The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 406 Part 1712 To the young couple

Chapter 406 Part 171 Two Couples

Little three?

How about that?She must be the original!

But, how can there be an original spouse kept outside?It's not the Taiwanese drama of the 80s.

She hesitated.

"Have you figured it out?" Seeing her expression, Mei Luo knew that she had figured it out.

She raised her head and bit her lip, still unwilling in her heart, "Then I don't want to go back either."

Xu Shi's experience with men and women gave her a different kind of charm. When she bit her lip, the brilliance came out from under her skin, and suddenly she couldn't look at her closely.

Immediately, Mei Luo's mind flashed those images of pampering her under her body, and her lower abdomen tensed up.

He is the kind of person who eats the marrow, knows the taste, and has endless desires. He cleared his throat and suppressed the fire in his stomach.

"Come back with me, so I won't worry about it." If she wasn't under his nose, he couldn't feel at ease. He couldn't protect her because of the poison before, so he handed her over to Shudu. Now that the poison was cured, he She has also recovered, and she can't be allowed to wander outside without saying anything.

"It's safe here."

"No matter how safe it is, I will be worried."

She met her little finger, still hesitating, "Muxiang, she..."

"She won't blame you, she broke in because she wanted to see you."

"Meet me? How? How did she know I was in there?"

"Except for you, those who should know already know."

Yu Mo was startled, grabbed his lapel and asked, "Did you say that?"

He hurriedly raised his hands to clarify, "I didn't say anything."

"Then why..."

"Cangwu!" This is what he guessed, but it's almost the same.

Taking advantage of her astonishment, he pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her soft and smooth hair, "You will know that Bai Ze can save me, he said that, right?"

"How do you know?" About detoxification, she only mentioned Penglai Island, and didn't mention anything else.

He clasped her hands tightly, "Do I look so stupid?"

She raised her head anxiously, "Mei Luo, don't blame him, he is doing it for your own good."

"You don't need to say this, I know, but he made you do such a dangerous thing without telling me, I can't let you go." She can come back safely, he thanked God, but if she can't come back, thinking that she might freeze to death On Penglai Island, he couldn't restrain the anger in his heart.

"But I succeeded!"

"What if it doesn't work?" He would be afraid just thinking about it.

"You want to commit a crime, so there is no excuse! Yes, I admit that he is quite hateful in this matter, and he is very unkind, but it also stems from his loyalty to you! If it wasn't for you, he probably would have sent someone to Assassinate me, no, I must do it myself."

Mei Luo lifted her chin, frowned and looked at her, "You still speak for him?"

"The truth. I'm speaking for him, but it doesn't mean I like him. On the contrary, if I meet him, I will definitely give him two big slaps." After the slap, she will say to him braggingly - she won up.

He lowered his head and pressed his forehead against hers, "It's really disturbing, if he wants you to go, you go, don't you think that he may also let you go to die."

Of course she knew, but at that time she only wanted to save him, and she didn't have the heart to think about anything else.

"As long as you can be well, I am willing to do anything."

To Meiluo's ears, these words are more passionate love words than "I love you".


She rubbed him with the tip of her nose, "It's me, a fool, who made you well..."

He pinched the tip of her nose dotingly, "You have successfully protected me, now it's my turn to protect you."

"That's different!" It was her fault that he was poisoned, and it was her responsibility.

"Don't be stubborn, this matter is not negotiable. I'm crazy to let you live and sleep on this island..." He decided to take tough measures and took her hand to leave.

"Mei Luo, listen to me..."

"I don't have time to listen to you!" If he couldn't pull her, he had to carry her.

She couldn't match his strength, and she was carried on his shoulders in an instant.

"Savage!" She was hanging upside down, punching him with her fists.

It's useless to beat it, it's like a mosquito bite.

"Momo, you're back."

Shu Du flew over suddenly, he heard the news of her return from Duoji, swept away the boredom of the past few days, and hurried over, but saw Mei Luo's barbaric behavior, and immediately vented the depression of the previous few days He came out and attacked with his fists clenched.

"Smelly dog, what do you want to do to Momo, let her down."

Mei Luo was very surprised that he would be here, looked at Yu Mo, feeling sour, "I said, why don't you want to go back, so there is another flower protector."

This jealousy is very unreasonable, and even a little unreasonable.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" She glared angrily. Both she and Shu couldn't be more innocent, and they wouldn't choose this time to cheat.

"Hmph!" Mei Luo's jealous breath was sour.

Of course he knew that it was impossible for her and Shu to have an affair, it was all out of anger, and he didn't forget that he pushed her to the capital of Shu at the beginning. Thinking about it now, there was nothing wrong with this decision, but she and Shudu have been together day and night for more than a month, so it must be the truth, he is jealous of this.

"Hmph, huh, I think your body is recovering, but your brain is broken, let me down!" Just half an hour ago, she was lying naked on his bed, but he forgot it quickly, could it be a pill? Eat too much, have side effects?
"Don't move around, be careful not to fall."

"Just move!" She was definitely a little shrew when she made a fuss.

Shu Du got excited when he heard that she was unwilling, and struck with a palm wind.

