The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 405 Part 170 Is it kept outside?

Chapter 405 Part 170

Mu Xiang didn't mean to come in, the door of the palace was ajar, there was a lot of movement inside, and it happened that Mei Luo went out, so she couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to take a peek, but who would have thought that she would be caught off guard one is right.

No matter what the dog monsters outside think, she doesn't hate Yumo anyway. After serving her for so long, she knows exactly what kind of person she is. Apart from the love between master and servant, Yumo also saved her. The time when he was kidnapped by the capital of Shu.

Dog monsters are the most loyal, which is also derived from the nature of dogs.

No matter how bad the owner is to the dog, as long as it is good once, the dog will always remember the only good time.

Therefore, seeing that Yu Mo was well, she was really excited, she immediately burst into tears, Yu Mo was also very excited, but she was terrified, and her mind was full of negative emotions. She is a murderer, a female devil, a dog monster People won't forgive her, she doesn't want to hear their insults and accusations, she is not timid, but she feels too guilty.

The first time she saw Mu Xiang, her face turned pale, and she backed away in shock.

The clothes she was wearing were not fastened properly, and the belt dragged to the ground. Mu Xiang was afraid that she would step on her and fall, so she chased after her.

After this pursuit, Yu Mo became even more afraid, and hurriedly shouted "Bi Xi" to hide himself.

Bi Xi naturally obeyed, and with one fin closed, her figure disappeared.

Mu Xiang watched her slowly disappear from existence to non-existence, she was stunned, and before she had time to react, a gust of wind suddenly blew around her.

After Yu Mo disappeared, she felt that her whereabouts had been exposed, and she could no longer hide in the dormitory, so she ran out of the dormitory immediately. No one could see her, so she naturally didn't know that the sudden wind was caused by her running wildly, and she had another knot. Delimiter, unimpeded passage.

Bi Xi was holding her breath, unable to speak, she climbed on her shoulder, poked her, and asked with her eyes: "Where are you going?"

In the enchantment of invisibility, she is the only one who can see it.

"Go back to the island!" Penglai Island is the only place she feels safe now.

However, halfway through the run, her legs became weak, and she leaned on the wall to pant, and kept beating her waist with her hands.

The fate of excessive indulgence.

Bixi could not hold her breath for long on land. According to her speed, she estimated that she would be exposed before she ran out of the palace gate. She decisively summoned the candle dragon, and the candle dragon that came out was also wrapped in Bixi's invisible knot. in the world.

She climbed up, yelled at it and flew towards Bi Xi's body.

On the other side, Mei Luo didn't know that she was scared away, so she planned to go to Cang Wu to settle the score with a serious face. After finding out that Mu'er and the others knew that Yu Mo had come back, he became suspicious of the whole thing.How did Yu Mo know that Bai Ze could cure his poison, who gave her the news, and why she could enter the palace without hindrance after finding the antidote?
After connecting these things together, he had the answer.

Cang Wu and Bu Jie are the only ones who can do these things, and of the two, Cang Wu is more suspicious.

But before reaching the meeting hall, he was overtaken by the fungus.

"King!" In order to catch up with him, the fungus changed its original shape and ran fast on four legs.

"what's up?"


Mei Luo was startled, "Speak clearly!"

"Miss is gone!"

Mei Luo immediately dropped the fungus and flew back to the bedroom.

Mu Xiang didn't know that Yu Mo had already run away, and was still looking around in the inner hall.

"Miss, come out, Mu Xiang doesn't hate you, Mu Xiang misses you very much."

Mei Luo entered the inner hall and knew that Yu Mo was no longer there as soon as she smelled it, so she yelled at Mu Xiang, "Who let you in!?"

"I..." Mu Xiang hurriedly knelt down on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Mei Luo's face turned black with anger, she flicked her sleeves and walked out again.

He was very familiar with Yumo's smell. He sniffed the air and knew where she was going. He immediately flew after her. His figure suddenly appeared above the palace, which shocked everyone.

"It's the king!"

Some people thought they were wrong and wiped their eyes fiercely.

"It's really the king, the king is ready!"

"Master Bujie's medicine must have worked, Wang's poison has been cured, and he's all right now."

A healthy king of the clan is more important than anything else. The news spreads widely.

"God bless my family, God bless my family!"

Soon, the whole dogland was boiling, sweeping away the gloom of more than a month, not only the common people, but also the aristocratic areas were jubilant, several families had set out incense cases, offered incense and candles, and rewarded the grace of heaven.

Mei Luo didn't care about these things, she didn't notice the commotion she caused at all, she just thought that she couldn't let the newly acquired wife run away.

The main body of Bixi carried Penglai Island on its back and stopped at a place about two hundred miles away from the Quanjing sea area. This distance is not far or close, but it happens to be a safe area. If it is more than ten miles closer, it will The protective barrier that touches the dog realm is so huge that if it is discovered, the dog monsters will definitely think that the enemy is attacking, and they will definitely send out elite soldiers from the Suimen Mansion who are good at naval warfare.

