The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 401 Part 164 Finally Meet

Chapter 401 Part 164 Finally Meet
The shadow of the moon moved westward, and there was silence in the palace.

Li Wang appeared at the gate of the palace with Yumo, but the guards at the palace gate could only see Li Wang, but not her. She hid in the demon refining pot, held by Li Wang in his hand, and skillfully avoided Passed the inspection and entered the palace.

She came out of the demon refining pot only after reaching an inconspicuous place in the corner corridor.

"Okay, there are few people here, so don't be afraid of being seen. This is an enchantment talisman. It can pass through the three barriers in front. Even the king can't enter the deepest part of the palace, but this enchantment talisman can Enter."

Yumo dutifully put away the enchantment talisman he handed over. There was a question she wanted to ask all the time, but she was so nervous all the way, so she forgot to ask.

"How did you have this enchantment talisman?" His own can only enter the fifth layer of the palace, and the sixth layer cannot enter, but the one he gave her can pass through the six barriers without hindrance.

The enchantment talisman is related to the blood and demonic power of the person used. It is usually taken from the wearer's blood, hair, skin, and infused with demonic power. In the human world, it is similar to DNA, so stealing it is invalid. She can Using it means that there is her 'DNA information' on this enchantment talisman.

Li Wang's enchantment talisman also needs his 'DNA information', but when he reaches the deepest sixth layer of enchantment, which is Meiluo's residence, he will be blocked back. Every time he sees Meiluo, it is the imperial guards It can only be released, so she is very puzzled, how did he get such a strict and safe enchantment talisman.

"Guess?" He bowed his head, perhaps on purpose, and stretched his arms forward, trapping her between the wall and himself.

Yu Mo is used to this kind of wall-to-wall behavior.


Only this is possible.

She stayed in the Dogland for a while, and at that time, there were only three levels of barriers in the Dogland. In order to facilitate her travel, Mei Luo prepared an exclusive enchantment talisman for her. If the triple barrier is added to the sixth barrier, the information of this barrier talisman should be copied from the one above. The person who can do this is not Mei Luo, but Cangwu.


His eyes are even more charming than Su Daji's, and Yu Mo is attracted at close range.

It's a waste of money for a big man to have such eyes.

She lowered her eyes and touched the enchantment talisman hidden in her sleeve. She never thought it would be so smooth.

"How did he know I'd be back?"

"This king can know, how can he not know."

"Then he was the one who asked you to pick me up?"

"Well, it can be said that there are not many people around this king, and most of your news is from him."

This verifies what Ning Yi said, that Cang Wu really intends to help her through King Li.In addition, what Zhenyu said was correct, Cangwu bet on her.

"Thank you!"

"I don't want you to thank me for doing this, thank you is so boring, why not..." He is a fox, cunning by nature, he knows how to calculate, and what he does and says will never be without purpose, "You might as well kiss me..." "

Yu Mo directly slapped him on the right side of the cheek, which was not heavy, just enough to cover it.

"Thank you... the most."

He was not angry, raised his hand, and touched her little hand, "So ruthless?"

The back of her hand touched the warmth of his big hand, and she seemed to have been burned, so she quickly withdrew, "I will have a thank you."

She has already decided to ask Shennongding to make more medicines and give him some. Those who need to increase physical strength and monster power will definitely need it, but now she feels that she should add more medicines - medicines to prevent kidney deficiency.

"Girl, does this fox boy admire you?"

Shennong Ding's chattering problem has been committed again.

"Stop interrupting!" After spending several days together, she discovered Shen Nong Ding's chattering problem. She would feel uncomfortable if she didn't talk for a day, and would come out to bother her from time to time.

"I mean, I have the medicine for kidney deficiency, but this fox boy doesn't need it. You should give him some medicine that he can't lift."

Can't lift it?

"Pfft!" She couldn't hold back, and covered her mouth and laughed.

It was rare to see her smile, and she smiled so cutely, Li Wangdun felt flattered.

"Momo..." Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns. It feels like he has experienced a lot recently.

"Okay!" Yu Mo interrupted him, "Thank you for sending me here, it's almost dawn, I have to go in right away." Her current status in the Dogland is very embarrassing, she doesn't want to meet too many people, So as not to cause unnecessary trouble.And you can't stay with the fox for too long, it will definitely be swallowed up after a long time.

Between the fifth and sixth layers of barriers, there are the fewest guards. Yu Mo saw the timing of shift change and rushed into the sixth layer of barriers. He wanted to go straight to Mei Luo's bedroom, but a team of guards came on patrol. She hurriedly found a bush to avoid it, and only dared to poke her head out after the guards had passed.

There are still several hundred meters away from the sleeping hall, so it's too unsafe to just walk there. After thinking about it, she softly called out to the demon refining pot.


Bi Xi's primordial spirit immediately appeared, "Crazy lady, do you need my help?"

