The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 395 Part 158 ​​Dorje's Awakening

Chapter 395 Part 158 ​​Dorje's Awakening

After leaving the Baize Holy Land, the group went back to the cave where they were stationed.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Yu Mo met Needle Feather's sight. The sight was not scary, but full of eagerness. He squinted his eyes, but the sharpness inside made Yu Mo's skin tremble. Ball, finally understand what is the true meaning of 'bloodthirsty'.

She covered her forehead, believing that as long as Shudu didn't drink Bai Ze's blood for a day, Zhen Yu would not let her go, but this kind of thing also depends on the timing, the hair ball just lost blood yesterday, so it needs to be recuperated Let's go, as the master, she feels distressed.

She coughed, walked over, pulled Needle Feather aside, and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll give it to you."

"When?" Needle Feather was very domineering, insisting on her giving an exact time.

"Wait for Liulihai to come back."

"so long?"

"Soon, I will also use this time to persuade Fuqiu to donate blood."

Although the fur ball is her pet, she doesn't want to force it, but it must be willing.

Needle feather is small in stature, but she is born with the aura of a queen, and she looks like a king when she raises her head and speaks.

"Are you sure you won't tease me?"

"No, absolutely not. Miss Needle Feather is my benefactor. Let alone a bowl of Mao Qiu's blood, I will give it to you." If you are distressed, just cut your wrist and spill blood.

"Okay, I believe you! Just wait until the matter of Liulihai is completed, remember, don't delay for a day."

"OK, OK!"

Needle Feather glanced at Fuqiu, and a layer of light suddenly gathered in his eyes. When he looked at Yu Mo again, the sharpness was gone, but it turned into a deep luster.

"Now that you are the master of Bai Ze, and it is a spirit beast, its blood is precious. Have you thought about how to protect it in the future?"

Yumo looked at her in surprise, it turned out that she was not the only one who thought about it, but also Zhenyu.

Taking Bai Ze's blood can make the body invulnerable to all poisons, and it exists like a sacred object. If others find out, the hairball will be in danger.Throughout the ages, for treasures, human greed can break out into war at any time, and people will die. When she knew that Bai Ze's blood was so precious, she began to worry about the future of the hairball.

"Miss Needleba, is there any comprehensive method?"

"It seems that you have thought about it too, um, it's not bad, not stupid."

Yu Mo smiled wryly, not knowing whether she was praising or sarcastic.

"It's not too difficult to protect it with your ability, just let it stay in the demon refining pot all the time."

There are Taotie and Candle Dragon in the Demon Refining Pot, no one dares to enter easily, and besides, how can anyone enter the Demon Refining Pot if they want to.

Yumo vetoed the proposal, "The hairball is very sticky to me, it must be unhappy to confine it like this."

"Safety first, is it important to be happy?"

"Important! Miss Needle Feather is a wolf demon, a wolf who loves freedom most by nature. If one day is imprisoned in a cage, what will it be like?"


"In the human world, there are many wolves like this. They are all kept in a place called a zoo. They don't worry about food, wind and rain, but they don't have freedom. After a long time, even if they eat a lot every day If you are full and sleep well, you will also lose your energy, lose the majestic and murderous look of a wolf, and no longer be the king of hunting, and you will not even howl."

Needle feather was shocked, "There is still such a place in the human world."

"Yes, there are many!" There are not eight thousand zoos in the world, but ten thousand. "I don't want fur balls to become such walking dead. While giving it safety, we must also give it freedom."

Needle Feather looked at her a little differently, knowing that she was not stupid, but did not expect her to have such thoughts.

"If so, you will be very hard!"

"I'm not afraid of hard work!" Pets are the owner's responsibility.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much, this Bai Ze looks very strong."

Yumo knows, because Bixi said that the battle value of the perfectly evolved Bai Ze is comparable to that of a beast, but this does not mean that it is not dangerous, just like the Tibetan Mastiff, the king of dogs, can kill a pack of wolves in one go, but go Ask the owner of the Tibetan Mastiff, he will not think that the Tibetan Mastiff is invincible because of this, but he has not encountered a stronger enemy.

She feels that the safety of the fur ball is the most important thing for her besides saving Mei Luo and those Gou Yao clansmen who were killed by her. However, as the owner of the fur ball, she is so weak, even if there is Taotie's enlightenment, it may not be possible. It can be kept safe, after all, the time to open the gods is very short, and it is not possible to open the gods if she wants to. What if she is injured or sick one day and cannot open the gods?
The same is true for Zhulong, it is not the strongest among the beasts, it is just a weapon of Taotie, just like the last time it met Li Tianxie, it could not defeat it alone.

Therefore, the biggest premise is that she wants to become stronger herself, but she is a human being, and regardless of the role of Kaishen, no matter how strong she is, can she be stronger than a demon?


Yu Mo: "..."

She found that Shen Nong Ding talked a lot, and would interrupt from time to time.

"I'm not interrupting, I'm answering your question!"

"Can't you remind me before you speak?"

"What did you say!?" Needle feather heard her words suddenly, thinking it was meant for her.

