The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 375 Part 138 Blood Stained Queen's Robe

Chapter 375 Part 138 Blood Stained Queen's Robe
Nine-headed worms are parasitic monsters that like to eat brains. The owner needs to feed them with their own blood to make them obey their orders.Because it is a parasitic monster, as long as the soul is not destroyed, it can quickly grow crazy if it intercepts any part of its body, even a little bit of flesh. Parts of the body act, and the distance is not limited, but the nine-headed worm is naturally poisonous, and the owner who is parasitized will naturally be infected with the poison, and feeds it with its own blood. The poisoned owner is usually deeply toxic, and there is no possibility of removal , although it is a master-servant relationship, but everything is damaged.

That is, the nine-headed worm died, and the owner died.On the contrary, similarly, this is also the reason why the master risked poisoning to host the soul of the nine-headed worm on himself.

In addition, the Nine-Headed Insect also has a special ability-copying the formation.

Therefore, when the 32 jade pillars fell to the ground, the illusion array was activated. The difference from the water cage was that the pentagram in this illusion was pitch black, and the black evil spirit quickly spread everywhere, greatly reducing visibility.

Zijing and Muxiang are both little demons, they were already a little out of breath from the evil spirit.

Lin Lang ordered them to take Yu Mo out of the palace to take refuge. Just after speaking, the pentagram array changed again. The 32 jade pillars stuck on the ground were copied by the nine-headed worm, and became 64.


Lin Lang was shocked, such a large formation could control more than a thousand cavalry monsters.

The increase in the number of jade pillars did not stop, and it became 64 eight in a blink of an eye.

120 eight...

Lin Lang's face turned pale, and she dragged Zi Kai and Mu Xiang into the hall, "Hurry up, take Miss away."


"Don't ask too many questions, just go!"

Mu Xiang and Zi Kai rushed into the inner hall quickly.

"Miss, miss, wake up!"

Yu Mo didn't respond, as if she had fallen asleep.

120 Eight jade pillars converged into three pentagrams, large and small, stacked on top of each other, in an astonishing formation. When it was launched, the wind swept through the clouds, blowing the surrounding trees and flowers upside down, and some were even uprooted.

The towering trees that could not be removed split silently, and the pentagram expanded and grew bigger. The small pentagram inside rose high, echoing from top to bottom, forming a huge hood, covering the whole city. In the sleeping palace, the edge of the formation suddenly cracked, like a giant knife pulling a deep and long gully on the ground, separating the palace.

The black mist covered the sky thickly, and the bedroom seemed to be plunged into a deep black sky, which even sunlight could not penetrate.

Suddenly, a layer of black flames gathered in the sky, turned into rockets and swooped down like a meteor shower, and shot towards the place where Lin Lang was standing with a sound of whirring sound. In an instant, the black flames ignited ragingly, and the palace suddenly turned into a black sea of ​​flames.

After the Nine-Headed Insect copied the formation, its scattered bodies joined together to form a giant centipede, approaching the palace with a murderous aura.

"Evil! Die!"

Lin Lang flew up and swung her sharp claws, but the Nine-Headed Insect was not a primordial spirit, it could be reunited immediately after being scratched, and it couldn't hurt at all.

At a moment of crisis, Mei Luo arrives, and seeing Lin Lang fighting hard, she immediately flies to save her.

Cang Wu and Bai Ya were shocked to see this situation, and they didn't care about other things, they started fighting with Nine-Headed Insect.

After Ziying saw the formation made by Nine-Headed Insect, her face turned pale and frightening. This is no longer just a copy. The owner who controls Nine-Headed Insect must be a person who is proficient in illusion formation.

Is such a large formation intended to involve the entire clan of the dog monster clan?

No, it must be destroyed immediately, and the rising pentagram must not be allowed to shine.

Mei Luo's thin lips were slightly pursed, her cheeks were coated with a layer of evil spirit by the black fire, her face was so dark that it made people look a little horrified.

"What about silence?"

"Miss is in the palace."

He looked at the closed palace door and heaved a sigh of relief that it was not damaged.

