The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 393 Part 156 Bai Ze's Blood

Chapter 393 Part 156 Bai Ze's Blood
Bixi was very upset when Yumo cheated her, but it was okay because she did jump into the sea.

Yumo was in a hurry and wanted to find Shuituoluo immediately, but Shennong Ding told her that Chiwen lived in the Liulihai, the northernmost part of the mountain and sea world, and had to go to the Liulihai to find it, but Tianlonghai was the southernmost place of the mountain and sea world. One south and one north, just in the opposite direction, the distance can be imagined, even if the candle dragon flies fast, it will take at least ten days.

Taotie decided to join Shudu and the others first.

At this time, Shu Du and Zhen Yu were also looking for Yumo, seeing that she was safe and sound, Shu Du hugged her directly.

"Where did you go, I'm so worried."

He searched for a long time but couldn't find the mechanism, so he returned the same way, and Zhenyu found nothing. After the two met, they went to the direction Yumo went, but they couldn't find her person. Shudu went crazy trying to find her. , if she can't be found again, the whole Penglai Island will probably be split.

Zhen Yu was also very worried about Yu Mo, but Shu Du was holding her now, wishing to rub her into his heart, even if he had something to say, he didn't want to say anything.

When Duoji was looking for the agency, he was left where he was. When he was looking for Yumo, Shu thought he would be in the way and asked him to wait there, so he didn't go anywhere. When he saw Yumo, he burst into tears. Wept miserably.

Yu Mo pushed Shudu away in embarrassment, and they weren't lovers, so how could it be proper to hug each other like this.

"Shudu, I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much."

"How can you not be worried? Let me take a good look to see if you are injured."

"Really not, I have Taotie, it will protect me."

Shu Du glanced at Tao Tie, and wanted to ask her where she had been, but suddenly saw Bi Xi.

"What the hell is this?"

Bixi was already very unhappy, but now he is called a ghost again, and his temper exploded, "You are a ghost, I am a fierce beast, Bixi, I can only blame you for being ignorant if I haven't seen it."

"Bixi?" Needle Feather is a brain-like existence, very similar to Cangwu. He has read a lot of books since he was a child, and he knows what it is as soon as he hears this name. "Bixi is the largest among the ancient beasts..."

The largest size is from the book, but seeing is believing, it is... so small?
"This girl has a bit of knowledge..." Bixie froze, but seeing Zhenyu frowned tightly, looked it up and down, complained about its body shape, and shouted: "I look like a primordial spirit now. Big enough to scare you to death."

Yumo explained, "Bixi is Penglai Island, a giant tortoise."


Shu Du and Zhen Yu looked around, obviously frightened.

Bi Xi added with great admiration, "That's right, you are on my back now, but to be precise, it's Lao Tzu who carried me on Penglai Island."

Shu Du and Zhen Yu were even more startled, their eyes widened.

How big is the giant tortoise on Penglai Island?
Yu Mo asked, "Why didn't you see Candle Dragon?"

"Just like us, it didn't find you, and lost contact with Taotie. It went to the other side to look for it, and it should be back soon."

After Needleha was surprised by Bixi's size, she noticed the furball again.

"This is……"

Previously, all the attention was on Bixi, ignoring the unicorn behind Taotie.

Yumo said happily, "This is a fur ball, a grown fur ball, and..." She laughed even more happily, rubbing her head against the fur ball's face, "The fur ball is Bai Ze, the last Bai Ze. "

Both Shu Du and Zhen Yu didn't know how to be surprised. She just disappeared for a long time, and the amount of information she brought back was a bit overwhelming.

"The fur ball is Bai Ze?" Shu Du became a parrot, repeating her words.

"Well, I just found out, by the way..." She took off the necklace around her neck, "I also got the Shennong Cauldron!"

The small Shennong Ding flashed, as if saying hello, and the Haotian Tower on Shudu's waist also flashed in response.

Artifact no doubt.

