The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 377 Part 1401 Wanting to Die

Chapter 377 Part 140
A month later-

Sirius Realm, Spring Island.

This is a completely different place from the Dogland. There is no sea and no bright sun. The island is suspended high and hidden in the hazy mist. It is like an island in a fairyland. If there is some distance, when there is fog in the morning, you will not be able to see the existence of other islands.

Here, the brook is tinkling, a hundred flowers are blooming, the mountains are green, the water is green, and the trees are full of flowers and green branches and green leaves. They look like they have just taken a bath, and they look green and colorful.

The palace in the center of the island has become a disharmonious existence in this beautiful scenery, not because it is dilapidated, nor because it is dark, but because the people who live in it have lost all their brilliance, and are in a trance all day long, looking like ashen ashes.

No matter morning or evening, the hall is completely dark, with no lights, no life, no cheers, and no laughter.

As a result, its bleakness is in stark contrast to the revival of everything outside.

It's like a haunted house!
Shudu walked over along the cable bridge connecting Qiudao to Chundao, and the girl serving in the palace saw her and rushed to greet her.


He nodded, glanced into the hall, and asked, "Miss, have you eaten yet?"

The girl Ah Jin shook her head.

"What about the water?"

She still shook her head.

Shu Du frowned, his face instantly became gloomy and ugly, he kicked him up, "What use are you for!"

Ah Jin's legs softened, and she fell to her knees on the ground, "My lord, forgive me!"

"Go, find Shiyu over here."

"Yes!" Ah Jin scrambled and ran towards the cable bridge.

Shu Du entered the hall, and the windshield curtains covered the windows tightly, and also blocked the light. If it wasn't for some light leaking in when the hall door was opened, there would be darkness inside, and he didn't stop. After walking a few steps, he got used to the darkness, found the door of the inner hall familiarly, and pushed it open.

The inner hall was even darker, there was no light at all, but it didn't hinder his movement. He walked to the bed and stretched out his hand to lift the bed curtain.

There was a person lying on the bed, although it was very warm weather, but she was wrapped in a quilt, with her head and face buried in it.

Suddenly, the bed moved, and a little furry thing came out, its silver eyes were amazingly bright even in the dark, it glanced at Shudu, ignored it, and went back again.

Shu Du stretched out his hand, trying to lift the quilt, but the people under the quilt quickly avoided it and squeezed into the bed.

He sighed, and slowly sat on the edge of the bed. He didn't speak for a long time, and the people in the bed didn't move at all.

In the darkness, the sound of petals falling outside can be heard silently.

"King, Lord Shigure is here!"

Shi Yu, the number one wizard of the wolf demon tribe, and Bu Jie are also known as the two masters of wizards. He is two hundred years older than Bu Jie, and he is exactly seven hundred years old this year. He looks about 27 or [-] years old, with flowing black hair. The most eye-catching part of him is blacker than ink and brighter than satin. His hair hangs down to his knees, as if a black cloak has been draped over him. His hair will be slicked at any time. He was so bald that a fly could slip on it, and any woman who saw his hair would be ashamed of herself, and would even want to cut it off and make it into a fake headgear to wear on her forehead.

His skin is like jade, with his own unique ethereal and handsome, a pair of bright and clear, light blue eyes, always glowing with a soft and warm light, born with a water drop of red mole impartially born in the center of the eyebrows, White clothes and black hair, both clothes and hair are flowing and flowing, sometimes it looks like Guanyin came to the world.

"Chen Shiyu, see the king."

"No, hurry up and come to see a doctor."

Shi Yu stood still.

Shu Du raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Come here yet!"

Shi Yu had a troubled expression on his face: "I must obey the king's order, but can I drive that little beast away first?"

"Little bastard?"

"It's the little beast that is grinning at the minister." Shi Yu pointed to the little thing that came out of the bed again at some point.

When the little thing saw Shiyu, his eyes glowed, and he looked salivating at his hair, his teeth were all exposed, and he kicked his hind hooves a few times before he was about to fly over.

Shu Du quickly caught it, "Maoqiu, don't make trouble!"

The fur ball was thumping its hooves, but it was small and lacked strength, so it couldn't break free from Shudu's grip.

"Ah Jin took it down."

Ah Jin stepped forward to catch the fur ball, but the fur ball struggled desperately, probably knowing that she couldn't make it, so she turned her head and yelled at the bed, "Mom...Mom..."

The quilt is silent, as if there is no one inside, just a dummy piled up with pillows.

Shi Yu avoids the fur ball in Ah Jin's hand, and is very wary of it. The first time they met, this little beast gnawed off a section of his proud hair, causing him to feel distressed for more than half a month.

"My lord, the lights here are blind and blind, and I can't see the patient's condition clearly, can I hold the light?"

Ah Jin embraced the struggling hairball and said, "Master Shigure, Miss doesn't like light, and she will lose her temper whenever there is light."

Shi Yu pursed her lips, and with the light from the entrance of the hall, squinted to look at the quilt at the corner of the bed.

"Then feel the pulse first!" He stretched out his hand.

