyes, there was a blood-red pentagram on her white forehead.

She shook her fingertips, and the chain in her hand floated like a living thing, like silver-white waves.

In an instant, all the jade pillars lit up, like neon lights, flashing their respective colors, a total of 32.

The center of the pentagram is the well, and the light from the jade pillars converges and rushes in. The well shines so brightly that it dazzles the eyes. Except for the people in the Huansi Mansion, everyone can't help closing their eyes or covering them with their sleeves. .

This is the first time that the Huansi Mansion launched an illusion formation that only targets a single person. Because of this, the layout is not too big, but this formation is already a multi-person formation. It shouldn't be so laborious, but considering the opponent It is a big monster with extremely strong willpower that chose this formation. After several adjustments, the scale has been reduced to the minimum.

"Ziying is about to launch the formation, please do not enter the formation."

Everyone took a few steps back consciously. If this formation affected them, they would definitely tell all the secrets hidden in their hearts like the Eagle Demon.

Mei Luo looked in her direction with her hands behind her back, with a calm expression, "Start it!"


In an instant, the entire water cage area became quiet, strangely quiet, even the wandering of the wind stopped, and the whispering of insects on weekdays was no longer there at this time, if Ziying’s chains were not still fluctuating, It will be mistaken for the entire space-time to be static.

The morning sun rose, and a round of sunlight fell, casting her long shadow on the ground. The shadow was slightly divided by the black shadow of the well, but the outline could still be seen.

Her eyes were fierce and bright, and she released her demonic power with a determination rarely seen in ordinary women.

The wind picked up, passing by from the far end, bringing a gust of wind.

When the fluctuations of the chains stopped, they were dyed the color of the jade pillars and gathered in the formation, forming a cover to cover the well.

Feng Chen in the well knew that his sanity was about to be attacked, although he couldn't move, he still resisted stubbornly.

The pill that fell suddenly that day had Baiyu's unique smell, and he knew immediately that someone would come to save him, was it Qingyi or Black Wing?If possible, he doesn't want them to save him.

He is already a useless person, what's the use of saving him?Might as well kill him, once and for all.

There is also a pentagram pattern at the bottom of the well, and as Ziying casts the spell, it starts to get smaller, so small that it can cover him alone. In an instant, he has a splitting headache, as if something is drilling into his brain and devouring his brain. flesh and blood.

"Hmm..." He tried to get rid of the pain with the remaining demon power.

Knowing his ability, Ziying separated the chain and sprinted into the well like a snake, wrapping it around his head.

The chains changed from silver to red, and after being tightly bound, they began to penetrate into his skull.

He howled loudly in pain, and the remaining demon power immediately dissipated into smoke.

A black wind swept over the flat ground, rushed into the well, lifted him up, hung him high, and floated out of the bottom of the well.

Ziying flicked the chain in her hand and dragged him over.

Both of them were in the air, facing each other, making everyone look up.

She flicked her backhand again, a red light lit up, stretched out the bright arc of the pentagram, and hit Fengchen's chest with such force that it forced him to hold his chest back.

The consciousness in his mind began to dissipate, and countless questions rushed into him, all of which were about the Night Falcons and Bai Yu.

This is a chant that only illusionists will use.

Only he can see and hear.

"Say it, tell it, and you will be happy."

Ziying's tone was cold, but it sounded like a magic voice to his ears, and he was powerless to break free.

"Do not……"


His head hurt like it was going to explode, and after a powerless struggle, he opened his eyes. He was blind and couldn't see his eyes, but his expression slowly became dull.

"Master Baiyu...want to unify the mountain and sea world..."


His words were too clear, and the tone was just right for everyone present to hear.

Mei Luo's face turned cold, she never thought that Bai Yu's ambition would be so great.

"The Royal Family of the Night Falcon Clan is corrupt, treacherous ministers are in power, killing Zhongliang, and after the death of Master Sheng Yu, the Night Falcon Clan has long lost its former glory..."

"Sir Sheng Yu?" Mei Luo looked at Cang Wu, "But that Sheng Yu who was in charge of the Night Falcon's surprise attack force?"

"That's right! Sheng Yu is also the uncle of the current Queen of the Falcon Clan. Because of the crime of disobedience, the whole family was beheaded."

"No, that's fake." Feng Chen roared angrily, "It's the trick of the old man Wudiao, and his son, who coveted Miss He Ji for a long time..."

