The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 404 Part 1683 Days and 3 Nights

Chapter 404 Part 168 Three Days and Three Nights

Snow night.

There is a dead silence between the sky and the earth, only the big snowflakes are falling, and there is a "rustling" sound when they hit the ground. The cold wind always seems to like to come with the snow, making the weak monsters who walk at night bend their backs and hold their hands tightly , stepping on the ankle-deep snow, walking forward step by step.

The bone-chilling wind blows the snowflakes to pieces from time to time, but it still cannot clear the foggy vision.

With a bang, a figure flashed across the wall of General Right's Mansion. It was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only the snow on the top of the wall fell, and no one noticed.

The General’s Mansion is not big, even compared to ordinary merchant’s mansions, but it is exquisite and makes people feel warm when they see it. The courtyard is divided into two floors, the outside is for receiving guests, and it is used for daily living, and the inside is three small buildings. , the innermost small building in the middle is He Ji's boudoir.

There are not many domestic servants in the mansion, and there are only six in total. Three of them are dedicated to serving the handicapped scarlet ibis, and excluding He Ji's personal maid, who is responsible for cleaning, washing, and cooking, there are only two domestic servants. The luxury of the Left General's Mansion, this Right General's Mansion can be said to have fallen to the extreme.

The lights in the boudoir are like beans, the tiny orange fire is especially bright in the snowy night, like a guiding light, He Ji has no intention of sleeping, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the charcoal fire in front of her, as if fascinated by the fire, keep looking.

Although the charcoal fire wasn't the best, it was still warm enough, but she felt cold all over, and couldn't help rubbing her arms with her arms around her chest.

A black shadow flashed past outside the window, startling her, she looked serious, and shouted: "Who?"

No one responded, she didn't dare to take it lightly, got up, walked to the window quietly, and opened the window quickly.

The cold wind swept in the snow flakes, and the pair of beautiful eyes turned white with the wind and frost, and also blew out the candlelight in the house. She looked around the window cautiously, but no one was seen, only the branches in the courtyard were shaken by the wind.

Did she see it wrong?
She checked again, and after making sure no one was there, she closed the window gently.

The place where the Night Falcon clan is located, the winter is extremely long, these days are the coldest days, she breathed a sigh of relief on her hands, rubbed them again, and was about to light the lamp, when she was blocked by a black shadow when she turned her head, her expression trembled , instinctively made a move, trying to control the enemy with one move, but was counteracted by the black shadow four or two times, and her right hand was instantly clamped by the opponent, and as soon as she touched the opponent's warmth, even if she couldn't see the opponent's face, she knew who it was .


"It's me!" He held her hand, changing the direction of his fingers, as if feeling the pulse.

She was startled, and hurriedly pulled her hand back, "What are you doing?"

In the darkness, Bai Yu's eyes were frighteningly bright, like starlight in the dark night, "Take the pulse!"

"Okay, what's the pulse?" She put her hands behind her back and took two steps back.

He advanced aggressively, "He'er, give me your hand."

She could only back up all the way, "You came here late at night just to check my pulse, it's too much of a fuss, I'm fine, if Mammy Sparrow said something, she misunderstood, I just have a bad appetite recently, Last night... ah!"

Bai Yu reached out and pressed her into his arms.

"You still want to hide it from me, do you think you can hide it?"

"I said that……"

"You don't need to tell me, I will judge myself." As long as I feel the pulse, everything will be revealed.

"Let go of me!" She kicked and thumped.

"Are you trying to recruit the scarlet ibis?"

He would come here late at night because he didn't want others to know about it, but Scarlet Ibis was young and easily slipped his tongue. If the Blackbird people found out, the entire General's Mansion would suffer.

He Ji froze, but Bai Yu caught her hand in the blink of an eye, no matter how quick she reacted, it was too late to pull her hand back.

Her pulse is as smooth as pressing a rolling ball... This is a happy pulse!
She was indeed pregnant.

In an instant, his face turned cold and his body stiffened.

"Let go!" She threw him away, the demon's eyes easily adapted to the darkness, and he could see his expression clearly without turning on the lamp after a long time. Such an expression was by no means happy, and she also understood the reason why he couldn't be happy, but that was how?
She raised her head and proudly puffed out her chest, "It's not yours! Don't worry about it!" She turned around and clasped her right hand tightly with her left hand, which is a typical protective action.

Not his?

It was impossible for him to believe her words, but he had to admit that God had given him a problem.

Even though she was asked to take the medicine, she would never deliberately not take the medicine.

At this time, he didn't care about why the contraceptive pills didn't work, because it didn't matter at all. In the world of mountains and seas, monsters had difficulty conceiving, so contraceptive pills were scarce, and wizards wouldn't make such pills. The contraceptive technology could Said that he was backward, he would have the medicine, but he knew that he didn't have the absolute determination not to touch her, it came from his selfishness, but the medicine he made was never behind, it was the result of his painstaking research for a long time.

Unexpectedly... He was annoyed. If he knew this, he would rather die than touch her.

