The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 394 Part 157 The Holy Land of Bai Ze

Chapter 394 Part 157 The Holy Land of Bai Ze

At noon the next day, Duoji Youyou woke up. He didn't remember how he fainted. After listening to Yumo's words, he closed his eyes and touched his stomach. Except for hunger, he didn't feel any discomfort. It was hot. The pain didn't come back either.

"Is it really all right?"

"Well! Sister, don't worry, I feel very energetic now." He raised his hands and made a strong man's movement, but unfortunately he didn't have any muscles on his arms, and he was just a little demon with thin arms and legs.

Yu Mo's heart fluttered to the ground, "Are you hungry? Let me get you something to eat?"

"Hungry! Starved to death!" he wailed.

After sleeping for so long, he was already hungry.

Yumo patted his head, and quickly turned all the food out, probably fearing that he would not have enough nutrition, so he brought a lot of meat over.

"Hurry up and eat!"

Duoji picked up the meat and started to eat it, it was delicious.

While eating, he asked, "Sister, when are we going to Liulihai?"

Yumo wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, "It will take two days, you should rest well in these two days, make sure everything is fine, let's start again."

Although she wanted to leave for Liulihai immediately, Duoji's reaction yesterday really frightened her. After a night's consideration, she decided to go to Liuli after making sure that he was really fine, and she couldn't ignore him just because she wanted to save Meiluo.

"Well, I listen to my sister."

He ate so much that his mouth was full of oil, which made Yu Mo laugh.

"Eat quickly, and go to sleep after eating."

"Still sleeping, I've been sleeping all day."

"Physical health is more important than anything else. If you can't sleep, it's good to lie down."


After Dorji was full, he lay down obediently, and Yumo stayed with him all the time.

In the afternoon, it snowed again on Penglai Island. It was small at the beginning, but it became bigger in an instant. Under the blizzard, a group of people could only be trapped in the cave, unable to go anywhere.

Bixi is also there, so I insist on squeezing in with them.

In the evening, the snow stopped, revealing the moon, and the temperature after the snow was colder than when it was snowing, but Yumo was no longer afraid of the cold, and Bai Ze's blood had fully exerted its effect, because she was wearing a Yangyan fire robe, she was After sitting by the campfire for a while, I was sweating from the heat, so I had to take it off and put it on Dorji.

After a while, Duoji was also very hot, and his head was sweating, which showed that Bai Ze's blood had also affected him.

The two had to admire the magical power of this blood, and at the same time, it gave Yu Mo confidence that she was not afraid of the cold, so she also didn't have to be afraid of the scorching hot forest of fire.

The next morning, just before dawn, Yu Mo woke up, because she couldn't sleep, she decided to make breakfast, and when she got up, she found that the fur ball was gone again.


When she ran outside the cave, she didn't see the hairball, but there was a string of hoof marks left on the thick snow, winding towards one direction.

The hoof prints must have been left by the hairball. Where is it going so early in the morning.

Are you hungry and looking for food?

She shook her head, the feed she brought was enough for it, and it ate a lot last night, out of curiosity and worry, she decided to follow and have a look.

The snow had already melted a little, not too thick, but she was still struggling to walk. After walking for more than half an hour, she came to the last mountain range. Looking at the mountain road ahead, she took a hard breath and relied on herself. You can't climb up your legs, you can only cheat.


"Yo! Here!"

Candle Dragon jumped out of the demon refining pot.

"Take me up to find the furball!"

"It's running around again?" Zhulong knelt on the ground, waiting for her to climb up his back.

After Yumo sat down firmly, he grabbed its mane, "I don't know, so I wanted to follow and have a look."

"Okay, sit still!"

Candle Dragon shook its tail, followed the hoof prints, flew up and low, and soon came to the ice wall that could not be broken at all, where the fur ball's hoof prints also disappeared.

"Silence, there is no way ahead."

Yu Mo climbed down from Zhulong's back, saw the hoof prints and lost its trace in front of the ice wall, and concluded that the fur ball had entered the ice wall, but how did it get in, the ice wall was intact, even a No cracks can be seen.

She touched it, and suddenly her hand was embedded in the ice wall.

"A Zhu, it's soft!"

"Soft?" Zhulong raised his paw and touched it, but it was extremely hard, "No!"

"But my hand can go in!" She pushed her hand a little harder, and the ice wall felt like jelly on her fingers.

Candle Dragon was stunned, and tapped again with its paws, just like before, it couldn't get in.

"Could it be..." Yu Mo withdrew his hand, and went in again, then boldly took a step forward, squeezed, half of his body went in.

"Momo, be careful!" Zhulong was worried that there would be traps.

"I know!" Yu Mo squeezed in again, the ice wall did not hinder her at all, as if she had passed through the water layer, the whole person went in.

"Silence?" Zhulong shouted from the other side.