The demon refining pot is very big, and it can completely contain Bixi's body, but Bixi and Taotie are at odds, and neither of the two beasts is willing to give in. Finally, they came up with a compromise, and like Taotie, Yumo and Bixi also signed a contract. Signed the contract and made Bi Xi his summoned beast.

However, unlike Taotie's nature, Bixi is not an aggressive beast. It has become a summoning god, and it cannot be activated, but it can summon its primordial spirit at any time.

The contract for the summoned beast was initiated by Bixi, and it was still the same set of rhetoric, thinking that if there is no contract, if she goes to the dog land and doesn't come back, wouldn't it be a disadvantage? I completely forgot that I said before that it can smash the dog It is very difficult for it to deal with the whole island, and now it says that she has gone to the dog land to run away, and so on. Anyway, it is the one who is talking, and the central idea is to pester her and refuse to let go.

Therefore, Yumo readily accepted the signing of the contract. She has already been entangled by a bunch of animals, and she does not lack this one.

Before signing the contract, Bixi was probably afraid that she would disagree, so he told a lot about its abilities. In addition to carrying things and resisting blows, it also had an ability that Yumo could never think of.


Because of its huge size, Bixi often hides in the sea, only revealing the things on its back, but there are many underwater creatures, it is easy to be harassed underneath, so it will use the invisible skill to integrate itself with the sea water, which is why The reason why Penglai Island can move has never been discovered.

This skill can be used not only on Bi Xi himself, but also on creatures other than it.

Half of the reason why Yumo signed the contract was because of this.

Stealth skills have too many benefits, and now is the best opportunity to use them.

"I'm going to the bedroom in front, and I need you to help me hide." In this way, no matter how many people there are, she doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

"No problem!" Bixi jumped up happily.

"You speak softly!"

It has a naturally loud voice, and it can attract all the guards in the palace without warning.

"Okay, okay, got it."

The fins of the Bixi fishes were combined together, and the stealth skill was activated.

A circle of faint blue light surrounded Yu Mo like sunlight reflected in the sea, and she slowly disappeared from her feet.

"All right?"

Bi Xi nodded.

When the invisibility skill is activated, it needs to hold its breath and cannot speak. The length of invisibility depends on how long it can hold its breath. Bixi is an amphibian. It does not need to breathe with its mouth when it is in the sea. It has gills, so the invisibility time can be as long as you want. Long, but land is different, the gills are useless.

Holding your breath to be invisible is definitely a bad point, but Yu Mo has no time to complain.

After being invisible, Yu Mo ran out of the grass and went straight to the bedroom. She couldn't tell if she was really invisible, and she didn't have a mirror to look at.

The door of the bedroom was closed when she arrived, and she couldn't get in, so she could go in naturally by pushing it open, but she is now in a state of invisibility, if the door is opened suddenly, people inside will definitely notice, such a heavy palace door, always It couldn't have been blown away by the wind. She was in trouble, and she didn't know who was inside, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

While hesitating, the door suddenly opened, and Zi Kai and Mu Xiang came out.

Seeing them, Yu Mo was excited. When she was in the dogland, besides Lin Lang, they were the people she was most familiar with. Thinking of the past, she couldn't help but have mixed feelings, and subconsciously wanted to call them. Suddenly thinking of Lin Lang, she suffocated went back.

Lin Lang was killed by her indirectly. They used to respect this aunt so much, so they must have hated her so much. How could she greet her as if nothing had happened.

It was the greatest redemption for her that they could be safe in that catastrophe, so how could she beg for their forgiveness insatiably?She suppressed the excitement in her heart, glanced at them again, and took advantage of the opened door to walk in.

As soon as she entered, she smelled a strong smell of blood. The stench made her a little nauseous, and the smell of blood was also divided into fresh and stale. The smell was close to rancid.

This is the bedroom where Mei Luo lives. It should be the most magnificent and cleanest place in the palace. How can no one dispel such a strong smell. Her human nose is not as sensitive as that of a demon, and she still feels uncomfortable, let alone a demon.

How can people live in such a smell?
Her heart contracted violently, as if an invisible hand had penetrated into her chest and pinched her beating heart.


Such a smell of blood could not be left by others, it could only be him.

She panicked, with a pale face, she found the direction of the inner hall and ran over.

The fungus came out from the inner hall, holding a basin in his hand, the candlelight was bright, exposing the pain and mourning on his face to Yumo's eyes.

There was a handkerchief in the water basin, the scarlet color instantly pierced Yu Mo's blood, as if all the blood in the water basin was drawn from her body.

Subconsciously, she tugged on the clothes on her chest, and her heart contracted again, causing her intense pain like a heart attack.

The fungus didn't notice her, and after wiping away her tears, she held the water basin and was about to close the door of the inner hall.

Yu Mo rushed in very quickly before the door closed.

