The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 381 Part 144 Needle Feather and Shu Capital

Chapter 381 Part 144 Needle Feather and Shu Capital

Shudu didn't know that Yumo was missing until the night of Yumo's disappearance. Ah Jin, who was serving her, was blindfolded and her mouth was covered, and she was stuffed under the bed in a bundle.

His anger can be imagined, smashing the entire palace to pieces.

After the tie was untied, Ah Jin knelt on the ground and burst into tears. She was knocked unconscious from behind, and when she woke up, she found herself stuffed under the bed. She was rescued, and she didn't know what happened in the middle. Facing the anger of Shudu, she trembled with fright, thinking that she would never see the sun of tomorrow again.

Shu Du wished he could chop her off with one palm, but he was more worried about Yu Mo's safety.

This girl must have gone to Penglai Island.

He must find her immediately, not let her die.

When passing Ah Jin, he was so angry that he couldn't control his temper, and he raised his leg to kick her.

"I can't even look down on a person, what else do you want!"

"My lord, have mercy!" Ah Jin cried.

"Damn!" As he said, he kicked up.

Ah Jin felt that she was going to die, so she didn't resist. She closed her eyes and prepared to take the blow, but the pain didn't come as expected. An extremely delicately embroidered crabapple shoe formed a strong contrast with the big black shoes in Shudu.

Begonia shoes blocked Shudu's feet.

Coincidentally, she knew this pair of shoes. In the entire Sirius Realm, only one person would have such beautiful and exquisite Begonia shoes.

"Miss Needle Feather!" She wept with joy and looked at the person coming.

The woman named Zhenyu, with a beautiful face of lotus, is as beautiful as a spring plum blossoming in snow. Although she is slender and thin, she is very weak, but her complexion is very stern. She holds her head high and stares at the capital of Shu, with an amazing aura. Like a female general who has killed countless enemies on the battlefield, she is also astonishingly beautiful. Her face is condensed with goose fat, her lips are like cherry blossoms, her eyebrows are like ink paintings, and her look is like autumn water. She is wearing a green skirt, eye-catching and fresh, like the most beautiful in the pool The blue lotus is indescribably ethereal and light.

"Ah Jin, go down." She said coldly.

Where did Ah Jin dare to go, she looked timidly at Shudu.

Zhen Yu said: "I said you can go down if you can, don't ask him."


"Get down!" she shouted.

Ah Jin trembled, "Yes!"

"Who told you to go!" Shu Du roared angrily, putting down his feet and going to chase after him.

Needle Feather dodges and blocks his way, "Me!"

"And who sent you here?" Shu Du was so angry that he was already jumping.

Needle Feather let out a heck, "Come whenever you want, can you control it?"

"You... you get out of the way!"


Compared with Shu Du, her petite body was two circles smaller, but her speed was very fast and her strength was also great, Shu Du had no way to deal with her, so he lost his temper and said to her: "What are you messing around with! "

"I'm messing around?" She raised her head, let out another haha, then stretched out her green fingers and pointed at his nose, "Who is messing around? As a king, he bullied a little girl, what shame is there? Have the face to say I'm fooling around!"

"Ziyu, let me tell you, don't think that since we grew up together, you can treat me the same way."

Zhen Yu is the only daughter of Xiang Xuyun of the Wolf Monster Clan. She was born in the same year, the same month and the same day as Shu Du, but she is two hours older than him. One hour, so she can be regarded as a senior sister, and the two of them have often mixed together since they were young. Their gender awareness was not obvious when they were young. They are like good buddies, regardless of you and me. But it always has to grow up. When the capital of Shu became an adult, this relationship changed. The change came from Zhenyu. She is the daughter of a nobleman in the Sirius Realm. She is not only beautiful, but also has outstanding talents. The demon power is also first-class Strong, she would be at least in the top five in terms of martial arts in the Sirius Realm.

Because of the close relationship between Shudu and her, she was identified as the future queen. Not only others think so, but she also thinks so, because she likes Shudu, she has liked it since she was a child, and she is full of expectations that he will play enough and be happy. Enough, will come to marry her.

But Shudu has no affection for her, and has always regarded her as his best playmate or senior sister.

What a senior sister, since she is a senior sister, then she will not be polite, and she must give this bastard a good lesson.

Who doesn't like someone, but even likes a human being, who still has his own mind, which makes her feel so embarrassing.

Not reconciled, and even more dissatisfied, she decided to let him understand what makes a good woman.

"I ask you why you bullied Ah Jin, you should know that Ah Jin is my maid!"

She is very clear about human women, because Ah Jin is her eyeliner. When Yumo came to the Sirius Realm, Shudu was not satisfied with any of the maids in the palace. Either he disliked rough hands and feet, or he disliked them not being enough. Because of his flexibility, Needle Feather recommended himself and gave him Ah Jin who was by his side.

Ah Jin is extremely loyal to her. Every day, she will write down Yumo's affairs into small notes and send them to her, including the tenderness and precious care of Yumo from Shudu. Every time she reads it, she will be so angry that The paper was torn to shreds.

