The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 400 Part 163 To the Dog Monster Race

Chapter 400 Part 163 Returning to the Dog Monster Race

The sky is full of stars, bright as diamonds.

Yumo was lucky enough to sit on the head of Bixi's main body and enjoy the treatment of Luffy in "One Piece".The body of Bixi is unimaginably large, so the faucet is also ridiculously large, and it is no problem to rebuild a house on it.

It specially raised its head to expose the sea, and it was very stable when driving. She sat on its dragon horns, very comfortable.

Even with the moon and stars shining on the ocean at night, it is still pitch-black when you look at it. Listening to the sound of the waves and waves, Yu Mo calms down a lot. In front of the sea, everything is small. Suffering and pain seem insignificant.

"Crazy woman, why don't you speak?"

"Thinking about how to wipe your back clean in three years."

"Do you need to think about it? Wipe it slowly, three years is not enough, I don't mind letting you wipe it for another three years. Haha!" This arrogant virtue is gone.

Yu Mo laughed, but the smile didn't last long. After a moment of silence, she asked, "Bixi, you've lived for so long, have you ever been sorry to anyone?"

If there is an elder in the family, if there is a treasure, she would like to hear the opinion of the elder.

"Can not remember."

"Can you forget this too?"

"I am a majestic beast, how can I remember all those little people."

"Then you don't feel guilty?"


Its head suddenly turned towards one place, and its direction changed, like a sharp turn. Yumo tilted her body. Fortunately, the dragon's head was big. She sat in the center, but fell down instead of falling.

"You turn the corner without saying a word."

"Oh, sorry, forgot. Are you all right?"

Yu Mo got up and sat upright, "Where are we now?"

"We can reach Sirius Realm in the morning."

It can travel thousands of miles a day with such a big mountain on its back, relying on its extremely proficient water skills and strong physical strength. According to Taotie, it was too lazy to wander in the sea slowly before meeting Yumo again. I have accumulated a lot of physical energy, and now I have released all of it.

"So fast!"

"Too fast? Then I can slow down."

"No, just go at this speed." Mei Luo's poison could not be delayed any longer. Even though she was afraid of returning to the dog realm, she still hoped to detoxify him earlier. Originally, she wanted to go back to the dog realm directly, but Shudu and Needle Feather has been out for a long time, so I have to go back and report to think about it, and let the wolf monsters know that they are safe.

"Crazy lady, do you have something on your mind?"

"You see it?"

"That's a little bit. You just asked me if there is someone I'm sorry for, is there someone in the dog world that you're sorry to be afraid to meet?"

"You are clumsy, but you are not stupid."

"Don't talk about my body shape, it's innate, and I was very small when I was born."

"How small can it be?"

"As big as the palm of your hand!"

"It's so small! I don't believe it!" It's built on the dragon head, and its whole picture can't be seen. When it was born, it was only the size of a palm, which didn't fit the growth system.

"I'm not going to lie to you. When I was born, I was really as big as a palm. I swam and swam, and I became that big. But no matter how big I am, I can't get bigger than the sea. As long as I have the sea, I can do whatever I want without any troubles." There will be. Crazy woman, if you are upset, look at the sea. This is what I do. When you are worried, sad, or unhappy, just swim around in the sea, and you will feel relieved soon. If you don’t want to go Dogland, I can take you around the sea and make sure you can fly happily."

"Bixi, you're comforting me, aren't you?"

"Who, who, who said it." It snorted, "I just want to tell you..."

It's halfway through, so stop talking.


"That's it..."

"If you don't tell me clearly, how would I know?"

"You're so stupid, I want you to rub your back. If the people in the dog realm bully you, you will go up on my back, and I will hit them for you. What a dog realm, it will be smashed immediately."

With such a large body and a Penglai Island, the collision is definitely comparable to the collision of a comet.


Yumo covered her stomach and laughed, "Bixi, your way of comforting people is really different."

He said in an awkward tone: "I didn't say it to comfort you!"