The people in the bed were obviously unwilling, and no matter how much they pulled the corner of the bed, they couldn't find her hand.

"Wang, she doesn't want to!"

Shu hugged the whole quilt into his arms without any haste. The people inside did not struggle, but they refused to get out of the quilt. The quilt was torn.

Jin was no match for his strength, and with a hiss, it turned into rags, and the cotton wool inside flew out.

Without the wrapping of the quilt, there was no way to hide the people inside. Due to the darkness, her face could not be seen clearly, only a faint outline could be discerned. She was quite thin, like a skeleton.

Shu Du grabbed her hand and handed it to Shi Yu.

"No... want to..." She finally had a voice, but she spoke weakly, as if she would faint if she said one more word.

She desperately wanted to withdraw her hand, but Shu refused to let him hold it tightly, and said distressedly: "Momo, it's been a month, you can't do this anymore!"

She trembled for a moment, but still refused to do so, "Let go... let go!"

Shu Du was so anxious that her eyes were bloodshot. During the month when she came to the Heavenly Wolf Realm, she closed herself, kept silent, and huddled here, living like a walking corpse. Although he saved her life, he could not redeem her. her heart.

She blamed herself, felt guilty, and heartbroken, and her body also deteriorated. When she was in a daze, she could force her to eat. When she was awake, she would be like this, hiding on the bed and not moving.

He has tried all the methods, but none of them are effective for her. If this continues, she will starve herself to death.

"Mo Mo, it's not your fault, it's Bai Yu, you did those things because you were poisoned by him, you don't need to blame yourself, and you don't need to be sad, anyone who knows you will know that it was not your original intention!"

"" She hadn't eaten or drank for many days, her lips were chapped, and her throat was extremely hoarse due to lack of moisture. When she spoke, it was like a handful of sand was stuffed in her throat. , If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear what she is saying.

She killed so many people that she was terrified.

How many people were hurt by her?

She looked at her right hand, but she couldn't see it brightly or dimly. She still saw the blood stained on her hand. They meandered and flowed around her to form a river. The red blood hurt her eyes. It was these hands. Killed and wounded thousands of people, she has never been afraid of blood, but at the moment she is terrified, as long as she sees something red, she will tremble all over her body, so she closes the window and draws the curtains, she does not want to see any colored things thing.

What was even more frightening was that she could clearly feel the heat and stickiness when her fingers passed through the flesh, as well as the powerful beating when she touched the heart. This feeling still lingers on her fingertips until now.

That beating rhythm is familiar to her, it is the heartbeat that she can hear with only one ear in many nights.

It's Meiluo's heartbeat!

But she stabbed his chest with her own hand... She suddenly shook her hand, her whole body began to tremble, then she put her hand into her mouth and bit it hard.

Shu Du was startled, and hurriedly pulled her hand out of her mouth, but it was too late, she had already bitten her finger, and her mouth was covered with blood.

When she tasted the smell of blood, she also shed tears, crying silently, obviously wanting to yell, but she couldn't make a sound.

"Shigu, hurry up!"

Shi Yu took out the gauze and ointment from the medicine box, quickly bandaged her, and felt the pulse.

After a while, he bowed to the capital of Shu and said, "Your Majesty, prepare for the funeral."

Ah Jin gasped in shock, let go of her hand in shock, the fur ball fell out of her hand, and flung itself onto the bed.

Shu Du jumped up and cursed, "Nonsense! If you dare to speak nonsense again, I'll kill you right away. If you don't hurry up, prescribe medicine."

Shi Yu was calm, and said coldly: "A person who wants to die with all his heart, what kind of medicine do he need?"

"Where's your health pill?"

She was able to survive until now without starving to death because of Shi Yu's health pills, which he had dissolved in water and fed her several times.

"My minister's health pills are only given to those who want to live, as much as they want, but for this kind of cowardly person who wants to die, there is no one." Bodhisattva's face, but the eyes are indifferent as if looking at an ant.

"Asshole, she just can't think about it!"

"Unfortunately is not a reason to die." As a wizard, his duty is to save people, and what he values ​​most is life, and what he despises the most is this kind of person who treats life like a joke.

"Shi Yu, bring it!" Shu Du got angry, and stretched out his hand to ask for it with a ferocious face.

"Wang can find someone else to ask for it!"

"This is your unique secret recipe. Looking at the entire mountain and sea world, who will have it?"

Yangsheng Pills can be said to be Shi Yu's signature, if they are sold, each pill will cost at least ten Juezhu.

Shi Yu flicked his hands, "It's used up, I didn't do it!"

"You..." Shu Du was furious, "Don't think that I dare not touch you because you are a great wizard."

"The king can do whatever he wants!"

"Brat!" Shu Du kicked him.

Shi Yu stood extremely steady, motionless.

"Shu... Shu..."

Yu Mo's voice was so breathless that even calling her name took a few breaths.

"Momo, what's the matter, is it uncomfortable?"

"Don't..." Because of the darkness, she couldn't actually see Shigure, so she could only follow the voice.

Shu understood what she meant, "Don't plead with this kid, he's so cowardly he won't even listen to my orders, what's the use of him, come here..."

