The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 386 Part 149 The Frozen Temple

Chapter 386 Part 149 The Frozen Temple

The road up the mountain is much more difficult than that on the flat land. Although the snow on the flat land is thick, there is no slope. It is not tiring to walk, but the mountain road is different. In the case of the road, step on the air with one foot.

It doesn't matter to a monster, she can fly even if she falls, but Yumo is a human being, so she can't fly, and if she falls, they may not have time to react to save her, so Shudu still takes the lead, exploring the way ahead.

The mountain road is quiet, with no birds chirping or insects chirping. Along the way, the scenery is the same. After walking for a long time, it feels like walking in place.

Suddenly, Shu Du tripped over something and fell directly. The snow was so thick that it wouldn't hurt when he fell.

He reached out his hand to touch the snow, and then quickly pushed it away, and suddenly a staircase appeared.

The stairs are not formed naturally, there are traces of carving, and patterns are carved on the edges.

"Why are there stairs?"

"The presence of stairs means there must be some building ahead!" Needle Feather released his demon power, swung it out, and swept away the snow.

A winding staircase is clearly presented.

The stairway, which was so long that there was no end in sight, first went up, and then suddenly started to go down, becoming a downhill road.

With a bang, Shu Du slammed into a thick ice wall.

It was so clear that it seemed invisible after being reflected by the sunlight. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all. Shu Du covered his painful forehead, "What the hell, why is there a wall of ice standing in this place."

Needle Feather looked inside through the ice wall.

"There's still a way!"

Shu Du chopped it up with his palm, but the ice wall remained motionless, "There's something wrong, this ice can't be so hard."

Needle Feather tried, but couldn't shake it either.

The two looked at each other, then exerted their strength at the same time, and with a bang, both of them were bounced back.

Zhulong said: "Let me try!"

It turned into a huge green dragon head demon knife, slashed at it fiercely, and passed through the mountains with a clattering sound, but there was still no crack in the ice wall.

"Is this really made of ice?" Zhulong took a step back, "How can ice be so strong."

The demon knife it incarnate can split even mountains, so it is impossible that it cannot break through this ice wall.

"I'll fly up and have a look!"

Needle Feather stepped on the air, floated to a high place, and found that the ice wall was not high, but covered the road ahead, like a transparent box, closed on all sides.

Under the sunlight, it shone like a crystal stone. With the great light, she vaguely saw a cave in the white snow inside, and there seemed to be something shining in the cave.

She flew down quickly, "There is a cave inside."

Shu Du was surprised: "What kind of cave needs to be protected by an ice wall?"

"Not sure, but something seems to be shining inside."

Shu Du stroked his chin, "This Penglai Island is really weird."

"Would any mechanism be needed to break through the ice wall?" Compared to them, Yumo is useless at all, but she still has a hand in solving puzzles.

These words reminded Zhenyu, "It is possible, if the organ spell is used, it can indeed make this wall so hard that it cannot be broken by external force. The question is... where is the organ to open it?"

Such a big mountain, if you want to find it, you can't find it in a day or two.

Yumo said: "We search separately, east, west, north, and there must be one direction to find."

Adding Candle Dragon, they can be divided into four directions exactly.

Needle feather nodded, "That's the only way to go."

Shu Du worried: "Mo Mo, can you do it alone?" He felt that acting separately could not guarantee her safety.

Yumo is very grateful for his concern, but now that Needle Feather is here, the more he cares about her, the more empty her heart will be.

"It's okay, I have Taotie, you don't have to worry."

"Then...if you are in danger, you can yell."


After dispersing, Yumo and Taotie went to the east, because the road in the east was not rough, so it would be easier for her to walk.

Tao Tie got out of the demon refining pot again, "Girl, the demon power is behind the ice wall, I can feel it, you must be careful, if you really want to have a mechanism, there must be a hidden weapon that hinders breaking the mechanism."

Yumo has long been aware of this. Those novels and comics in the human world are not for nothing. Knowing that the more exquisite the mechanism is, the more hidden weapons will be in the way. She walked forward cautiously, facing the ground and the visible Touched all over the place.

"Isn't it here?"

"Look further ahead!"


She continued to move forward, and suddenly there was a bush in front of her. Although it was covered with ice and snow, there was a small hole underneath, as if some small animal had just got in. She walked over and lay down, and looked inside.


She actually saw the fur ball. She thought she might have misread it, so she rubbed her eyes and opened them wide.

"It's really a hairball, smelly thing, so you went up the mountain, no wonder I couldn't find you."

The furball groaned.

"what happened?"

After saying those words, Yu Mo's body suddenly felt heavy, and the ground she was standing on was sunken. After two or three hits, she fell straight down, and the whole ground collapsed.


Shu Du hurriedly said: "Girl, please open your eyes!"

Yu Mo calmed down, "Go God!"

Taotie immediately attached to her body, trying to stabilize his body, but he couldn't do it while floating in the air.

"Gaotie, what's going on?"

"There is an enchantment!" Taotie felt the enchantment suppressing his demon power.

