The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 378 Part 141 The Poison of Huodara

Chapter 378 Part 141 The Poison of Huodara

When Meng Ji, the great elder of the wolf monster clan, heard that Shudu was fighting with Shiyu, he immediately left government affairs behind and rushed over, accompanied by Ning Yi.

"It's really more worry-free than the other!" When Meng Ji said this, his old face twisted together, and he was about to cry.

A month ago, Shudu brought back Yu Mo, who was poisoned and unconscious. Because of this incident, the dog monsters and wolf monsters almost fought each other, and the dog monsters still come from time to time to ask them to hand over their people.

He also wanted to make friends, but Shu refused, and with the matter of Queen Qiluo, some members of the wolf monster clan were quite gloating, and they all stood on the side of the capital of Shu.The wolf monster clan is not afraid of war, and this battle cannot be fought, because Princess Lexian is still in the dog realm, and Shu didn't care about her when she didn't come back, and the dog monster clan didn't take her as a hostage, and the food is still delicious Let me tell you, as long as Princess Le Xian is not pushed to the forefront, this battle will definitely not be fought. I am afraid that the dog monster clan does not have the ability to fight them now.

It's interesting enough that the wolf monster clan didn't fall into trouble, but it's just that they couldn't swallow the fact that Queen Qiluo married the dog monster king back then, and used it to anger the dog monster clan.

Furthermore, the wolf monsters don't like to bully the weak, they are extremely loyal to the king, and they also love the weak. Even if their own king is an incompetent person, they will still be loyal to the death. For the king to share his worries and make up for the king's shortcomings.

Because of this, the wolf monster clan has always been strong, no matter how dissatisfied they are, they will unite closely to create the glory of the clan, and they will never betray their hearts, especially when it comes to the matter of Queen Qiluo.

As long as they are people that Shu wants to protect, they will protect them, but Meng Ji is also worried to death. On the booth, such a king who has nothing to do, he can't tell. Ning Yi stretched out his hand to help him, he would have a big head fall.

"Elder, don't worry!"

"Thank you Miss Ning."

"You're welcome!" Ning Yi withdrew his hand when he stood still.

She came to Sirius Realm to deliver a letter, Li Wang's letter, Li Wang did not leave the Dog Realm after Yu Mo ravaged, and for his own convenience, he would send messages to Shudu from time to time during this month.

The dog monster clan encountered a catastrophe and needed his help very much. He also rescued many members of the dog monster clan during the catastrophe. His status is equal to that of a benefactor. One more friend is better than one more enemy. His private affairs, The dog monster clan also turned a blind eye.

Dogland is now under martial law throughout the territory. Because of the heavy casualties, I am very worried about the invasion of foreign races. The barrier has changed from three levels to six levels. People from the enchantment mansion will guard the barrier every day, and cavalry from the war beast mansion and the monster army Patrol day and night, it is really not easy for her to get out of such tight guards this time, and she must go back as soon as possible, no matter how the dog monsters turn a blind eye, there is a bottom line, she and Li Wang can't do too much, he has to be careful, otherwise he may be kicked out of the dog realm.

Before I even thought about it, I heard about the fight between the capital of Shu and the great wizard of the clan.

As expected, the wolf monster tribe is united regardless of the monarch and ministers, and the courtiers fight with the king. This is absolutely impossible in the fox monster tribe. She finally understood how the bold and somewhat silly character of Shudu came from. that's it.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the gate of Chundao's palace, the roof burst through with a bang, and Shudu and Shiyu fought fiercely in the air.

When he saw it fiercely, his beard flew up with anger.

"Stop me!"

When Shi Yu heard his voice, his face immediately turned pale, and he wanted to stop, but under the attack of Shu Du, it was a bit difficult to stop.

"Elder, it's not me who wants to fight, it's the king who won't let me go!"

Shu Du yelled: "I won't let you go because you deserve to be beaten."

"Wang, don't stop now. Are you going to piss off the old minister?" After speaking, Meng Ji coughed in response to the occasion, as if he was about to vomit blood.

Surprised, Shu Du immediately withdrew his hand and fell to the ground, "Old Meng, are you okay?"

Meng Ji raised his head and slapped him on the forehead, "As a king, how can you use force at will, or fight with your courtiers, have you read all your books for nothing?"

Ning Yi's eyes widened as she watched Meng Ji slap Shudu on the head vigorously. She was becoming more and more unable to understand the relationship between the wolf monster clan's monarchs and ministers, and felt that Meng Ji was courting death.

No matter how bad the king is, he can't be taught like this.

But Shu Du didn't get angry at all, and let him slap violently on the forehead, and didn't make a sound when he got red.

