The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 379 Part 142 If It's Destined

Chapter 379 Part 142

"Cangwu...a mission for me?"

No matter what, Yu Mo didn't believe that Cangwu would hand over this matter to her. She killed so many members of the dog monster clan, hurt Mei Luo, hurt Mei Luo again, and hurt him seriously. He should want to kill her, how could he entrust such an important matter to her.

"He... said it himself?"

Ning Yi said: "He didn't tell him personally!"

"Since he didn't say it himself, how could Sister Ning know." Yu Mo was discouraged. She held a glimmer of hope before, thinking that this might be a chance for her to redeem her sins.

"His Highness guessed..."

"Guess?" Yu Mo raised his voice, and coughed again due to excitement.

"Miss, don't get excited, please listen to Ning Yi's explanation. This is indeed His Highness's guess, but it is by no means a random guess. Don't Miss, don't you think it is strange, how did His Highness Li Wang know that the dog demon king needs Bai Ze to detoxify?"

"He is in the dog realm, how could he not know about such a big thing."

"Miss is wrong. Because it is a major event, the dog monster clan should block the news and not let His Highness know."

"Hey?" Yu Mo was even more confused. Didn't Li Wang form an alliance with the dog monster clan? Since they have formed an alliance, they should help each other. What's wrong with knowing this kind of thing?
Shu Du frowned, and heard the clue, "Could it be that Cang Wu revealed it..."

"Exactly! But Master Cangwu revealed it very carelessly..." Ning Yi specially emphasized the five words 'very carelessly'.

Listening to the tone, this carelessness is probably intentional. Just imagine with Cangwu's character, could he be a careless person?
Meng Ji stroked his beard, his eyes sparkled, "So that's how it is..."

Ning Yi smiled, "It seems that Elder Meng Ji has already thought of it."

Yu Mo is still in the state of a duck listening to thunder.

Meng Ji said: "Before the old man was also very strange. After Miss Ning said this, the old man understood. Although Li Wang and the dog demon king are allies, the time of alliance is still short, and it is far from reaching the point of heart-to-heart. Now The dog demon king is seriously injured, and it is difficult to detoxify, so it is better to keep a secret, act secretly, and find Bai Ze to save him as soon as possible. He will deliberately disclose this matter. If he will help sincerely, that’s fine, but if he has a wicked heart and secretly sends his own clansmen to find Bai Ze, after finding it, it is equivalent to holding the medicine of life of the dog demon king. Come to hold the dog monster clan, when the time comes, any alliance, any contract, will become empty talk, he doesn't need to abide by it at all, just let the lion speak loudly and order the dog monster clan to cede the land, the king's life is in his hands, Who dares not to obey the dog monster clan, the risk is too great, having Bai Ze is tantamount to grasping the weakness of the dog monster clan, no matter how you look at it, it will not be something Cangwu would do."

This is the so-called heart of defense is indispensable, especially between ethnic groups, no matter how friendly they are, there will be a bottom line, and it is impossible to really trust them all, even though Li Wang saved many dog ​​monsters when Yumo became a black Valkyrie , became their benefactor, and would still be able to guard against it.

The human heart is unpredictable, and the heart of a demon is even more so. When the benefits exceed a certain level, no matter how deep the friendship is, it will be ruined. What's more, the bargaining chip is the life of the king of the clan. Anyone with a little common sense will not do this.

As Meng Ji said, the risk is too great.

"Lao Meng is right. It is absolutely impossible that Cang Wu accidentally revealed this matter." What Meng Ji said was the clue that Shu Du had heard earlier.

The purpose of Li Wang's alliance with the Dog Monster Clan is to ascend to the throne of the Fox Monster Clan, and he hopes that the Dog Monster Clan can join him in dealing with King Li, who has colluded with Bai Yu. It is of course beneficial for Li Wang to help each other, otherwise, how can we form an alliance, but if Li Wang captures Bai Ze, the situation will be different, Li Wang can use this to coerce the dog monster clan to send troops to directly attack the fox monster clan, and seize the throne by force , In this way, there is no need to take into account the interests of the dog monster clan. It has nothing to do with him, as long as his goal is achieved. If he wins, he can not only ascend to the throne of the fox monster clan, but also All the dogs and monsters can be taken together.

It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!

Therefore, Cang Wu would never do such a stupid thing, if he would do it, he must have another purpose.

This kind of thing is too esoteric for Yu Mo, an ordinary college student in the human world, but she is not stupid. Meng Ji has already made it so clear, and she will understand it all after thinking about it.

She seemed quite excited, with tears in her eyes, shaking her chapped and white lips, "So... Cang Wu really want me to make amends?"

She still couldn't believe it, and suddenly felt that the gloomy world was lit up with a light, and there was King Li... This cunning fox didn't use this to blackmail the dog demon clan, but asked Ning Yi to come and tell her this It proved that she had misread him at the beginning.

"Your Highness is an upright gentleman who would never do such a despicable and indecent thing. Ning Yi's words have been brought along. It is up to the young lady to do it or not, but please don't put too much hope on it."

