The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 396 Part 159 The Price of Human Dolls

Chapter 396 Part 159 The price of a human form

Nuwa stone...

Nuwa stone...

Dorje is the Nuwa stone...

Yumo was a little too excited. After passing out, he woke up shortly after. When he opened his eyes, he saw the worried face of Shudu.

"Momo, you're awake, is there any discomfort?"

She shook her head, she didn't feel any discomfort, but she couldn't accept it for a while. When she was in the human world, in order to make the life of the small animal welfare center easier, she would buy lottery tickets every month, but she never won, not even 5 yuan. The time when Taotie teased her was not counted, but in the world of mountains and seas, the luck seemed to be on the hook, one after another, first Taotie, Candle Dragon, Demon Refining Pot, then Shennong Cauldron, Bai Ze, and now it was Nuwa stone.

No, this is no longer a hack, it is a BUG.

God would be jealous!I feel like I'll lose my life.

And... and the practice of Yuan Dan.

Thinking about it now is still like a dream.

"Girl, why are you so careless? Isn't it okay that the mouse boy is a Nuwa stone? You don't have to bother to find it. It doesn't take much effort to get it. No one else can ask for it. You're fine, you just fainted from fright." Taotie Fanning his face with his paws, "Is it better?"

She sat up slowly, her head was still a little dizzy, but she was much better, and she looked at Dorji.

Dorji must have been shocked too. He was obviously a monster, but suddenly he became a magic weapon. Facing the snake-like self in the mirror, he didn't know whether to be happy or distressed.

I am glad that he can help Yu Mo, he is one of the three artifacts of the Rebirth Formation.What troubles him is that his snake looks a bit scary. He is not used to it no matter how he looks at it, he feels like a monster.

"Shen Nong Cauldron..." Yu Mo turned on the internal communication mode.


"Can an artifact turn into a demon? I mean like turning into a human."

"It's not that there are precedents, but they are very rare. At least I haven't become an extraordinary person."

The artifact can communicate with its owner and has its own thinking mode, but its appearance is still a tool. People who are not the owner see it, and it is just a dead thing.

"You said very few, then there have been, which artifact?"

"Xuanyuan Sword!"

Yu Mo shuddered, Xuanyuan Sword was an artifact that Bai Yu had obtained, she felt a little flustered for some reason, Bai Yu is not a good person, if Xuanyuan Sword could take human form, it would be impossible to guard against.

"Tell me quickly, isn't the artifact even more powerful after it turns into a human?"

Bai Ze achieved the perfect form through evolution, maybe the artifact is too, no matter how you think about it, the artifact that becomes a human is more powerful.

"What do you mean by tall?"

No matter what Yu Mo was thinking, Shen Nong Ding would know, and there was no privacy at all.

"It means more advanced and more powerful."

"Xuanyuan Sword itself is very powerful. It's hard for me to answer this question, because I have never taken human form before, so I don't know. I only know that Xuanyuan Sword turned into a human because Emperor Xuanyuan sealed the celestial girl in a wild place. It doesn't May the celestial girl who is the master suffer, and wanted to save her, and turned into a human form after releasing all the spiritual power."

"Heavenly girl?" Yu Mo's mind was stuck, "Is it Nine Heavens Xuannv? Or Dong Yong's wife?"

All the IQs of the Lan family have been devoted to medicine, and they can’t squeeze out any brains to learn history and mythology. Knowledge in this area is like a duck’s egg, but Yumo has read the stories of Journey to the West and the Seven Fairies, and thinks that the goddess is Jiutian Xuannv and One of the Seven Fairies.

However, the era of these two seems to be a bit wrong!
"I've never heard of the two you mentioned. The celestial girl I'm talking about is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. In ancient times, the celestial girl came down to earth and met the human Ji Xuanyuan. He is the one who created the world of mountains and seas with the Pan Gu ax."

The Yellow Emperor is the title of the ancient emperor Xuanyuan. He originally lived in Jishui. His original surname was Gongsun, but he changed his name to Ji Xuanyuan later. He could speak a few days after he was born. Resolute, is a first-class handsome man.

In the final analysis, if it is not a handsome man, how can the heavenly girl fall in love with him.

"I know this!" About the origin of the mountain and sea boundary, she had heard Mei Luo say it several times.

"The goddess is a god, and Emperor Xuanyuan is a human being. The two met and fell in love. But at that time, in the land of China, demons, demons, and humans coexisted. At that time, besides Emperor Xuanyuan, there was also a leader named Yandi. The Yandi sect was based on demons. Emperor Xuanyuan is the opposite, and the two often fight for the benefit of mankind, and Emperor Xuanyuan wins in the end."

