The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 403 Part 167 Crane Princess' Strangeness

Chapter 403 Part 167 Crane Princess' Strangeness

After Bu Jie left the customs, he immediately looked for Mei Luo with the newly refined medicine, but he was stopped by Cangwu's men on the way, and he was dragged away without saying a word, and when he arrived at the temporary meeting hall, a group of people threw him away Go in, and leave as soon as the door closes.

He was completely dazed, blinking his eyes, lying on the ground and forgetting to get up.

"My lord, how long do you want to lie there?" Cang Wu sat drinking tea alone in the first seat, without even raising his eyelids.

"Cang Wu?" Bu Jie finally thought of getting up from the ground, and seeing Cang Wu there, he knew that what happened just now was done by him, "If you want to see me, why don't you talk about it, why would you drag someone here without saying hello?" of."

"There are too many people talking, but the walls have ears!"

Bu Jie patted the dust on his hands, "What do you mean?"

Cang Wu hooked his fingers towards him.

Bu Jie walked over, "What is so mysterious, you insist on telling me this way, hurry up, I'm still waiting to test the medicine for Meiluo."

"Don't worry, my lord, the king doesn't need any medicine anymore."

"What!?" Bu Jie's face changed, thinking that something happened to Mei Luo, he stepped forward and grabbed Cang Wu's lapel, "Just tell me what's wrong, could it be... Could it be..."

His heart beat wildly, no need for medicine, could it be that Mei Luo already... No, absolutely impossible, if something happened to Mei Luo, the first one who couldn't sit still would be Cang Wu, how could he drink tea leisurely here.

Cang Wu shook off his hand, straightened his clothes, "My lord misunderstood."

Bu Jie howled: "What's the matter? You should tell me quickly." Isn't this trying to kill him.

"My lord, please listen to me."

"What time is it, and you still have to whisper!" After saying this, his ears were still very obedient.

Cang Wu muttered a lot.

After listening, Bu Jie looked like he was in a daze, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses, opened his mouth and howled again: "You said that girl came back, cured Mei Luo, and now she is hiding in the bedroom?"

Cang Wu hissed, "Aren't you afraid that my lord's voice will be broken?"

"No..." Bu Jie seemed unable to fully digest the news and stuttered, "This... this... this... what... when did it happen?"

"Five days ago!"

"Five days ago!?"

If Cang Wu was not too calm and never lied, he really thought he was joking.

"Are you sure?" he said sharply.

"My lord, I'm not deaf!" Cang Wu picked up the teacup and simply kept away from him.

Bu Jie ran after him, "How do you know?"

"A minister has his own way." He has placed more than a dozen eyeliners in the Sirius Realm, and he will know immediately if there is any movement in the Sirius Realm.

Bu Jie felt as if he was dreaming, so he turned his heels and walked towards the door, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

"Going now, my lord, will disturb the king's interest, and I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it by then."

Bu Jie's hand on the doorknob stopped, and he turned around, "What do you mean?"

"Little Bie is better than a newlywed..."

Bu Jie: "..." I understand a little bit, but I don't understand it at the same time.

Mei Luo and that girl are not married yet.

Cang Wu still sipped his tea leisurely, "After a long time apart, why should adults chatter without understanding, wouldn't it be better to drink tea here?"

"Why are you so calm?"

Logically speaking, he should bring all his men and horses to fight the mandarin ducks.

"She won!"


The corners of Cangwu's mouth curled up like nothing, like joy, but also mocking, "Winning minister has nothing to say."

Cang Wu immediately understood this sentence.

"Then the girl really found Bai Ze?"


"A miracle!"

"It's not just Bai Ze..."

"Ah?" There was so much shock that Bu Jie's expression froze.

"She got another artifact, a beast."

Bu Jie: "..." I can only express my emotions with staring eyes.

"Shen Nong Cauldron, Bi Xi!"

