The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 376 Part 139 Black Valkyrie

Chapter 376 Part 139 Black Valkyrie


Everything is quiet, only this sentence resounds through the sky.

Taotie possessed his body, covered with armor, and the flames burned all over his body, as if it could burn everything.

Shu Du couldn't protect her, and was burned by the black flames.


She opened her eyes again, and she was already a different person, with golden and red armor, with thousands of streams of light, and the six-petal flower on her forehead corresponded with the black fire all over her body, like a mandala from hell, passing through the sword of the wind, showing no mercy swung out.

Storms arise, the sea is furious, the land is cracked, palaces are destroyed, and barbarians are everywhere.

In this attack, hundreds of people may have been killed or injured.

The landslide-like destruction left a quarter of the dog mirror in ruins, followed by crying, howling, and despair.

"Gao Tie, you are crazy!"

Zhulong woke up, jumped out of the demon refining pot, wrapped its long tail around Yumo's hand that was about to slash the second knife, but it was useless, Taotie's ability was superior to it, it was just a mantis arm blocking cars, not only it, other The same is true for people.

Facing Yu Mo, who has turned into a Valkyrie, no one here can be her opponent.

Taotie also wanted to stop, but it was already attached to Yu Mo's body, and Yu Mo's consciousness was above it, unless it broke away, it could only obey orders.

"Girl, wake up!"

Yumo couldn't hear its voice, another voice was in his mind, cold and bloodthirsty.

Destroy them, ruin everything you can see.

Her head was hurting, but she couldn't resist, so she could only raise her hand again, Taotie's demon power had been used by her, and now she was a demon with powerful demon power.

Bu Jie rushed over, sweating profusely to heal Mei Luo.

Cang Wu guarded the front, looking up at Yu Mo floating in the sky, the word terrible can no longer describe her, she is no longer that useless girl, she has become a female devil who can destroy the dog realm in one fell swoop.

Bai Yu succeeded, and this became a catastrophe for the dog monster clan. If she is not killed, the whole clan will be wiped out.

No one expected that things would turn out like this, and they couldn't figure out which link went wrong. The sudden killing made everyone panic.

Rescue, or defeat the enemy first?

The king was seriously injured and comatose, unable to command the overall situation, Cang Wu was the Great Elder, the head of all officials, so he became the one who could command the overall situation.



"Cavalry array!"


Bai Fang straightened his face, raised his hand and took out the whistle in his sleeve. After it blew, the monster cavalry who were in charge of guarding various parts of the palace gathered, and Jifu in silver uniform was the leader.

Under her crotch is a monster dog that is very similar to the Tuntian dog. It is white in color and named Haoyue. Behind her are Adai and Ah Mo who are also riding a monster dog.

"Listen to my orders, vanguard!"

"Yes, Master Wan!"

There was a clatter of hooves, and the cavalry vanguard with only 100 people was as imposing as a thousand troops.

Ji Fu arrived quickly with an array, meeting Yu Mo's eyes in mid-air, never thought that meeting again would be like this.

Li Wang looked at the situation in front of him, and it was impossible to stop it. No matter who Yu Mo used to be, she is now an enemy of the dog monster clan.

"Your Highness, where do you want to help?"

Ning Yi and Ning Bao beside him were protecting him, waiting for him to give an order.

"Do you think she needs our help?"

Now Yu Mo alone can defeat ten thousand armies, if he goes up, she will kill him also when she is delirious.

Bai Yu's move was too ruthless, one soldier and one soldier could not get out, and the blood in the stool washed the entire dog monster clan.

All of them underestimated the enemy.

"Yi'er, you know more about poison than I do, but do you know what kind of poison she has?"

Such a drastic change in her temperament must be related to the poison she suffered from. If she can find out what the poison is and find a way to get rid of it, she will be able to break the current crisis.

"Ning Yi doesn't know, the poison that usually controls people's hearts is absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect. I'm afraid it's mixed with demon power. To detoxify, I'm afraid you have to kill the person who poisoned it."

As soon as Li Wang heard it, he knew that there was no hope of detoxification, the person who poisoned must be Bai Yu, but he is not here, how to kill him.

Shudu released the Haotian Tower, hesitating which side to help, he wanted to help Yumo, but he couldn't get close to her.

Cang Wu was very good at arranging troops. After the cavalry vanguard arrived, he immediately ordered the infantry to encircle and attack, led by Huang Hua.

The situation was about to explode, and Zhulong was worried that the situation would become out of control, so he said to everyone: "Don't fight, the girl is human, she can't be possessed by Taotie for a long time, just wait for a cup of tea, and she will be happy." effect will be lifted."