"Well, I heard Mei Luo say that it was Chiyou under Emperor Yan who refused to accept him, and fought in the land of Shenzhou again. In the end, Emperor Xuanyuan defeated Chiyou with the help of the goddess, and won the Pangu axe, which is also one of the top ten ancient artifacts. , use it to split a space, throw all the monsters into it, and isolate it from Shenzhou, this is the origin of the mountain and sea world."

"That's right, a human being can defeat Chi You, who is known as the king of all monsters, with the help of the goddess, because the goddess loves Emperor Xuanyuan, and in order for him to win, she forged a sword with her spiritual power and gave it to him. , and named after Emperor Xuanyuan."

"This sword is the Xuanyuan Sword?"

"Yes, so Chi You was not defeated by Emperor Xuanyuan, but by Xuanyuan Sword."

The power of Xuanyuan Sword can be glimpsed from this.

"and then?"

"The Pangu ax is a divine tool that humans can use, but the Xuanyuan sword is not. It is made by the spiritual power of a goddess. It can be said to be like her child. Although Xuanyuan sword won the battle with Chi You, it consumed a lot of spiritual power. The body of the sword was almost broken. In order to repair it so that it could continue to protect Emperor Xuanyuan, the goddess released her spiritual power again, but the Xuanyuan sword wasted a lot and exhausted all the spiritual power of the goddess. The goddess who lost her spiritual power no longer It is a god, and it has become a drought demon!"

"Hanba? What is this?"

"As the literal meaning is, as long as she is there, the sun will not set, the rain will not come, and the crops will die."



"Can't it be changed?"

"No, this is also the punishment given by the emperor of heaven to the goddess, because gods should not interfere in human affairs. Even the divine beast Yinglong, who is known as the god of rain and water, cannot release water in front of her. After a long time, Yinglong will dry up and die. Her physique as a god has been changed, and she has become a demon that can cause a great drought."

The Hanba mentioned by Shennong Ding is also known as Tiannvba. During the battle between Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Yan, she actually lost most of her power, and it is impossible to return to the sky. Lingli forged Xuanyuan Sword to help Emperor Xuanyuan defeat Chiyou.

From god to demon, it is between this thought.

The power of love changed the life of the goddess.

Shennong Ding continued: "The change of physique has become the biggest obstacle between Emperor Xuanyuan and her. Her existence is drought. There is no water, only the sun. No matter plants, animals, or people will eventually die, Emperor Xuanyuan thought What we want to create is a world where human beings can live without worries, but as long as the drought exists, this ideal cannot be realized.”

Hearing this, Yu Mo felt a sudden pain in her heart, which reminded her of Concubine Yang Gui.

Isn't the reason why Concubine Yang Guifei hanged herself in Maweipo so that Tang Xuanzong could continue to be his emperor? Although it was a little different, the result was all for the sake of the man's imperial career and ruined his life.

"You said just now that Emperor Xuanyuan sealed the celestial girl forever in the barren land because she would bring disasters to mankind, so Emperor Xuanyuan sealed her regardless of affection?"

"As the physique of Hanba, she can no longer stay by Emperor Xuanyuan's side. As long as she is here, the drought will not disappear and everything will die. Therefore, Emperor Xuanyuan can only seal her in a wild place, and she will never be able to come out. .”

There is no grass in the barren land, no life, only darkness, and it is eternal, which is more miserable than killing her.

"It's too much!" Yu Mo clenched his fists in indignation.

Is there any reason for a woman to exhaust everything for the man she loves, but she ends up being sealed?
"If she is not sealed, human beings will not be able to survive. Is this the right ending? Girl, if Emperor Xuanyuan is still with the goddess because of love, then the human world will become another wild place, and you would not exist."

People in ancient times are all dead, and there is no future 21st world, the earth is estimated to become a dead ball.

"But...but it's not fair! Is there no other way?"

"It's not fair, but Emperor Xuanyuan can only do this. This is what Xuanyuan Sword cannot tolerate. It was created by the spiritual power of the goddess. The goddess regarded it as a child, and it also regarded the goddess as a mother. Knowing that the goddess is going to be killed When it was sealed, because of its anger, it took human form and argued with Emperor Xuanyuan."

"The results of it?"

"Being the goddess of Hanba stopped it..."

When Yu Mo heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears, "The heavenly girl is so pitiful..."

Fate is destined, no one can change this ending, if there is no Emperor Xuanyuan, Tiannv is still a Tiannv, still a noble god, but meeting, getting to know each other, and falling in love makes Tiannv become a drought demon, a demon, no matter where she goes , will bring drought there.