Hearing the Shennong Ding, Bu Jie went crazy, "Shen... Shennong Ding? But that Shennong Ding that can make thousands of elixir!"

"Is there another Shennong Ding in the world?"

Bu Jie knelt directly on the ground.

The Shennong Cauldron is the most precious treasure in the hearts of all wizards, but this girl actually got there first.

There are also fierce beasts... Bi Xi.

He suddenly looked up, "Have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen the Shennong Ding, but the honorable minister of Bixi has already seen it. If you are interested, you can go to the southern sea two hundred miles away from the dog territory."

The main body of Bi Xi stopped there, with the dragon's head held high, carrying an island on its back.

"My mother!" Bu Jie yelled, got up, stumbled and ran out, naturally not to find Mei Luo, but to see what the biggest beast in the legend looks like?

After the door was closed, Cang Wu's smile remained undiminished, and the arc of the corner of his mouth widened.


Yumo won, so why didn't he win, but he also lost, and he was convinced of the loss.

At the same time, Bai Yu also received the news, seeing the return of Zi Yi in his hand, his handsome face was instantly distorted.

She actually got the Shennong Ding, and even subdued Bixi.

With a bang, he kicked over the desk in front of him. He never thought that he would lose like this, or lose to a human being. What kind of a woman could sabotage his plans again and again.

First, Lie Tianxie died in her hands, then Taotie and the demon refining pot, and then the Shennong tripod that he couldn't find anywhere on Penglai Island, and even the poison of the dog demon king was detoxified by her. Is it clean? Why is it still there?

And Bixi... Penglai Island is actually Bixi.

All this completely disrupted his painstakingly planned plan, and the fact that the dog monster king had nothing to do was a heavy blow to him. In this way, the Liwang factions of the dog monster clan, wolf monster clan, and fox monster clan must be united in one line and become His confidant's serious trouble is that he has underestimated the enemy. He shouldn't be merciful. He should have been killed when the dog monster king was poisoned. Now it is as difficult as heaven to kill him, and the dog monster clan will not give him this chance. I'm afraid they will immediately raise troops to attack the Night Falcon family.

Originally wanted to weaken the biggest enemy first, but was reversed by a small human being, and the advantage became a disadvantage.

He opened his eyes angrily, wishing he could tear that woman into pieces.

"As I said, don't underestimate human beings, you just won't listen."

"Shut up!" he yelled at the voice in his head.

"In a hurry? It's not like you on weekdays."

"How can you talk so much today?"

"I'm just reminding you, lest you make a mistake and miss my business."

"Don't worry, this is my promise to you, I will never forget it."

"That's good. I chose you that day because of your ambition. I believe a small failure will not break you."

How is this a small failure, because more than half of the game he set up for that human woman has been ruined.

"Don't worry, nothing can shake my determination. There is still a long way to go. I can wait. I believe you can do the same. As long as you remain loyal to me, there is nothing I can't do."


The voice disappeared from his mind so far, and he looked at an ancient golden sword that was placed beside the bookshelf. It still makes people unable to look away after seeing her.

Among the ancient artifacts, only the Xuanyuan Sword has such courage, and the national warrior in the sword is unparalleled.

Holding it in his hand, Bai Yu's face returned to calm, but because of the existence of the Xuanyuan Sword, his eyes were like an eagle in the dark night, cold and arrogant, but aggressive, exuding a strength that disdains the world in a solitary manner.

He hasn't lost yet, because the game isn't over yet.

"My lord!" Black Wing pushed the door open and entered.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu put down the sword and stood with her hands behind her back.

Seeing the mess in the room, Hei Yi stuck what he wanted to say in his throat.

Bai Yu shouted: "Say!"

"Oh, that's how it is..." Hei Yi clasped her fists together, "There is news from the palace that Her Royal Highness is showing signs of premature labor."

"Premature? She ate well and slept well. How could she say she was born prematurely?"