When she turned her head, she could see this look of annoyance clearly. She felt a coldness in her heart, and there was a faint tingling pain in the coldness. She only found out about the pregnancy today. He didn't expect it, and she did the same No, it's just... the baby is still here.

Even if she hadn't expected it, she still wanted to see him happy, just like before, dancing happily, not even able to speak, instead of the distressed expression he has now.

he's changed!
She felt a pain in her heart, which made her eyes burn, but she didn't want to show weakness in front of him.

"You go!" She rushed to the door and opened it, deliberately not looking at him.

How could he leave? He kicked the door shut, grabbed her, and hugged her, "I haven't changed!"

In this life, he only loves her.

Hearing that, she couldn't help shedding tears, clutching his skirt tightly with both hands, these four words instantly dispelled the defense in her heart, "Ayu, what should I do, I'm so scared, I'm really scared... "

She released her emotions all at once. After returning from the palace, she felt her own pulse. She is not a wizard, but she was with him when she was young. She has learned a little bit and is not proficient, but it is enough to judge whether she is pregnant. up.

When she found out that she was pregnant, she felt cold all over. What would she do with the child? Should she stay, or...

No, she had lost a child, how could she bear to lose it again.

She doesn't want it, but how will she hide this child from everyone, no matter how much she hides it, she won't be able to hide it if she has a big belly.

She wept and wet his skirt, and through the moisture, he felt her inner struggle and boundless fear, he had neglected it, he should have thought of it.

"He'er, don't be afraid, I'm here." He held her weeping face and wiped away the tears dripping down her cheeks with his thumb.

"I was wrong. I should have listened to you. If I shouldn't come back, I should live quietly in another courtyard with Scarlet Ibis, but...but..." She sniffed and sobbed, "I hate, I I hate it, they killed my father and my brothers and sisters, I want to take revenge, take revenge with my own hands."

"I know, don't say any more, calm down." He was worried that she would hurt her body because of her excessive emotions. She was no longer as healthy as she used to be. He has not recovered now, and with the pain of losing his loved ones, his health has not recovered, but relying on his elixir and conditioning to maintain it, this is why he is eager to find the Shennong Ding, only the Shennong Ding can refine the envoy. He also needs the medicine for her recovery, and the scarlet ibis.

"Ayu, I know this will embarrass you, but I want to give birth to this child, and I don't want to lose it..." She has lost it before, so she knows the pain of loss. The pain cannot be described in words, it is worse than a broken body It will hurt a hundred times, "Or... I can take the scarlet ibis and leave now, far away."

"How do you leave? Blackbird will never let you go. Only when you are here can he monitor you. Once you leave, he will have nothing to worry about." He will never let her leave. Enough confidence can protect her well.

Although he persuaded her to leave before, the situation is different now. The queen is pregnant, and the blackbird's wariness of him has reached a critical point, and it will explode at any time. If she leaves now, the blackbird will definitely have doubts, and she will only become more Danger.

"Then what should I do!? Could it be..." She covered her belly with her hands and shook her head violently, "No, I don't want it!"

"He'er, I didn't think so!"

He would never ask her to sacrifice this child. She has lost it once, and if she does it again, she will probably lose her right to be a mother forever.

"Listen to me..." He held her face again and forced her to look directly at him, "I swore that I would never let you suffer or be wronged again in this life, so believe me, I will find a way... He kissed her forehead tenderly, "Leave everything to me, you just take care of your body with peace of mind."

"What are you going to do?" Even though he was swearing, she still couldn't feel at ease. This child came at an untimely time. If she was found out, she would not be the only one who died, but even he would be implicated.

She regretted it unceasingly. If she knew that there would be such a day, she would rather not take revenge for the rest of her life, because she didn't want to hurt him. Everything he did now was for her. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't live like this repressed.

"Ayu... Maybe it would be better if I died at that time..." If he died, he wouldn't be implicated. At most, he would have no face to see his father and dead sisters and brothers.

"Nonsense!" he shouted emotionally, and hugged her into his arms with all his strength, "how can we be better without you?"

Without her, his world is black and white, there will be no color anymore, he has experienced it, he almost lost her, so he knows what it feels like, he will go out of his usual way to save Feng Chen, just because of Feng Chen Chen rescued her and let her return to her side.

She said she hated it, but why didn't he hate it? If it wasn't for the blackbird, if it wasn't for the former king, what a happy couple she and he would be. Their first child died in that disaster, before he was born. It became a piece of flesh full of blood and fell into the sea of ​​fire.

He can't forget!He was looking forward to its birth so much, imagining how it would look like a toddler walking towards him countless times, and when he was still babbling, he would teach it to practice calligraphy and reading, teach it to practice martial arts, and every time the starry sky is bright. , let it ride on its neck, and count the days of stars with it, but all this was broken in that sea of ​​fire, he didn't even have time to hug it, to see if it looks like him, or like her, waiting for him Only her physically and mentally injured, covered in blood.