Duoji was taken out of the house by Lin Lang and placed in a safe corner. Although he was helpful, it was the first time he encountered such a battle, and he was too scared to be of much use, so he could only keep guarding the gate of the palace.

Seeing Mei Luo coming, it was like seeing a savior, and he was also relieved, and sat limply on the ground.

There was noise and noise all around, more and more guards began to fight with Nine-Headed Insect, Mei Luo didn't want to fight, and rushed into the bedroom, seeing Yu Mo was well, the expression on her face brightened.

"Momo..." The dormitory was no longer safe, and he had to take her away immediately.

Mu Xiang hurriedly said: "Wang, can't wake up no matter how much you shout."

He choked for breath, hurriedly lifted the curtain of the bed, and hugged Yu Mo into his arms.

Because the door of the palace was opened, the black fire rising from all sides rushed in, but the black fire was forced to retreat by the violent evil spirit around him, and it could only burn on the periphery with a whimper, and could not get close at all.

Yumo closed her eyes tightly and breathed evenly, but she just couldn't wake up.

He slapped her face, "Silence, wake up!"

She remained silent.

Everyone outside is dealing with Nine-Headed Insect, only Ziying is trying to destroy the formation.

"Qingshu, Qingning, smash the pillars of the dry position, hurry up!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Cang Wu was worried that the barrier of the Dog Realm would be destroyed, so he quickly ordered Huang Hua to summon the people from the Barrier Mansion to dispatch. No matter what, the triple barrier of the Dog Realm could not be destroyed. Once it was destroyed, it would be a devastating blow.

Qingshan stayed in the water cage, even in such a situation, Baiyu's clansmen could not save Fengchen.

Hong Song held Bai Fang's War Beast Mansion token, gathered all the cavalry, and surrounded the fortresses in the palace.

Although Bai Yu caught them off guard, Mei Luo and Cang Wu didn't panic, they had already arranged everything safely.

It's just that the appearance of these 120 eight jade pillars made Cang Wu, who had a calm face in everything, tense up.

He was worried that it wasn't Bai Yu's men who would make a surprise attack, but the purpose of this formation.

Ziying found that there were reinforced charms on the jade pillars, which were difficult to destroy by ordinary methods. She didn't understand why the array she had set up was tampered with, when was it tampered with, and who was the tampered person?
Qingyin and Jinji were the only people who set up the formation, and there was no one else, and they were the two who checked.

They became the most suspected persons, but what was the motive?She couldn't understand it, and she didn't believe that the two of them would be traitors.

If some of them are traitors, there are many opportunities to rescue Feng Chen from the water cage, there is no need to use such a large battle.

120 The array of eight jade pillars was used by the Huansi Mansion a hundred years ago. The purpose was to deal with one of the ancient beasts, Lie Tianxi, and because of this formation, Li Tiansi became Master Hengfeng's summoned beast smoothly. .

"Master Ziying!" Cang Wu flew to her side, "How can this formation be broken?"

"It can be destroyed by smashing the jade pillar, but this jade pillar is protected by a spell and cannot be broken."

Cang Wu couldn't help shaking his eyebrows, turned his steps, waved his hand, concentrated the demon power and radiated it out, the demon light flashed repeatedly, and struck the nearest jade pillar neatly, the demon light turned into a sword, and instantly formed an invincible sword The sword formation made the jade pillar crackling, but remained motionless.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Bai Fang also concentrated his demon power to destroy a jade pillar beside him, but no matter how he hit it, the result was the same, let alone shattered, even a crack could not be seen.

A group of guards below were fighting with the Nine-Headed Insect, but its primordial spirit was not here, and it became immortal. It was useless if it was broken up, interrupted, or cut into seven or eight pieces. It is an untouchable master, because if it touches the skin, there is a great possibility that it will penetrate into the skin, reach the brain, and eat the brain completely.

Bai Fang used his demon power to create a black long knife, cut open the back of the Nine-Headed Insect, and then surrounded the two cuts, trying to prevent them from meeting, but the Nine-Headed Insect is composed of countless small insects. No matter how close we are, we can still get together.