On Mount Sumeru, Yu Mo opened her mind for the first time, which is the time for a cup of tea. The longer the time, the greater the burden on her body will be. In this matter, his responsibility is to protect the dog monster clan, even for a second, there will be countless deaths and injuries under such monster power, and he must not take the risk of waiting for this cup of tea.

If it is not lifted, wouldn't it be a lost opportunity to subdue the enemy.

Zhulong found that persuasion was ineffective, and no one was willing to listen to it. He had already fallen into the fear of Yumo's previous attack and regarded it as an enemy.

For now, I can only figure out a way by myself.

"Listen, you can't beat that girl, she is now a glutton, and the only one who can block her attack is me, all of you back off, I will find a way to fight her until she is relieved."

After finishing speaking, it flew towards Yumo.

Bai Fang thought that with Zhulong's help, he had a great chance of winning, but he couldn't really listen to it and do nothing. He should take advantage of Zhulong's main attack and assist from the side to take down the female devil leader in one fell swoop.

Cang Wu hesitated.

"Elder Cangwu, don't miss this opportunity, she is the one who hurt the king."

This is a serious crime, even if it is caused by poisoning, it is an unforgivable crime. White Fang is so aggressive, so it is naturally selfish. As long as this female devil is eliminated, then his granddaughter can naturally become the queen.

In fact, this is not selfishness. From the standpoint of the ethnic group, this woman is a disaster. The beast may be expensive, but it is not as important as the safety of the entire clan.

White Fang clasped his fists and shouted, "Elder, give the order!"

Bu Jie is a royal family, but now he can't take care of these things, Mei Luo is seriously injured, his heart is hurt, he is the only one who can save him in the whole dog world, and he doesn't care about Yu Mo's affairs at all.

The bleeding has stopped, but part of the heart has been broken, and it will take at least ten years to recover.

Lin Lang stepped forward, "Elder, Miss is poisoned, as long as the poison is can..."

Bai Fang glared at the past, "You also have an unshirkable responsibility in this situation. You don't want to pay for your sins, but you want to help the enemy. Your heart is damnable."

Linlang knew that she was to blame. She still didn't understand how Yumo's poisoning happened. She would not shirk her responsibility and was ready to be punished. Enemy, she can't do it.

Because no one knows better than her what kind of person Yu Mo is. When she wakes up and realizes what she has done, she will definitely be the saddest person.

"My lord, please listen to Lin Lang's words..."

"Needless to say, if this woman is not eliminated, she will definitely be the scourge of my dog ​​monster clan in the future."

Bai Fang was determined to kill Yu Mo, and now he is waiting for Cang Wu's decision.

Cang Wu didn't hesitate for too long, he was leaning toward Bai Ya, and he looked at things from the perspective of the ethnic group, unlike Lin Lang who more or less mixed emotions in it, for the safety of the ethnic group, things like emotion It will only be cumbersome.

"Order the whole army to attack!"

Lin Lang was startled, "Elder, Miss is Wang's beloved."

"Children's affection has always been a taboo for the king. You don't need to say more, if you want to resist orders, you will be guilty of treason."

His ruthless words shocked Lin Lang's face, she was guilty of treason, and wanted to punish the nine clans, how dare she resist.

At this time, Zhulong and Yumo were already fighting fiercely, the demonic forces collided with each other, the air was rubbed loudly, the sky was thundering, lightning appeared and appeared like a snake dancing, crackling, and thunder bursts in the distance, shaking the ground below There are endless cracks in the ground, and there is almost no place to stand.

Jifu had surrounded Yumo according to the order, but she didn't dare to get too close. The power of Zhulong and Taotie had spread too much, and approaching rashly was tantamount to death.

Zhulong couldn't beat Taotie, but was just holding on. After being slapped, it bounced and rolled several times. It wiped the blood stains from the corners of its mouth, let out a long laugh, and its brows were full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

"Gaotie, I have known you for tens of thousands of years, and I have never fought like this. This time, my wish is over."

The Taotie attached to Yumo's body is gnashing its teeth, the candle dragon is its weapon, and it is also a friend, it is thousands of people who don't want to hurt it.

"Girl, wake up, it's almost time for a cup of tea, if you go any further, your body will not be able to bear it, and you will die."

Yu Mo didn't respond, and the murderous maniac continued to attack Zhulong.

Underneath the murderous look, the ground has been so damaged that it can't see its original appearance. The soil is flying, like a farmland that has been planed, and suddenly a dirty little thing drilled out. It bared its teeth and roared at Candle Dragon, because Far away, I couldn't hear what it was roaring.

"Furball, dangerous!"

Dorji came out of the place where the ground was flying, and he sucked out a mouthful of dirt in a disheveled face, and hugged the crazy furball into his arms.

White Fang flew over with fifty cavalrymen. When Mao Qiu saw him, he pouted his butt vigorously and farted at him, which showed that he hated him very much.