At that time, she was carried on Fengchen's back, and she couldn't even hear her breathing. If he wasn't a wizard, he even suspected that she was dead. He swore that he would make those wicked people who hurt his wife and children ten times and a hundred times repayment.

Blackbird...all his henchmen, and...his son, especially his son, he would have chopped him to pieces and burned him to ashes.

He was the one who hurt her the most. He hurt her so much that when she woke up, she would be afraid whenever she saw a man.

He will never forget, never will!
Bai Yu couldn't help turning a ferocious expression, like a monster crawling out of the darkest hell, with a bloodthirsty look on his face.It's time to move forward with the plan...

In order to protect He Ji, he doesn't care if he becomes a demon or a ghost, even if he dies forever, he is willing.

dog environment.

At noon, in front of the inner hall door of the bedroom, Mu Xiang put down the plate she was carrying, and then knocked lightly on the door.

"My lord, lunch is here."

Because there was no sound, she repeated it again, but there was still no response. When she was hesitating whether to go in and have a look, she was grabbed by the fungus by the back of her collar.

"Sister, why are you messing around again? Didn't the king say that the food should be left at the door."

Mu Xiang struggled to avoid him, and said angrily, "I'm not as determined as my brother."

"This is not determination, it is the king's order that cannot be violated."

Mu Xiang glanced at the closed door, and the thought of wanting to go in and see what happened was like ants crawling on her heart, itching her to death, she couldn't help but angrily said, "Brother, it's been three days, and the king doesn't allow us to go in, Don’t you think it’s strange that the meals are brought in by yourself?”

"What's so strange, the king's poison has been cured, and his health has recovered, and he will eat up all the meals delivered every day, so what are you worrying about?"

For the past three days, they have placed meals at the door of the inner hall. When delivering breakfast, the plates from yesterday’s dinner will be at the door. When delivering lunch, the empty plates from breakfast will be placed at the door. , they only need to send and receive, and they don't have to use their brains for things that are convenient.

Mu Xiang pursed her lips and said softly, "Miss' matter..." She spoke very lightly.

"Hush! Damn girl, I've told you several times, so I can't say it." The fungus covered her mouth excitedly, looking back to see if anyone was there.

"Oh!" Mu Xiang pulled off his hand, "This is the king's bedroom, except us, whoever has the guts to come in, it's not that they don't want to live."

"I think you don't want to live anymore, remember what Elder Cangwu said?"

"Said the king will come out when he wants to come out..."

"It's not over."

"But it's been three days, no, it's been three days and three nights. Not only did Wang not come out, inside..." She glanced at the door again, "I heard crying several times, crying like a kitten, it sounds very Miserable..."

The fungus coughed, blushed and said, "Nonsense, how can there be?"

"But I did hear it. If you don't believe me, if you ask Zi Jia, she heard it too..."

"What are you listening to? Hurry up and leave after delivering the meal. Be careful that you make a mistake again. The whole family will accompany you to die..." Mu'er stretched out his hand and pulled her towards the door.

"Brother, I'm worried..."

"You don't need to worry, it's useless to worry...Leave!"

The voices of the two gradually faded away, and when they walked away, the door of the inner hall was opened, and a hand was stretched out, and the plate of food was fished in in an instant.

The door closed again, as quickly as if the opening just now was an illusion.

Inside the hall, the curtains are thick and heavy, the sunlight cannot penetrate, and it is dark and dark, but the breath is full of spring, and there is a fiery smell that can only be felt after a man and a woman love each other.

"Silently, eat!"

"Don't eat!" On the bed, Yu Mo was covered under the quilt again, and squeezed into the deepest part of the bed, because it was a Babu bed, she didn't have to worry about falling down there.

"People are gone!"

Mei Luo was shirtless and only wore a pair of water pants, which were wrinkled because he hadn't changed them for many days, but he was good-looking, and he was outstanding in everything he wore.

"It's all you, listen to what Mu Xiang said..."

"What?" He played dumb.

"Go away!" She kicked off the quilt and wanted to push him, but she couldn't exert any strength on her waist, so she fell on the bed.


Mei Luo put down the plate, quickly caught her, and carried her into her arms.

"Are you asking me to go away? It's more accurate to throw yourself in your arms." He likes it.

She struggled, "Stinky rascal!"

"I don't understand!" He turned her over, let her lie down on the bed, and then jumped on him, "If you don't want to eat, let's do it again..."


"I won't be an asshole for a while..."

It's not a bastard anymore, it's a kitten meowing.

Boundless spring, another day.

 Puppy: Dad, come on!
  Silently: Help!
  皛皛: Sympathy, and claw.

  Luna: So the kings are all at the same level...

  Murong You: Don't express any opinions, there is no harm if there is no comparison!
  Miaomiao: We upstairs should unite and attack the authors.

  Ye Yaoluo: ...What are you in a hurry for? Although I haven't made my official debut yet, I'm sure worse than you.

  Brother Ergou picking his nose ING...

(End of this chapter)

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