The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 380 Part 143 Departing from Penglai Island

Chapter 380 Part 143 Departing from Penglai Island

Sunshine passes through the gaps between the leaves and the morning fog, and sprinkles the island one by one, like a big warm hand, caressing people's body comfortably, because it is morning, the wind blowing is still a bit cool, slowly The rising morning mist blends with the early morning mist, changing the colorful halo, and the wicker with small buds floats around lightly under the blowing of the spring breeze. The pink peach blossoms only grow two or three petals. It's still flowery, as if the ground is about to burst. The flowers, green willows and willows blend into a beautiful picture, making this empty island called Chundao even more beautiful than a fairyland.

Yumo has been sitting under the peach blossom tree for a long time, his complexion has improved due to the soup and meals these days, it is no longer gray and dark with turmeric, and gradually blooms a smooth white like fat jade, but the blood is still a little lacking, and it looks too pale some.

The beautiful scenery in front of her eyes became a display in her eyes, she didn't care to appreciate it, she looked at the lake in front of her with clear eyes, the lake was sparkling, and the reflection in her eyes was better than the stars.


The demon refining pot in her hand moved.

"Girl, are you willing to see me?"

Taotie flew out of the demon refining pot, like a wisp of green smoke, its tail was still hooked in the demon refining pot, and then slowly turned into a solid body.

Their eyes met for a moment, and the light in Yu Mo's eyes became brighter and brighter, making Tao Tie stunned.

After leaving the dog environment, it never talked to her calmly.

She hated it very much, because without it, even if she was poisoned by Bai Yu, she would not be able to kill so many members of the dog monster clan. Without it, she would not be able to destroy the dog realm. In the dog environment, taking care of Meiluo, she hated Kaishen's power to the core. When she knew what had happened, under the torment of guilt and grief, she hysterically yelled and insulted Taotie, venting her sadness and anger. Desperate, in the days when she wanted to die, she frantically wanted to drive Taotie away, clamoring for the capital of Shu to seal it up, and tried every means to smash the demon refining pot, but the demon refining pot is an ancient artifact, so it cannot be destroyed. She also tried to throw away the demon refining pot, but Taotie had a contract with her to summon beasts, even if she threw it away, the demon refining pot would still return to her.

At that time, she was too crazy, so crazy that Taotie couldn't talk to her properly, as long as she saw it, even just a glance, or heard its voice, she would go crazy hysterically.

She didn't want to wear the demon refining pot anymore, and locked it in a drawer. Zhulong was also disgusted by her, and she didn't come out of the demon refining pot because of the need to heal her wounds.

Taotie thought she would never see it again in this life, but she never expected that she would take the initiative to call it today.

Yu Mo's eyes were like flames flashed by a gust of wind, causing Taotie's gaze to jump suddenly.

She won't want to scold it again!
Yumo exhaled and said calmly, "I need your help!"

Taotie was startled again, "Help?"

"I'm going to Penglai Island!"

This is her only belief in living now. She wants to find Bai Ze and cure Mei Luo's poison. The climate is extremely cold, which is definitely not something she can bear as a human being. Unless she is a demon, only a demon can resist the severe cold there. If she goes there, she may be frozen at any time, no matter how many clothes she wears, it will be useless.

The fact that she is a human cannot be changed, so she desperately needs a strong backup. Apart from Taotie, she can't think of any other way to help her land on Penglai Island.

Taotie frowned, "Girl, Penglai Island is not so easy to find, it will drift with the sea, even I may not be able to find it."

"You don't need to look for it, I just need you to help me board that island."

Only the body of a demon can endure the severe cold of Penglai Island, and the only way to resist the severe cold there is to open the gods.

"If you want to go, I will naturally help you, but you should know that your body can't bear it for too long."

The side effect of opening the mind is her weakness. How long she can last depends on her physical condition at the time. She knows that she can't stand the opening for too long, but even so, she still has to try.

"Are you really willing to help me?" She thought that under such hysterical growling and insulting, it would be angry and would not be willing to help her.

"I have a contract with you to summon beasts. Only when one party dies will it be canceled. Even if I don't want to, I will still follow you." He snorted, "I am not so stingy, but I am still angry." .”

This girl usually looks very gentle, but she is more ruthless than anyone else when she scolds people, and she has never heard of curse words.

Yu Mo sniffed, tears fell down uncontrollably, "I thought..."

"Why are you crying, I haven't cried yet." It stretched out its hand and touched her head stiffly, "Okay, don't cry, look at how ugly you are when you cry."

"I killed so many people!" She actually knew that Taotie couldn't be blamed for this at all, she was manipulated and Taotie had no choice.

"If you kill them, you kill them. Who made them so weak? It's their good fortune to die in my hands." He said arrogantly, but he was in a panic when facing Yu Mo's tears, trying to wipe them away for her. Afraid that he would break her skin with rough hands, he had no choice but to pat her on the head again.