It's a pity that it usually eats medicinal herbs, and the fart it emits smells of medicinal herbs, which doesn't have the effect it should have at all.

Apart from fifty cavalrymen behind Bai Fang, there was also a boundless body of guards, and a mass of black heads poured in. It seemed that he was planning to use crowd tactics.

"Squads three and four outflank, teams one and two attack head-on, and the others cover!"


Duoji was squeezed into the crowd and shouted: "You are not allowed to hurt sister."

"Go away!"

A guard kicked him, he was brought by Yu Mo, and now he is no different from an enemy.

"My sister is a good person, she was used by others."

Whoever listens to him has long been dominated by fear, and resistance has become a different kind.

"He is an accomplice of the female devil, kill him."

Dorje was surrounded, sharp weapons were pointed at him, and he was forced to retreat step by step.

"Duoji!" Ning Yi flew over, protected him, and led him away from the encirclement of the guards.

"Let go of me, I want to save my sister."

"Shut up, what are you going to do to save him? The impulsive end is the same as just now. If you want to die, I won't stop you, but don't die in front of me." Ning Yi knocked him on the head hard.

At Mount Sumeru, Duoji had a companion, and he was considered a comrade-in-arms, and Ning Yi would not see him die.

"Sister will be killed by them." Duoji cried while clutching his head.

Ning Yi pointed to Yu Mo, "Look, will she be killed? On the contrary, if you are not killed by the guards, you will be killed by her."

At this moment, Yu Mo has regarded everyone except herself as an enemy, and everyone close to her has become a bloody corpse.

As soon as Bai Fang's men approached, she was stimulated, and the huge monster sword fell down like a collapsed mountain, instantly scattered the besieging army, and they were all blown away, the monster gas cut their flesh, As if the skin had been peeled off, the muscles and bones were exposed, oozing blood, floating in the air, like a sea of ​​blood that tossed the river, and the ups and downs were screams of pain.

Zhulong said angrily, "Whoever asked you to come, get the hell out of here!"

This is not helping, it is dishelping.

White Fang stubbornly refused to allow anyone to retreat.

"Come on, kill the female devil!"


The wind was slashing and roaring towards Yu Mo's army. The roar was full of blood and even more murderous. The army surrounded Yu Mo tightly, with expressions of common hatred and hatred on their faces, and the momentum was like a rainbow. retreat.

Jifu's cavalry was the vanguard, and at the forefront, she jumped up and attacked Yumo.

The swords of the two collided, and wherever the monster power went, it was like two giant snakes, one red and one black twisted together, but she was not Yu Mo's opponent, and she soon lost the wind.

Seeing this, White Fang flew forward.

Yu Mo's empty eyes were devoid of emotion, it was completely like killing a god when meeting a god, or killing a Buddha when meeting a Buddha, no matter who came.

The giant knife fell...


Wherever the black flames passed, howls and crumbs of flesh flew together, and hot blood filled the sky.

Zhulong was also injured, and it was horrified to find that the time for a cup of tea had passed, and instead of being exposed to the power of Kaishen, she became more and more courageous as she fought.

How could this be so! ?
If this goes on, she will die too.

"Gaotie, find a way to release the Kaishen."

Taotie wanted to get rid of it long ago, but it found that its ability was completely controlled.

"Girl, wake up!" it roared.

Yu Mo still didn't respond, like a battle-hardened master, he continued to defeat the enemy, but the side effects of Taotie's possession for too long had already appeared, his body was not harmed, but blood was oozing out.

She felt no pain.

Under her demon power that could split the air, there were many casualties again.

Seeing this tragic situation, Bai Fang's heart began to tremble. If this continues, there will only be more and more casualties.

Jifu pushed away the corpse that was pressing on her body, kicked away the severed limbs hanging from her legs, and killed them again. She was already covered in blood, and her face was covered with splattered pieces of flesh.

Adai and Amo charged forward with her, fighting hard and not falling.

Jin Ji also wanted to fight the enemy, but she was more concerned about Qingyin's safety, and there were more and more wounded around her, so she had to help rescue them first.

Li Wang looked at the chaotic battle, hesitated for a moment, and decided to save people, one less death is one, otherwise when the girl wakes up, she might commit suicide and apologize.

Like him, Shu Du couldn't stop dealing with Yu Mo, so he could only help save people. He has the Haotian Tower, and he can save more people than King Li.

Security near the water cage is Ziyi flying high. The battlefield has already spread here. During the commotion, Heiyi and others have already broken in. It's not that the barrier of the dog realm has been broken, but that they have already obtained the entry. The enchantment talisman of the Dog Realm Palace.

Qingshan personally fights, and fights with Heiyi.