Although many clansmen died in the dog realm due to Yumo's ravages, the survival rate of the elite soldiers is very high. In addition, the cat monsters are also good at sea battles, and the people sent to rescue are all experts in sea warfare. The protective dog monsters in the safe area are still Very confident.

On the island, the capital of Shu wandered around, almost crushing the ground under their feet.

Yu Mo went to the Dog Realm for ten days, and he also waited for ten days. If it wasn't for the message sent back when Bixi passed through Yuanshen, he would have rushed to the Dog Realm long ago. He knew that she had met Mei Luo, and Mei Luo The poison has been cured, but after everything is done, why don't people come?
How can this make him stop thinking too much, the more he thinks about it, the more sour he feels, but he is very magnanimous, knowing that they reunited after a long absence, there must be a lot to say, give them time, but is this time too long?What can you say for ten days?

It asked Bixi before, but the answer given by Bixi was very vague, and he refused to say more. If he asked, it would lose his temper, saying that he didn't trust it. He felt that Bixi was very unreliable and wanted to check it himself. According to the news, he has the Haotian Tower. Even if the dog realm strengthens the barrier, the Haotian Tower can be broken, but it is a matter of time, but if the barrier is destroyed, his whereabouts will be exposed. If the dog monsters know When he came to the door, they would definitely attack him in groups, no, they would scold him, they would definitely not beat him up, they would definitely scold him for hiding the woman who hurt his cousin.

He was not afraid of beating him, and he was even less afraid of scolding him, but when the trouble became serious, he was afraid that Yumo would be unhappy, so he had to endure it.

Before Yumo left, he asked him to find a way to sneak into the market in Quanjing and buy some sulfur for Lelou.

Leulou is the little Chiwen brought back by Bixi. Taotie dug a big lake for it on the island, and it lives in it now. Chiwen naturally likes sulfur. Although it is not impossible to live without it, but without it, the spirit will be weaker. very bad.

Shu didn't have the heart to do this, so he threw it all to Duoji.

After Dorje drank Bai Ze's blood, his appearance changed drastically. He no longer knew his own mother, and it was even more impossible for people from the dog monster clan to recognize him, so it was very convenient to go to the market in the dog area to buy.

After Quanjing suffered a devastating blow, it once closed the market and blocked the trade, fearing that spies would sneak in. It was not until it was determined that the possibility of the enemy's attack was very small that the trade was resumed. After all, most of the common people were For those who rely on trade to support their families, long-term closure is not good for the stability of the people.

Duoji worked very hard, feeding on time, sprinkling sulfur on time, and after only ten days, the leak became bigger. Not long after it was born, its mother was killed by a bully. He has no memory of his mother, and has always been Yumo. And Duoji took care of it, and it recognized these two people.

After Yumo left, Duoji spent the most time with it, and it would pester Duoji all day long, and sometimes drag Duoji into the water, insisting on wrapping it with the body of a dragon. Become a fish and live in the water.

"Googoo..." Leulou suddenly raised her head and howled towards the south.

Dorji, who was feeding, was surprised, "What's wrong with Leoliu?"

Leou rubbed his head against his face, "Googoo, GOOGOO..."

Dorji couldn't understand it, but seeing it kept facing south, there must be something attracting it from the south.

"You stay here obediently, I'll go and have a look!" He patted the feed scum on his hands and stood up.

Lelou didn't listen to his words, and swam to the south by himself. The Taotie pond was dug quite big, enough room for it to move around, and it was very fast, and it swam to the shore of the southern island in a short while.

Duoji ran after him, "Leilou, don't run around!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew above his head, which made his hair messy.

Lelou has no vision, and only recognizes people by smell. After taking a sniff, she rushed over, acted like a baby to the air, and rubbed her head desperately.

"Okay, okay, Leou, stop rubbing."

"Sister!" Duoji knew she was back after hearing the voice.

Bi Xi opened her mouth, Yu Mo's figure was slowly revealed, and kissed her leaky face.

Duoji rushed up, "Sister, is brother Quan all right?"

"Well, well, I made you worry."

"Then when can we go back?" He always remembered the rebirth formation in his heart, and he also knew that the rebirth formation needs to be placed where the deceased died to be effective.

"This..." She didn't know how to answer, so she had to change the topic, "By the way, isn't it a big leak?"

"Well, you found out, it eats a lot."

Yumo chuckled, which one of the pets she raised didn't eat a lot, they were all reincarnated from foodies.


Mei Luo's voice came from the air, and he chased after him, making Yu Mo tremble in shock.

Why is he here! ?
"Brother Dog!" Duoji jumped up excitedly and waved.

Mei Luo didn't recognize him, she frowned and said: "You are..." He fell to the ground slowly.

Duoji's blue-haired and blue-eyed appearance, no one would have recognized him if he hadn't reported to the family himself.

"I'm Dorje!"

"Duoji?" There was no trace of Duoji in this body, he was clearly a different person.

"Hmm! Does it look awkward? Actually, I feel awkward too." Every time he sees his reflection in the lake, he feels like someone else, and he is still not used to it.