The huge inner hall is brightly lit with candles. One can tell that the furnishings inside are all new, with no trace of use. After entering the inside, the bloody smell becomes stronger, exuding the smell of a slaughterhouse, blood The smell is new and old, tangy, and the subtleties are mixed with the smell of medicine. She is familiar with the medicinal materials. Even if it is covered by blood, she can smell the bitterness of the medicine and what it is used for. .

Stop the bleeding!

They are all medicines to stop bleeding.


There was a slight sound from the bed at the end, and even through the heavy curtain, she could still hear the sound of breathing inside.

Heavy, like a dying old cow, intermittently, clearly mixed with the sound of breathing in pain.

The hands holding her chest were trembling, and she couldn't stop the tears from falling to the ground. She walked forward, and every step was difficult. When she reached the bed curtain, she didn't even have the courage to lift them nothing.



I could only keep calling his name in my heart.

Standing in front of the bed, she dared not move for a long time, as if she had become rigid.


The heavy breathing and calling severely awakened her cowardice.

She thought the invisibility was lifted, but when he found out, he took a few steps back in fright, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Bi Xi behind him.

Bi Xi was still holding his breath, until his eyes almost popped out.

The invisibility is still there and has not disappeared, so how could he...

She looked at the bed in amazement, although the bed curtain was thick, but under the flickering of the candlelight, the outline of the figure inside was revealed, which was familiar to her, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand to describe it.

"Momo... what are you doing now, are you sleeping, eating, or talking with Shudu by candlelight at night...hehe..."

Mei Luo, who was lying on the bed, looked at the top of the bed. When the poison occurred, his body was like being boiled in boiling water, and his bones were so hot that they seemed to be melting. He had experienced this pain countless times, and he thought it would be numb. But every time it happened, it still made him almost grit his teeth. At this time, he could only divert his attention and think about some beautiful things. Yumo was the center of all the good things.

When the pain is unbearable, he will miss her, when his whole body is cold and shivering, he will also miss her, when he vomits in a cold sweat and has no strength, he can only think of her, as long as he thinks of her, all pain will become better some.

But after a long time, he couldn't help thinking, such a self, ugly and weak, who didn't even have the strength to hug her, would she dislike her?

She is now in the Heavenly Wolf Realm and gets along with Shudu day and night. Shudu adores her and will definitely pursue her fiercely. She likes dogs so much, and wolves are also a kind of dog. Can she just empathize with others like this?

Speaking of which, she probably prefers wolves to dogs.

Otherwise, why would she name him Little Wolf.

The weaker you are, the more negative emotions you will have.

"Why don't you even write me a letter..."

His plaintive and painful voice made Yumo burst into tears, but she couldn't speak, and could only stand and shake her head desperately.

She thought about writing a letter, but she didn't know whom to entrust it with, or what to put in it.

"Momo, I miss you so much, have you forgotten me..."


How could she forget him.

"It hurts!" He wailed, this attack was obviously more severe than the previous ones, even if he gritted his teeth, he felt that he couldn't make it through, the bones seemed to be melting inch by inch.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the bed curtain and pulled it hard, not allowing himself to scream again.

He is the king, no matter how embarrassed or miserable he is, no one is allowed to see him.

Pain struck violently, his hand pulling the bed curtain was so tight that his bones turned white, when the severe pain struck again, he pulled off the bed curtain, turned over and put it on, twisting his entire face.

He appeared in front of Yu Mo like a dry bone covered with skin.

The handsome man is gone.

The strong man disappeared.

Once under the moonlight, the silver hair reflecting the moonlight withered.

She barely recognized him.

This is Meiluo?

Her crying stopped, and in the mist, she didn't believe what she saw, rather than being shocked, it was better to say that she suspected that her eyes were blind.

In front of him, he is a walking dead, without a good flesh and blood in his whole body.

The bleeding place is bleeding, and the suppurative place is emitting dark yellowish green pus, just like a person who has been addicted to drugs for a long time, the immune system has been damaged, the skin is festered, and boils have grown on the neck, one by one. Big, the biggest one is as big as a lychee.

She couldn't cry anymore, and she wanted to ask the heavens what he had gone through to make him look like this.

"Mei Luo..." She couldn't help crying.

He was writhing in pain, but he heard it sensitively.

He would never hear her voice wrong, but in front of him, there was no one, no one.

"Momo..." He suspected that he was a demon, and he could hear her voice.

He smiled wryly, how is it possible?

She is far away in the Sirius Realm.

But...he miraculously smelled her.

That's right, it's her taste.

Yumo stepped forward, rushed over, and hugged him tightly.

Mei Luo only felt a gust of wind in front of her face, carrying her scent, and then she was wrapped in invisible warmth.

"Hey, it's done!"

When Bi Xi heard it, he immediately opened his mouth.

"Damn it, I almost suffocated to death!"

She slowly appeared...

The four eyes met, as if a lifetime away.

Finally met.

(End of this chapter)

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