Hui Wing is in charge of saving people. At this time, there are not many people in the way of saving people, because most of them are dealing with Yu Mo.

Lord Baiyu's plan succeeded, and the effect was beyond expectations. If he sent troops to attack the dog monster clan, he would be able to wipe them out. However, the night falcon clan is controlled by the blackbird, so they couldn't send any troops. Although this good opportunity was missed , but under such a big battle, the dog monster clan must be seriously injured, and it can be regarded as achieving its goal.

Next up is...

Hui Wing looked at Yu Mo in the distance, she was floating in the air, her golden-red armor was stained with blood, and blood was dripping when the skirt fluttered, she seemed to be tired of killing, she opened her palm and used demon power I sucked a bunch of them and kept shaking them.


Those people grabbed each other and practiced a line, fluttering in the wind.

In the rain of blood on the battlefield, this scene is a bit funny, but no one can laugh, they only think she is more terrifying.

The fur ball in Duoji's arms suddenly struggled and jumped to the ground, jumped onto the swaying human-connected 'line', and ran towards Yu Mo as if walking on flat ground.

"Maoqiu, come back, it's dangerous!" Duoji shouted from below, and wanted to follow, but was trapped by Ning Yi.

The fur ball rushed towards Yu Mo, "Mom...Mom..."

Yu Mo slapped it flying, but it was not discouraged and tried to get closer again.

Perhaps because of its small body, it found the right gap, escaped the second slap, jumped onto her shoulder, then slid down her shoulder to her right wrist, and opened its mouth to bite.

Yumo shook his hand vigorously, but it was thumping, but would not let it go.

The teeth were embedded in the flesh of her right wrist, like a fire, which made her growl, her heart seemed to be scalded, and her whole body was hot, so the frenzied killing stopped.

In an instant, Yumo vomited a mouthful of thick black blood. The thick blood floated in the air, turning into countless worms, twisting their bodies, making a buzzing sound, and then gathered into a big snake-like worm.

Seeing this, Hui Wing turned pale with fright, what is this little beast?How can break the adult's poisonous Gu.

When Maoqiu saw the big worm, he jumped over it, bit it, and started biting with it.

The big worm twisted and swayed, and was bitten by it so that blood oozes out, screaming again and again.

The horns of the hairball that have not yet grown up, flashed a light, and shone on it, and it stopped moving, as if it was frozen, and only made the last dying struggle, swaying the worm tail,
Everyone saw this scene, and it was extremely inexplicable.

Suddenly, Yu Mo couldn't control his floating body, fell to the ground, knelt down on the ground, covering his head, looking extremely painful, the effect of Kaishen slowly dissipated, Taotie escaped, and returned to the demon refining pot.

Seeing this, White Fang stabbed with the sword in his hand.

No one was as fast as him, and when she was about to be pierced through the chest by u, a figure flew over and blocked her.

The long sword pierced the flesh and blood, making the sound of bones breaking, and blood flying.

Seeing it, Ziying let out a cry of blood, "Lin Lang!"

Lin Lang stood upright, her chest had been pierced by Bai Fang's sword, and she held the sword firmly on her chest.

White Fang looked at her in shock, "You..."

Lin Lang used her demon power to bounce him away. After shaking him a few times, she looked back at Yu Mo with a smile on her face.


Yu Mo covered her head and opened her eyes, the pupils were no longer empty

Hearing this sound, Lin Lang was relieved, "Miss finally recognizes someone."

Yu Mo didn't know what happened at all, his eyes were fixed, and he saw the sword on her chest.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you!?" She knelt and crawled to go over.

Lin Lang stopped her, "Miss, hurry... let's go!"

"Auntie, what happened..." When she looked up, she was surrounded, and all the dog monsters looked at her angrily.

Shu Du appeared and hugged her up.

She yelled, "Shudu, what are you doing?"

"I'll tell you later, you can't stay here now!"

It's good to wake up, but it's gone.


Lin Lang smiled gracefully, just like when she first met her, she was still the graceful Aunt Lin Lang with fluttering skirts, as elegant as before.

Yu Mo was carried forward by Ren Shudu, getting farther and farther away from her, and when she met her gaze, she felt as if she was swaying like willow silk like flying catkins.

In the rain of blood on the battlefield, Lin Lang fell down smiling, looking up at the blue sky...


Lin Lang can finally come to serve you.

Lin Lang, worthy of heaven and earth!

In the world of mountains and seas, the ninth year of the sky, the fifteenth day of the moon of water, this is a day recorded in the annals of history by the dog monster clan, and it is also the darkest day since the dog monster clan became a clan, known as the black catastrophe in history.

300 people were killed, 120 were injured, and the territory was almost completely destroyed.

Wang was seriously injured, and his life and death are uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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