The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 385 Part 148 Looking for the little hairball

Chapter 385 Part 148 Looking for the little fur ball

"Furball, where have you been, come out!"

Yumo cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted towards the empty island. She had searched all over the cave, but she didn't find the fur ball, and there were no footprints of it on the snow. No one knew where it went, and she was so anxious that she turned around.

Shu Du chased after her, "Momo, don't worry, it must have been playing somewhere, and it will be back soon."

"I'm not familiar with the place here, what if I encounter a wild beast?"

"There is nothing on the ground except our footprints. There must be no danger around here."

It snowed heavily all night. If there were any wild beasts, they would definitely come out to look for food. I haven't seen them yet, which means that there are very few creatures on the island. He couldn't help wondering if he could find Bai Ze.

"No, it's still young. Even if it doesn't encounter any beasts, it might get lost. It's freezing here, and it will freeze to death."

"It's more resistant to cold than us, you don't have to worry so much, maybe it's already returned to the cave."

He left Zhenyu and Duoji guarding in the cave, because he was afraid that Maoqiu would not find anyone when he went back.

"Shudu, can you fly into the sky and have a look, maybe you can find it."

"Okay, you stay here, don't run around, I'll be back in a while."

"Yeah!" She rubbed her hands, the snow wasn't falling, and there was sun, but the temperature didn't rise at all, instead it became colder.

Shu Du flew up, surveying the surrounding environment extremely quickly.

It is all white at first glance, and the scenery looks the same. There are no birds and animals, and there is not even a breath of life.

Yu Mo waited anxiously at the same place, probably worried that Shudu alone would miss it, so he called Zhulong out.

Zhulong shivered as soon as he came out, "This place is really cold."

"A Zhu, the fur ball is gone, can you look around?"

"The little thing is missing? Isn't it the one that likes to haunt you the most?"

"It was still there in the middle of the night last night, and it was gone when I woke up this morning."

"Could it be that I'm hungry, I went to find something to eat, and I should come back when I'm full!"

"No, Fuqiu only eats herbs and nothing else."

Yumo is very sure of this. During the days when she wanted to die, she refused to eat and drink, so she did not feed the fur ball. The fur ball followed her without eating or drinking. Maybe it was because of herbal medicine for a long time. It was in good health. Terrible, it doesn't affect it at all if it doesn't eat or drink, at most it just doesn't like to move. Ah Jin couldn't bear it to be hungry, because she didn't know that it only ate herbs, so she gave it all the meals she didn't want to eat. He didn't even touch it, until Shi Yu appeared, it smelled the smell of medicine on his body, and then it reacted violently, especially his hair, that beautiful hair was cultivated with many precious medicinal herbs, hairballs Probably because he was hungry and crazy, he regarded his hair as food and wanted to eat it.

"Okay, I'll help you find it. Don't worry. I don't know if it's dangerous or not. You call Taotie out and let it guard you, so I can go find it without worry."

"Well, you must look carefully."

"rest assured!"

Candle Dragon swung its tail and soared into the sky.

Taotie's avatar has been protecting Yumo since it came out. It can't go too far, it can only wander around Yumo's vicinity, and can't search all over the mountains and plains like Zhulong Shudu.

"Gao Tie, your senses are more sensitive than mine, have you sensed anything?" She was referring to the breath of animals.

"Not yet..."

I heard that the sun is so bright, but in Yu Mo's eyes, it turned into ashes. Without Bai Ze, there is no hope.

"Really?" Her eyes were lonely, but she wouldn't just be so discouraged.

"'s very strange..." Taotie looked towards the mountains in the distance, and when it came out, it felt a very strange demon power, right in the middle of the mountains.


"There!" Taotie pointed his paw at the mountain, "I think there is something there."

Yu Mo's eyes immediately lit up, "You mean there are living things in the mountains?"

"Whether it's alive or not, I don't know, but there is a monster power in that place, slowly flowing out from the ground, so far away, I can feel it, it shouldn't be weak, maybe it's hidden deep."

"you sure?"

"Sure, but girl, you can usually feel the monster power, and I can tell who its owner is, but now I can't feel it at all. It can be seen that the owner of this monster power is very strange. You must not act rashly. Check it out." Act carefully."

"I know!"

As long as there is movement, it proves that there are other things in Penglai Island besides them, and that's enough.

But now she had to find the fur ball, she couldn't let it fend for itself in this icy world.

Soon, Shudu came back, and shook his head after landing, "Mo Mo, I searched all over, but I didn't see the little thing."

After a while, Zhulong also came back, but also to no avail.

"How could this be? It can't just disappear."

"Mo Mo, don't worry, it's not yet noon, as long as it's not dark, it will definitely find its way back."

How can she not be in a hurry, she is used to the existence of the fur ball, it is her pet, it is also a family member, and it has feelings.

"It's all my fault, I should have watched it." She blamed herself.