Shu Du and Zhen Yu glanced at each other, then they were dumbfounded.

The amount of information has been overloaded.

Yumo knew that they might not be able to digest so much information for a while, so he explained in detail what happened before.

After Zhulong couldn't find her, he tried to go to other places. Halfway there, he heard Taotie's call. It's already been recounted, so Yumo doesn't need to repeat it.

After the matter was finished, Zhenyu concluded: "So, we are going to Liulihai now?"

"Hmm! Miss Zhenyu knows a lot, but do you know the exact location of the Glazed Sea?"

Shennong Ding only knew that Chiwen lived in Liulihai, but it didn't know exactly where Liulihai was in the south.

Needle Feather said: "The mountains and seas are vast and rich in resources. I have never been there, but I have read some in books. The Glazed Sea is located in the southernmost fire forest."

"Fire forest? Isn't it the sea, why is it in the forest!"

"You misunderstood. The forest of fire is not a forest, but a sea of ​​fire. The flames will never go out all year round. Because the height of the fire is as high as the trees, it is named the forest of fire."

"Fire sea? That means..." Yu Mo had a headache, "It's very hot there!"

"That's right!"

Yu moaned silently, "It's cold here, and hot there. Is there no normal place in this mountain and sea world?"

The coldness of Penglai Island, without the Yangyan fire robe, she would never be able to bear it, the coldness is like this, the heat can be imagined, the fire can burn higher than the trees, it is probably the same place as the Flame Mountain, no, definitely A hundred times hotter than the Flame Mountain.

"Miss Needle Feather!" She suddenly grabbed Needle Feather's hand.


"Do you still have a robe that can resist heat, such as Bingmiao water robe?"

She came up with the name of Bing Miao Shui Pao randomly, and reversed the literal meaning of Yang Yan Huo Pao.

Bingmiao water robe VS Yangyan fire robe, quite neat.

Zhenyu was stunned, "Is there such a robe in this world? Where did Miss Yumo hear it?"

Yumo laughed dryly.

Stop cooking, that is, there is no more.

"Hehe, I'm talking nonsense, I thought there would be."

"Mo Mo you don't have to worry, we monsters are not afraid of the fire forest, since only Bi Xi can find the Chi Kiss, I'll take it there, you just go back to the Sirius Realm and wait."

She also wanted to wait, but she couldn't wait any longer, she just wanted to get the Water Tuoluo as soon as possible.

"Why are you so troubled?" It was Shennong Ding's voice.

Yumo could hear it, but Shudu and Zhenyu couldn't.

"You have a way?" She was talking in her head.

"Go drink Bai Ze's blood."


"Bai Ze's blood can make you not afraid of severe cold, also not afraid of scorching heat, and even more invulnerable to all poisons."

Yumo was speechless, and looked at Maoqiu.

The hair ball was evolved through the demon power of the former Queen Bai Ze, and the former Queen Bai Ze and Shen Nong Ding can communicate with each other, so it can also hear the voice of Shen Nong Ding.

"Mom, drink my blood, drink my blood." It greeted Yumo excitedly.

drink blood...

How to drink?
Shennong Ding said: "Just take a bite."

Yu Mo: "..."

The problem of not being afraid of the heat has been solved, but the solution is unbearable.

But when it came to the question of invulnerability from a hundred poisons, Yu Mo suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Maoqiu could cure her poison. It turns out that its system is the nemesis of poisons.

Shennong Ding said again, "Even if it's not to resist the heat, it's good for you to drink it. With Bai Ze's blood, you don't have to be afraid of being poisoned by Huoduoluo again."

"Hey, why?"

"Bai Ze's blood can control the poison entering the body on the surface of the body, and excrete it through urine and sweat. Although it will also have a certain effect on the poison entering the body, but not all of them, at least the poison like Huoduoluo, has not been infected. It can be controlled on the surface and excreted through metabolism, but it won’t work when it enters the body. In order to ensure your safety in the future, you also need to drink this blood. In addition..."