"No, I'm not talking to you." She accidentally opened her mouth, completely forgetting that artifacts and their masters can speak through their minds.

"And Shennong Ding?"


Needle Feather nodded, "Then you are busy, I'll go in."

Yu Mo nodded, and conveyed what he was going to say to Shennong Ding through his mind.

"What did you mean when you said yes?" She was not sure if what Shen Nong Ding said was true.

"It can make you become like a demon, or even stronger."

"How?" That's the point.

"Hmph..." Shennong Ding suddenly put on a show, "Do you think I'm very powerful and useful now?"

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, it turns out that artifacts also have personalities, such as the Shennong Ding, which is particularly vain.

"Vanity? This is not vanity, this is my strength."

"Yes, yes, your strength, I admit my mistake, you are the strongest, you are the most powerful among the artifacts."

"I dare not be the most powerful. After all, I am only a support. If I want to say that I am strong, it must be Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Axe."

These two are the only two weapons in the divine weapon. Although the divine weapon cannot be destroyed, if you encounter Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Axe, it will still be over.

"Let's get down to business... It's not impossible for you to become stronger, it's just that the method will be more difficult."

"How hard is it?"

"Broken bones!"

"It's not hard work, it's pain!"

"Not far away, if you want, I can help you..."

"Will it turn into a demon?" She is very clear about the meaning of broken tendons and bones. She used to read martial arts novels, and there is a thing called Yi Jin Jing, which can make people reborn. If you want to become stronger and get these two things, it is generally equivalent to getting a cheat, the Nine Yang Manual and the Nine Yin Manual are also counted.

"Girl, I've never heard of these things in your head, what a mess."

"That's what I mean...don't worry about it, just tell me, are you going to become a demon?"

She is a human being, she must not become a demon, this is the bottom line.

"Did you know that demons have Yuan Dan?"

"Know!" She heard Mei Luo say it.

"The reason why human beings are not strong as demons is that human beings do not have Yuan Dan. Yuan Dan is the source of demon power. With Yuan Dan, even if you are not a demon, you can release demon power."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, of course people can't have Yuan Dan." She didn't even know what Yuan Dan looked like.

"No, Yuan Dan can be cultivated."

This is the first time I heard of it.

"My master, Shennong, is a human being, but he has lived longer than a demon because he cultivated Yuandan."

The Shennong Ding was named after Shennong, so even after his death, it has changed many owners, and still respectfully calls Shennong its owner.

"Isn't it difficult?" She seemed to understand the meaning of Shennong Ding. For example, ordinary people can practice the inner strength method in martial arts novels step by step.

"As I said, your physical fitness is not very good!"

Yu Mo refused to accept, "I am very healthy, and I have never been sick since I was a child."

There are a lot of doctors in the family, covering various disciplines, including Chinese and Western medicine. She has been well nursed since she was a child, so it is not easy to get sick.

"I'm not talking about health, but bones."

"Muscles and bones?" She pinched her arm. Before coming to Shanhaijie, she had a physical examination, and her bone calcium content was excellent.

Shennong Ding sighed sadly, "I'm a little tired talking to you, let me put it this way, if you want to practice Yuandan, you must first train your muscles and bones well, can you smash a stone with one punch?"

Hearing that, Yumo sprayed.

crushed stones...

"How big?"

"There is a rock in front of you, you can look at it."

Yu Mo looked at it and fell forward in fright. There was indeed a rock in front of her, but it was taller than her, probably one meter wide.

Rock crushing?
God, it's better to let her die.

"It can't be broken, so your quality is not good, and the monster power has a great impact on your muscles and bones. If you don't have the muscles and bones that can smash rocks with a punch, you won't be able to cultivate Yuandan."

"Then you still say you can!" Isn't this playing tricks on her?
"I didn't play tricks on you. I said this, of course, because I have a way to strengthen your muscles and bones. I said before that I will take care of you and prolong the time you have with Taotie."

She remembered that it did say, "Could it be the medicine you made?"

"It's just that the healing time is prolonged, and you can just take medicine, but it's a temporary solution, not the root cause. After trying countless methods, my master Shennong has practiced Yuan Dan. For this reason, he wrote down this method, and you can practice it accordingly."


"On me!"

Yumo took the Shennong tripod off the chain, because it was small, she could only squint her eyes to see, those words that she thought were scriptures, could it be the way to practice Yuandan.


Yumo howled, this is the secret book of martial arts!

Martial arts novels are not deceitful, there really are people who got martial arts cheats in the dark.


She scratched her head, blushed and said, "That... I don't understand!"

"Of course I can't understand it, because there is an enchantment on it, and it becomes incomprehensible. If you want, I can tell you! However, it will be very hard, you have to be prepared."

"As long as I don't become a demon, I am willing to work hard."

She wants to become stronger, only in this way can she protect the person she wants to protect, and the person she loves, she once thought about becoming a demon, but if there is a way to be strong without becoming a demon, then it would be even more All right.

Shennong tripod smiled and said: "There are no human beings in the mountain and sea world. I thought no one would need it anymore. My master Shennong probably expected to engrave the method on my body one day."

