Chapter 402 Part 165

"Momo?" The person who missed suddenly appeared in front of him, and the golden eyes on Mei Luo's thin cheeks gradually brightened from gray, but even so, he still couldn't believe it, "I must be dreaming!"

It is impossible for her to appear here, or in such a weird way.

"It's me, you read that right, I'm back."

Her warm hand caressed his gray-blue face like a feather, and her fingers trembled from such a light touch.

Mei Luo didn't dare to blink, because she was afraid that what she saw or heard would disappear when she closed her eyes. The warmth on her cheeks made his heart agitated, and his whole body trembled with the trembling of her fingers.

"How did you become like this? It's all my fault. If I didn't hurt you, you wouldn't be poisoned."

She only heard about his poisoning from Ning Yi and Shu Du. She had thought about his appearance after being poisoned countless times, but it was definitely not this tragic. , she wouldn't waste the month of begging for death.

She cried bitterly, tears filled her eyes and dripped on his skirt.

Hot tears seeped into the fabric of the clothes and pressed onto his skin, like needles piercing through one after another, making him convinced of her existence.

It's really her!

His silence returned.

He used all his strength to prop up his heavy body, moving slowly, but such a movement already caused cold sweat to ooze from his forehead.

"Mei Luo, don't move, your current body must not move casually, by the way, I..." She lowered her head and fumbled anxiously for the hidden pocket in her sleeve, where there was a detoxification pill prepared by Shennong Ding.

Just take the antidote pill and he'll be fine.

When she raised her head, Mei Luo had already opened her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Silence! Silence! Silence!"

He couldn't help shouting her name excitedly, she returned to him safe and sound, and he felt that all the pain was worth it in an instant, those lost vitality seemed to come back in an instant, as long as With her by his side, he can fear nothing.

Yumo embraced him with her arms around her, shocked by his thinness, he used to be like a big tree, when she snuggled into his arms, she could clearly feel the strength from him, but now under the loose clothes is empty.

"Did you eat and drink your medicine properly? How can you toss yourself like this? What is Bu Jie doing? Did he take good care of you? You only have a handful of bones left, do you know?"

She didn't want to complain, but she couldn't help it. She never thought that he would be so weak. She even wondered if he would have died if she came back two days late.

"I ate and drank medicine." Even if I ate and drank, I would spit it out.

"You lied! You ate and drank medicine, how could you still be like this!"

"I haven't seen you for so long, are you planning to scold me like this?"

"No, I just..." She wiped her tears and hugged him tighter, "I just love you."

"Aren't I still alive?" He really worked hard.

She cried even more because of this sentence, "I'm late, right?"

"It's not too late..." He stroked her face with slightly trembling hands, "As long as you come back silently, I will wait no matter how late."

She rubbed her cheek against his hand vigorously, "I hurt you, if you want to scold me, you should hit me."

"I can't bear to..." She is his heart, without these two, how can he live.

"I killed so many people from the dog monster clan..." This is a sin she will never be able to wash away.

"Silly girl, it's not your fault."

"No, blame me! If I had paid attention, if I had found out earlier, such a thing would not have happened." Although she still doesn't understand how she was poisoned, if time can come back, she will definitely find out what.

"Don't blame yourself, no one blames you."

These words were naturally intended to coax her, Yu Mo knew it in her heart, but she didn't expose it.

"I don't care about others, as long as you don't hate me, don't blame me." Before she came, she thought about a hundred possibilities, 99 of which were because he hated herself to the core, and the remaining one was like this, she thought It was a wish, but never thought that the wish would become a reality.

Maybe it was because the happiness came too suddenly, she felt that it was so unreal, and the tears couldn't be stopped anymore.

Bixi stood not far from the bed, watching the two embrace each other, and they spoke sweet words that would only be spoken between lovers, and felt that it was embarrassing to be stuck here, and wanted to go back to the demon refining pot , and was afraid that Yumo would need it again later.In a dilemma, he had no choice but to cough, asking them to pay attention to the existence of this fierce beast.

Its cough caught Meiluo's attention.

He actually discovered it when Yumo lifted his invisibility, but Yumo's sense of existence instantly occupied his heart and soul, and he couldn't spare any other thoughts to study its identity.

If his judgment is correct, Yumo's sudden appearance must have a lot to do with this little beast.

This is a turtle?Or a dragon?Or fish?

"Look what, brat, haven't you seen such a beautiful beast?"

Ferocious beast?

He was startled, and looked down at Yu Mo who was stuck in his arms and refused to get up.

Could it be that she subdued another ferocious beast! ?

This fact made him gasp, and he couldn't help coughing.

"Cough cough..."

Yu Mo became nervous, and hurriedly left his embrace, "Are you feeling bad?"

He was so coughing that he couldn't speak, and his breathing was already difficult. After coughing like this, his chest was tight and he was a little suffocated, and his face began to turn purple.

Yu Mo thought he was poisoned, so he quickly took out the antidote pill from his sleeve.