Gradually, the guards were exhausted. After being knocked out of their weapons, they reflexively attacked with their bare hands. The nine-headed insects stained their skin. Immediately, their bodies flew and their brains exploded.

Since the jade pillar could not be destroyed, Ziyi could only change the formation, hoping to weaken its effectiveness.

Probably knowing her plan, the formation changed again, the jade pillar shook rapidly with a strange rhythm, and the black fire on the pillar burned more and more blazingly, making it impossible for people to get close, and it also emitted a stench. Many people heard it Feeling dizzy, I could only raise my sleeves to cover my face and nose, and couldn't do anything for a while.

Cang Wu turned around in mid-air, and after landing, he rushed to the bedroom.

If the formation cannot be destroyed, the target object of the formation can only be separated from the center of the formation.


Mei Luo Yin Yumo did not wake up for a long time, and carried her out of the inner hall.

Seeing Yu Mo falling asleep, Cang Wu was startled again, and asked, "My lord, where is the demon refining pot?"

"On Mo Mo's neck."

Cangwu stepped forward to take off the demon refining pot, but he forgot that the demon refining pot only listens to the master's orders, and will immediately repel it when touched by others. Dao was extremely violent, and the violent inertia caused him to hit the wall directly. Fortunately, he was powerful and was not injured. If he were an ordinary monster, he would have been vomiting blood from internal injuries.

"My lord, the purpose of the formation is most likely gluttonous."

"I know, the people from the Spirit Formation Palace have been dispatched?"

"We have reached the center of the enchantment, don't worry, Wang."

"it is good!"

When going out, the black fire was burning, and the softly burned palace door collapsed, the smoke and sawdust splashed and hit several guards, after the palace door collapsed, the palace wall was also shattered, causing the beam to fall rapidly, Mei Luo lifted her foot and smashed it The down beam kicked away.

Dorje responded outside the door, but the Nine-Headed Insect was too cunning and ran around. He was affected and swept away. He miraculously found that even if the Nine-Headed Insect touched his skin, it couldn't penetrate him. In his body, it was too late to investigate the reasons at this time, but his courage grew stronger, and he fought bravely with a group of guards.

The Nine-Headed Insect seemed to not want Mei Luo and Yu Mo to walk out of the dormitory, its body fluttered, and it shot sharp knives at him, but Cang Wu flew to block them and reflected those sharp knives back.

Zijie and Muxiang followed behind, and Muxiang was still holding the newly made queen's robe in her hand, which was carefully wrapped in plain brocade.

The surrounding area was filled with black mist, and everything looked strange and unreal. The figures swayed here, and the flames fascinated the eyes, like phantoms born, and they couldn't even know the way out.

"Mommy mommy……"

Mei Luo lowered her head and found the fur ball. It was smoked by the black fire so that its white hair became black. Its round body looks like a coal ball that can only walk. It is Yu Mo's heart. will be sad.

He fished it up, and it was well-behaved, and immediately hid in Yu Mo's clothes.

Cang Wu had already opened the way ahead, cutting a path, and Lin Lang chopped off the torso of the attacking Nine-Headed Insect in the front.

Zi Kai remembered that Ping An was still in the hall, so she hurriedly turned around to rescue her, but she didn't find it, and when she was about to look for it, Mu Xiang pulled her out, "Don't worry about that bird, it has wings, I'm afraid it has already flown away !"

Cang Wu cleared a way out, "Wang, this way!"

Mei Luo quickened her pace, holding Yu Mo and rushed out of the encirclement of the Nine-Headed Insect. At this moment, the pentagram in the sky shone brightly, and the wind flowing around under the light seemed to be stuck, blocking Mei Luo at the exit.

Ziying shouted, "King, it's the enchantment after the formation is activated!"

Cangwu released his demonic power, raised his palm, and met the invisible barrier, trying to smash it.

It's a pity that it was a step too late, and the barrier began to close, forcing them all the way back.

Mei Luo pushed out a palm and resisted with all her strength, but the attack was burned by the heat on the barrier so that she withdrew her hand.