"She's incompetent!"

"Where is the lack of work? Is it because the service is not good, or is it not careful enough?"

"She can't even look at anyone!"

"The leg was born on someone else, can it be stopped? You want to add a crime, so there is no excuse."

"I won't talk to you! Go away, I'm going to chase after Momo." Every time he faced Zhenyu, he would feel extremely anxious. When she was a child, she was very cheerful and happy to get along with her, but now she is getting bigger and more verbose. Always like to control him.

"Do you know where to chase?"

"Of course I know!" Besides Penglai Island, where else could it be.

"Since you know where to find it, why do you blame Ah Jin for doing it?"

"..." As soon as Shu Du talked to her, he would feel a sudden pain in his forehead.

He decided not to talk about these things with her anymore, and wanted to pass by, but Needle Feather refused.

"I'm not finished yet!"

"What else do you want to say?"

"I want to follow!"

"What?" he growled, eyes wide.

"What are you yelling, is it loud?" She yelled back rudely, louder than him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Meet your rival!"

Shu Du was stunned by her straightforwardness.

He knew that everyone in the family thought that he would marry Zhenyu as the queen. In fact, before meeting Yumo, he also thought that Zhenyu was the most suitable candidate for the queen. Love between men and women, but she is perfect and has no shortcomings except that she is bigger and more verbose, has a bad temper, and is stronger than him. If he hadn't met Yu Mo, he would definitely marry her, but now he is in love with her. Yumo, apart from her, he won't marry other women, and he doesn't think that Zhenyu likes him. Every time we meet, she always yells at him, picks on him, which is not good, this is not good, and now suddenly Said that he was going to meet his love rival... He couldn't digest the meaning of this sentence.

"Hey, talk, what are you doing standing there?" She waved her hands in front of his eyes without any shyness on her face.

Shu Du only felt his head swell, "Zhen Yu, are you sick?"

Needle feather stood on tiptoe, wanting to pat his head, but she was too petite to reach, so she had to pat his chest.

"You are sick. I like you. Is it so unbelievable?"

"No... no..." Shu Du was so anxious that his tongue was tied up, "Don't you like Shi Yu? Since you were young, you said that he was good-looking and had beautiful hair, and that Shi Yu would definitely be a good husband. Is that what you said?"

She nodded, "Well, I said so!"

"Then..." he pointed to himself.

"Shiyu is Shiyu, you are you, if you are jealous that I say he is good, then you should be more confident, don't just hang around all day long without learning or skill, and don't do a single job, look at Lao Meng, since you boarded Since you took the throne, your hair is all white, and my father said that you owe a woman who can control you, I think..." She patted her chest, "I'm very suitable!"

Shu rolled his eyes indecently, avoided her and walked outside.

"What I want is a woman who can be happy in bed and warm me like a little padded jacket, not a housekeeper." He walked to the door and suddenly turned his head and glanced at Needle Feather's chest.

Needle feather subconsciously covered his chest after feeling the sight, you... what are you looking at? "

He sighed, "No comparison!"

There is nothing better than the three words pressing down on Needle Feather like a mountain in an instant.

Because of her petite nature, the two lumps of flesh on her chest are also... small.

Her hands covering her chest trembled with anger, her face turned even redder, she picked up a kettle at her feet and threw it at Shu Du's forehead.


After finishing speaking, she ran out, and when she passed by Shu Du, she raised her foot and kicked him.

Shu Du was first hit by the pot, and then kicked by her. He rushed forward and fell to the ground.

Needle Feather was probably mad, and ran directly over him, crying while running, calling him shameless and a big bastard.

When she was far away, Shu Du got up depressed and covered the back of his head. Fortunately, his head was hard and he didn't bleed.

"Stinky girl, she's still so strong! She's just a dominatrix."

"Ha ha……"

Shi Yu leisurely walked out from behind a tree, a lot of peach petals fell on his body, it can be seen that he had stood there for a long time.

"What are you haha, don't be like her, just haha... I don't know where I learned it from." He put down his hand covering his head and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see a doctor for Wang, a woman who can be happy in bed and warm Wang."

Shu Du blushed, "She ran away!"

"I heard it!" He clicked his tongue, "Wang, to be honest, your taste is not ordinary."

Shu Du stared, "Don't mess with me! Go away, I'm going to find Momo."

Shi Yu stepped aside, "Wang, have a good journey!"

Shu ignored him and immediately flew into the sky.

Shi Yu shook his head, "If you really care about it, you will be in chaos. My Sirius Realm is heavily guarded, how can I let a human woman escape without making a move, hey... This love is really not a good thing."

Needle feather ran and cried, from Spring Island to Akishima.

As the name suggests, Akishima is the island of autumn, so the scenery you look at is a piece of autumn scenery.

The sky here is light and the clouds are light, and the wilderness is full of harvest scenery. Although it is night, there are lanterns everywhere, just like daytime. The cool wind blows the fragrance of flowers, mixed with the smell of fruits, refreshing .The distance is golden, and the seedlings in the fields are harvesting in autumn. Under the light of the lights, many members of the wolf monster clan are busy in the fields.

