The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 384 Part 147 The Only Choice

Chapter 384 Part 147 The Only Choice
The sky is covered with ice and snow, and the dripping water turns into ice.

The cold wind mixed with snow water kept blowing towards Yu Mo's face. The north wind was bitter and piercing. She knew that Penglai Island was very cold before she came, but it was so cold beyond her imagination, even though she was wearing a Yangyan fire robe. , she was still shivering in the cold, as if she was only wearing a thin cotton padded jacket in the twelfth lunar month. Just imagine if there was no Yangyan fire robe to resist the cold, she would definitely freeze to death the moment she set foot on the island.

The sky was full of snow, the wind was fierce and the frost was flying. She had never seen such a heavy snow, and she couldn't see her hands clearly when she looked down. It was snow when she opened her eyes, and it was snow below her knees. It was extremely difficult to walk.

Because of the cold, she didn't dare to open her mouth. When she opened her mouth, her teeth would ache from the cold, and she even had difficulty breathing. After only a few minutes on the island, she couldn't take it anymore, and she had to rely on perseverance.

Shudu was wearing a fur cloak to explore the way ahead, Zhenyu was behind the palace, and she and Duoji were in the middle. In order to ensure that they would not be separated under the strong wind and snow, the four of them were tied with ropes and strung together to move forward. I want to fly into the air to explore the way, but the snow is too heavy, I probably won't see anything when I fly up, and maybe I will be separated from my companions.

Duoji's face was flushed by the wind and snow, and he gathered the oversized fur robe that was given to him by the capital of Shu.

Monsters will be naked after transforming. In order to overcome this shortcoming, monsters will have a barrier space for storing clothes. The strength of monster power determines the size of the space. It is one of the most basic abilities of monsters. Dorje also has it, but he The demon power is not strong, and there can only be two pieces of clothing at most in the space, unlike Shudu, which can hold a hundred and eighty pieces, and even heavy clothes like fur can hold more than a dozen pieces, so one piece is evenly distributed. give him.

Although Yumo has the artifact of the refining pot, it is too overkill to store clothes with the artifact, and it is inconvenient to carry it. He did not expect that Penglai Island would be so cold.

"Brother Wolf, your fur cloak is really warm."

Although it wasn't as warm as Yangyan's fire robe, it was enough to cover him from the snow and the wind, so that he wouldn't be frozen into an ice cube.

Shu Du looked back, the cloak fit him right, Duoji was much bigger, and the brim of the hat fell down from time to time to cover his eyes, "Speak less, walk more, and be careful of your teeth freezing."

"Hmm! Brother Wolf, do you see anything in front of you?" He was holding a fur ball in his arms. The little guy was not affected by the cold at all. The cold wind and snow hit it, but it didn't react at all, and kept looking around with its eyes open, as if looking for something.

Duoji and Yumo just thought it was in a new environment, unfamiliar and curious.

"How can it be so fast? We just landed on the island, and the wind and snow were so heavy, so we wanted to find Bai Ze, and we had to wait until the wind and snow stopped."

Needle Feather is at the end, wearing a peach red fur cloak. She also has a large storage space, where she put a lot of clothes. Before going to the island, she was hesitant about which color to wear, so she changed several pieces, and finally chose this one. The most eye-catching thing, like a plum blossom blooming under the flying snow, is even more eye-catching than Yang Yan's fire robe. The warmth retention must be a little bit worse, but it doesn't matter to her, a big monster.

"Wang, it seems that the wind and snow will not stop for a short time, we might as well find a cave to shelter from the wind and snow." She saw that Yu Mo couldn't walk anymore, and it would be better to take a rest, "Can you hold on? "

Yu Mo was shivering from the cold, unable to speak, he could only nod his head.

Shudu also had this intention, but they couldn't see clearly, and they searched for a long time before finding one, and the four quickly hid in it.

The cave is not big, just enough for four people to squeeze in. Shudu quickly set up a bonfire. He couldn't find dry firewood in the cave, so he sacrificed the clothes in the space to make the fire. The wolf monster clan is very rich, and he wears a lot of clothes It can't be finished, burning more than a dozen pieces is like playing.