The child in the queen's womb, no matter male or female, will be the next heir to the throne. Everyone in the palace carefully waits on them, and even walks like a catwalk, so as not to disturb her. Going out for a walk is always carried around by people, and she will never be missing supplements and delicacies. If she can still give birth prematurely in this way, it can only be blamed on the piece of meat in her belly.

"Can my lord go?"

Bai Yu is a great wizard, and his medical skills are unmatched among the Night Falcon clan. Although the child in the Queen's womb has not been announced to the public, everyone knows that it is his species.


He wasn't worried about the child, but that he couldn't satisfy the blackbird and others.This group of people is probably looking forward to this child being stillborn every day.

"Heiyi, go to the medicine house and bring me the newly prepared medicine."


Bai Yu put on the medicine box and went to the palace.

A dozen or so wizards had already come to the palace, one by one they lined up at the door of the bedroom, one came out, and another went in, there was no place for Bai Yu, he was blocked by the guards sent by Blackbird just after he arrived.

"Master Bai Yu, the queen has not announced you."

Naturally, the owner of the blackbird would not be polite to him, with an air of arrogance.

"Although it has not been announced, but as a wizard in the family, how can the minister sit peacefully if the queen is ill?"

"Your Excellency is interested, but the Queen has already gone to bed."

go to bed?

Bai Yu raised his head, the sun was in the middle of the day, the weather was rare, and in this climate, he would not believe a word.

"The minister is waiting here!"

The guard became angry with embarrassment, his face turned to one side, "I don't know what's good and what's wrong."

He stopped, and Bai Yu would not barge in, so as not to be false and cause trouble. He knew very well what was going on in the dormitory, and within half an hour, he would definitely be able to enter.

In the dormitory, Yaojia was lying on the bed and vomited nonstop. The maid was holding a golden basin to pick up the filth she vomited out. She was able to give birth in four months, but it was difficult to conceive. Due to the abundant nutrition during pregnancy, her whole body was rounded.

"Your Majesty, are you better?"

"Go away!" She vomited until her face turned pale, and she collapsed limply on the bed, "Where is Bai Yu, let him come, I don't want these mediocre witches, who are all drunk and rice bags, who can't even prescribe an anti-emetic prescription. "

The leading sorcerer named Yaqing knelt down on the ground immediately, "Your Majesty forgive me, it's just because your majesty is pregnant, so you must not take medicine lightly, it may affect your little highness."

"Bullshit, you can't, but Bai Yu can, get out!"

Crow Qing is a blackbird, and he has always looked up to the blackbird, and hated Bai Yu deeply. If Bai Yu hadn't occupied the position of the great wizard, as a first-class nobleman, how could he be inferior to him, so he is absolutely Impossible to let Bai Yu in.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. I just felt the pulse. Your Majesty just has food."

During pregnancy, Yaojia's appetite was so good that she could eat no matter how much she had. He asked about today's lunch menu, and it was all greasy food. She also likes to drink herbal tea, and when mixed with oil and cold, it gets blocked, which leads to weak stomach , can’t digest, it’s not a big deal at all, drinking some tea for digestion and eating some light rice porridge can relieve it.

Yaojia doesn't believe him at all, he is a blackbird, and the last thing she wants is the birth of the child in her womb, she will never let them succeed.

"Come on!"

She got out of bed, startling a group of people.

"Your Majesty is weak now, and you must not get out of bed."

"Go away!"

After she vomited, she didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, and her spirit came back, and she kicked Crow Qing down. She hadn't seen Bai Yu for a long time, and knew that he was sent to another place by the blackbird, saying that there was an epidemic. It’s snowy winter every day, so there’s no disease, it’s just blackbird’s trick, she doesn’t want Bai Yu to stay by her side, she objected, but Bai Yu doesn’t want her to do it, knowing it’s not true, she still goes up.

She was angry with him for not fighting, and felt sorry for him that he put her first in everything. Because of this, she couldn't let the blackbird do whatever she wanted.