The water-blue detoxification pill is like a crystal bead, and there is a touch of sea water shimmering in the sun in its transparency. No one who sees it will think it is a pill.

"Mei Luo, quickly, swallow it, this is the antidote for Huoduoluo."

Before Mei Luo could react, she had already reached out her hand eagerly, opened his mouth, and stuffed it in.

He couldn't even swallow the porridge for the past few days. Such a big pill should be stuck in his throat, but miraculously, after entering his mouth, it melted instantly, and a coolness poured into his limbs from his throat. , the burning in the body slowly dissipated due to the cooling sensation, and the whole person felt comfortable.

"How is it? Is it more comfortable?" Her little hand ran along his chest.

Just as he was about to nod his head, a ball of fire ignited in his stomach, and the familiar burning spread. He thought that the coolness just now didn't work, but the next second, the burning didn't show its power, and was hit back by another coldness, half Cold, half hot, the taste is extremely weird, but not uncomfortable, I just feel like two forces are fighting in the body.

Finally, the cold god of war overcame the scorching heat and dominated his body.


He pushed Yu Mo away, and a ball of black blood sprayed out of his mouth like ink spilled on the ground.

In the black blood, densely packed worms squirmed and struggled, like a drowning person. After a few thumps, they calmed down and turned into fiery red dust and smoke.

"Successful!" Yumo clenched his fists and began to cry happily.

Mei Luo didn't understand what happened at all, but the comfort in his body couldn't lie, it was as happy as a cancer had been pulled out, and his poison was cured.

Yumo hugged his neck in ecstasy.

She exerted so much strength that he couldn't breathe for a while, coughing continuously, she was so frightened that she let go quickly, seeing him so weak, her heart felt as if someone had punched her hard, and when she trembled, the pain hanging around his neck The demon refining pot and the Shennong cauldron clanged together with her movements. When she heard it, her eyes lit up, and she tore off the Shennong cauldron and called out in her mind.

"Brother Ding, come out!"

"What's the matter, girl!"

"Quickly refine some medicine."


"I need medicine to stop bleeding, medicine to repair wounds, medicine to treat skin diseases, by the way, medicine to remove scars and beautify skin, you can also get me some, and do you have protein powder?" Mei Luo's body was covered in bruises, All of what she said is helpful for the body to recover, "Also, nutrition pills, it is best to gain weight immediately."

"What the hell is protein powder?"

"It's to increase resistance!"


"Oh what, hurry up and get it out."

It is the Shennong Ding, its ability is to refine medicine, any medicine can be used, this is what it said.

"That's right, that's right..." Yumo's request was more than that, "I also need the medicine for hairdressing."

The requirements are really high, and the medicine for aphrodisiac is missing.

But it was impossible for her to think of this kind of medicine.

She made the request on her own, and Shen Nong Ding was furious, and roared: "I am refining medicine, not shit, I can do it if I want, and besides, I have to eat to do it!"

It roared, wouldn't Yu Mo be able to, she was anxious to treat Mei Luo, and the crazy woman mode was turned on again.

"I don't care, you have to give it to me."

She and Shennong Ding were talking with their minds, but Mei Luo couldn't hear her, only saw her angry at the Ding Ding in her hand and pinching it with her hands.

It was the first time he had seen such a hysterical Yu Mo.

Did he miss something?

Bixi Piaofei flew over, stretched out his fins and patted him on the shoulder, as if someone had just come by, "This is what the crazy woman is like, you don't have to make a fuss, it will be fine in a while, she is talking to Shennong Ding now, can you hear me?" It is because you are not the owner of Shennong Ding."

Shennong Ding! ?

He was shocked again, and hurriedly looked at the tripod in Yumo's hand.

The Shennong Ding is an ancient artifact, and she was chosen as the master?

He froze on the bed, his neck mechanically turned to Bixie, "Then you..."

"Lao Tzu? Oh, my name is Bixi, and it's the summoned beast of the crazy woman!"

summon monster……

These three words sounded like drums and gongs in Mei Luo's mind.

He was dizzy for a while and fell on the bed.

Yu Mo was still fighting with Shennong Cauldron at this time, forcing it to refine medicine.

The Shennong Ding was also helpless, the green smoke rose from the tripod, and the pills jumped out one by one, like a slot machine that won the jackpot spitting out coins, one after another, soon Yu Mo's hands were full of pills .

"Mei Luo, come, take the medicine."

Mei Luo looked at the colorful medicines in her hand, not only in different colors, but also in different sizes, at least a hundred pills, if he swallowed them all, he would definitely die, but Yumo didn't care about these, according to what Shennong Ding said, Spread the pills on the bed and sort them one by one according to color and type.

"This is for hemostasis, this is for acne, this is for nutrition, this is for treating skin diseases, these are for beauty and hairdressing..."

Melo: "..."

He didn't think he needed the last one!

Yumo went to the table, took the kettle over, and with bright eyes shining, he handed the medicine to his mouth.

"Let's take the blood-stopping food first..."

"Momo, I think..." He is already much better, and he really doesn't need to take medicine. After detoxification, his wound has obviously begun to heal, but just as he opened his mouth, Yumo took a handful of pills stuffed into his mouth.