"Is the king going to become a foolish king for a woman!"

"This has nothing to do with Mo Mo... oh, Mo Mo..." He was so busy fighting, he even forgot about her.

He pushed Meng Ji away and hurried back.

Meng Ji was pushed backward by him, but luckily Shi Yu was there to support him in time, "Elder, be careful!"

"You're also a careless person." Meng Ji probably became addicted to patting his forehead, so he didn't let it go when he saw it, and slapped Shi Yu's head vigorously.

"I'm just telling the truth!"

"I don't care what you're talking about?" Meng Ji roared, blowing his beard and staring at his eyes, his whole body was hysterical.

"Elder, stop beating, your brains are blown out."

"How dare you talk back!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, I won't say it, just fight and calm down."

Meng Ji was not polite, he slapped, slapped, and hit three more times, until he was out of breath before stopping.

Ning Yi at the side was already stunned.

In the hall, Yu Mo was in a daze, Shu Du shouted a few times but didn't respond, he got anxious and yelled for Shi Yu to come in.

Shi Yu is not willing to enter, caressing the red and swollen face, still angry.

Meng Ji raised his foot and kicked him in, "You can come in as soon as I let you in, what's so pretentious?"

"He beat me!"

"I still hit you."

Snapped!He got another slap on the back of the head.

"You can pet it, what do you think the king pets like?"

"Can you come in?" Meng Ji raised his hand again.

Shi Yu resigned to his fate and reluctantly entered the inner hall.

"what happened again?"

"She didn't respond!"

"Troublesome woman!" Shi Yu muttered in his heart, shaking his hands in front of Yu Mo's eyes, "Woman, wake up, did you hear me, don't pretend to be pitiful..."

The back of the hard-working head was hit again, but it wasn't from Meng Ji, it was from Shudu.

"Speak well!"

Seeing Yu Mo's appearance, Meng Ji's heart skipped a beat, how did this nice girl become like this.

It wasn't just him who was shocked, but also Ning Yi who followed in.

"Miss, why do you look like this?" She has a good impression of Yumo. Although she doesn't have much contact with her, she knows that she is a good girl who is righteous and kind. Demon King, how did you take care of her?"

"Who are you, who made you yell here."

Shi Yu perfectly interpreted the character of the wolf demon protecting the weak. He completely forgot about his behavior just now, why he just yelled and beat his own king.

"Get out of the way!" Ning Yi stretched out her hand to feel Yu Mo's pulse.

She's not a wizard, but she's learned some.

After this diagnosis, he knew that Yu Mo's body was not in general bad condition, so he hurriedly took out the fire magic fruit he had brought, and wanted to feed Yu Mo to take it.

Shi Yu is a wizard, he would never let his patient eat something of unknown origin, so he reached out and snatched it.

"what are you doing!?"

He sniffed the Fire Demon Fruit, "Are you from the Fox Demon Clan?"

"What does it have to do with you, bring it!"

"Give it back to you!" He threw it back.

After Ning Yi got the fire magic fruit, she wanted to feed it to Yumo, but she refused to open her mouth.

"Miss, eat!"

"She won't eat!"


"Please die!"

Ning Yi turned pale with shock, and looked at Yu Mo's appearance, she was indeed in a state of wanting to die, and her heart was spinning around in a hurry, "Miss, how can you treat yourself like this, there is hope only if you live, yes, yes!" She looked at Meng Ji, "Elder!"

"Miss Ning, what's your order?"

"Will the person I brought let him come over?"

Meng Ji nodded and called Ah Jin, "Go, bring the guests."

Ah Jin took the order and ran away, and soon brought people here.

As soon as the man entered the hall, he went straight to Yumo.

"Sister, sister, I finally saw you..." Duoji raised his head with tears streaming down his face, and when he saw her appearance, his tears became more violent, like a river breaking a bank, "Sister, how did you become like this?" Already!"

When the capital of Shu took Yumo away, Duoji was left behind. Because of Yumo's relationship, his situation in the dog environment can be imagined. Fortunately, King Li protected him, and Ningyi took care of him, otherwise his little one His life is gone, but the dog monsters have regarded him as Yumo's accomplice, even if Li Wang protects him, there is no guarantee that he will not be caught and killed by the dog monsters one day, so Ning Yi secretly took him away Come out and stay by Yu Mo's side, his safety will be guaranteed.

After Yu Mo heard his voice, she moved her fingers.

"Momo?" Shu Du saw it and held her hand eagerly.


"It's me, sister, it's me, look at me!"

She shook her empty eyes, slowly focused her vision, from blurred to clear, and finally saw him.

It's really Dorje, shouldn't he be in the dog world?

