The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 397 Part 160 Departing from the Glazed Sea

Chapter 397 Part 160 Departing from the Glazed Sea

The words of Shennong Ding have been echoing in Yumo's ears. At night, she couldn't eat anything. Looking at the cute and kind Dorji, how could she bear to let him lose his spiritual power because of her own reasons, and become a piece of food that only has feelings but can't eat? Say, you can't see, you can't hear, you can't move stones.

She killed the man, what does it have to do with him, she can't be so selfish.

Because she was very calm, no one knew what Shennongding said, but Duoji kept asking Shennongding how to launch the rebirth formation.

Shennong Ding told that if the monsters killed by Yumo were to be resurrected, the formation must be placed in the place where these monsters died, that is to say, the formation must be placed in the dog environment.

Although Duoji knew that he was the reincarnation of Nvwashi, he didn't feel anything other than the change in appearance and being able to communicate with the artifact, and the demon power was still very weak. He was worried that his weakness would affect the formation of rebirth. launch.

Demon Refining Pot and Haotian Tower reassured him, telling him that there is no such thing, each artifact has its own ability, and he belongs to the auxiliary system, it will only be useful when encountering events with corresponding abilities, and it is no different from ordinary utensils.

The ability of Nuwa Stone is to repair, which is actually somewhat similar to Shennong Ding's refining medicine, which mainly cures diseases and saves lives.

The last time a mother in Squirrel Village suffered from dystocia and lost blood, he actually activated it once. Hemostasis of maternal bleeding is one of his abilities, and he repaired the damaged blood vessels.

Hearing what they said, Dorje felt relieved, and smiled, which was extra sweet.

"Thank you Brother Hu, Brother Ta, and Brother Ding."

Haotian Tower snorted, "You call us brother, what do we call you?"

"Brother Shi!" The Demon Refining Pot was rather shy and spoke very softly.

Shennong Ding was silent for a long time and said, "We are artifacts, we don't need these names, too much affection is not a good thing."

Duoji shook his head, "Nothing, we will help my sister together in the future. Only when we have a good relationship can we cooperate tacitly."

"Yeah, brother Shi is right."

"Look, Brother Hu thinks so too."

Duoji smiled sweetly, and bowed to them, "I'm a newcomer, younger than you, and I will need my brothers to take care of them in the future."

"No, no, you are older."

The Nuwa Stone is a stone dropped by the Nuwa Empress when she mended the sky. Looking back at history, it is much bigger.

Duoji didn't have much self-consciousness, but was still very humble, "It doesn't matter, I joined later, it's right to call you brother." Brothers in the same school don't talk about age, but who started first.

Haotian Tower said, "If you want to call me brother, you can call him, but remember not to hold back."

"No, I will definitely study hard with my brothers."

Shennong Ding smiled and said, "There's nothing to learn, you and I have different abilities."

Dorje explained it himself, "Learn how to make a good artifact."

Because of his reincarnation, he doesn't remember anything about the time when he was an artifact. Since birth, he has been living as a demon. He really doesn't know what the artifact will do, but he is glad that he can still be with Yumo. Together, so he wants to be stronger.

His innocence and kindness are also the essence of Nuwashi.

Nuwa is willing to use her spiritual power to turn into Nuwa stones to repair the holes in the sky one by one because she doesn't want too many catastrophes in the world.

Shennong Ding sighed, there is no brotherhood between the artifacts, most of them go their separate ways, if the master is an enemy, then they will also become enemies, but this kid is too pure and kind, and he can't bear it.

Dorje will return to its original form because of the rebirth formation. Other artifacts don't know it, but it will know it because of Xuanyuanjian.

In order to make the celestial girl return to God, Xuanyuanjian once discussed this matter with it, and it also saw the miserable years after Xuanyuanjian returned to its original form.

Can't move, can't speak, can't hear voice, but can feel, which is much more painful than being completely unconscious.

Because others don't know that you are 'alive', so they won't love you, maybe there is love, but for a long time, loneliness is so lonely that it can cause a mental breakdown.

In fact, being an artifact is very lonely, but at least you can still see, hear, and move. Life will be much easier. After meeting the owner you like, you will not be lonely anymore, and you can still live happily.

They will not die, and their lifespan is eternal. It depends on good fortune to reincarnate as a human or a demon, but if they can be reincarnated, they will no longer be chased and robbed by people or demons who want to get artifacts, and they can live a more ordinary life.

Such opportunities are pitifully rare, because they are rare, and once they come true, they will not give up, but Duoji's temperament will definitely be relentless, just look at how he and Yu Mo get along, like a pair of siblings who are very affectionate , has surpassed the relationship between the master and the artifact.

Shen Nong Ding no longer thinks that Yu Mo's luck is good, and she will definitely not be able to make such a choice.

In the middle of the night, Yumo woke up, looked at Dorji who was sleeping soundly beside her, felt grief from her heart, and gently stroked his little face with her hands, even if she would live in guilt for the rest of her life, she would not change back Prototype.