"Silence, is it warmer?"

"It's much better!" Yu Mo warmed her hands by the campfire. Her fingers were so cold that they hurt as if they were broken when they were outside.

"Sister, let's eat something!"

"it is good!"

When the two came out, they had prepared dry food, including dried meat and steamed buns. These were put in the demon refining pot, which was enough for the two of them to eat for a long time, but now that there are more Shudu and Zhenyu, the rations have changed. not enough.

Shu Du came out in a hurry, so she must have been unprepared, but unexpectedly, Zhen Yu was well prepared, not only dry food, she also brought wine.

"Why do you still bring out the wine?"

"Sweet wine, it's not strong, but it can warm you up." She handed it to Yu Mo, "Drink a little, it's good for your body."

"Thank you!"

Dorji looked at the big baggage she brought. These were all placed in the enchantment where the clothes were stored. There was food, drink, and a lot of pills. There were a lot of bottles and cans.

"Sister Needle Feather, why would you think of bringing so many things with you?"

Needle Feather tore a piece of jerky and stuffed it into her mouth, "Because someone doesn't have a brain in doing things." After speaking, she glanced at someone.

Shu Du choked on the jerky stuffed into his mouth, and coughed a few times, "I don't need that!"

"Then don't eat it!" She made a gesture to take the jerky from his hand.

"I've eaten it! It's not too dirty!" He hurriedly stuffed it all into his mouth and chewed, but the amount of meat was only enough to fit between his teeth. Hand, "That chicken leg looks good..."

Needle Feather didn't give it back, and turned around to pack his bag.

"Why are you so stingy, it's just a chicken leg."

"That chicken leg can feed the three of us for a day." She was talking about herself, Yu Mo and Duoji. "As for can eat it in one meal. If you don't give it, it's a waste!"

"Don't you have another one?" He looked carefully, it was the drumstick of Niushan chicken, his favorite.

"Prepare for rainy days! Look at the wind and snow outside the cave. It may not stop for several days. If it keeps going like this, one more day of rations equals one more day of life, do you understand?"

Shu Du twisted his face.

Duoji handed over the steamed buns in his hand, "Brother Wolf, eat steamed buns, steamed buns are delicious too."

Dry steamed buns have never been a dish in Shudu, but at this juncture, he had nothing to choose, so he took the steamed buns and gnawed on them.

Yumo looked at him and Zhenyu, and smiled secretly, the two are actually quite a match.

The furball crawled onto her body and kept rubbing its head against her.

"Hungry?" It doesn't eat these things, it only eats herbs.

She had been prepared for a long time, took out the prepared pills, and fed it one.

After seeing it, Needle Feather asked, "Does it eat herbs?"

"Well, only herbs and nothing else."

"So strange?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at the fur ball. She looked like a sheep but not a sheep, a horse and not a horse, with horns on her head. She had never seen such an animal before. "Do you know what it is?"

Yumo shook his head, "I don't know, I picked it up. When I was fishing, it floated over from the sea and got tangled up in the fishing line."

Mao Qiu turned his head and looked at Zhen Yu vigilantly. Except for Yu Mo and Duo Ji, it didn't like to be close to people. Even if Shu Du rescued it in the dog environment, it didn't give him a good look.

"Miss Needle Feather is very knowledgeable, do you know its origin?"

"You don't even know, how would I know, but being able to meet you is also a fate with you."

"I think so too." She picked up the fur ball and brought it to her lips for a kiss, "If it weren't for the fur ball, we wouldn't have been able to find Penglai Island this time, right, fur ball, you are a big Where is the hero?"

The fur ball rubbed against the tip of her nose affectionately.

"What a great hero is that a blind cat meets a dead mouse!" Shu Du took another one after eating a steamed bun, showing no restraint at all.