Amidst the noise, all the jade pillars lifted into the air, the black fire stopped burning, and turned into black lightning, crackling, the sound was like the sky collapsing, the earth cracking, and the surrounding trees, stone tables, wooden chairs were smashed under the beating of lightning, It became a cloud of smoke.

When darkness fell, all sparks were extinguished, leaving only Shanlei.

Ziying looked at those flashing thunders, took a staggering step back, choked her breath, and looked back at Meiluo, "Wang, be careful!"

Sliding down, a flash of lightning struck Mei Luo's direction, and a chain was born to tear Yu Mo away from his arms.

Mei Luo reached out and grabbed her, but couldn't pull her back.

Zi Kai and Mu Xiang hurriedly jumped up and pulled her together, exhausted all their strength, but couldn't pull her down.

Lin Lang rushed over to rescue her and grabbed her hand, "Miss, wake up!"

Yumo tilted her body, the fur ball slipped from her clothes and fell to the ground. It hurriedly stood up and pounced on her, but she was already flying high, so it couldn't catch it, and turned around in a hurry underneath.

At this time, no one cared about it, and they all held on to Yumo.

Mei Luo's sleeves flicked, making a rustling sound, flying up to stop her body from flying higher and higher.

A beam of lightning fell again, hitting the demon refining pot pendant on Yumo's neck.

"King!" Cangwu roared, grabbing Mei Luo's leg and pulling it down. Under no circumstances, he could not put the king of the dog monster clan in danger.

The sound of piercing the sky resounded from the demon refining pot, the pot was not broken, but the glutton inside was forced out.

Mei Luo was trapped by Cang Wu, unable to move, she took off Yu Mo's hand, and let her fly out, Tao Tie appeared from the pot, from small to large, the huge torso was pressed heavily on the ground, and the ground was sunken. .

As soon as it appeared, 120 eight black pillars rushed toward it.

Taotie sensed the danger, and released the demon power to protect himself. He has been in the demon refining pot for the past few days, and he doesn't know what happened outside. It was useless, it got angry, and went back to the demon refining pot angrily, looking for fun in the demon refining pot on its own, but after only a few days of work, it came out like this.

Zhulong is sleepy, and fell asleep because of being too bored these days, it's hard to say when he will wake up.

Taotie was inexplicably forced out, without understanding anything, in front of him was a scene of troubled times, if he wanted to ask, he didn't have time to ask, so the black pillars just stuck in, and when he saw these black pillars clearly, his expression became gloomy .

Back then, he would be sealed into the demon refining pot. The Heavenly Emperor used such a black pillar, so he couldn't vent his anger after seeing it.

"Which bastard did it, let me out!"

It raised its big foot and stomped it down, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Tao Tie, protect Mo Mo!" Mei Luo screamed from below, he wanted to fly up, but Cang Wu held him tightly.

Seeing the black pillar flying towards Taotie, Cangwu knew that his guess was right.

Bai Yu really wanted to control Tao Tie, under such conditions, how could he let Mei Luo get close.

Taotie looked at Yu Mo who was floating in front of it, she was still sleepy, but compared to before, a black six-petal flower grew on her forehead, and her mouth was also dark.

Taotie was shocked, "How did she get poisoned!?"


Mei Luo turned pale with shock, threw off Cang Wu, and flew up.

Lin Lang was also startled by this sentence, and followed Feikong, but Yu Mo seemed to have a protective circle around her, but she couldn't touch her.

Taotie kicked the black pillar away with his flying legs, trying to break the protective circle that trapped Yumo, but it was useless, the black pillar would fly back after kicking it away, and the flow continued.

Lin Lang noticed that the black six-petal flower on her forehead was slowly blooming. Starting from the flower bud, it opened petal by petal, as if alive.

Around the palace surrounded by black mist, the Nine-Headed Beetle stopped attacking, and its body flew apart, turning into countless small insects, flying towards Taotie, obviously intending to join the small insects on the refining pot.

Once converging, the Demon Refining Pot may release illusions in order to resist foreign lands, which will be even more troublesome.

At the very moment, the barrier that prevented the entry and exit of the palace was broken from the outside, and the shining golden Haotian Tower flew across the sky, and the nine-headed worm was taken away.