"Okay, okay, it's not consolation." While smiling all over her face, she was relieved a lot, "But thank you."

"Hmph, thank you, the most important thing is to wipe your back well, and you can't break your promise."


"Sit down, I'm going to turn again."

"Again?" She quickly grabbed its horns.

"Take you somewhere."


"The sea of ​​stars, my favorite place."

The Sea of ​​Starry Sky, also known as the Sea of ​​Mirrors, is as flat as a mirror, hence its name.It is like a mirror, which reproduces the scenery on the ground and in the air into the sea without distortion. Its reflection dominates all the sea areas in the mountain and sea boundary, and it is called the stunning scenery in the scenery.

But to reach the sea of ​​stars, one must pass through the dragon vortex. The dense dragon vortex is a sea water tornado. It rises from the bottom of the sea like a python and rushes into the air. The action mode cannot be judged. Even the best navigator can see through it. It can't track its movement, and it will be ruthlessly torn apart by it after breaking in, but for Bi Xi, the dragon vortex has become an earthworm, which can't touch it, and can't destroy it.Because it is too big, the shell and skin of the tortoise are hard, and the power of the vortex hits it, almost like scratching an itch.

"Crazy lady, the sea of ​​stars is ahead."

Yu Mo looked forward, and an unimaginable beauty appeared in front of him.

The starry sky and the sea are connected together, and it is hard to tell which is the sky and which is the sea.

The surface of the sea is calm, without any ripples, as if you can reach out and grab the stars in the sea to play with.

"What a nice view!"

Under such beautiful scenery, the soul is washed.

"Just wait, it will be more beautiful here when the sun rises!"

In the morning, the sea of ​​stars turns into a real sea of ​​mirrors.

The morning sun is first exposed, the blue sky, white clouds, the bottom of the sea, and the landscape in the sea, with clear lines and bright colors, make people think about it.

At the same time, it also reflects the scenery of Penglai Island into the sea.

The trees are as high as the sky, straight into the sky, the green shade is mixed into the blue sky, and the lingering attachment to the sky, all the scenery is copied to the sea without distortion, and there are snow peaks, forests, flowers, and scenery in the sea Clear, more graceful than the real scene.

"Bixi, thank you!"

Without it, she would never have seen such a beautiful place.

"You can come here often if you like. Dragon Vortex is useless to me. Hahahahaha!"

The existence of the dragon vortex is to protect this place. The sea outside the mirror sea is very dangerous, not only the dragon vortex, but also huge waves, but the existence of Bixi has turned these obstacles into calm.

"it is good!"

"When we've seen enough, let's go."


Facing the rising sun, Bixi passed through the Mirror Sea, and after two hours, he reached the Heavenly Wolf Realm at the speed of traveling thousands of miles a day.

dog environment.

The same blue sea and sea view, but different styles, half dilapidated, half repaired, mixed with old and new, forming a decadent and wonderful combination.

In the palace, Mei Luo woke up, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he lay on the bed panting heavily, the cotton cloth on his chest was once again soaked in blood, while the fungus wiped his tears and changed it for him.

He was as thin as a handful of bones, and every time he took a breath, the ribs would appear clearly, there was no meat or fat under the skin, only bones.

"King, let's eat something." Zi Kai brought the porridge over.

As soon as she smelled food, Mei Luo felt sick to her stomach.

"Take it away, disgusting!"

He had no appetite at all, not to mention eating, he didn't even want to drink water, his excessive weakness made his spleen and stomach extremely weak, and he felt that water could not be digested by the stomach.

Zijing, like the fungus, had red eyes and silently took the porridge down.

At the door, I met Bu Jie.

"Are you refusing to eat?"

Zi Nai nodded, "The king said it was disgusting."

"You have to eat even if you're sick, bring it!" He decided to feed it himself.

But unless it is poured, it is impossible for Mei Luo to swallow it.

"How can you not eat, do you still want to cure the disease?"