Why are you here?
By the way, he is in the Dog Realm, so he must know about Mei Luo's situation.

She regained consciousness, reached out and grabbed his shoulder, "Duoji told me, how is Meiluo, is he well, is he..." Hate me, these two words, she couldn't say it out because she was afraid Hear the answer is yes.

Dorje didn't know whether to say it, but he knew what she was most worried about.

"Not very good……"

Yu Mo breathed out quickly, his body softened, and he fell backwards.

Shu Du hurriedly supported her, "Don't be afraid, he's still alive, he won't die so easily."

Because he has a correspondence with Li Wang, he is very clear about the dog environment.

"You know?" Yu Mo tightened his sleeve, "You know why you didn't tell me!"

"I want to tell you, but your body can't get better after hearing this. You don't even want to eat. How can I make you worry about the stinky dog?"

What she wants to hear is not these, what she wants to know is whether Mei Luo is well.

"How is he? Is it serious? Tell me!" She had no strength at all, but now that she had said so much at once, she couldn't breathe anymore. She clutched her chest and her face started to turn purple. .

"Mo Mo, don't worry, I will tell you, but you have to eat first, and take medicine!"

She hasn't had a drop of water for seven or eight days, and even with health pills, she has reached her limit.

"I'll eat, you have to tell me when you're done eating! Did you hear me!"

Shu Du was overjoyed, and quickly asked Shi Yu to prepare the pills, and asked Ah Jin to bring food to the kitchen.

Yu Mo was very anxious, and stuffed it into her mouth without even looking at it, but she was too weak, and she couldn't swallow even the thinnest porridge. She ate very slowly and painfully, and even vomited twice , and finally finished eating, she asked eagerly.

Shu Du didn't want to hide anything, so he told her everything.

"He was seriously injured. His heart pulse was damaged, so he couldn't concentrate his demon power. He was paralyzed on the bed and couldn't move. He just woke up ten days ago. You are hurt..." He looked at Yu Mo worriedly, afraid that what he said next would spoil his words. stimulate her.

"You said, I'm fine..." She held her trembling right hand.

"When you hurt him, the right hand was wrapped in flames. It should be a kind of poison, but it is different from the poison in yours. It traveled all over his eight meridians, causing Yuan Dan to be poisoned as well, and suffered a huge loss. It's not that he is powerful, he might have died long ago."

"Poison? What about Bujie, can he cure it?"

"I don't know what the poison is, but it's very powerful anyway. Li Wang sent me a letter and told me about the poison. I asked Shi Yu to study it, but Shi Yu didn't know how to solve it."

Yu Mo panicked, tears fell endlessly, "Give me, show me!"

Shi Yu knew the symptoms of Mei Luo's poisoning very well, and said: "My whole body is hot, like frying in a pan, the pain is so painful that every three hours, my meridians will reverse, and I will vomit blood..."

Listening to this, Yu Mo's tears flowed more fiercely.

If it is a trauma, she still has a solution, but she has never heard of this kind of symptom, and how to save it, the most clear thing is the sentence that I want to die.

Desperate to die...

How painful it is, does he think of her when he is in pain?

It was her fault, all her fault.

"Ah!" She covered her head, feeling her brain hurt badly.

"Momo!" Shu Du hugged her, "Momo, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

"My head hurts, it hurts!" Black veins appeared on her face, like several small snakes in her skin, curving and protruding, her face was very ferocious, and the faded black six-petaled flowers appeared and disappeared. Holding his right hand, there are several teeth marks on it, and the same black veins appear on the places where the teeth marks are connected, which are thicker than those on the face, and when raised, they vibrate with the beating of the pulse.

Shi Yu frowned and said, "No, she's poisoned!"

Her poison has not been completely removed, once the mood is agitated, the poison will break out.

The fur ball jumped up, bit her right hand, sucked a mouthful of thick blood and spat it out on the ground, the veins disappeared, and the six-petal flower on her forehead gathered its petals and disappeared slowly. That's how those tooth marks came from.

Every time Shi Yu sees this, he finds it inconceivable. How did this little bastard save her? It just sucks blood, so it is impossible to cure the poison. He suspects that the little bastard's system and poison may be compatible.

He really wanted to study it, but when he thought about his own hair, he gave up.

The little beast seemed to be very interested in his hair, for some unknown reason.

Yumo took a deep breath, her head no longer hurt, but the pain in her heart was only exacerbated.

Does Mei Luo suffer from the same pain, or does it hurt more than her?

When tears were pouring down, she spat out a mouthful of blood, which made Shu panic.

Blood mixed with tears flowed from the corner of her mouth, "Shudu... Meiluo can't be saved?"