He was actually a bit resentful of the fur ball. If it wasn’t for it, they wouldn’t be able to find Penglai Island, and Yumo would go back with him. Not only have they found it, but they’ve even come up. She doesn’t know how many days she can last in such a harsh climate. Just walking along the way, she was so cold that she couldn't speak, so Yang Yan's fire robe was not very useful. He glared at Zhenyu, if something happened to Yumo, she would also be the culprit.

"It doesn't matter if the cat is blind, anyway, the fur ball has the most credit. Come on, I'll give you one more."

Maoqiu groaned, facing the pills made by Yumo, it can eat as much as it has.

"Momo, do you want to wear more clothes?"

"I've worn a lot." She also wore four pieces of clothes inside Yang Yan's fire robe, wrapped like a rice dumpling, thinking that it would be all right, but who knew that it wouldn't work at all. In fact, such a weather condition is not the same as wearing too much. It doesn't matter if you wear less, the key still depends on your physique.

Isn't Dorje right?

Because he is a demon, even if he is cold, he can't be much colder, unlike her.This place is even incomparable to the North Pole. Even if she hides in a cave with a bonfire beside her, she will still be cold, but because of Yang Yan's fire robe, she will not be frozen to death.

"Have some more drinks, the snow won't stop for a while, we may have to spend the night here."

Yumo nodded, she was very grateful to Zhenyu for the trip to Penglai Island this time, without her, she would not have come here at all.

The sweet wine tasted sweet in her throat, and after she swallowed it, it would heat up in a short while, making her whole body warm. She drank another sip, and felt her hands and feet warmed up.

Knowing that he was going to spend the night in the cave, Dorje actively cleaned up the open space and came out soon. He brought dry food and a few sets of quilts, all of which were placed in the demon refining pot.

"Sister, the bed is ready."


The capital of Shu volunteered to watch the night at the entrance of the cave. Although it is freezing here, there is no guarantee that there will be no wild animals. If there are, wild animals that can live in such harsh weather must be extremely ferocious. No one guards them, and they are prone to danger. .

The wind and snow outside the cave were still raging. Yumo drank wine and warmed up a lot, but she couldn't sleep at all. As long as she didn't find Bai Ze for a day, her heart would be uneasy, and the night would seem infinitely long.

In the dead of night, it is the easiest to think wildly.

She was so worried about what would happen if the wind and snow continued, and what if Bai Ze was extinct?She was afraid that she would not be able to save Mei Luo, and the more she thought about it, the more her heart ached, forcing her to cry.

Dorje had already fallen asleep, and the fur ball was lying on her face, sticking out her tongue and licking her face, and whimpered.

Yu Mo hugged it into his arms, "Mei Luo, what should I do..."

"As long as you have faith, nothing is impossible." Needle Feather's voice came faintly, very softly, but Yu Mo heard it clearly.

Yumo looked at Zhenyu whose back was facing her, wiped away tears and said with a smile: "Miss Zhenyu, you are really a good person!"

Needle Feather turned her head back, expressionless, "I just hope you get married to the Dog Demon King quickly, so that the idiot at the entrance of the cave can give up earlier."

"I know!" She has said this several times, "but I'm afraid that I can't do anything, I won't be able to save Mei Luo, and Master Cangwu's painstaking efforts will be in vain."

"Painful heart?" Needle Feather habitually heheed.

"Isn't it?"

"I have never met this Elder Cangwu, so I don't know his mind. Since he is an elder, I believe he must have the ability and vision, but let you come here alone to find Bai Ze. I don't think this is his painstaking effort, but it seems to be deliberately trying to harm you."


"Isn't it? You are a human being, so what if you can order Taotie and Zhulong? I don't believe he doesn't know about Bai Ze being slaughtered. What's the difference between letting you come and sending him to death under such circumstances?"

Yumo sat up, feeling a pain in her chest.

Needle feather glanced at her, "So sad?"

"Wouldn't it be sad if it was you instead?"

"Sad, why should I be sad? Others look down on me. If I'm sad, he'll impress him? No, I won't. He wants me to die, but I won't die. I'll piss him off!"