"Gaotie, I'm sorry..."

"I heard it, I heard it, don't be sorry!"

"You can hit me!" She cried strongly.

"Are you kidding me, with this slap from me, you will surely die!"

"I..." She wiped away her tears, until the snot came out of her nose.

"Okay, I said it's all right!"

"Woooooo..." She grabbed its fur, buried her head in it and cried bitterly. She released the pain accumulated in her heart. She didn't cry in front of Duoji, nor in front of Shudu, but Taotie clumsily comforted her, and she burst into tears.

Under the spring sun, one man and one beast, crying constantly, but harmoniously integrated into the beautiful scenery.

"You really want to go to Penglai Island!"

After finishing the political affairs in the capital of Shu, he would come to accompany Yumo every day, watch her finish her meal, and would urge her to take her medicine. No matter what she wanted to do, he would personally accompany her.

Shi Yu has also become a frequent visitor here, but Maoqiu doesn't like to see him very much. Every time they meet, a monster and a beast will fight, and now they are fighting in a corner of the inner hall.

Yumo has a big appetite these days. She will eat no matter what it is, and she eats it desperately. After drinking the soup in the soup bowl until there is no drop left, she orders some.


Shu Du's complexion immediately seemed to be frozen, "No way!"

With firm eyes, she looked at him without blinking, "I'm going!"

"Momo, I said, you can't go!"

"I can't go, I want to go too, this is the only way to save Meiluo, you don't have to worry about me, I have my own way."

"What can you do? Do you know where Penglai Island is? And Bai Ze is extinct. If you go there, you can't find it. If you go, you will die!"

"Whether I die or freeze to death, this is my decision."

After Ning Yi left, all she thought about every day was to find Bai Ze. She ate desperately and drank medicine desperately, just wanting to recover her body as soon as possible. The kind of torture that burns all over the body.

Whoever said that Bai Ze was extinct, whoever said that Bai Ze was slaughtered by Bai Yu, if she hadn't confirmed it with her own eyes, she would not believe a word.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? Didn't I tell you that I will send someone to look for it!"

"No, I have to go by myself." She couldn't entrust this matter to others, Mei Luo's injury was caused by her, so she should pay it back, and she couldn't believe it when it came to finding Bai Ze anyone.

Shu Du was so angry that he swept off the dishes on the table with his hands, and there was a bang.

Because of the sound, Shigu and Maoqiu stopped their hands, and they all looked at him.

Shu Du was pacing back and forth in the hall with an angry expression, not understanding why she was going to die.

"You don't trust me that much!"

"I don't distrust you, I just think it's my responsibility."

"Damn responsibility!" He flicked his sleeves, the anger on his face was like a raging fire, he turned and walked in front of her, "Momo, this is the Sirius Realm, I said everything Forget it, if I say you are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go.”

"You can't stop me!"

"You can try!"

In an instant, the eyes of the two met and stared at each other.

Shu Du was unwilling, and the words he said were a bit unpleasant, "I am the king of the wolf monster clan, and I can have someone lock you up. Don't believe me, I can do it."

He was actually saying angry words, but after he said it, he felt that this method was very good. He continued to stare at her with deep eyes, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was good. He folded his arms around his chest, straightened his back, and looked down at her. Looking at her, with the usual royal attitude, he jokingly said: "Not only locked up, but also chained! Choose yourself!"

Yumo couldn't see whether he was joking or would do it for real, but she was sure of one thing, this place was indeed his base, as long as he gave an order, the entire wolf monster clan would be his helper.

She was a little anxious, feeling very wronged, the soreness in her heart seemed to be turned out from the bottom of her heart by an invisible shovel, and two strings of crystal clear tears came out as her eyelashes fluttered non-stop, she stubbornly lowered her head head.

Shu thought she had surrendered, and suddenly felt a little shy, but when he lowered his head, he saw her shoulders trembling slightly. He bent down, picked up her smooth and tender face with his fingertips, and immediately saw her two reddish eyes and a wet face. s face.

She actually cried, and cried in a mess.

He panicked, but he didn't think he was wrong, so he frowned and said, "Don't cry!"

Yu Mo glanced at him with watery eyes, turned her head away, still biting her lip and weeping, she bit her lower lip tightly, her hand on her leg was trembling all the time.

Shu Du felt distressed, and said with a dark face, "Don't bite!"

But she purposely used more force, biting her lip with a bruise.

"Momo..." He panicked completely, trying to comfort her, but he couldn't say a word.

Dissatisfaction accumulated in Yumo's eyes, he rubbed his eyes, stopped crying, and met his gaze, "Close it if you want, lock it if you want to, I'm not afraid!"