In the past, when I read WeChat and Weibo, I could always see reposts about looking for pets. Either the dog ran away from the house and disappeared, or the dog was not tied to the leash when walking the dog. Only when she came to herself did she realize that some things were beyond her control. She believed that those owners who lost their pets must be the same as her now, anxious but helpless.

Zhulong said: "Didn't you say that it only eats herbs? This place is so desolate, there must be no herbs to eat. When it is hungry, it will definitely come back to you. Go back first. Look, your lips are purple."

She is the least cold-resistant of all, even if she is dressed like a rice dumpling now, it is useless to be wrapped in clothes and robes several times.

Yu Mo didn't want to give up and wanted to keep looking, but Shu Du directly hugged her back.

"You are shivering from the cold. If you keep looking for it, you will become an icicle if you find it. Go back first and warm yourself up. Leave it to me and Zhulong to find it. As long as it is on the island, you will be sure." can be found."


"However, I will take you back to the Sirius Realm directly."

Yumo compromised and went back to the cave with Shudu.

Dorje has been squatting at the entrance of the cave, and when he saw them coming back, he immediately went up to meet them, "Sister, did you find the fur ball?"

Yumo shook his head.

Duoji was as worried about the hairball as she was, and was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"The damn furball must have been mischievous somewhere. When it comes back, my sister must give it a good lesson."

Yu Mo smiled wryly, "Then we have to wait for it to come back."

She was terrified that the furball would just disappear, forever disappear from her life.

She decided that when the fur ball came back, she must tie a rope around its neck so that it could not go anywhere.

"Ziyu, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

As soon as the capital of Shu comes back, they just ask for food. The weather is cold and consumes a lot of energy. The best way to replenish physical strength is to eat.

Needle Feather cut a piece of meat the size of a palm and gave it to him, "Take it!"

"That's all! This is not enough to eat."

Needle Feather gave a cold look, "You are already the biggest."

She took the cut meat and distributed it to Yu Mo and Duoji, and glanced at Zhulong and the ghost-like Taotie floating beside Yu Mo.

Candle Dragon noticed her gaze and looked over, and found that Needle Feather just frowned when he saw it, and there was a bit of disgust on his face, which surprised him. Jumping is mostly frightened, but this woman is disgusted.

Dislike...dislike what?
It and Taotie are not good-looking, but they are not ugly, they are scary, so they should turn pale with fright, even Shu Du and Li Wang were shocked to back three steps when they saw them for the first time.

Hehe, interesting!
Apart from Yu Mo, she is the first person who is not afraid of them.

"Girl, what's your name?" Zhulong swam over with his tail wagging.

Needle Feather's first reaction was to protect the food in her hands. Before she came, she calculated the number of days the food would last for a very precise time. Considering the appetite of the capital of Shu, she specially increased it by three times, but now there are two more beasts , disrupted her plan, for which she was very unhappy.

What she hates the most in her life is that the calculation is not in place. She has already started to calculate in her mind how many days she can eat if the food is divided between two fierce beasts.

"May I ask you a question?" Candle Dragon urged.

"Needle Feather!"

She felt that the two ferocious beasts must come in handy. If rations were not given, it would be unjustifiable. They would be exchanged at equal value, and only if they gave up could they get something. However, the ferocious beasts might eat more food than the capital of Shu, so it was better not to give them.

"A Zhu, are you interested in Miss Needle Feather?"

"Girl, I'm not afraid of this little chick." It seemed very happy, and the dragon's tail kept swaying.

"It is not good?"

Yumo looked at it, it was different from others, it was just a chihuahua, a chihuahua with a short tail constantly wagging, very cute, in fact, she had never seen the real appearance of Taotie and Zhulong until now, although anyone who has seen it would tell The two of them looked terrifying, but she couldn't imagine it. After a long time, she decided that Taotie and Zhulong were dogs, so she couldn't understand how happy Zhulong would be when he met Needle Feather who was not afraid of its appearance.

She also asked Taotie, her murders are so serious, how to look at them, she is still different from others.

Taotie answered her, the appearance of the beast comes from the heart of the person it sees, it has nothing to do with what it actually did, as long as its nature is still pure, it will be the same even if she destroys the mountain and sea world.


She thought that Needle Feather was so good, maybe like her, seeing Torch Dragon and Taotie was different from others.

"Miss Needle Feather, do you think A Zhu looks like a puppy?"


Needle Feather felt that her skull must be broken, it was obviously a ferocious beast, exactly like the portrait in the ancient book.

"If you think a snake-like creature with dark purple scales and a long, greasy tail is a dog..."


Yumo looked at Zhulong, it was obviously a Chihuahua.

This is strange.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should you be afraid? Since you are their master, naturally you won't let them harm me, will you?"

Yu Mo was dumbfounded, Zhen Yu was really too calm.