Maybe it was because of the amusing tone of Zhenyu, which made Yumo laugh. She wiped away her tears and cheered up. Didn't she deal with Cangwu like this before? The more he looked down on her, the more she wanted to provoke him .

Needle Feather smiled and said, "Looks like I'm in a better mood..."

"Thank you! Really thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm also doing it for myself, but I haven't finished what I just said."


"It's not so much that he sent you to die, it's better to say that he is betting on how hard your life is and whether you can find Bai Ze!"

"Miss Needleba, you're confusing me..."

"Let's put it this way, he probably knows that the dog demon king is in love with you and will never give up on you no matter what, so he came up with this method. He wants to bet with you. There are three ways in front of you in this game. One, you couldn't find Bai Ze and died here. You are a sinner in the dog realm. From the perspective of the ethnic group, this road is the most suitable for you, and he won't feel any guilt. As for the dog demon Wang, time will dilute everything, and feelings are the same. After a long time, no matter how deep the love is, it will fade. The second article, you found Bai Ze, but you died. To him, you died, but Wang If you are saved, the result is no different from the first one. In the third one, you found Bai Ze, saved the dog demon king, and lived. This is probably the last result he wanted, but if you do it, it will be destiny , I think he will admit you, and you can redeem some of the sins you committed in the dog monster clan. He should have a way to turn the tide for you and try his best to help you ascend to the next position. What he can think of and accept, he boldly bet on this game, the bet is whether your life is hard enough, and whether your luck is strong enough."

After listening to this analysis, Yumo couldn't sit still.

She only thought about saving Mei Luo, never thought about these things.

Needle Feather continued: "If I were you, and things have reached this point, then there is only one choice before me, and that is to never let the first and second paths become reality, and do everything possible to make the first and second paths come true." Santiaolu is successful and alive, but he still needs to find Bai Ze, cure the dog demon king, and win to him!"

Yu Mo trembled for her words.

"Remember, women can be strong."

Yumo clenched her fist unconsciously, every word of Zhenyu hit her heart.

The third way...

The only choice……

And isn't that what her purpose is?
At this moment, a fighting spirit that she had never had before was ignited in her chest.

If she wants to win, she must not only defeat Cangwu, but also the entire heaven.

Needle Feather turned over and got into the quilt, "Hurry up and go to sleep. At this time, you must recharge your batteries. The better you feed, the better your chances of finding Bai Ze."

Yumo's eyes were filled with strong belief, and he answered firmly, "Yes! I will win."

The fur ball in her arms arched her body, its body was very warm, like a layer of fur wrapped on a hot stove, Yu Mo snuggled up to it, all the coldness disappeared, she told herself that there is no unparalleled road It is already a miracle that she can come here, as long as she persists, miracles will appear one after another.

She will definitely find Bai Ze and go back alive to cure Mei Luo.

Definitely will definitely win!
It snowed all night, and I don't know when it stopped.

The early morning light shone into the cave, and Shudu stayed overnight. He took a nap at dawn, and when he opened his eyes, he was blinded by the sunlight reflected from the snow, and everything he saw was white.

He narrowed his eyes, covered his forehead with his hands, looked outside, saw that the snow had stopped and the sun was shining, and immediately shouted into the cave, "Wake up, the snow has stopped."

"I see, you don't need to shout so loudly."

Zhenyu got up early, dressed properly, still holding freshly brewed tea, "Do you want to drink?"

Shu was not polite and brought the cup over.

"Are you silently awake?"

"Not yet, let her sleep a little longer."

Dorje always got up early, woke up after hearing the sound, stretched his waist, and was overjoyed to see the sun outside.

"Sister, the snow has stopped, wake up!"

Yumo was woken up, rubbed her eyes and got out of the bed. When she opened her eyes, she was stabbed by the sun, "It's so bright!" When she got used to it, she couldn't help but laugh, "It really stopped!"

Sure enough, miracles will happen.

"Furball, the snow has stopped!" She looked for the furball under the blanket, but she couldn't find it after searching around.

The furball is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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