Seeing that she was going to give birth soon, she was worried that Bai Yu would not be around, she would be weak and weak, and without a reliable person around her, the child would be in danger.

"Your Majesty!" Ya Qing knelt and followed her, "Your Majesty is weak and cannot blow the wind."

She opened the door, and the wizard guard outside immediately knelt on the ground.

"Pass down the king's order, Xuan Baiyu, if there is any obstruction, I will kill without mercy."

She has given orders, who dares to disobey, unless it is because she doesn't want to live.

Bai Yu's bodyguards were blocking the way outside the sleeping hall, so they had no choice but to get out of the way.

Bai Yu lifted his feet and left, and finally turned around and said, "Your Majesty has put all his heart and soul into guarding His Majesty, I must say something nice to the Queen, Your Majesty is here waiting for the reward."

The guard's face immediately turned pale, this was not a reward, but a reminder, he immediately peed in fright, but it was too late, Bai Yu had already entered.

"General He Ji, why are you here?"

Outside the bedroom, He Ji walked slowly with her servants, and met the nanny who served Yaojia. This nanny is an old man in the palace. She is best at serving pregnant women and parturients. She used to clean in other palaces and was not treated very well. See, it was Bai Yu who heard that she was good at taking care of pregnant women and suggested to Yao Jia to recruit her. Taking care of the queen is a fat job. If you take good care of her, the whole family can ascend to heaven. I am very grateful to Bai Yu. Yao Jia is in the palace. Bai Yu also knew from her mouth that although Chi Yi was also serving in the palace, but man, there are some things that are not easy to ask, she is different, she can be regarded as Bai Yu's eyeliner.

"Hello, Mother Bird, I heard that His Majesty is not feeling well today, so I brought some sweet and sour fruit." He Ji asked the servant to open the box.

Everything the queen eats has to go through multiple inspections, not to mention that during pregnancy, the food she eats needs to be more cautious.

"The general has a heart, and His Majesty is fine, Lord Bai Yu is taking care of him."

"He's back?" He Ji knew that he was sent to a remote place to treat the epidemic, and she hadn't seen him for many days.

"That's right, His Majesty will be happy as soon as Lord Bai Yu comes, and he will be cured when he is happy."

"That's good, then please ask the nanny to collect the food for you."

"You are welcome, General."

"I still have something to do in my house, so stop nagging."

"Let's go, general!"

He Ji was about to leave when the maid who delivered the food came behind her, and she didn't know what she was carrying. There was a fishy smell, and when she smelled this smell, He Ji's stomach turned, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, and retched .

"General, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, maybe I didn't have a good rest yesterday." She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

"The general is the pillar of the clan, you can't break your body, do you want me to ask Master Bai Yu to show you."

"No!" She answered eagerly, "I still have something to do, so I don't need to deliver it."

"The general, go slowly!"

After she left, Mammy Bird entered the bedroom with the maid who delivered the meal.

"Your Majesty, the meal is here."

Yao Jia said happily, "But the snake fish last time?"


Snake fish is a food with high nutritional value. It looks like a snake, but it has gills and fins.

"Ayu, eat quickly. I prepared this specially for you. You must have suffered in the border town. It's freezing there and there's nothing to eat. You've lost weight."

"Such precious food should be eaten by His Majesty."

"I don't eat it, it smells fishy."

"Have it?"

"You can't smell it because you're not pregnant. Anyway, I can't stand it. Eat it quickly, so I won't suffer." She was already pinching her nose.

"Your Majesty, there is still some candied fruit sent by General He Ji. It has been inspected. Do you want to eat some, Your Majesty?"

"Has He Ji been here? Why hasn't anyone notified her? Here, I'll try it."

Nurse Bird presented the candied fruit, "I just left when I came here, I feel a little uncomfortable and even vomited."



"She will also feel unwell. It's not like her. This candied fruit is delicious. Bring some more."


Hearing this, Bai Yu looked at the snake fish on the plate, his expression darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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