Li Wang's white figure came suddenly, nine huge fox tails wrapped around the black pillar attacking Taotie.

Shu Du flew up in a high spirited manner, "Smelly dog, where is Momo... hey?" He didn't see it just now, but now he saw the figure wrapped in the light circle when he flew into the air, "Momo?"

After he and Li Wang noticed the movement, they rushed to the door of the bedroom, but the barrier around the bedroom was activated due to the formation, and it took him a long time to break it, which was considered timely.

It's just... the circle of light surrounding Yumo has been lingering for a long time.

Just as Mei Luo used her demon power to forcibly break it, she slowly opened her eyes.

Mei Luo was overjoyed and shouted: "Silence!"

After she woke up, the circle of light disappeared, and she instantly lost buoyancy and fell downward.

Mei Luo catches her quickly.

"Momo, how are you?"

"Cold..." She trembled.

Mu Xiang quickly shook off the queen's robe in her hand and put it on for her, "Miss, is it warmer?"

Her lips were as black as ink, with purple in the ink, obviously poisoned deeply.

"Go and call Bujie!"

Bu Jie was left with Qingshan to guard Fengchen.


Mei Luo hugged Yu Mo tightly because she was trembling all the time, "Mo Mo, bear with it, Bu Jie will come soon?"

Yu Mo's eyes were dull, and his eyes seemed unable to focus.

"My head hurts!" She covered her head.

kill him!

A cold voice sounded in her head, destroying her sanity.

She resisted desperately, but the voice sounded again and again.

kill him!kill him!

It hurts, it hurts!
It was as if a thousand needles were piercing her head, forcing her to raise her right hand.

"Mommy mommy……"

The hairball flew up and opened its mouth to bite her right hand, but her right hand dodged extremely quickly, black fire ignited between her fingers and turned into a sharp blade.

It was clearly inaudible, but everyone was horrified.

Mei Luo trembled her torso, and looked at her in disbelief, and then her right hand, which was thickly stained red with blood.

His eyes were a little dark, because he didn't understand, and it was also caused by the pain. He fixed his eyes on her hand, followed the fingers that passed through his chest, and every time he looked at her, his face turned paler, and his forehead gradually oozes out. The bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down to the ground with a rustling sound, and instantly wet the ground.

"King!" Cang Wu howled.

Everyone rushed over.

"Wang, I'm hurt, that woman hurt the king!"

Although Shu Du and Li Wang didn't know why this happened, Yu Mo's behavior had already angered all the dog monsters, and they immediately stepped forward to protect her.

Yu Mo's eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he had done, so he stabbed forward another inch.

Mei Luo immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

He heard the blood rushing all over his body, the hand that pierced her chest was so familiar, and the memory was so warm, but at this moment it became a sharp blade, piercing him mercilessly, and the internal organs were burnt by the black fire. , spreading into excruciating pain, the meridians and heart seemed to be smashed together.


He raised his hand and stroked her face.

That warm touch couldn't wake her up, it just made her hurt him further.

He knew that if she stayed now, he might not be able to save her.

"Shudu... Take Momo away... Ma... Immediately!"

Shu understood what he meant.

This is regicide, no matter what the reason is, the dog demon clan will not spare her.

"Li Wang, get out of the way!"

Bai Fang took the lead and had already fought Li Wang.

Shu Du gritted his teeth, hugged Yu Mo directly, dragged her away, and flew into the air.

Looking at her disappearing figure, Mei Luo parted the corners of his mouth in relief, but he fell down heavily before he could utter a word or spit out another mouthful of blood.

Blood splashed, staining the queen's robe that fell from Yu Mo's body red.

It is obviously the same blood red, but it bears despair and sorrow.

Yu Mo, who was far away, watched him fall slowly, and tears rolled down his delirious and sluggish pupils.

She reached out to grab him, but couldn't.

What was his name, she suddenly couldn't remember.

Can't remember, can't remember anything.

She closed her eyes, and the flowers on her forehead were all in full bloom.


The catastrophe is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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