Yumo could only see the shape of its mouth, but couldn't hear the sound, so he had to squeeze it out again.

"A Zhu, last time we came, we tried many methods but couldn't get in, right?"


"I think no one else can enter this ice wall, only Bai Ze can."


"The furball's hoofprint disappeared here, it must have gone in, and I drank its blood, so the ice wall also regarded me as Bai Ze."

Zhulong thinks it makes sense. If it is not like this, it doesn't make sense that she, a human being, can break through the ice wall, but it can't as a beast, and she was there last time, so it can't go in. The only difference between this time and last time is that she Drank Bai Ze's blood.

"A Zhu, I'll go in and have a look."

Zhulong worried, "No, it's too dangerous for you alone."

No one knows what is going on inside the ice wall. She goes in alone, what should she do if she encounters danger?
Yumo smiled and said, "You forgot that I have a demon refining pot, quickly enter the demon refining pot, if I go in, you can go in too."

Zhu Long's eyes lit up, "That's right! See, I forgot about this in a hurry."

Even if it can't get in, there is still Taotie in the demon refining pot, and Taotie will never let her encounter danger, but it is also curious about the inside, instantly shrinks its body, and enters the demon refining pot.

"Silence, that's fine, let's go in."


After entering, Yumo released Zhulong again, and Taotie came out at the same time.

"Where is this place?"

Yu Mo shook his head, "I don't know either, but the fur ball is inside, so it must know."

"Don't run around, just follow me."

Yu Mo nodded.

The ground is also covered with snow, but no hoof prints can be seen. The inside is not as cold as the outside, but the snow has not melted. When I look closely, I find that it is not snow, but something like grass, but the appearance is similar to snow. very close.

After walking for a short distance, a cave appeared ahead, and the entrance of the cave was slightly glowing.

"Furball!" Yumo shouted towards the cave.

The hole shimmered, but there was no response.

Taotie looked at Zhulong, "I am here to protect the girl, you go and check first to see if there are any traps."

"it is good!"

Candle Dragon swam quickly, but couldn't get in when he reached the entrance of the cave, just like the ice wall.

"Gao Tie, there is an enchantment at the entrance of the cave!"

Yu Mo walked over, touched it with his hand, and his hand passed through immediately.

Zhulong stroked his chin, "In that case, only Bai Ze can enter this place."

"Girl, Ah Zhu and I will go back to the demon refining pot first, and then let us out after we go in."

Yu Mo nodded, she didn't enter the cave until they were all in the demon refining pot.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Inside the cave is a stalactite cave, but these stalactites are more like coral burnt, the color is extremely gorgeous, as if illuminated by laser lights, the natural masterpieces of many years, all kinds of strange things, under the light, full of unique beauty.

During the journey, there is a feeling of returning to the original, the cave is very quiet, only the sound of water droplets, and there is a section of the road that is very dark, you can’t see anything, you can only vaguely see the light ahead, and there are bats flying by from time to time. But don't worry about hitting them, because bats emit ultrasonic waves and will never hit people.

All kinds of stones are full of water vapor, very moist, and when you touch it, your heart feels cool.

Taotie was worried that Yumo would go ahead, and he would be in the rear, letting Zhulong go ahead.

After walking for a while, Yu Mo found that this cave is not one, but a hole within a hole. These holes are high or low, wide or narrow, and you won't feel uncomfortable walking through the narrow stalactite caves. If you are afraid, you will only admire the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, which is low-key yet beautiful, simple and natural, and it is even more dizzying.

"Gaotie, look, does this stalactite look like you!"

All stalactites are formed naturally, three points can be seen, seven points depend on imagination, what they look like, they will look like, everyone may be different.

Taotie snorted, "I'm not so ugly, that's a dog!"

"Aren't you a dog?"

Taotie: "..."

Forget, this girl sees it as black wood.

"What's so interesting about stalactites, watch the road carefully."

The road inside the cave is very slippery, and you will slip and fall if you don't pay attention.

Zhulong had already run a long way, but when he saw that the people behind had not followed, he turned back again.

"Momo, there is a bigger cave ahead!"

"Really!" Yu Mo ran over excitedly.

Taotie chased after him, "Be careful!"

It is more and more like her nanny.

The largest cave is at a high place, and you need to walk up a ladder, with nine twists and turns, circling in circles. When you arrive, Zhulong can't get in again, so you have to get out of the way.

"It's an enchantment again, silently, only you can come."

"Yeah." Yu Mo stretched out her hand, and like the previous two times, she was still able to pass smoothly.

Taotie and Zhulong had no choice but to go back into the demon refining pot and wait for her to go in before releasing them.

After Yu Mo went in, his eyes suddenly opened up. It was no longer the landscape of the stalactite cave, but a starry sky.

The stars in the sky are like pearls, scattered on the jasper plate, shining with light, the sky can not see the end, the vast expanse, just like the sea at the end of the world, covering everything, without any wrinkle, all are the same dark blue .