"I drink so much medicine every day... I'm already full..." It was very difficult for him to speak, and he had to take two breaths after finishing a sentence.

"Eat that too."

He shook his head, his sunken cheeks were devoid of any color, not pale, but a layer of black air.

"How long can I live?"

He realized early on that Bujie could not detoxify the poison, and taking the medicine would only lead to a loss of life force day by day. He could clearly feel that the sun was scorching outside, but he felt cold all over his body, and he could not get rid of it even after covering him with several layers of quilts. useless.

"Nonsense, you have a long life."

He smiled weakly, "Don't lie to me anymore, I know my body very well, you just need to tell me how long it will take?"

Before he died, he wanted to meet Yumo to see if she was okay, and he wanted to tell Shudu to find the Pangu axe.

"It's nothing to say, I have found a new herbal medicine, it will definitely be useful to you." Bu Jie said eagerly, but hated his own incompetence in his heart.

Mei Luo also listened, these days, he drank hundreds of medicines, but none of them were successful, and they didn't even have any relief effect, apart from pain and burning, he no longer felt any other sensations.

"Bu Jie, after I die, you will be the king."

Bu Jie glared angrily, "I told you, you won't die!"

Mei Luo looked at him seriously, "You know in your heart that you can't cure me."

Bu Jie's face turned pale, his eyes turned red, he hated such incompetence.

"The dog monster clan cannot live without a king. I know you don't like being bound, but there is no one else except you."

He has no children and no brothers. Bu Jie is the only one who can inherit the throne. As long as he becomes king, the dog monster clan will not be in chaos.


"Listen to me and finish speaking..." He was very tired when he spoke like this, and he was exhausting every word. If he didn't say anything else, he was afraid that he would fall asleep again. If he continued to sleep like this, he doubted that he would never wake up.

"After you become king, you must never bully Momo..."

"At this time, you still miss her."

"It was I who brought her to the world of mountains and seas. I promised her that I would send her back. I can't break my promise. You have to help the capital of Shu and find the Pangu ax for her. After I die, you will let Dada go to the Heavenly Wolf Mirror, protect her until the Pan Gu Ax is found and sent back to her."

After the Dog Realm was seriously injured, Dada took orders to borrow troops from the Cat Monster Clan. The Dog Monster Clan suffered too many deaths and injuries, so relying on their own protection would be too weak. Even if Cangwu judged that the Night Falcon Clan would not attack, but I'm also afraid that something might happen, so if there are allies, the dog monster clan can be kept safe for a while.

The queen of the cat demon tribe did not agree at first, after all, in the current situation, if the cat demon tribe rashly helps the dog demon tribe, it is likely that the cat demon tribe will become a thorn in Bai Yu's side. It's very difficult for Gu, and it's a bit embarrassing to help, and I'm even more afraid of causing trouble. At that time, the dog monster clan will not be wiped out, but the cat monster clan will be wiped out.

Queen Qiluo saved Dada. The dog monster clan is a benefactor, but to repay the favor, you must first take care of yourself. Take the whole clan to gamble. The royal family really dare not. Talking about the matter, saying to repay the favor, you should repay the favor to the wolf monster clan, and what is the matter with the dog monster clan, even though you lacked confidence when you said it, most of the cat monster nobles agreed.

In order to convince them, Dada talked badly. Fortunately, the queen of the cat monster tribe finally stood by him and agreed to send troops. Not many, only [-], but they were all elite soldiers, which made up for the number lack of.

Bu Jie knows Mei Luo’s thoughts, he actually has no hatred for Yu Mo, it’s Bai Yu’s fault that caused such a situation, she is actually more innocent than anyone else, but it’s not like she doesn’t hate, at least Mei Luo looks like this Son, every time he looks at it, he feels uncomfortable, blaming himself for being useless, and blaming her...

Did this girl find Bai Ze?
Mei Luo was still kept in the dark about this matter, no one would tell him, if he knew, he would definitely look for her desperately.