Whether Bai Ze still exists is left to fate.

Yumo nodded with tears in her eyes. Because she was grateful, she impulsively got out of bed, but her body was too weak, and she fell to the ground as soon as her legs gave way.

Shu Du was startled and said, "Momo, what are you doing?"

"Sister Ning Yi..." She stretched out her hand.

Ning Yi walked over, "Miss has something to say."

Yu Mo held her hand tightly, "Thank Li Wang for me, really, thank him!"

Ning Yi smiled knowingly, "His Highness will be very happy to hear Miss's words."

"Well, thank you, thank you very much!"

Shudu suddenly realized that Li Wang would do this to win Yu Mo's favor, otherwise how could such a cunning fox monster give up this great opportunity? On the road to the throne, it doesn't matter whether you are despicable or not. What matters is who stands on the highest position in the end. Things like merit and demerit are all commented by history books. Having the final say, being unscrupulous is something every king must learn.

Li Wang exchanged Yu Mo's favor with a shortcut that could quickly become the king. This kind of thinking is despicable.

However, meanness is a means and a strategy, and he clearly won.

Shu looked at Yu Mo very unhappy. I am afraid that in her heart now, Smelly Dog is the first, Li Wang is the second, and he is... He may not even be ranked.

He darkened his face and glared at Ning Yi.

Ning Yi seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago and completely ignored it.

Shu Du suddenly exploded in anger, and roared at her: "After finishing speaking, let's go quickly, so as not to be an eyesore!"

Ning Yi raised her eyebrows, "It's time to go, the wolf demon king doesn't have to send it off."


Ning Yi ignored him, and looked at Yu Mo kindly, "Miss, Ning Yi's business has been done, and now the dog environment is heavily guarded, and the grass and trees are full of soldiers. If you come out for too long, you may arouse suspicion. Ning Yi will not stay any longer. Miss, take care .”

"Well, I will, thank you sister Ning."

Ning Yi turned around and walked away gracefully.

Yu Mo didn't know whether it was because she was too happy, or because of her weakness, she passed out not long after she left, and was so anxious that Shu Du almost beat Shi Yu again.

But Meng Ji still had a question that he didn't answer. Logically speaking, Cang Wu should be the one who hates this girl the most, why would he do this?He really couldn't figure it out, probably only Cang Wu himself could answer this question.

Isn't this a big gamble, what if King Li didn't ask Ning Yi to pass on the message?Then he became the biggest sinner of the dog monster clan.

Did he see through that Li Wang would not harbor evil intentions, or was it for some other purpose?
At this time, Cang Wu, who was far away in the Dog Realm, had received a letter from his confidant sent to the Sirius Realm. In the letter, he explained Ning Yi's whereabouts in detail. He didn't have any expression on his face, but he held his hands tightly. After sighing softly, he slowly let go of his hands, and his back, which was always tense, relaxed as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

"Silently... Silently..."

A breathless call came from the hall, mixed with a strong smell of blood wafting endlessly.

" wake up."

It was Jin Ji's voice. She had been taking care of her in the palace for many days without sleep.

"Miss Jin Ji, the medicine is here."

The maid carefully held the medicine bowl to her.

Jin Ji tried the temperature and found it was too hot, so she blew on it with her mouth.

Cang Wu pushed open the half-covered palace door and walked in, "The king is awake?"

Jin Ji shook her head, "I woke up for a while before, but now I fell asleep again."

"Then let's pour medicine, how much you can drink, how much."

Jin Ji asked the maid to open all the curtains, and as soon as they were opened, bloody air gushed out, which was very choking.

Mei Luo was lying on the bed, the white bandage on his chest was covered with blood, it was soaked with thick black blood, Jin Ji had to put down the medicine bowl first, and changed the bandage for him.

The wound on his chest will not heal as long as the poison remains untreated for a day. Bu Jie has tried his best, but it is useless. He can only watch it continuously bleed, fester, and rot the flesh, and then gouged it out with a knife. Those rotten meats keep circulating.

In just one month, he has lost a lot of weight. When he breathes, his ribs are extremely obvious. Because he can't eat, the poison is deep and tormenting him all day. There are thick shadows under his eyes, his cheeks are sunken, and his face is gray. When he was in pain, he would restrain himself, and the whole bed would vibrate.

Just by looking at it, you can tell how severe the pain caused by the poison is, but he has never snorted, and the only time he can hear his voice is when he is in a coma, screaming silently...

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and those eyes were like an ancient well, crumbling, desolate, without any light.

"Cang... Cangwu..."

"Chen is here!"

"I slept... how long have I been asleep?"

"Four hours."

" long..." He wanted to get up, but the injuries on his body were so severe that he couldn't move at all.

"My lord, it's important to heal your wounds." Cang Wu hurriedly leaned forward to stop him.

"Dog Realm..."