Isn't this a cave? How could there be a starry sky?

Could it be that she has actually walked out of the cave?

"Gaotie, Ah Zhu, come out and have a look!" she shouted at the demon refining pot.

But this time Taotie and Zhulong did not come out.

"Gaotie? Ah Zhu?" She shook the demon refining pot.

"Don't shout, they can't come out." It was the voice of Shennong Ding.


"This is Bai Ze's holy place, they are bound by the barrier."

"Will there be any danger?"

"No, just go out." Shennong Ding got off the necklace and floated in front of Yu Mo, "Go ahead, Queen Bai Ze is ahead, I will lead the way, you must follow closely, if you go in the wrong direction , you will not find the exit."

Yu Mo nodded, and asked as he walked, "Isn't this really a starry sky?"

She always felt that something was wrong, it was daytime when she came, it was impossible for it to be night so soon.

"No, this is an illusion. In order to protect the Holy Land, Bai Ze set up an illusion formation. The appearance of the cave will change with time. Don't worry, just follow closely. I'm going to turn left."

"Oh!" Yumo followed it closely.

Shennong Ding does not go straight, but turns left and right, here and there for a while.

Yu Mo thinks this is probably the so-called Qimen Dunjia. I used to watch The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and the Peach Blossom Island in it needs to follow the steps of breaking the formation, otherwise I will be trapped in the Peach Blossom Formation forever.

"Girl, look ahead!"

Yu Mo raised his head, his eyes were blinded by a dazzling golden light.

A huge golden cup full of water is suspended high in the air, and the overflowing water is also golden yellow.

She half-opened her eyes and looked sideways at it, "What is this?"

"The knowledge passed down by Bai Ze through the ages..."


The ocean of knowledge has been heard, and the golden cup of knowledge has never stopped.

"Bai Ze is hailed as a wise man. The reason why they are called so in the world is because they know everything from ancient times to the present. There have been rumors that the one who wins Bai Ze wins the world, and this is also how they come from."

Those who win Bai Ze win the world...

She remembered that she saw it in an ancient book mountain, and it was indeed said so.

"Girl, do you want to get the world?"


Shennong Ding thought she didn't understand, and repeated: "Get the world!"

Yu Mo immediately shook his head like a rattle.

Neuropathy!It's not bad to be able to save your life no matter what the world is.

Shen Nong Ding could hear her inner voice, and said with a smile: "If you win the world, you will not be able to save your life."

"It's different. In ancient times, people in the world didn't live long. They had to be on guard against this and calculating that all day long. They were too tired to live. If you didn't do it well, someone would stab you in the back. After a long time, you can't tell which is which." Who can be trusted, who can’t be trusted. Absolutely not, I just want to live happily.”

"Really? No wonder you can come in here..."

"Huh?" What does this have to do with her being able to come in, isn't it because of Bai Ze's blood?
"You were able to enter the first two barriers because of Bai Ze's blood, but the last barrier is a barrier that detects greed and ambition. The more greedy and ambitious, the greater the power of the barrier. Otherwise, you can live. Think about it, this is your advantage, you have no desires, no desires..."

"No, I have desires, and I'm also very greedy."

She wanted to return to the dog realm as soon as possible to cure Mei Luo, and even more wanted to find Nuwa Stone as soon as possible, and set up a rebirth formation to bring back those who had been killed by herself.

"These are not greed, the real greed is selfishness, you don't!"

"Is there any difference?" She would do that because she wanted to feel better.

"Hahaha..." Shen Nong Ding laughed, "The more pure and virtuous people are in ancient times, the less they know their own value. My master this time really chose the right one."

Yu Mo frowned, "Why do I think you think I'm stupid?"

"Stupid? Haha, stupidity is also an advantage. If you continue to be stupid, I will help you."

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is! I won't tell you, the golden cup, I know, but what I'm looking for is the fur ball, where is it?" She looked around, but she couldn't find it.

"In the golden cup, it will come out after a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was movement in the water in the golden cup, and the fur ball floated out of the water.

"Furball!" Yumo waved at it.


Fuqiu was surprised that she would appear here, her silver eyes turned golden because of the reflection of the golden cup, flickering from gold to silver, it looked at the enchantment at the entrance of the cave, after thinking for a while, it smiled.

Mom... You see, my master has passed the final test, and he is the one-of-a-kind existence.

It danced its hooves and swooped over.

"Maoqiu, you are going out next time, please let me know first, do you know that I will be very anxious."

"Well, I see, I won't do it next time." It rubbed its face against her hand.

"Can you go back?"

"That's it!"

"Punish you for not eating dinner today!"

"Hey, why?"

"Who made you run around?"

The silent starry sky changed, and after they left, it became a very ordinary cave, and the golden cup slowly disappeared.

In fact, people who can win the world often don't have this intention at the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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