"You are my master, but the physical quality of human beings is not ideal. I will personally prepare the medicine that suits you. After taking it, I will prolong the time for you to activate the spirit as much as possible, and reduce the side effects of the activation."


"My original master, Shennong, is the best at refining medicine in the world. I have been with him all his life. I know his unique skills. You can question it, or you don't have to believe it, it's up to you!"

"I believe, I believe!"

"Just believe me, girl. During the time you are my master, I will take good care of your body, but you must listen to me and drink Bai Ze's blood first."

It must first ensure that she will not be poisoned by drugs one day.

Yu Mo: "..."

She can drink, but she still has a little psychological struggle.

It's not duck blood, pig blood, you can eat it when you say it.

The fur ball is her pet, I have never seen the owner drink the pet's blood.

"Mom, come and bite me!"

Fuqiu couldn't wait any longer, and stretched out her hoof in front of her.

Looking at the snow-white hooves... Yu Mo couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Shu Du and Zhen Yu were stunned for a moment, they didn't understand why Yu Mo drank blood, they didn't know, but Haotian Tower knew, because the artifacts can communicate with each other, it will drink the blood, one by one Fifty-ten told the capital of Shu.

After hearing this, the capital of Shu was overjoyed, and joined the ranks of urging, "Shut up, drink quickly, it will be good for you, and a hundred poisons will not invade, how can you miss such a good thing."

"But..." She really couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Taotie didn't have this concern, he swiped his paw and opened a hole in Maoqiu's hoof, and blood beads came out immediately.

"Girl, drink quickly, if you don't dare, you can lick it!"

Yu Mo bowed his head in a gracious manner, gritted his teeth, and licked it.

"Maoqiu, your blood is so bitter!" She poohed.

Really bitter!

"I take herbs!" It's normal for Maoqiu to feel bitter.

"Girl, drink again, just one sip is not enough, take another sip."

Yumo thinks that Taotie is good at everything, but his actions are too cruel.

"Mom, I'm not in pain. Go ahead and drink more. It's good for you."

Yumo nodded, took another sip, endured great pain, and swallowed it. After drinking, she thought of Duoji.

"Duoji, you drink too!"

Although he is a demon, he is still very weak, and he will be in danger if he fails to protect himself.

"Furball, okay?" she asked.

"Yes, I like Dorje too!"

Duoji also heard the words of Shudu before he knew what Baidu Bujin said. He blushed and felt very embarrassed, but he didn't hold back, and walked over and took a sip.

"Sister, it's really bitter!" He twisted his face, feeling like he was about to vomit.

"Don't spit it out, swallow it quickly, don't waste the blood of the hairball."

This blood is too precious, not a single drop can be wasted.

"Yeah!" Duoji suppressed his nausea and swallowed desperately.

After swallowing it, he felt very hot in his lungs, as if a fire was burning.

"Sister, it's so hot!"

"Hot?" Yu Mo clutched her stomach, she didn't feel it at all, "Why don't I feel it?"

"It's really hot, it's hot!" Duoji knelt down on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

"Duoji!" Yumo was startled, "Are you okay, tell me quickly, where is it hot?"

"The whole body..." He twisted his face.

"Are there any side effects?"

Shen Nong Ding said, "Impossible, Bai Ze's blood will not have any side effects."

"Then how did this happen?"

Shennong Ding didn't understand either, and after floating up, circled around Duoji.

Dorje was so hot that he was rolling, it was clear that there was ice-cold snow on the ground, but he couldn't calm down the heat in his body at all. He felt that he was going to be burned to ashes. past.

"Duoji, wake up! Shennong Ding, save him quickly." If she knew this would happen, she would definitely not let Duoji drink it.

The Shennong Ding floated on Duoji's body and remained still for a while.

"It's okay, he just passed out."

"Didn't you say that there are no side effects? What's going on?" She really did something bad with good intentions.

Shen Nong Ding also felt puzzled, "His system is probably different from that of humans or demons."