The same as the water blue antidote just now, these medicines melt in the mouth, but the taste is different, the antidote is very refreshing, with a hint of sweetness, these medicines are ridiculously bitter, his face turned dark immediately.


"Here we come!" Yumo handed over the water glass.

With the water, the bitter taste in his mouth was diluted, he put down the cup, and was about to ask her how she got the Shennong Ding and Bixi, but there was no chance, the next medicine had already arrived.

"This is for treating wounds... Don't worry, these medicines will not be very bitter. Shennong Ding said that although the medicines it refines are very strong, they will not cause harm to the body. You just need to eat them."

The problem is not here, it is that he can't eat, but Yu Mo has no such scruples, her eyes are full of expectation.

He couldn't bear this look, so he could only open his mouth.

After feeding four handfuls of medicine and adding another pot of water, he really held on and couldn't help belching. Before it was over, the fifth medicine had already arrived.

"This is the last. After eating, you should sleep well, and you will be well tomorrow."

The medicines refined by Shennong Ding can be said to be worth hundreds of medicines, and they are all stained with its spiritual energy. Even ordinary medicines can become magic medicines.

"Momo, I'll eat..." He couldn't eat anymore.

"Hey!" As long as he opened his mouth, she could stuff the medicine in.

After swallowing another handful of medicine, his belly bulged.

Satisfied, Yumo smiled happily, turned her head and said to Shennong Ding, "Continue! I also need some medicine to increase resistance, and vitamin ABCDE, do you have it?"

Shennong Ding: "..." I didn't understand the latter part.

In the words of the human world, it is not a machine.

After taking a bunch of medicines, Mei Luo only felt that her stomach was full and uncomfortable, but she didn't feel any discomfort elsewhere. The strength and vitality that had disappeared for a long time slowly recovered, her shortness of breath was no longer short of breath, the pain in her chest disappeared, and her hands would not feel sore. Trembling from time to time.

Those medicines are not free, and the effect is very good.

No, yes amazing.

His face gradually turned red, and after the dry and cracked skin on his lips fell off, new skin grew in an instant, and he no longer seemed to bleed when he grinned. The wound on his chest was no longer painful, and he was healing. Tightening tension.

Seeing that he got better, Yu Mo's tears started to flow again, and she threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

"Meluo, you'll be fine, you'll be healed, and you'll be as strong as ever."

Mei Luo felt that he might be stronger than before.

There were bursts of crying, his heart was as warm as spring, and he stroked her hair, "It's all thanks to you."

It doesn't matter how she got the Shennong Ding and Bixi, because he knows that she will get them, it must be for him.

"You've worked hard!"

She shook her head, "For you, I will not work hard."

Shen Nong Ding jumped in her mind and said, "I'm working hard!"

Bi Xi lamented, "I'm working hard too!" Holding my breath was really hard.

At this time, there was movement in the outer hall. It was the return of the fungus. He came from the outside, heard the movement through the door, and quickly quickened his pace.

"Wang, are you having an attack again?"

Hearing his voice, Yu Mo panicked, and she used all her courage on Jian Mei Luo. When she panicked, her hands and feet turned cold instantly, and her face turned pale. She rolled directly into the bed and covered herself with the quilt.


"Let him go, I...I don't...don't see him."

She was afraid of seeing the blame and resentment from the fungus.

"He won't blame you."

She shook her head, her psychological construction was not complete yet, she didn't know what face to use to meet the fungus and the others.

Mei Luo understood her thoughts, and shouted to the door, "Don't come in."

The hand that the fungus opened the door stopped immediately, "Wang?"

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to rest, come back tomorrow morning."



His tone contained majesty, and the fungus did not dare to disobey his orders.


When he was far away and sure he would not come back again, Yu Mo got out of the bed.

"When did you become so timid?"

She remained silent, some things were not a matter of courage, but a matter of guilt.

"Silly girl, I told you no one would blame you."

"You don't have to coax me, I know how serious I made a mistake."

He gently hugged her into his arms, "Okay, I know you need time, I won't force you, but you can't keep doing this, can you?"

She can't hide forever.

"We'll wait until you recover, okay?" What she cares about most now is his body.

He would not refuse her request.

It's just that she hid for several days, and every time people came, she would make Bixi invisible, not only invisible, but also hide in the cabinet, and she would not come out until people left.

Mei Luo had no choice but to continue pretending to be poisoned, otherwise it would suddenly recover, which would definitely arouse suspicion. Fortunately, Bu Jie went to research a new detoxification pill, and he hadn't come in the past few days. With a big appetite, one person can eat food for three people, and the fungus went outside to set off firecrackers happily.

In the dead of night, Yu Mo fell asleep, and Mei Luo was very energetic, looking at her sleeping soundly, she felt a sigh of relief.

This should be the taste of being charming in a golden house... Hehe.

 Tomorrow, the house will be consummated, and there will be a supplementary chapter distributed in the group as a bonus.

  thanks for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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