Yu Mo hurriedly grabbed his sleeve, "No... don't blame... blame him... it's... it's me... cough cough cough..."

Her body was already very weak, and she had to use almost all her strength to speak. She didn't want anyone to die because of her, so she fainted and coughed continuously.

"Moment!" Shu Du patted her back anxiously and distressedly.

She coughed violently, and it was a dry cough. Every time she coughed, her lungs hurt.

"Ah Jin, get some water!"

Ah Jin brought the water over.

"Momo, drink some water, it will make you feel better." Shu Du took the cup to feed her.

Yu Mo turned his head away, coughed and pushed away.

"Silence!" Besides calling her name, Shu Du was so anxious that he didn't know what to do or say.

He has forced, fed, and even threatened Fuqiu's life, but it is useless. He is at the end of his wits. Every time she comes, she will lose weight. He is really afraid that she will suddenly lose her breath.

He eagerly hugged her into his arms, "What exactly do you want? Tell me, no matter what it is, I will help you do it. Go up the mountain of swords, go down into the sea of ​​fire, whatever you want, I will give you."

She doesn't want anything, because time will not go back, and what has happened cannot be changed, she just wants to use this life to make amends.

Shi Yu couldn't stand it anymore, picked up a mirror on the dressing table not far away and rushed over, pulled Yu Mo from Shu Du's arms, flicked his sleeves, the demon power lit the candles in the hall, and the whole hall was lit up Now, he put the mirror in front of her eyes, forcing her to raise her head to see herself clearly inside.

"Take a good look at yourself, this is you now, do you think you shouldn't live in this world, then go to hell, this is an empty island, you can just find a place to jump off, no one will Stop you, if the king is not protecting you, I wish I could kill you directly, there are many poor people in the world, do you think you are the only one, or do you really like this miserable appearance, let me tell you You, I don't sympathize with you at all. If you have the ability to take revenge, you will perish with your enemies. What kind of little white flowers are you pretending to be here? Because the king likes you, can you have no scruples? If you want to die, die far away from me , I feel sick just looking at you."

"Shi Yu!" Shu Du roared, wanting to take Yu Mo back from his arms.

"Am I wrong? If she wants to die, let her die." Without letting go, he pulled Yu Mo back and shook her vigorously, "Have you heard what I said? It's not easy to want to die. Smear your neck, hang yourself, and starve to death, I think you are so stupid that there is no need to live."

Yu Mo was like a broken doll, whose skeleton seemed to be falling apart after being shaken by him.

Shu Du was so angry that he unleashed his demonic power and slashed at him with a single palm, "I'll kill you bastard!"

Shi Yu was not weak either, he also released his monster power to block the palm.

"I'm not finished yet!"

"You dare to say a word and try!"

Ah Jin who was on the side looked terrified, and subconsciously retreated towards the door.

If something goes wrong, the Great Elder must be quickly found.

Yumo retched uncomfortably, and her body began to convulse. She hugged herself with her arms around her chest, and Fuqiu looked at her sobbingly. She probably knew that Shiyu had bullied it, so she opened her mouth and helped Shudu fight. When it rains.

"Little bastard, you bit my hair again, let go!"

The furball was like a crazy puppy, crawling on his shoulders, tossing his head and tearing at his hair.

Shu Du and Shi Yu had already gotten into a fight in the hall, and the roof was almost pierced.

"I asked to save her, not for you to provoke her." Shu Du punched him in the face.

Shi Yu spat out blood and also punched, "This kind of woman deserves to die."

Shu dodged it, and punched him again, "Damn you!"

Fuqiu didn't show any weakness, and tousled his hair with his hoof.

"Little beast, come down for me. If you don't come down again, I will kill you and make soup."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Howled the furball.

Shu Du took the opportunity to kick it over, "You dare to touch it! I think it is more useful than you."

"Isn't it just detoxification, I know, the king doesn't need to repeat it again."

Even he couldn't get rid of the poison in Yumo, but this little beast has a way, the reason is unknown.

The bronze mirror brought by Shi Yu fell on the bed, under the bright lights, Yu Mo lowered his head and saw himself in the mirror. Although the mirror was not made of mercury, it was a bit blurry, but it still reflected her face.

The cheeks are sunken, the eye circles are black, the complexion is gray, the skin of the lips is so white that a slap can cover the whole face, and the dry hair is all over the head. She is no longer the fresh and fresh girl. , like an old woman, a dying old woman, this is not entirely caused by hunger, part of the reason is that the poison in her body has not been cleaned, and there is a heavy sense of guilt and guilt.

Shi Yu's words were harsh and vicious enough, but she listened to them all.

Is this her now?

Is this what she wants?
If death can solve the problem, why is she not dead yet.

Her eyes became hot, and tears fell on the bronze mirror, blurring her vision, and in the dimness, she saw another face.


I really want to see you, but I hurt you and killed so many of your clansmen.

You must hate me, right?

 The currency in Shanhaijie is divided into Luozhu, Kezhu, and the highest grade of Juezhu. The currency is in hundreds, and 100 Luozhu is equivalent to 1 Kezhu, and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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