Shu Du was irritated again, he pulled her up with force with his arm, and sprayed heavy breathing on her pale face, "Why do you have to work so hard? What is so good about him? I just can't compare to him." he?"

After all, it wasn't because she liked that stinky dog.

He seemed to be mad, and paced back and forth in front of her, "Let him die, he deserves it, who made him incompetent, if he had the ability, how could he poison you, no matter how poisoned you are now If you can't find out, he's a waste!" He slammed his fists on the table, staring at her fiercely, her person is here, but her heart is not here, as long as he thinks of this, he can't calm down, and he can't tell "Tell me, how can I not compare to him? He is the king, and so am I. The wolf monster clan is a hundred times stronger than the dog monster clan. It doesn't matter if he is Bai Yu or something, I will definitely protect you better than him." , are you blind to fall in love with him, or do you really think I'm not good enough? If it's not good, tell me and I'll change it!"

Yu Mo didn't expect him to turn the topic to this, and sighed quietly: "You are fine, Shudu..."

"Since it's good, why don't you like me!"

"This has nothing to do with going to Penglai Island!"

"Who said it doesn't matter!" He rushed over, held her shoulders, a wry smile escaped from the corner of his mouth, "Momo, do you know that the wolf monster clan is different from the dog monster clan, the king's order is everything, I can marry whoever I want No one will object to whoever you marry, and you don’t have to learn those messy etiquettes. Aren’t these things you dislike the most? Our wolf monster clan doesn’t have those requirements for the queen. You can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy Just be your own. I don’t need a queen with powerful demon power, nor how noble the queen’s status is. Those are all farts. In the wolf demon clan, as long as you become my queen, no one will Because you are human beings look down on you, as long as you are willing to marry me, you don’t need to change anything, you will be very happy, soon, I promise! And don’t you miss your parents, grandparents, believe me, I will definitely help you find the Pangu axe, I can do what the dog can do, and I can do what he can't, isn't that good?"

He hugged her into his arms, "Mo Mo, I like you so much, why don't you understand!"

Yumo's heart was filled with soreness and pain. She knew that he liked her, but how could she be forced in matters of affection, if she didn't like her, she didn't like her.

"Shudu, I understand that you are doing it for my own good, but I like Meiluo, and this cannot be changed."

"I know, I know!" He roared eagerly, "I don't mind if you like him, but can you also try to like me, maybe you will find that I am the most suitable person for you."

His embrace was so warm, under his affectionate gaze, it was really hard for her to say "no", but if she retreated, it would be cruel to him.

She raised her head and looked at him squarely, "I like Meiluo, I love him, and only him!"

Shu Du trembled, his face contorted, and his face was painful, but he refused to accept it, and said with a ferocious expression: "Then I will kill him now, anyway, he is better than death now, and death is relief!"

He was so murderous, as if he would rush to kill the dog in the next moment, but Yu Mo didn't panic.

"Shudu..." She called his name softly, "You can't!"

"Who said I can't, I will now..."

She put her fingers against his lips, "You won't! Although you hate Mei Luo, I know that you still regard him as your cousin in your heart. It's just because of the relationship between Queen Qi Luo that you and the wolf demon clan You can't even swallow that breath, so you can't have a good look at him. You may not have noticed that when you get along with Mei Luo, you have a straight face but a smile in your eyes. You won't stay in the dog's realm forever, and get together with endless troubles!"

"Nonsense, it's for you..."

"Listen to me... Shu Du, I want to save Mei Luo, even if you try to stop it, it's useless. I've made up my mind. I know you want to save him in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't have sent someone to Penglai Island to find him. Bai Ze, you can lie to me and say that you are looking for it, but you are not here! You are a good person with many advantages, but my heart is small, and it can only accommodate Mei Luo alone, so I can only treat you Say sorry, my heart is not with you, I can't give you the best, and in this situation, I marry you, it's so unfair to you, it's just me selfishly looking for a safe haven, it's me In escaping, you don't need to accept me like this, you deserve a better girl."

"I don't care, I just like you!"


"You don't need to say anything!" He let go of her and said with a straight face, "If you are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go, there is no need to discuss it."

The muscles on his face trembled, his eyes were slightly red, he turned his head away suddenly, "I still have something to do, let's go first, you have a good rest."

After speaking, he left.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes, being rejected by the girl he likes face to face, he must have found a place to cry.

At this time, Yu Mo had already made up his mind.

Seven days later, she disappeared from Sirius Realm, along with Dorje and Maoqiu.

 Official Tucao:
  Fuqiu: "Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw!"

  Yu Mo: "Are you hungry?"

  Fuqiu: "Ahhhh!"

  Yu Mo: "Okay, I'll give you something to eat!"


  I am Bai Ze!

  Aw...the sadness of not being able to speak human words.

(End of this chapter)

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