The spies in the Sirius Realm would report news every three days, so Bu Jie knew very well that she hadn't come back.

Cang Wu's bet is about to lose.

He didn't want to lose like this, but day by day, without news, he was almost desperate.

"Bu Jie, promise me, send Momo back." He is not worried that he will exterminate the dog monster clan without Cangwu. There will be nobles who want to kill her to vent their hatred.

"I understand, you don't need to say it.

"And...Bai Ya..." He was most worried about Bai Ya, he would go to Cang Wu every day to ask Cang Wu to catch Yu Mo back, and many nobles became friends with him.

"You don't have to worry about him, he doesn't have time these days."

Although Mei Luo was lying on the bed, she still knew about the dog monster clan.

"Is it Ziying?"

Bu Jie nodded, "You asked Cangwu to provoke Ziying, and it has already worked."

The revenge of killing a daughter is irreconcilable, and Ziying will go to the clan's mansion to make trouble every day.

This is the best way.

"Really?" He was relieved.

"But girl Linglong, have you thought about it?"

Linglong is Lin Lang's younger sister, and she will definitely be the next owner of the Magic Division Mansion if nothing else happens. She is younger than Lin Lang, but she is very talented as an illusionist. She is a rare talent, and she is more introverted... No, just She appears introverted, but in fact she is very scary, she is more noisy than Ziying.

In the past few days, all the monsters in the Clan Prime Minister's Mansion have been controlled by her, shitting and urinating everywhere in the Clan Prime Minister's Mansion, that scene... Bu Jie's skin trembles when he thinks about it.

The stinky clan prime minister's mansion can be smelled eight hundred miles away.

"How's the traitor investigation going?"

Bu Jie's eyes darkened, "Cang Wu should already have a bottom line."

"It's better not to be the person I thought..." Mei Luo's eyes were rarely clear.

"I don't want to either!" Bu Jie exclaimed.

Mei Luo closed her eyes, "Leave it to Cang Wu."


As the night falls, the sky is full of stars, and a huge island is slowly approaching the dog land.

Yumo stood on the top of the dragon's head, holding on to the dragon's horn, and looked around. Every inch she got closer, her heart became more and more flustered.

"Mei Luo... I'm back."

Back with antidote.

"Momo, do you want me to go to Bujie first..."

Shudu stood behind her. When she arrived at the Sirius Realm, Bixi only stopped for a while, and Shudu went back to explain some things and came back again. Zhenyu didn't follow her, because she was given by her own father as soon as she returned to the Sirius Realm. Being entangled, Shudu fled while she had no time to spare, ordering Bixi to leave quickly.

On the way here, Yumo released the Shennong Cauldron and started refining medicine.

The antidote is now in her hands, entrusting all her thoughts and hopes.

"do not want!"

Bu Jie must have nothing good to say when he sees her, and she doesn't have enough courage to face him.

"It's coming soon, don't be in a hurry, why don't you let Bixi stop for a while, you have enough rest, let's go again?"

She shook her head, "It's important for Mei Luo to detoxify, I'm fine."

No matter how timid he is, she doesn't want him to suffer.

Shu Du scratched his head, "But you can't see people, how can you enter the dog realm?"

There is no way to enter the enchantment of the dog realm without the enchantment symbol.

"I don't need Brother Shu to worry about this."

Yu Mo was frightened by the sound out of thin air, and when he looked up, he saw Li Wang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, floating in the air, looking at her with a smile.

"Fox... no, Li Wang, why are you here?" How did he know she was back.

Li Wang smiled, and blinked at Yu Mo, "I know everything about you."

These words were very ambiguous, and Yu Mo felt uncomfortable when he heard them.

"Boundary talisman, I have it!"

He can freely enter and exit the dog territory, and he has more than one piece of body.

He landed in front of Yu Mo, "It depends on when you plan to go?"

Yu Mo just struggled for a while, with bright eyes, "Now!"

Stretching her head and retracting her head was a knife, she just wanted to see Mei Luo as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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