It's not that Emperor Xuanyuan has tried ways to unravel her Hanba physique, but none of them worked.

She has become a demon, and there is no possibility of turning around.

Even if human beings are grateful to the goddess for creating the Xuanyuan Sword and saving the land of Shenzhou from the ravages of Emperor Yan and Chi You, this fact cannot be changed.

Over the long years, she has become the most unpopular existence. Because she is not popular, the goddess often hides her face with blue clothes, looking very ashamed. Because of the change of her physique, she also becomes uglier and uglier. In the end, as long as she appears, humans will drive her away. There is no need for too strong words and curses, just a look of disgust is enough for her to feel ashamed, and she will only flee far away.

But, where can she go, can she just watch the man she loves turn gray because of this incident?
In the end, the wild land was the place she had to go.

Drought and wildness are the best match.

Even if it is an extremely long loneliness, alone, in darkness, without end, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Girl, what's there to cry about?" Shen Nong Ding thought that this girl was made of water, and would burst into tears every now and then.

"I'm sorry!" She wiped her tears.

"Momo, why are you crying? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Yu Mo and Shen Nong Ding were talking in their heads, and suddenly started crying. Shu couldn't figure it out, thinking that she was not feeling well, and turned around in a hurry.

Taotie heard the whole story from the demon refining pot.

Haotian Tower seems to be rather cold-tempered and doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, but seeing that Shudu is stupid, he has no choice but to retell the story of Shennong Ding about the heavenly girl.

Shudu recounted it to Zhenyu.

Dorji no longer needs to hear it from others, because he is Nuwashi, he can hear what the artifact says, and like Yumo, he cried with tears in his eyes.

"What a poor Tiannv sister..." He was a soft-hearted person, and he couldn't listen to this kind of story.

When Zhenyu heard this story, she didn't feel sorry for Tiannv, she thought she did the right thing, and if it was her, she would do the same thing, assuming that one day, her existence would affect the wolf monster clan and destroy the capital of Shu She is willing to go down the mountain of swords, go to hell, or any other wild place, or she will take the initiative to wipe her neck, because she loves Shudu, and since she loves him, she is willing to dedicate herself, Achieve his great cause and give him the best, so she admires the goddess very much.

Yu Mo's tears flowed non-stop, and continued to ask while wiping, "Then what happened next?"

"The celestial girl went to a barren land and could never come out. The Xuanyuan Sword and our artifacts were thrown into the mountain and sea world by Emperor Xuanyuan."

"Didn't Xuanyuanjian become a human?"

"It turned into a human, but the goddess beat it back to its original shape in order to stop it, otherwise it would be at odds with Emperor Xuanyuan." At that time, Emperor Yan and Chi You would be gone, but there would be an extra Xuanyuan Sword, and the war would start again , even worse than the previous two.

The power of Xuanyuan Sword is astonishing, it is impossible for Emperor Xuanyuan to defeat it.

"Could it be that the goddess just died of old age in the barren land?"

"No, she is a god herself. Although she has become a Hanba's physique and a demon, she will not die."

"Won't you die?" Yu Mo's red eyes stared out from crying, "Live forever in this wild land."


"Wow! It's too miserable." Yumo burst into tears.

This is simply miserable.

"It's her own choice, it's useless for you to cry."

"I'm fighting for her."

After Zhenyu learned about the eternal life of the heavenly girl through Shudu, she had a thought, "Miss Yumo, can I ask Shennong Ding, where is the barren land?"

She respected this celestial girl very much and wanted to see her very much, but she didn't know where the wild land was, she had never heard of such a place in the mountain and sea world.

Because of the hot climate in the north, there are also wild lands, but it seems to be different from what Shennong Ding described.

Yumo nodded and asked Shennong Ding while sobbing.

Shennong Ding replied: "The wild land is not in the mountain and sea realm, but in the human realm!"


Yu Mo's tears were so startled that they hung on her eyelashes, "In the human world."

"Yes, Emperor Xuanyuan didn't throw the celestial girl into the world of mountains and seas. As for the reason, I don't know."

"We have never heard of such a place in the human world. It is unbelievable to think about the fact that the human world has shut down a god."

There are also places in the human world that are called wild places. Isn't Ethiopia a very wild place, but there will never be any droughts.

"Emperor Xuanyuan used the Heavenly Seal to prevent the demons from living in the human world. This Heavenly Seal is also a seal that suppresses the power of the Heavenly Maiden. Unless you unlock it, you humans will never know the existence of the Heavenly Maiden."

Regardless of what the hell the Seal of Heaven is, but from Emperor Xuanyuan to now, the time has been too long to be counted by numbers, and the seal of Heaven has not yet expired. It is comparable to nuclear kinetic energy, and its power is too infinite.