"Girl, people who are too kind will suffer in the end."

Knowing what she was thinking, Shennong Ding persuaded her. He had no relationship with Duoji, and he was just talking to his master as an artifact.

"Isn't it good to be kind? Do you want to persecute others because of selfishness? No, I don't want to be that kind of person."

"We are just artifacts, you don't have to use emotion to judge."

"No, Duoji is different. He is not a divine tool, but my younger brother. He left his hometown because he met me. If it weren't for me, he would not have awakened. Perhaps in Squirrel Village, his life would be difficult, but It’s better than turning into a stone with only feelings, the same goes for you, you say you’re an artifact, but you can speak, have your own personality, and thoughts, how can you call yourself an artifact.”

The demon refining pot was owned by Taotie, so she didn't know that the artifacts were actually alive. Now that she knew, how could she be ruthless to them.

Shennong Ding trembled when he heard these inner words.

"Xiaoding, you are my best friend, the best, no one can compare to you." Shennong created it and gave it the happiest time.

Thinking of the past, it was very nostalgic. In an instant, Shennong's face overlapped with Yu Mo's.

This girl... No, this master really did not make a mistake.

Yumo now regrets that he promised Duoji to follow him. If he had been driven back then, there would be no such thing.

"You are wrong. The encounter between the artifact and its master is destined. Even if you don't meet in the original way, you will use other ways to avoid it. In my opinion, he will definitely sacrifice for you."

"No, I don't want that kind of result. I'd rather live in a world where I'm scolded by everyone in the dog realm than let him sacrifice, even... even..." Hot tears fell on the back of her hand, "Mei Luo doesn't want to die!" You will forgive me, and it doesn't matter."

She wants Dorje to live happily.

"Girl... I advise you..."

"Don't talk about it, this matter ends here, and you are not allowed to disclose it to anyone." She has already made a decision, even if she suffers, she doesn't want Dorji to be troubled, "I'm going to bed, we will start tomorrow Liulihai."

"it is good."

The next day, the weather was fine and the sun was shining brightly. The snow on the ground almost melted overnight. Although Yu Mo was no longer afraid of the cold, he still felt the temperature increase.

"Why is it so hot?" She was sweating on her forehead.

"It's Bixi!" Taotie jumped out of the demon refining pot and said, "It will carry us all the way north!"


"What's so surprising about the girl, only she can get the Water Tuoluo, how can she not go to the Liulihai with her?"

"I thought... its primordial spirit would be enough?"

She has been getting along with Bixi's primordial spirit all along, so she has the illusion that Bixi's primordial spirit is its body.

"Of course, you need the body to go into the sea. Its soul is just for the convenience of communicating with the creatures on its back."

After all, Bixi is ridiculously big, and the main body can't speak, and all communication is carried out by the soul.

"Then we are leaving Tianlonghai now?"

"Well, in the middle of the night, I told him to swim north." He didn't care about his orders at all, relying on threats, pinching its neck, forcing it to swim.

Yumo never thought that Liulihai would use this method in the past, but a serious problem came up.

"Gaotie, it's a turtle, isn't it very slow?"

Candle Dragon flies very fast, and it will take about ten days to go to the Glazed Sea. This turtle... She dare not imagine how long it will take to go to the Glazed Sea.

"Don't worry, it's a turtle, but it's not as slow as you think..."

"What do you mean?" Such a big tortoise, so heavy, how could it not be slow.

"It means that I can travel thousands of miles in the sea..." Bi Xi's soul appeared out of thin air, and scolded Yu Mo, "Do you just look down on me like that? I'm good at swimming, and I don't want to waste too much time because I'm slow. Too much physical strength, now your Taotie ordered me to go to Liulihai within five days, otherwise I will strangle me, I have used up all my strength to feed, you still think I am slow, do you have any conscience!"

Many people think it is slow, but there is actually another reason, because it is lazy, but it will not admit it.

When it gets angry, its fins will slap indiscriminately, and the faucet will turn red.

"Thousands of miles a day, really?"

"Nonsense, I don't need five days at all. In the sea, my speed is much faster than Zhulong."

Zhulong's small head also protruded from the demon refining pot, "Who said that, why don't you compare!"

"Okay, come on, let's see who gets there first!"

This ferocious beast is like a doll in a kindergarten when he picks up a fight, and he fucks him at the slightest disagreement.

After hearing this, Zhenyu wiped off her sweat, "No wonder it feels hotter and hotter." She quickly released her demon power, went to the storage space to get a summer suit, and asked Yumo if she wanted it.

Yumo was also very hot, and she wished for a change of clothes, even the needle feather clothes, which she wore short.

After changing her clothes, she asked, "Isn't Penglai Island very cold? Isn't it ice and snow for thousands of years? But now as we move, why does the weather change?"