"How did you become like this?" Looking carefully, the facial features have not changed, but the hair color and eye color have changed too much, which has never happened in the demon.


Duoji wanted to say that he was the reincarnation of Nuwashi, but Yumo stopped him when he opened his mouth, "Duoji, take Leulou back."

She didn't want to hide that Dorji was a matter of Nuwashi, but that Nuwashi was the key to the rebirth formation. She didn't want Dorji to be exposed to danger. The fewer people who knew about it, the better. I know, Duoji will definitely be sacrificed by them, even if Shennong Ding, one of the rebirth formations, only obeys her orders, and the demon refining pot is a gluttonous thing, the three are indispensable, but nothing is safe in front of interests, Bai Yu Using her to severely injure the dog environment is the best example. Before that, who would have thought that she would still be recruited under the strict protection of the dog environment.

She didn't want to have that... just in case.

"Sister?" Duoji didn't understand why she spoke so harshly, and seemed puzzled.

"go back!"


He obediently called Leoliu and took it away.

After Duoji walked away, she turned her head resentfully, "What are you doing here?"

"Take you back!"

She took a step back immediately, "Don't go back!"

Mu Xiang already knew of her existence, the bedroom could no longer be hidden, maybe now the entire dog monster clan knew she was back.

"Is that why you don't trust me?"

"No!" How could she not trust him, she just didn't want him to be difficult.

"Since there isn't one, what are you afraid of?" He took a step closer, he had gotten used to her warm fragrance these past few days, and it was very uncomfortable to be so far away from him now.

"Don't come here!" She stepped back vigilantly, "I won't go back, the island is fine."

"What's the matter, there is nothing, you can't even see a house, where are you going to sleep at night, what do you do if you catch a cold, if it rains and winds, where will you hide, what else will you eat, do you eat fish in the sea? "

When he came here, he overlooked the entire island from a high altitude. It was a deserted island, and at best, the scenery was a little better.

"There is a cave!"

"Are you a caveman?" This is another sentence learned from the human world.

"That's better than your bedroom..." At least you can get some fresh air.

"Come here!" He was annoyed, his face was very ugly.

"Don't!" Her stubbornness is just like a seizure.

He was even more annoyed, and rushed over directly.

"Ah!" Yu Mo screamed, turned around and ran, but how could she outrun him, "Hey, stealth!"

Bixi was panting aside, and he held his breath for a long time when he came back just now, and he didn't slow down, "I...hehe...haven't rested enough yet."

Unable to hide, she was quickly caught by Mei Luo.

"Let me go, let me go, I don't want to go back."

Mei Luo hugged her horizontally in her arms, but she struggled endlessly, the vigor she made was more shrew than a shrew, he almost couldn't hold her firmly.

"Silence, don't move anymore!"

"I want to move!" Beat and kick.

Mei Luo didn't do anything else, and kissed her directly.

She was stunned, and also quiet.

The wild lilies that have just bloomed in the trickling stream exude a tantalizing fragrance, just like the fragrance on her body, blooming quietly in the thick green grass, arousing pity, his kiss is lingering and warm , devouring all her breath, forcing her to kiss back instinctively.

She blushed and grabbed the hem of his shirt.

Bi Xi: "..."

Damn it again!
With a thud, Bi Xi jumped into the sea knowingly, and after watching it, it would definitely be the eye of a needle. It would be better to go to the sea to appreciate the coral.

The sound of heavy objects falling into the water woke Yu Mo up, and he punched him with his fists.

He was addicted to kissing, so he grabbed her little hand and continued to kiss.

The warm jade and warm fragrance of those nights are still fragrant in my memory, as warm as jade and surging like waves, it is dizzyingly sweet, and it is also extremely passionate and carnival. He is extremely greedy and always wants more, Endless demands, but she could only sob softly, interlocking fingers with him, turning everything into eternity.

But no matter how greedy he was, he wouldn't want her in such an open place, and quickly contained his desires, pressing them to the deepest part of his heart.

"It is quite now?"

Her cheeks were as hot as fire, and her lips were swollen from the kiss, so she didn't have the strength to argue with him.

In the sweet breath, his slender and gentle fingers wiped away the slight anxiety on her lips, "Leave it to me, why did you run away in a blink of an eye?"

"It's Muxiang..."

"Don't pay attention to that girl, teach her a lesson when you get back." Things that are not enough for success, but more than failure.

"do not want!"

"Then you go back with me." Obviously this is a condition.

"Why do you have to go back? Isn't it good here? It's not very far from the Dogland." He can fly, and the speed is very fast, and it doesn't take much time to get there in two hundred miles. "You can come anytime!"

He stammered, "What's this?"

"What has become what?" She didn't understand, she just felt that Penglai Island could give her a sense of security, and the living facilities were a bit poor, but she had been living like this these days, and she didn't feel any inconvenience.

"You mean you want me to keep you outside, come to see you from time to time, and if it's good, you can stay overnight, right? Hehe..." The last hehe sound was very stiff, and his complexion was even more ugly.

She finally felt something was wrong.

This... isn't this a mistress raised outside?

correct answer.

(End of this chapter)

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