In addition to the golden color, there is also a fiery red on the island.

The red maple leaves are like a fireball burning in the sky, becoming an autumn costume, fluttering gently in the autumn wind beautifully.

Under the largest maple tree, Ah Jin poked her head out. She didn't see the timidity and cowardice in the palace just now on her face. After seeing the needles and feathers, she said cheerfully: "Miss, here, here."

When Zhenyu was running, she covered her face, she seemed to be crying, but when she put down her hands, she couldn't see any trace of tears. Compared with her appearance like a dominatrix in the palace, at this moment she is calm, calm, elegant, and even more majestic. Bright eyes.

"Thanks a lot!"

Ah Jin shook her head, "It's not hard, thanks to the lady who arrived in time, otherwise Ah Jin would really suffer."

"Who told you to do such an outrageous thing? It's all tied up and stuffed under the bed. You're not afraid of being exposed."

"Ah Jin also wants to be more realistic?"

"It's too realistic, don't even think about it, she is a human being, how can she beat you, and how can she sneak up on you from behind?"

"She has Taotie, and Candle Dragon!"

"How can a fierce beast be released casually! Don't use your brain, stupid!" She raised her index finger and tapped her head with her knuckles.

Ah Jin quickly covered her head and stuck out her tongue.

Needle Feather gazed into the distance, her indifferent face was set off extremely beautifully by the red of the maple leaves, "Have you given everything to her?"

"Well, I gave them all according to Miss's orders."

"That's good!"

"Miss... Ah Jin has something I don't understand." She hesitated behind Zhenyu.

"Want to ask me why I helped her?"

It was because of her help that Yumo was able to leave the Heavenly Wolf Realm without anyone noticing.

Ah Jin nodded vigorously. She thought about this matter but couldn't figure it out, "In order to help her go to Penglai Island, Miss not only found the possible location of Penglai Island for her, but also gave her your most cherished Yangyan fire robe It's all given to her, it's not that the miss doesn't know that Wang likes her... If she is gone, won't the miss be able to be with Wang again?"

"So I should kill her and let her be broken into pieces?"

"That doesn't have to be so cruel, at least I have to teach her a lesson and make her suffer a little bit, but Miss is like this..." She really felt that it was not worth it.

"Ah Jin, let me ask you, does she like Wang?"

"I don't like it, she likes the dog demon king." It's no secret that she has served for so long.

"In this case, what use is it for me to deal with her? If Wang doesn't like her, no matter how beautiful she is, no matter how capable she is, it's useless, because the heart is not on her, but now Wang's heart is all about her, even if she dies , the king will not change, I have no enmity with her, the only relationship is the king, she already has a true love in her heart, if I help her, I am helping myself, when she finds Bai Ze and saves the dog demon Wang, isn’t it good that lovers will get married in the end? This is the best way to make Wang give up. Could it be that if I make things difficult for her, Wang’s heart will be mine? No, that will only make Wang dislike me even more. I'm stupid for doing this."

"But isn't everyone else like this? Didn't Ayun in the mansion beat up the woman who likes Qingchu?"

Ayun is the cook of the family minister's mansion, and she is full-time in the meal of the needle feather. She has a childhood sweetheart named Qing Chu, who is in charge of purchasing ingredients in the mansion. A few days ago, she went to the street to buy vegetables, and was liked by the daughter of the vegetable farmer. When it was up, the girl took the opportunity of delivering food to show her love to him directly. When Ayun found out, she was very angry, and came to the door with a kitchen knife, and beat the girl, and the girl never delivered food again.

"I'm not someone else as you said. I like men, and I will like them openly. I will use my own method to win back his heart. I will let her know that I am good. I want him to know clearly that I am more than you." The woman he likes is a hundred times stronger. If he likes me and truly loves me, who can take him away? Such a simple truth, others don’t understand, you have been with me for so long, how can you not understand, it’s really useless to teach you so There are many things."

Ah Jin didn't understand, but she clearly understood one thing, "Miss, what the Great Elder said is true!"


"He said that you are more like Princess Qiluo than Princess Lexian. I used to think you were nothing like that, but now I understand that what the elder is talking about is not your appearance, but your temperament!"

Zhenyu smiled, "Of course, I was brought up by Princess Qiluo, so I naturally resemble her."

She lost her mother when she was babbling. After learning from Meng Ji, she often walked around the palace. At that time, the person who supervised the homework in Shudu was Princess Qiluo, and she was raised together. Thinking of the past, she missed it very much. I will always remember what Princess Qiluo said to her.

If a woman wants to be happy, she has to fight for it by herself, go forward bravely, shyness and reserve let it go to hell!

Princess Qiluo did it, so she must be able to do it too.


She suddenly glanced at Ah Jin's chest, the hill rising through the fabric was particularly spectacular, and then glanced at her own.

Men are all lustful, so it is really important whether the place is big or not.

She coughed and asked, "Ah Jin, what did you eat to make your breasts so big?"

Ah Jin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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