There seems to be a definite plan in the dark, let her come to the world of mountains and seas, and make her its new owner.

"Girl, I will convey the method to you through words. You don't have to be afraid that you won't remember it. Once it is conveyed, you will never forget it even if you want to."

"Hmm!" A spark of absolute ignited in her eyes.

"Then it begins..."

Yuan Dan practice cheats GET!

It took Yu Mo an hour to write down the secrets of Yuan Dan's cultivation. As Shen Nong Ding said, if you write it down, you can't forget it even if you want to.

After finishing the matter, she went back to the cave and found that Duoji was still asleep. She looked at Shudu, "Did he wake up after I went out?"

"Woke up once, ate a bunch of food, and fell asleep again."

Yumo walked over to have a look. Duoji looked like he was sleeping very well, his face was flushed, and there was a piece of dirt on his forehead, which was silvery white. She reached out to wipe it off.


She dusted it several times, but the dirt didn't come off.

how come!
She took a closer look, only to realize that it wasn't something dirty, it was a pattern, it was...

Like a snake... a snake with a straight body, looks a bit like S from a distance.

Suddenly, the silver-white snake pattern shone with light, and after it shone slightly, the snake pattern turned from silver to green, which was emerald-like green, extremely beautiful.

Dorje frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened it, Yu Mo was frightened again.

These are not Dorje's original eyes, but a pair of snake eyes, the pupils are a line, and the original black eyes have become blue, the same color as the snake pattern.

"Sister?" He rubbed his eyes and yawned again, "You're back, did you find the fur ball?"

"Duoji..." Yumo didn't know whether to tell him about the changes in his body.

"What's the matter, sister."

The snake's eyes blinked, and it looked particularly terrifying. In fact, on a certain level, the snake's eyes were similar to cat's eyes, but it might be because of the snake pattern on his forehead, and she couldn't think of cat's eyes.

Having said that, cats can actually be said to be the natural enemies of snakes, but Dorje is not a snake, nor a cat, but a mouse.

Rats are the favorite food of cats and snakes.

"Duoji..." She swallowed her saliva and said calmly, "Listen to me, don't be afraid, there must be a way to solve the problem."

Dorje tilted his head. He would have been cute in the past, but it would be uncute with a pair of snake eyes, because snakes also tilt their heads before attacking.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

"Your eyes, and... and forehead..."

"Huh?" Duoji didn't understand what she was talking about, and there was no mirror by his side, so he could only touch his forehead with his hand.

The snake pattern was somewhat three-dimensional, and he felt it as soon as he touched it. He also thought it was something dirty, but he couldn't erase it or pick it off.

"Sister, there is a strange thing on my forehead... what is it?""

"It''s a snake!"

"Ah!" He yelled in fright, jumping up and down in a panic, thinking it was a real snake.

"Duoji, it's not a real snake, it's a pattern, a snake-like pattern."

Dorji's movement attracted Zhenyu and Shudu, who were also shocked when they saw Dorji's appearance.

"How could this be?"

"Sister Zhenyu, have you brought a mirror? My sister said that I have a snake growing on my forehead."

There was nothing in the storage space of Needle Feather, and he took out a beautiful mirror after a while.

Dorje grabbed the mirror and pointed it at himself.

"Ah!" He looked at himself in the mirror in disbelief, the snake's eyes, the snake's forehead lines, and then his hair began to turn blue.

The color of emerald is beautiful and ghostly.

"Sister, am I sick, am I poisoned?"

No one dared to answer his question, because no one knew why he became like this.


Bai Ze's blood...he became like this after drinking Bai Ze's blood.

Zhenyu's face turned pale in an instant, if Shudu drank it, would it be the same.

"Shen Nong Ding!" Yu Mo yelled, she had never seen this kind of case, she didn't know how to save it, so she had to ask Shen Nong Ding for help.

At this time, the demon refining pot and the Shennong cauldron on her neck trembled, and the light shone slightly, as did the Haotian tower on Shudu's waist.

After the three gathered, they surrounded Dorje.

"Shen Nong Ding, speak up."

At the critical moment, he didn't speak anymore, isn't this a panic to death.

Surrounded by the three, the snake pattern on Dorje's forehead also glowed with light.

This is... the resonance among artifacts.

"Girl..." Shennong Ding's voice came slowly, "Your luck is a bit too much."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"This the Nuwa stone!"

Yumo was shocked.

"Nu... Nuwa stone? It's the Nuwa stone that can form a rebirth formation with you and the demon refining pot!"

"Exactly! Bai Ze's blood has no effect on him at all, because it is invulnerable to all poisons, but Bai Ze's blood has another effect on him, that is... awakening!"

Hearing that, Yu Mo rolled his eyes and passed out.

The hairball is Shirasawa...

Dorje is the Nuwa stone...

She was knocked unconscious by the 'pie' falling from the top of her head.

Legend has it that Empress Nuwa is a big blue snake...

Nuwa Stone GET!

 Haha, how about it, the plug-in is very cool, isn't it very cool.


(End of this chapter)

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