Yu Mo fell all the way, and when the wind brushed against her face, it cut blood on her face like a knife.

"Ah! Help!" She could only scream for help.

By the way, furball!
She looked at the fur ball that fell together, it was extremely calm and did not panic at all.

Then, the two fell into the water, and the water pressure was so great that it kept pressing her to the bottom.

She could hardly breathe, and when she could move her hands and feet, she swam desperately upwards and managed to escape the water.

"Huh...huh...I thought I would be drowned!" She lay on the shore panting.

"Aw!" The fur ball also jumped out of the water, swam to the shore, flicked its fur, and walked forward.

"Maoqiu, where are you going?" Yumo hurriedly chased after him.

"Girl, untie Kaishen, otherwise your energy will be wasted."

Yumo released Taotie's possession, and ran in the direction of the fur ball.

"Girl, don't you feel cold?"


Yumo stopped and looked down at her wet robe. In such a cold weather, she didn't feel cold when she fell into the water. It was incredible. She thought it was the ability of Taotie before, but now that she has been relieved, she She didn't feel the coldness either. Compared to before she fell, her whole body was warmer now.

"It seems that this enchantment still has the effect of keeping warm. The temperature here is obviously much higher than outside." Taotie flew a certain distance and looked forward, "Girl, there is a way ahead."

"The hairball is going in this direction too."

"Catch up, but be careful."

She nodded and quickly followed up.

This place is different from above, there is no snow, the road surface is very smooth, but it is transparent, it should be ice, under the ice is an abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom, walking on it is like a glass plank road, you must not look down, you will weak legs.

"Furball, where are you?"

Yu Mo chased and shouted, and after chasing for a while, he found the fur ball, which was looking up with its head up.


It didn't respond when it heard the shout, but kept watching.

Yumo also raised his head curiously.

"This is……"

Her eyes widened, a silvery light reflected from her pupils.

It was a frozen temple.

It is suspended in a huge ice layer, and its whole body is also transparent. It should be made of ice, but it is slightly blue. Compared with the ice layer surrounding it, it is clearer and more transparent. Under the intersection and refraction of light, it looks like a A huge blue diamond with an extremely beautiful fire.

"What a nice view!"

It was the first time she saw such a beautiful building that she couldn't describe it in words.

But why could she tell it was a temple at a glance?
By the way, it is an altar, and it has something like an altar wrapped inside it.

Is it Ding?

It should be a tripod, because there is a thick layer of ice, the picture is a bit distorted, she can only distinguish it by the outline, she has been to a museum that collects ancient cultural relics before, and has seen several kinds of tripods. During the Zhou and Shang Dynasties, the tripod was the most prosperous. There are various shapes.

The feet of this tripod are typical of the Bronze Age. They are in the shape of tiger claws. The patterns on the tripod are rough because they cannot be seen clearly, but they can still make the viewer feel its beauty.

There seemed to be flames burning under the tripod's belly, and there was thin shredded tobacco floating around the mouth of the tripod. It may be because of the ice wrapping. The shredded tobacco was quickly absorbed by the ice, and every time it was absorbed, the ice wall would thicken.

It's amazing, how can there be fire in the ice, there should be no oxygen.


The furball let out a cry.

Yu Mo lowered his head to look at it, it seemed to have a great obsession with that tripod, and there was a longing in his eyes that he had never seen before.

"Maoqiu, that should be an altar, not a stove for burning things, and there can't be any herbs you like in it... Huh?" She sniffed, and a faint scent rushed into her nose, which was the smell of herbs.

How can there be herbs?

Is it really a stove for burning medicine?

By the way, it seems that people used this kind of cauldron to burn medicinal herbs in ancient times.

"Maoqiu, you didn't chase it all the way after smelling this smell, did you? Are you so hungry?"

She wanted to die before, neglected to take care of it, and starved it for a while, but later she didn't want to die anymore. In order to make up for it, Wen Shudu took a lot of medicinal materials, and Shi Yu even came to yell at her because of this incident.

After all, there are almost several hundred catties of medicinal materials, all of which went into its stomach, and its stomach became round after eating it. This time when she came to Penglai Island, she did not leave behind its rations. Knowing that it eats a lot, it came from Shudu A few hundred catties were cheated there, enough for it to eat for a period of time, and it was fed two yesterday, isn't it full?

Or... what kind of rare thing is the medicine in this cauldron, which allows it to be so persistent that it doesn't even take its life to chase after it.

She stepped forward to pick it up, "Don't take it, I have never smelled the smell of this medicine, I don't know what it is, what if it hurts my stomach? We are going back."

It is very dangerous to be separated from your partner at this time.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

The furball broke free from her hand and jumped to the ground. It was the first time it was so disobedient.


Yumo stretched out his hand to grab it, and it flew up.

"I know you have learned how to fly, but you don't have to show off like this, come down." Yu Mo jumped up, but it flew so high that she couldn't catch it at all.

The hairball flew high and approached the ice covering the temple.

"Come down, you can't get in."