"My lord, the blackbird is the elder of the Night Falcon family in three dynasties, and is the family member."

"It's a big treason to kill the royal family, it's outrageous!" Bai Fang, who was also a clan leader, yelled angrily, "How can the king of the Night Falcon clan listen to such things."

"Hahaha, believe me? Of course he believes it, because the king's position was snatched from Lord Shengyu. If Lord Shengyu doesn't get rid of it, how can he secure the throne."

Cang Wu frowned, "The rivalry between the royal families is really the greatest misfortune of the family."

"Master Sheng Yu has a kind heart and kindness. He has never fought for anything. All he wants in his life is to restore the former strength of the Night Falcon clan, but he has a brother who is extremely stupid." Speaking of this, Feng Chen already gritted his teeth.

"Let me ask you, why did Bai Yu go to Penglai Island?"

Mei Luo is not interested in the royal disputes of the Night Falcon family at all, what he wants to know is the Penglai Island party, what is Bai Yu's purpose?
"The purpose... is..." Feng Chen could no longer control his consciousness, he would answer whatever he asked, but stopped at this moment.

"what happened!?"

"Aunt Qingyin!" Jin Ji, who was standing on the outer circle of the pentagram, shouted.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, the red jade pillar behind Qingyin suddenly turned black, shrouded in evil spirit, a strong wind blew it away, and pierced her body like a sharp knife.

With a slight tremor, he immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"My lord, the formation... the formation has been changed..."

Before the words were finished, the evil spirit had restrained her, pulled her off the ground, and flew away in the sky.

Ziying was shocked, and was about to take back the chain, but it was too late, the evil spirit had dyed all the jade pillars black along the chain.

Cang Wu shouted, "Protect the king!"

Ziying's feet were also trapped by the evil spirit.She raised her legs, concentrated her demon power on her legs, and scraped away the evil spirit. The silver demon power reflected the moonlight-like brilliance, which caught people's eyes.


Jin Ji was the first to notice black smoke rising from the jade pillar. The smell was very pungent, and after inhaling some, she became dizzy.

Ziying watched in disbelief as the formation shattered and turned into a poison gas formation.

With a dark face, Bu Jie hurriedly grasped left and right, and took out the anti-drug medicine from his sleeve. He is a wizard, and pills are basic equipment. Even if he doesn't see a doctor, he will take it with him.

"Mei Luo, eat it."

"No!" The poison couldn't hurt him at all.

If it was to harm him, this kind of battle would be too small, and he was worried that it would be just a slap in the face.

Cang Wu looked at those evil spirits, like snakes and dragons, he already had clues in his learned mind.

"Nine-Headed Insect..." His face suddenly darkened, and he shouted at everyone, "Stay away, this evil spirit is transformed by Nine-Headed Insect, don't let it touch you."

"Nine-headed worm, but the nine-headed worm that eats people's brains."

"It's really the nine-headed insect that the family said."

"It's just a little monster. It sounds scary, but it's actually very easy to deal with."

"No, eating brain marrow is not terrible, but it has another usage, which is..."

Before Cang Wu finished speaking, those so-called nine-headed worms lifted the jade pillar, flew into the air, and flew in one direction..."

When Mei Luo saw that direction, her entire face turned pale.

That is the direction of the bedroom...

silently! !
There was peace in the bedroom, and Lin Lang walked towards the inner hall holding the queen's robes she had just made.

"Miss, come and have a try. The Queen's gown is ready. Although it was made in a hurry, it is also extremely delicate. It will definitely fit Miss."

There was no sound in the bed curtain, it was as silent as if no one was there.

Lin Lang lifted the curtain of the bed and saw that Yumo was still asleep and did not dare to wake her up. When she was about to put down the curtain of the bed, there was a sudden shaking of the sky and the ground.

"Auntie, Auntie, outside..."

Mu Xiang and Zi Kai ran in in a panic, pointing their fingers outside.

Lin Lang frowned, and ran out,
Surrounded by evil spirits around the palace, 32 black jade pillars fell down and penetrated deep into the ground, which is where the day's tremor came from.

This is……

She was born in the Huansi Mansion, so she naturally knew what it was.

It's an illusion array!

Darkness looms, and it's too late.

 The abuse chapter begins...

  In fact, it's not considered abuse. Compared with Jue Lian, this is abuse the size of a sesame seed.

(End of this chapter)

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