Mei Luo responds quickly to the move, and in order to prevent Yu Mo from being affected, she puts her down.

"Mo Mo, don't worry, with me here, I will never let him bully you." He looked concerned, and smiled sweetly as soon as he looked at Yu Mo.

This smile pierced Mei Luo's eyes, and the jealousy was even harder to dispel.

"Who made you smile silently?"

"Huh?" He smiled every time he saw her.

"Kill you!" He also slapped his palm.

"Okay, I'm worried that I won't have a chance to deal with you!"

The two started fighting when they disagreed, in the air for a while, and for a while in the ground, they fought hard.

Yu Mo was worried that Mei Luo had just recovered and would not be able to withstand the attack of Shudu, so he hurriedly said, "Stop! Did you hear me!"

The two of them didn't hear a word, and they still fought fiercely.

Dorji ran back when he heard the voice, "Sister, why did brother dog and brother wolf fight?"

"You ask me, who do I ask, both are bastards." She also lost her temper, like a tigress.

Duoji really wanted to fly up to persuade the fight, but he was not capable enough, and it was very likely that he would not be persuaded, but would be affected instead.

When he was in a dilemma, a roar that was more tigress than Yu Mo appeared.


As soon as the drinking was over, Needle Feather came.

As soon as Shu Du heard her voice, he jumped in fright, showing his flaws, which gave Mei Luo an opportunity to kick her up.

Shu Du was kicked in the stomach, and he groaned. Just as he was about to fight back, Needle Feather flew in front of him, slapped him both left and right.

clap clap!

The voice was so loud that his face turned red in an instant.

"Bastard, why didn't you wait for me!" Needle feather growled, and punched him in the stomach again.

Shu was so stunned that he couldn't speak.

Mei Luo also knew Zhen Yu. When Queen Qi Luo was alive, she would occasionally take him to visit relatives in the Sirius Realm. He met him at that time, and he was very familiar with her violent temper.

Shu Du was beaten by Zhen Yu so that he had nowhere to hide, so he took a few steps back and said angrily, "Why did you hit me?"

"What are you doing?" Needle Feather looked like an erupting volcano, his face was flushed with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his forehead were about to explode, "How dare you ask me what I am doing, you bastard!"

Another decisive punch.

Shu Du hurriedly responded, "How would I know if you don't tell me!"

"Let me ask you, when I returned to the Sirius Realm, did I tell you that I wanted to go to the Dog Realm together?"

"Ah? Is there?" He didn't remember why.

This sentence angered Needle Feather even more, and he raised his fist and flew over again.

"Okay, okay, yes, yes!"

"Since there is, why don't you wait for me?"

Shu Du was beaten back again and again, "Aren't you being entangled by your father?"

Who in the wolf demon clan doesn't know that her father is notoriously clingy to her.

"Knowing that I am entangled, you will not help me."

"How can I help? Your father is more difficult to deal with than Lao Meng."

Elder Xuyun is recognized by the wolf monster clan as a smiling tiger, he is the best at hiding a knife in his smile, if he is targeted, he will be stabbed at any time, even if he is the king of the wolf monster clan.

"You bastard!" Needle Feather contemptuously revealed her eyes.

"Who's a coward? It's your father who wants to pester you, and I didn't instigate it."

"You clearly want to get rid of me on purpose." This is the main reason for her anger. He only has Yu Mo in his heart, and there is no her at all.

It's hard for Shu to refute this, because it's true, how can he develop a relationship with Yu Mo with her around.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard, you are a big bastard." At the end of the speech, Needle Feather actually cried.

"What are you crying for?"

In his memory, Needle Feather has always been strong, and he has never seen her cry so badly.

"It's not you!" She wiped away tears fiercely.

"What's none of my business?" He was confused by her, and he was slapped twice as soon as he came up, like crazy, he hasn't settled with her yet.

Zhenyu stopped crying, her eyes turned red, and she raised her fist again.

"You're not finished, are you?" He wasn't afraid of needle feathers, but he was adhering to the principle that good men don't fight women.

Needle feather didn't have such scruples, so he beat him hard.

The two met in the air, and the demonic aura brushed through the air to create a hurricane.

Due to the hurricane, sand and rocks were blown on the ground. Yumo wanted to persuade him to fight, but before he could say anything, he was blinded by the sand and rocks, and his mouth was full of sand.

"Bah, bah, bah!" She stuck out her tongue.

Mei Luo raised her hand, erected a barrier, and blocked the hurricane.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" She snorted again, "Go up and persuade me!"

"What to persuade? It's obviously a quarrel between the young couple. Whoever persuades will be unlucky."

Now he said that they are a young couple, so what was the reaction just now?

The young couple quarreled, right?
it is good!
She raised her fist and beat him on the stomach.

Mei Luo asked her to beat her, she is different from Needle Feather, she has no demon power, so she has no effect on him.

Seeing that it was useless, Yumo was so angry that she shouted, "To make you jealous, to make you jealous, you are a bastard just like Shudu! If you say that kind of thing, you are not afraid that people will be sad." The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, and she took a deep breath. With one breath, he sank to his dantian, waved it over, and roared: "Big bastard!"