The ice layer is very thick, just like the ice wall I saw outside, even Candle Dragon can't destroy it, so where does it get the strength from?

The fur ball floated in the air, and suddenly bumped into it.

Yu Mo was shocked and shouted: "You are crazy!"


The sharp horns on the hairball's forehead shone like a bolt of lightning that could cut through the sky, and the silvery white color actually split the ice.

After a rumbling sound, the ice layer peeled off and fell down piece by piece.

Yu Mo almost couldn't dodge, and was hit by the falling ice.

The fur ball got into the broken hole and flew towards the tripod, but before it touched it, it shook. The ice surface under Yumo's feet suddenly cracked a crack, and then countless cracks continued to meander. meander over.

"Furball, hurry up, come down, you probably touched the mechanism."

Such a miraculous tripod must be a treasure. It will not just be placed outside in such a big way. It must be protected by a mechanism. Although I don’t know that the fur ball broke through the ice, it’s best to run for your life now...

But where to escape?
The ice under her feet had become an independent piece at some point, and the way back was on her heels, but the distance became farther, and a gully had opened, and it was impossible for her to jump over.

The fur ball is still desperately drilling towards the direction of the tripod, looking like it wants to go in if it dies.

"Smelly thing, you are really a glutton reincarnated, gluttonous, let me be enlightened, I will save it."

Taotie did not respond.

"Gao Tie?" Yu Mo shouted at the demon refining pot on his neck.

Still silent.

"Gao Tie!?" Yu Mo was in a hurry. Without Tao Tie at this time, she would have no chance of escaping.

She unhooked the refining pot from its chain, and shouted at it a few more times.

The shattering of the ice became more and more violent. Yu Mo couldn't stand still and fell on the ice. The demon refining pot in her hand flew out. She hurriedly reached out to grab it, but missed it by an inch, and it fell directly into the ice. In the ravine.

"It's over!"

Yumo looked at the bottomless gully, and couldn't see where the demon refining pot fell.

"Glutton!" she yelled.

Taotie seemed to have disappeared without a sound.

She fell down on the ice facelessly, is this her final result? She will die here, in this icy and snowy place, where even the body cannot be found.

No, Mei Luo's poison has not been unraveled, she can't die, absolutely can't die here like this.

She stood up unsteadily and gritted her teeth.

"I don't believe my luck is so bad! I, Lan Yumo, have a hard life. I can't die. I have killed so many people, but I haven't made amends yet. God, you can't just let me die like this. Wouldn't it be better to die like this? It’s too cheap for me, you should torture me to your heart’s content, what’s 49 81 levels, [-] [-] difficulties, just come, I don’t allow you to take my life like this.” She howled to the sky, like crazy, red His eyes were closed, but there were no tears, and he kept accusing God.

"Mei Luo, you wait for me. I will definitely find Bai Ze and save you. If I lose my legs, I still have hands. If I don't have hands, I still have teeth. Even if my teeth are gone, I still have hair and eyes." , even if there is only one head left, I will find Bai Ze!"

She looked at the bottomless gully, the endless abyss obscured her vision, if she wanted to get back the demon refining pot, it was impossible for Taotie to leave her, as long as she found Taotie, she could escape.

The ice rocks shattered and fell down piece by piece, like the world was about to be destroyed, endlessly destroyed.

Yu Mo took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and threw himself into the chasm.

Meiluo... I love you, I love you!

Because I love you, I have nothing to fear.

"Gaotie, die for me!"

She jumped into the ravine and was hidden by the darkness.


In the silent night, in the palace of the Dog Land, Mei Luo woke up from a nightmare. He dreamed that Yu Mo had fallen into the bottomless abyss and was swallowed up by the darkness. He wanted to catch her, but he couldn't get through.

He woke up covered in cold sweat, the wound on his chest was torn open, and a smear of black blood gushed out.


The fungus was sleeping under the bed, and immediately got up when he heard the sound.

"Mo Mo, I'm going to find Mo Mo!" He staggered out of bed, took only one step, and fell down, the bandage on the wound was loosened, and the unhealed wound was exposed to the air dripping with blood.

"Wang, don't scare the fungus."

"Momo... is waiting for me to rescue you." Cold sweat rolled down his pale face.

"Wang, Miss is safe in the Sirius Realm. Didn't Miss Ning say that she is fine?"

"No, something must have happened to her!" He couldn't leave, so he could only crawl towards the door with his hands.

His decrepit body could no longer stand such torment, and there was a trail of blood where he crawled.

"King!" the fungus cried.

"What happened?"

Cang Wu happened to come back from the meeting hall, saw this scene when he entered the door, and hurriedly helped Mei Luo up.

"Cang Wu, something happened silently?"

"She's very nice!" Compared to him, she was ten thousand times better.

Mei Luo refused to believe it, and still wanted to go out, "I'm going to Sirius Realm, I'm going to Sirius Realm!"

At this time, Bu Jie came, without saying a word, he slapped his palm on the back of his neck.

He trembled, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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