Bi Xi said: "Whoever said that Penglai Island will remain ice and snow for ten thousand years, that is my ability. The past Queen Bai Ze and I have a good relationship. They like winter the most. I used an enchantment to block the cold air, causing Penglai The island is extremely cold, so I don’t need it now, so I naturally relieved it, and the climate of Penglai Island will change according to the location, and it will get hotter the further north you go.”

"Hey, it can also seal the cold, so you don't have to be afraid of the heat. You can save some cold air and control it on the island. It will be like the weather in Spring and Autumn."

"Why do I want to make you feel better, don't do it!"

Zhulong snorted, "Why don't you do it? It's obvious that all the monster power is used to speed up, and you can't maintain the enchantment."

The cold water was splashed so hard that Bixi was already jumping in anger.

"You are not good people! I have worked so hard, and you still expose me!"

"Okay, okay, don't make noise!" Yumo smoothed things out, now that there is a begging, you should make it good, if it doesn't like it, and deliberately slow down, wouldn't it be a big mistake? "Bixi, you are the best, the most powerful beast."

Everyone loves to hear sweet words, even Bi Xi.

"It's almost there!"

Its arrogance with its hips on its hips made Yumo giggle, looking at Bixi like this, it was really cute, and couldn't help but kissed it on the face, "Your reward!"

Bixi was kissed unexpectedly, this was the first time, she completely forgot to react, but her face was as red as a ripe persimmon.

"" It covered its face with its fins.

"Huh?" Yu Mo blinked her eyes innocently, the way she kissed her just now was completely in the way of pets.

Bixi blushed even more, unable to utter a word.

It was gone with a bang.

"Hahahahaha..." Candle Dragon rolled on the ground laughing, "It's shy."

"Shy?" Yu Mo blinked again, what's there to be shy about.

"Who... said I'm shy, I just... just... want to go back and look in the direction!"

There was a howling sound in the air.

It hasn't appeared for a few days, but the whole island is moving at an extremely fast speed, traveling thousands of miles a day.

What followed was extremely hot. The rising sun looked a few circles larger than usual, as if you could reach it with your hands. With sunshine, there was warmth. Penglai Island was no longer white and became lush. , The flowers that were once buried in the snow also sprouted their heads, sprouted and bloomed, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

Without ice and snow, butterflies came, making this place full of vitality.

When Duoji saw the flowers, he made two flower crowns and asked Yumo and Zhenyu to wear them.

Yumo has always doted on him, and he will do whatever he says.

Needle feather is cold by nature, but when he saw Dorje's smile, he softened his heart and put it on.

"Sister is so pretty, and so is Sister Zhenyu!"

He had a lot of fun. After awakening, his eyes and hair turned into the color of emerald. When the sun shines, it looks like a transparent emerald stone. His complexion is very white, matched with turquoise eyes and hair , can be regarded as complementing each other, more handsome.

Shu is a little afraid of the heat, he is already shirtless, revealing his strong body, his wheat-colored skin is as if oiled, Yu Mo only thinks that there will be needles, and he dare not look him straight.

Zhenyu has no such scruples, and quite appreciates it. Sometimes she looks at the back of Shudu and laughs, but the smile is a little nympho, which is a good explanation of what beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If it weren't for the crowd, Yu Mo I think she's going to jump right in.

Duoji made another garland, put it on his forehead, and asked, "Sister, how long will it take for us to reach Liulihai?"

"It should be here soon!" It has been four days since we set off, and if everything goes well, we will arrive tomorrow.

Taotie gave a precise time, "I asked Bixi just now, and I will arrive tomorrow morning."

"Can I pass through the fire forest directly, or do I have to come down and walk for a while."

"The forest of fire is huge, and we have to go through it. At that time, Bixi will find a place to go ashore. After landing, his speed will be slower. I'm afraid he won't be able to reach the Glazed Sea until night."

Yu Mo nodded, "Then we will have a good rest tonight."

"Well, I need to eat more. Sister, when I was picking flowers just now, I found that the tree on the east side bears fruit. I don't know if I can eat it!"

The plants on Penglai Island are all contaminated with the aura of Shennong Ding. They grow slowly in the wind and snow, but with sunlight, the growth speed will be very fast, and they can grow up almost overnight.

"Really? Let's go and see!"

"it is good!"

The two walked up and down holding hands.

"Gaotie, have you thought about how to persuade the girl?"

It was the voice of the Demon Refining Pot. With the spirit of thinking for the Lord, Shennong Ding told the Demon Refining Pot about Dorji, and the Demon Refining Pot also told Taotie about it. , Consecration to the Lord is the responsibility.

"You can do whatever you want, girl, don't interfere."

"You should be able to see that the girl is just forcing a smile." The Demon Refining Pot heard Taotie call Yumo girl too much, so he followed suit.

"We'll talk about it after we get the Shui Tuo Luo. In that case, the girl should be happier."

"Okay, then I won't say more, you make your own decision."

In the early morning of the next day, before the sun came out, Bi Xi landed on the shore smoothly.

The forest of fire has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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