Mei Luo had no defense, because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hurt him. She puffed her chest out and took the move, but unexpectedly, there was a dull pain in her abdomen, and his eyes went dark, and he took a step back.

Yu Mo was relieved after the beating, and looked up to see that his face was pale, and he was frightened, "Mei Luo... what's wrong with you?"

Mei Luo held her breath, waiting for the pain to disappear, and looked at her with shocked eyes.

"Momo, you..." He clutched his stomach, the pain was still there, he didn't suffer from internal injuries, it was just flesh and blood pain.

"Did I hurt you? Do you want it? Come on, come on, sit down."

"No, nothing!" The pain slowly disappeared, he took a breath, and held her hand, "What did you do just now?"

She is human, ordinary punching and kicking are ineffective against him.

Yu Mo didn't understand what he meant, but thought that he had used too much strength just now, and regretted that his stomach was green, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used so much strength."

"It's's not about strength!"

"Huh?" She looked confused.

Mei Luo looked at her hand, if he judged correctly, that punch was definitely mixed with demon power, but how could she have demon power, unless she used the power of Tao Tie, but if it was the power of Tao Tie, her punch The appearance would change, but it didn't.

"Mei Luo, are you in pain, I'll rub it for you."

"It's okay, no need." He was no longer in pain, and his complexion also recovered.

She lowered her head like a child who did something wrong, "I'm sorry..."

"I deserve it, who made me jealous." He held her hand and took a careful look.

If it is demonic power, it must be surrounded by demonic light, but he didn't see it just now, so he couldn't understand it.

"Momo, did something happen when you went to Penglai Island?"

"No, I'm just looking for Bai Ze for you. As I said, Maoqiu is Bai Ze. Ah, yes, I drank the blood of Maoqiu, and I have become invulnerable to all poisons. From now on, that big bastard protein Yu will come back again." It can't hurt me anymore."

"Bai Ze's blood..." He frowned, could it be because of this?

"Why are you frowning?" She reached out and stroked his eyebrows.

"Momo, come here!" He pulled her into his arms.


"Stand still, I'm just testing."

"Huh?" She didn't know why, but she had full trust in him. She hurt him again just now, and felt guilty in her heart, so she was very obedient.

Mei Luo stretched out her hand to press the three inches above her navel.

"Mei Luo, itchy, hehe..." She laughed.

The skin under the palm through the cloth was very warm, there was no difference, he used some more force and released a pinch of demonic power, the golden demonic power was like a cluster of fire, burning above Yumo's navel.

"Silence, how do you feel?"

She shook her head, "I don't feel it!"

He increased his demon power again, and Yumo's dantian immediately resisted, and a faint light burst out, with a little bit of pink.

"Oh!" Yu Mo was startled, "What's going on?"

"Mo Mo..." He was also startled, he held her shoulders tightly, his breath was a little flustered, "How do you have demon power?"

"Huh?" She looked down at the pink light at her dantian, it was so small, it was nothing compared to Mei Luo's golden light.

This is demon power?

She blinked her eyes, unable to answer, but she remembered Shennong Ding.

"By the way! Brother Ding gave me a copy of Yuan Dan's cultivation cheats. I kept practicing on the way back..."


"Well, it's just the method of breathing." The overall feeling is like the method of breathing in yoga. She doubted it when she was practicing, but Shen Nong Ding insisted that there could be no problem with Shen Nong's secret manual.

Could it be that the practice has worked.

Mei Luo has never heard of such a secret book in the world, how can a person cultivate demonic power.Yuandan is something born by demons, just like the heart, if you don't have it, you don't have it, and it is impossible to have something from nothing.

"What else did Shennong Ding say?" He was worried that this was some kind of crooked way.

"No, this cheat book is quite difficult, and I just learned a little bit."

"Show me the cheat book!" He felt a little uneasy.

"No, Brother Ding asked me to swear that only I can read it, and no one else is allowed."

"What a strange reason."

"And I can't show it to you, it's all in my head." The delivery of the secret book is completely a method of memory, without substance.

"Write it down!"

"This...I have to ask Brother Ding."

"Then ask." He would never let her learn these crooked ways.

She nodded, "Then I'll ask it, just wait a moment."

Mei Luo took a look at the sky, and after a long time, it was getting dark, so she decided to take her back first, and then study this secret book carefully, taking advantage of Yumo to summon Shennong Ding, he picked her up and left without saying a word, completely forgetting After Shudu and Zhenyu are still fighting in the sky.

Dorje wanted to follow, but he was afraid that something would go wrong if he went to the dog land, so he didn't dare to follow.

Seeing that Mei Luo left with Yu Mo, Shu Du was anxious to catch up, but was held back by Zhen Yu, and was beaten again, his head was covered with swollen bumps, almost catching up with Shakyamuni's head.

Dorje expressed deep sympathy for this, and felt that if he married Zhenyu in the future, life would definitely be sad.

Look at the other couple, how sweet they are.

Hey, no comparison, no harm.

(End of this chapter)

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