Today's dog environment is full of desolation, collapsed buildings need to be rebuilt, the wounded need to be treated, the family members of the deceased need to be appeased, and the defense line needs to be strengthened to prevent foreign enemies from invading. There are too many things waiting for him to do, but he can do nothing. Can't do it, can only lie on the bed and linger.

He hated himself for being like this.

If you saw it silently, you must be very sad.

"King, drink the medicine!"

He shook his eyes, and when he saw Jin Ji, his unattractive face became even uglier, "Who... who asked you to come..."

"I..." Jin Ji held the medicine bowl and looked at Cang Wu.

It was Cangwu's order that she would come, and she was only following orders.

"She is the concubine chosen by the clan for the king, so why not take care of the king."

Mei Luo took a rough breath, stared at him with all her strength, gritted her teeth and said, "'t need...cough cough cough..."

After finishing speaking, he vomited blood, and Jin Ji immediately fetched a clean cotton cloth to wipe it off, but he pushed it away.


Jin Ji knelt on the ground, "Jin Ji dare not disobey the king's order, but please understand that Jin Ji's mission is to take care of the king, and she has no intention or covetousness."

She is not a fool, she knows who he is thinking about.

Every day when he fell asleep, he would call that person's name.

Again and again, over and over again, never stopped, listening too much, it was like a magic sound piercing her ears, tormenting her.

She is also flesh and blood, and cannot withstand such humiliation time and time again. What did she do wrong?She didn't do anything, she just wanted to serve him responsibly, why did he still treat herself like this.

How could she be inferior to that woman.

"I... again... say it again..." Mei Luo clutched her chest, a gleam of light gathered in her dull eyes, and said fiercely, "Get out!"

Jin Ji bit her lip, tears fell down involuntarily, she lowered her head so that no one could see her, she got up and ran outside the palace gate.

Mei Luo lay down on the bed, "Let the fungus come over..."

Cang Wu's face is not much prettier than his now, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Since the king is not satisfied with Jin Ji, let Jifu come and serve the king."

Mei Luo turned her face to the side and met his gaze, "You should know better than me what it feels like to be in love."

"She hurt the king! There is no pardon!"

"Why hasn't my mother ever hurt you..."

Cang Wu tensed his jaw, and the veins on his neck were bulging so tightly, "She killed nearly 7000 people from the dog monster clan..."

"That...isn't...her fault..."

"Does the king still want to marry her as queen?"

Mei Luo smiled weakly, "I'm not you..."

I'm not you……

Cang Wu's heart ached, and his face turned blue and white.

Because it's not you, I won't marry a woman I don't like.

This is the meaning behind the words 'I am not you'.

Cang Wu grabbed the lapel of his chest, Mei Luo's words hurt him, making it difficult for him to refute.

"Mei Luo, are you awake? I just saw..." Bu Jie walked in, and immediately felt the tense atmosphere in the hall.

No need to ask, it must be that girl's business again.

He couldn't help kicking Cangwu, "He's injured like this, you're still mad at him, what should you do if you're mad?"

Cang Wu flicked his sleeves, although he still didn't say a word, his face was already going crazy.

"Get out! Don't get in the way here! And that girl Jin Ji ran out crying just now, be careful that she throws herself into a well because of a moment's hesitation!"

Cang Wu really went out, of course not because he was worried that Jin Ji would commit suicide, but because if he stayed any longer, he would really go crazy.

After going out, he slammed his fist on the door frame.

In fact, he already knew what Mei Luo was thinking, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Why did it have to be that girl? Didn't he know that after that catastrophe, the entire dog monster clan would not be able to make her a queen, so why bother to torture himself like this? It is impossible to erase it in one stroke.

"Elder Cangwu, what's wrong with you?"

Li Wang and Ning Bao had just walked up the stairs in front of the palace, and saw the angry expression on his face from a distance.

Cang Wu quickly calmed down, bowed and said, "King Li!"

"You're welcome, this king is here to see the dog demon king, he is awake today, oh, yes... Bao'er!"

Ning Bao held a brocade box in his hand, and when he opened it, it was full of precious medicinal materials.

"King Li has a heart."

"It should be, alliance friendship, you should do your best, Bao'er, take it in, and ask Mr. Bujie if it is useful."


Ning Bao ran in, but Li Wang was still standing at the door, facing Cang Wu.

"Is there something wrong with King Li?"

"No, I just feel that Elder Cangwu is extremely contradictory!"

Cang Wu narrowed his eyes, feeling that there was something in his words, "What does King Li want to say?"

"No, there's nothing to say. I've done what needs to be done. I hope Elder Cangwu will be satisfied." He chuckled lightly, Feng Jingyue's appearance was always so pleasing to the eye.

Cang Wu snorted, "Isn't His Highness Li Wang contradictory?"

"My lord? No, this lord is different from Elder Cangwu. Elders resign themselves to fate, but this lord seizes the opportunity. Say no more, leave!" He turned and entered the hall.

Cang Wu looked up at the sky...

Resigned to fate... really resigned to fate.

The opportunity has been given, but it is not really possible.

If it is really destined, let God decide it.

(End of this chapter)

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