"Hahahaha..." Shu Du finished eating the meat in his hand, patted his thigh and said, "Momo, she is just like this, with a dead face, she never makes a fuss, don't take it to heart."

Dead face?
No, when facing Shudu, she is definitely not a dead face.

Needle Feather picked up a Chinese cabbage in his hand and threw it over, "Today's dinner, put away."

"Cabbage!" Shu Du yelled, "Just give me cabbage."

He grew up so big, no matter how harsh the environment was, he never ate only cabbage for a meal.

"No matter how much you talk, you don't even have cabbage."

She brings all the food, and she has absolute control over it.

"You obviously just don't like me." You also said that you like him. Is this called liking? This is called deliberately making things difficult.

"Well, candle dragons are more pleasing to the eye than you."

It was the first time someone said that to Zhulong, and he immediately froze, "Really? Haha, girl, you have very good taste."

"Even if you praise me, you have no share in the food in this hand."

Candle Dragon: "..."

It seemed to know what she meant by the dislike just now.

After noon, the fur ball still didn’t come back, Yumo ran out to search again, but still couldn’t find it, she was so anxious that she burst into tears, but the tears would freeze instantly after crying, turning into icicles and hanging on her face , In the end, she couldn't cry anymore.

Dorje cried harder than her, screaming.

Needle Feather couldn't bear it anymore, the expression on his face was colder than the weather, "If you still want to keep looking, please forgive me."

She got up and walked out of the cave.

"Where are you going?" Shu Du held her back.

"Go to Bai Ze."

"Don't be in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

"Things are prioritized, and I don't want to waste time."

"Do you have any sympathy?" Shu Du couldn't understand her the most, she was so careful about everything.


Too much sympathy will only affect her plan. She has the same purpose as Yu Mo, they are all looking for Bai Ze. In order to achieve the goal, she has no time to care about other things.

"Go to yourself!"

She really went by herself.

Yumo remembered that Taotie had said that there is a demon power in the mountains, and the situation is unknown, so she must investigate and find out what to do. She was worried that the needle feather would go there, and if she was in danger, she would have a bad conscience for the rest of her life.

"Shudu, hurry up and chase after Miss Zhenyu."

"Why are you chasing her, a woman who has no sympathy at all."

Yumo really wanted to cut open his head to see what was inside, sometimes his thinking was clear, sometimes he was as stupid as he is now.

"A Zhu, let's go find Needle Feather!"

"Okay!" Zhulong's thin body suddenly grew bigger. Because of the change in size, Yu Mo thought it was still a dog, but it had a mane on its neck, which was just right for her to grab.

"You just leave as soon as you say!" Shu Du hurriedly chased after him.

"Brother Wolf, me, and me!"

Dorje couldn't fly yet, and when he saw everyone flying away, he screamed anxiously.

"You kid is also troublesome. You can't fly at such a big age. You are still a demon."

"I will! It's just... I can't fly high."

Shu Du rolled his eyes at him, "Grasp it firmly." He carried Duoji on his back and flew in the direction of Zhulong.

"Miss Needle Feather!"

Candle Dragon caught up with Needle Feather's speed and flew side by side with her.

"Why? Figured it out, are you willing to do business?"

"Furballs are like family members in my heart, so..." It's not that she doesn't know the priority, but she can't let it go.

"You don't need to explain to me. Your reasons are not sufficient. After you find Bai Ze, you can't find it anymore?"

Yumo was stunned.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want, just don't drag me back." Needle Feather accelerated and jumped to the front.

Yumo slapped herself on the head hard, cursing herself as an idiot. She looked around, but there was still no trace of the fur ball. The absence of a trace does not mean that it will be dangerous. There are few people here, and there are no birds or beasts. It should not When encountering ferocious beasts, it is particularly cold-resistant. This alone is enough to survive here. It is only a matter of time before it is found. She does not need to hang on this tree.

Bai Ze lives here, so he must be very familiar with the geographical environment here. If he finds Bai Ze, maybe he can ask him for help, which is much better than her looking for it blindly.

She figured it out, and looked at the figure ahead.

"Miss Needle Feather, wait for me!" The four soon arrived near the mountain, and Tao Tie felt that the demon power was getting stronger, so he got out of the demon refining pot.

"Girl, this is the place where the mountains in the middle are the most powerful."

Shu Du and Zhen Yu didn't pay attention when they were far away before, but now they can feel it when they are close.

"This monster power is so strange, I can't feel the master at all, it's just monster power, how could it be like this?"

Needle Feather felt that he couldn't approach rashly, so he landed first.

Shu Du said: "Perhaps the owner of the monster power is Bai Ze. It is a spirit beast, which is different from a monster or a monster."

Needle Feather thinks this possibility is very high, and suggested: "Let's go up and see if there are any clues along the way."

"it is good!"

 Chop Hands Day...Friendly reminder to keep your wallet...

(End of this chapter)

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