"How could it be different, he is a rat demon!"

"No, he looks like a rat demon, but it's not that simple."

"I don't understand what you say!" She was worried that Duoji's life would be in danger.

"Girl, let's see when he wakes up. Don't worry, he won't die."

"Really, are you sure?"


Yu Mo felt relieved a little, and looked at Shudu, "Let's go back to the cave first and let Duoji have a rest."

"it is good!"

Shu Du picked up Duoji and was about to go back to the cave when Zhenyu grabbed him.

He turned around and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Needle Feather pointed to the hairball that was licking the wound, "Go and drink too!"

She heard what the capital of Shu said just now, and she also thought that such a thing as a hundred poisons should not be missed. Bai Yu is good at poisoning, and the method of poisoning is subtle. This time it is the dog demon king, and it may be him next time. As the king of the wolf monster clan, safety is the most important thing. Anyway, the wound has been opened and the blood is bleeding, so it cannot be wasted.


"Bai Yu is cunning and unpredictable. You can protect yourself by drinking Bai Ze's blood."

Shu Du looked arrogant, "I will be afraid of Bai Yu, what a joke! Don't drink!"

Needle feather was short of breath, and pushed him to go to the fur ball.

"Miss Needle Feather..." Yu Mo was not stingy, but worried that Shu would be like Duoji, "Duoji would pass out only after drinking the blood of Maoqiu. It's better to wait for Duoji to wake up. If nothing happens, it's not too late to drink."

She is not stingy, but the furball quit.

"No, no one except Mom and Dorji."

Shu Du was annoyed, "Little bastard, you're ungrateful, right? I shouldn't have saved you back then when I was a dog."

He doesn't care about a system that is invulnerable to all poisons, but he doesn't like the different treatment of hairballs.

Maoqiu ran behind Taotie and made a face at him, "No way, no way."


Yu Mo hurriedly smoothed things over, "Shudu, don't be so angry with the hairball, it's important to take care of Duoji."

"I don't care about its blood. Whoever wants to drink it should drink it." He lifted his foot and left.

After everyone returned to the cave, they ate something. In the middle of the night, Duoji still didn't wake up. Fortunately, he was fine, he didn't have a fever, and he wasn't in pain. It was like falling asleep. Yumo breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to relax his vigilance. , insisting on staying by his side, she was so sleepy that she leaned against the wall beside him and took a nap.

When it was almost dawn, she woke up urgently to urinate, slipped out to solve it, and bumped into Needle Feather when she came back.

"Miss Needle Feather, why are you awake?" When she came out, she was clearly asleep.

"I need you!" Needle Feather looked serious.

"Let's go back and talk about it." Although she has a Yangyan fire robe on her body, she is still too cold. There is a bonfire in the cave, so she can feel better.

"Just say it here!"

"What's important, I have to say it now." She kept rubbing her hands.

Needle Feather stretched out her hand to support the tree behind her, a wall came and trapped her.

Of course Yumo wouldn't think that she was Bidong, so he took a step back and pressed his back against the tree trunk behind him, "Miss Needle Feather, if you have something to say, just say it..."

Zhen Yu's face became even more gloomy, with the face of a late lady, she approached Yu Mo and said, "Get me a bowl of Bai Ze's blood!"

Yu Mo: "..."

It turned out that she was still thinking about it.

But one bowl is not too much.

"Don't worry, I will find a way!"

"It's not about finding a way, it's for sure!"

She couldn't put Shudu in danger.

"I see!"

"It's good that you understand. If you are smart, you should know that Shu will be the best ally of the dog demon king."

"Yeah! But..." Yu Mo felt sorry for Mao Qiu, and said, "Isn't one bowl too much?"

"The capital of Shu is so strong and eats a lot, so of course you need a bowl!"

She didn't think about herself at all, all she thought about was Shudu.

Yumo felt that it was a fool for Shudu to be indifferent to such a good woman.

(End of this chapter)

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