Shu didn't dare to answer, because the answer he said would definitely make her want to die even more, but his silence had already become the answer.

Yumo is heartbroken and closes her eyes. If he dies, she will not live alone. She will die with him, and it will be atonement. She only hopes that she can see him when she is in the underworld. Look Him, just a glance.

Her gloomy face became even more gloomy, and when her heart died, everything didn't matter.

"Miss, the dog demon king can still be saved!" Ning Yi said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her, and Shu Du said, "What's going on?"

Yu Mo was even more anxious, "Sister Ning, do you know how to save her?"

"It's not me, it's Elder Cangwu!"

"Cangwu? By the way, he is so knowledgeable, he will definitely find a way to save Meiluo!"

Ning Yi said with a look of embarrassment: "The method was indeed found by Elder Cang Wu, but there is one condition missing!"

After Mei Luo was poisoned, Bu Jie couldn’t find a way to detoxify, because he didn’t even know what the poison was, so of course it was impossible to prescribe the right medicine. So Cang Wu searched all the books about poison, and after more than ten days of sleepless nights, finally let him found it.

"What condition, tell me quickly!" She would be willing even if it was in exchange for her life.

"White Pond!"

When Shi Yu heard about it, he understood the meaning, "Bai Ze is an ancient spirit beast, born on Penglai Island, and never left the island in his life. It's not clear whether it exists or not. It's just a legend, no one has actually seen it!"

When he was young, he saw the record of Bai Ze in an ancient book, but there were only a few strokes, and he wanted to find it, but Penglai Island would move, and its location would change at any time, so it would take a lot of time just to find this island , he was busy practicing at that time, and after a long time, he also forgot.

Ning Yi nodded, "The poison of the dog demon king is called Huoduoluo. It is an extremely vicious and rare poison. This poison has no effect on women, but it needs a woman's blood as a medicine, that is, it needs to be passed through a woman to cure it." Poisoning cannot be detected when it is on a woman, but a man can be poisoned by having intercourse with a woman, besides, the right hand is the medium, once the black flame entangles and kills a man, he will also be poisoned."

Hearing this, the capital of Shu felt a little sour, just because of the word intercourse.

But in fact, Mei Luo and Yu Mo didn't talk about having sex at all, but the poison is there. After Bai Yu poisoned, Yu Mo also let Yu Mo seriously hurt Mei Luo with his hands wrapped in black fire. I'm afraid it was because if there was no sex, There is a second way to ensure that Mei Luo will be poisoned.

But when others hear this, the first thing they think of is the relationship between Yumo and Meiluo, and the second way is just to buy a guarantee.

Yu Mo also read the records about Bai Ze, "Bai Ze was born on Penglai Island. I read this in a book. Does that mean that we just need to go to Penglai Island to find Bai Ze?"

She was overjoyed because Mei Luo was saved.

"That's the way it is, but..." Ning Yi couldn't bear it, and couldn't continue.

Shu knew why she couldn't continue speaking.

"Momentarily, Bai Ze on Penglai Island has been slaughtered by Bai Yu!" He would tell the truth, but he didn't want her to hold on to hope. The greater the hope, the greater the harm to her when she was disappointed!

Kill all! ?
Yumo suddenly remembered that Huang Hua told Mei Luo about this when she came back from Fengchen, and Mei Luo also told her. At that time, she was very angry and scolded Bai Yu hundreds of times. He exterminated a species. Still a very precious species.

That species is called Bai Ze.

"No, no, no, there must be more!"

The only way to save him was Bai Ze, she couldn't believe that he was gone just like that.

"I'm going to look for it, I'm going to Penglai Island to look for it, there must be some, there must be some who haven't been killed, there must be some alive!"

"Momo, there is no such possibility. Since Cangwu knows this method, he must have looked for it."

"No!" Yu Mo shook his head crazily, "He must have missed something, I'm going, I'll definitely find it, Shudu, I'm naturally easy for animals to like, maybe they're just hiding , I don’t want people to find it, but I can!”

Excited, she coughed again.

Shu Du glared at Ning Yi angrily, "You're here to kill her, aren't you?"

Not to mention that Bai Ze is extinct, even if she is not extinct, it is impossible for her to go to Penglai Island with her human body.

"Wolf demon king, please listen to me!"

"What else do you have to say!"

"Master Cangwu never went to Penglai Island to look for it..."


Ning Yi looked at Yu Mo, "Miss, I think Master Cangwu wants to entrust this task to you!" "Leave it to me?" Shouldn't he wish her to die?
"I don't know why, but His Highness's words are not wrong. The biggest purpose of my coming here is to tell Miss about this matter."

Yumo was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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