"Infinite power is also for the demon. If you humans, you can destroy it with bare hands."

Yu Mo was shocked again, and forgot to cry.

It can be destroyed with bare hands, so weak...

But human beings can be destroyed so easily, with so many people in the human world, why hasn't it been destroyed yet?

Shennong Ding laughed, "You humans need to know where the Seal of Heaven is. You don't know the exact location, how to break it. Emperor Xuanyuan is very resourceful. If he wants to hide something, no one can find it."

In order to prevent humans from abusing the divine weapon, didn't he split a space with the Pangu axe, creating the world of mountains and seas?

I believe that many people think that the world of mountains and seas is just a legend and does not exist.

Similarly, Feng Tianyin has become a 'legend'.

Zhenyu sighed, "Then there is no chance, what a pity..."

Yu Mo also admires her quite a lot, just like a groupie.

Knowing that the artifact can take human form, Yu Mo will not make any fuss when facing Ji. He hugged Duoji and said, "Duoji, you are an artifact. Look, let me tell you that you are definitely not an ominous person."

"Well! But it's also because of my sister that I know that I am Nuwashi, thanks to my sister's blessing."

If he hadn't met her, he would still be that unpopular mouse demon in Squirrel Village.

Because meeting him, his life will change.

very nice.

He opened his hands and hugged Yumo tightly.

"Sister, I can help you, right?"

Thinking of this, Yumo said gratefully, "Duoji, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course! My sister's business is my business. By the way..." He looked at Shen Nong Ding, "Brother Ding, how can I make my sister my master."

He only recognizes Yumo as his master.

"Brother Ding... Hehe, this is the first time someone calls me that. You have already made up your mind that she is your master."

"that's it?"

"Then what else do you think? If someone wants to snatch you away in the future, they won't be able to use you, so don't worry."

The loyalty of the artifact comes from the heart, whoever the heart is loyal to is whoever it is, and it will never change.

The three artifacts of the Rebirth Formation are ready.


Shennong Ding looked at Yu Mo who was hugging with Duoji, and felt troubled.

This girl is too kind, I'm afraid she won't use this formation even if she finds all of them.

"Girl..." What should be said, it still decided to say.

"Huh? What's the matter, brother Ding?" Yumo thought it was good for Duoji to call him brother, so he followed suit.

Shennong Ding: "..."

She is his master, what is her name, Brother Ding... But, it sounds nice.

It was screaming, its self-esteem was bursting, and its body was shining.

"I have something to tell you."


She was full of hope in her heart, and now there is only Shuiduoluo left, and after finding it, she can go back to meet Meiluo.

"Girl, only you can hear this matter. Others can't hear it, and neither can other artifacts. After you know it, what you want to do is up to you."

"It's so mysterious, what's going on?"

"It's about the formation of rebirth..."

"Don't tell me, besides the three artifacts, what other things do you want? Can't you finish talking at once?"

Like Mei Luo's poison last time, one of the eight herbs is so hard to find.

"No, I don't need anything else, as long as there are three of us, it's just... a little accident happened."


"you listen to me……"

He speaks eloquently...

The Nuwa stone has been reincarnated into a human form, which means that the spiritual energy has reached its peak. If the formation of rebirth is performed, the Nuwa stone will be like a balloon that punctures the hole. While releasing the spiritual energy, it will not be able to block the hole. will be beaten back to its original form.

Not just the original form, because after the aura is completely lost, it will not be able to speak and communicate with its master like other artifacts.

It will be completely a stone.

Can't speak, can't move, and can't speak until the next time the spirit energy is gathered, and can choose the master.

As for how many years, it is not clear.

However, the Xuanyuan Sword was beaten back to its original shape by the goddess, and it also became an ordinary sword without aura. It took 1000 years to recover to the state of a divine weapon.

During the period of no aura, only feeling but unable to hear, see, or move, and can only wait for the time to become a divine weapon again.

This is the price of adulthood!

After hearing this, Yu Mo's expression was gloomy, and he knelt down on the ground, closing his eyes, tears overflowing.

This choice is too cruel!

 The story about Hanba is indeed recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas, but I adapted it, please don’t pay attention to it, because this story is the reason why Xuanyuanjian chose Baiyu as the master, you can guess, haha, it’s very simple.

  Seeing this, you will find that the artifact has a personality, and the Shennong Ding is a chatterbox with strong self-esteem.The demon pot is rather shy.Haotian Tower is a cool guy, and Nuwashi is naturally cute.

  What will happen to other artifacts, please look forward to their appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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