The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 407 Part 172 It's someone else's fault

Chapter 407 Part 172

Yu Mo was taken back to the palace by Mei Luo, and she was not as unscrupulous as when she went back, avoiding many eyes and ears, and quietly returned to the palace.

As soon as you step into the dormitory, you will see Muxiang, fungus, and purple scorpion kneeling on the ground.

Yu Mo subconsciously hid behind Mei Luo, and only dared to poke his head out for a look. When their eyes met, the four of them were in tears. After a while, they were all teary, and it was Mu Xiang who cried the loudest, almost wailing. cry.

Yu Mo couldn't bear it anymore, and ran over, and the four immediately hugged each other.

"Miss, you finally came back safely." Mu Xiang hugged her with snot and tears.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide from you, causing you to be trained by Meiluo."

Mu Xiang shook her head wildly, "I don't blame Miss."

The fungus is a man, so it's not good to cry too much. He raised his head and forced his tears to flow back.Zi Jie was the youngest, crying like a kitten, crying so hard.

Yu Mo's crying was not much better, it was extremely tragic, and Mei Luo was very upset when she saw it. She was made to cry by others, so he naturally wanted to make trouble.

"Whatever you cry, stop it all for me."

The woody fungus and Zijiao three sniffed their noses, and the snot came back, but the tears still didn't stop.

"Go down, you will be upset if you see it!"

"Yes, Wang!" Mu Xiang wiped away her tears with her sleeve.

When they were leaving, Mei Luo told the three of them, "Don't be a ghost anymore, and you must not make it public that you came back silently."

The three nodded, and after going out, they closed the hall door.

"Woooooooooo..." After the three of them left, Yu Mo was still crying like a little cat.

"Okay, everyone is gone, and you are still crying."

"Is it uncomfortable..." She grabbed his skirt and rubbed her face.

"Don't cry!" He wiped away her tears with his thumb, crying like this, his heart ached.

"They didn't blame me..." she sobbed.

Mei Luo handed over the handkerchief, and she blew her nose so hard that the tip of her nose was red.

"What can they blame you for? You should blame them. As your maid guard, you were poisoned right under your nose. You don't even know the reason for the poisoning. It's because you didn't protect well. If you didn't know Your temper, I have already punished them."

According to the law, they should all be sent to Hell Pool.

"How can you blame them? It's Bai Yu, the villain who is cunning." She cried too hard, her nose was stuffed, and her voice was a bit muffled, "I don't care about your rules, you are not allowed to bully them."

"Understood! Don't cry too, you've ruined your eyes from crying carefully." He took her hand and walked to the bed.

When Yu Mo saw the bed, his face turned red, and he broke away from his hand and backed away.

"what happened?"

Her red eyes looked at him vigilantly, "You...are you trying to play tricks again?"

His performance of eating the marrow and knowing the taste was too cruel, and she still had lingering fears.

Mei Luo stretched out her hand and pulled her back into her arms, "I'm not in the mood right now, let's settle the secret book first."

Her safety is always the first in his heart, and he will not touch a finger of her until he finds out what the so-called Yuan Dan cultivation secret book is.

The two sat on the edge of the bed together, and he urged, "Did Shen Nong Ding say anything?"

When she came back, she kept talking to Shen Nong Ding, but unfortunately he couldn't hear her.

"Brother Ding is still saying that, except for me, no one else is allowed to know."

"Then there is a problem!" He looked sharply at the Shennong tripod hanging around her neck, "Tell it, I won't practice this cheat." How can you do things that are uncertain, and who will be responsible if something goes wrong.

Yu Mo trusted Shen Nong Ding with all his heart, and comforted him: "Mei Luo, I will suddenly have demonic powers. It must be because of practicing cheats. Although the time is not long, I didn't feel any discomfort when practicing. , On the contrary, every time I finish training, I feel very comfortable physically and mentally, just like drinking a glass of nutritious milk after taking a bath or taking a sauna."

Even if she said so, Mei Luo was still worried.

"You secretly write it down and show it to me."

"No!" She is a principled child, she promised others, how could she not keep her promise.


"It's the principle! Besides, Brother Ding is free to know what I think in my head. If you want me to write it down, I must use my brain. Once I turn my brain, it knows everything and will definitely stop it. How can there be any secrets?" write."

"Then don't practice!" If there is a problem, just don't do it, it is safer than anything else.

"Why are you less courageous than me?"

He glared at her, "I'm thinking of your safety."

"Don't worry, Brother Ding won't harm me. It has chosen me as its master and must be loyal to me. Moreover, it has been taking good care of my body during these days. It is also its credit that you can detoxify. Don't Use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, let me tell you, it has a strong self-esteem, if you doubt it so much, it will be sad."

This reasoning is quite reasonable, and Mei Luo couldn't find an excuse to refute it for a while.

"Then you practice it for me."

He thought of a compromise, he didn't need to read the cheats, but it depended on her cultivation method, but any cultivation method must have a mental method, he couldn't see the mental method, just watching her movements didn't count. She violated her promise to Shennong Ding.

"Then you wait, I'll ask Brother Aspirations again."


Yumo summoned Shennong Ding. In the world of thoughts, Shennong Ding could not only hear her words, but also Mei Luo's words. She seemed to have a bad temper.

"Brother Ding, he just cares about me."

"If you care about you, you can slander me? Hmph, no wonder Haotian Tower doesn't choose him as its master, but chooses Wolf Boy instead."

"Don't be angry. He said he was just worried that something would happen to me."

"What will happen? You will suddenly have monster power, which means that your cultivation has achieved results. Shouldn't you be congratulated?"

Yumo laughed dryly, knowing that it was angry and said too many mistakes.

"However, girl, the speed at which your monster power appears is beyond my expectation..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"My master Shennong's first appearance of monster power was only in his third year of cultivation."

"Three years?"

"Well, and you have achieved results in just a few days, it is indeed a bit weird."

Yu Mo was stunned, "Isn't it fast?"

It took only three years to achieve small results, and it was too worrying.

"It's not bad, but as the saying goes, haste makes waste. The foundation is the key. Only with a solid foundation can progress be made. Even a demon born with demon power needs to lay the foundation after birth, and you seem to skip it." This is the foundation."

Yumo laughed and said, "Could it be that I'm a genius! Hahaha..."

Shen Nong Ding snorted, apparently not thinking so.

She scratched her head, "I'm just kidding, don't worry about it, why don't you talk about Mei Luo's request?"

"If he wants to watch you practice, let him watch. I'm afraid he will do something."

"Is that agreed?"

"Hmph!" It leaned away from the tripod, "Being upright, you won't be afraid of being stabbed in the back, and you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night."

"Thank you, Brother Ding."

With its approval, she felt at ease, and immediately told Mei Luo what it agreed to.

"Count it to be acquainted!"

Hearing this sentence, Shennong Ding said in Yumo's mind, "Return to him, he deserves not to get the artifact."


She dare not say that, it hurts so much.

She had no choice but to be sloppy, comforting Shen Nong Ding and Mei Luo at the same time, and finally made them live in peace.

After that, she demonstrated the method of cultivating Yuan Dan in front of Mei Luo.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, with her palms facing upwards, on her bent knees. Her posture was that of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sitting in a lotus dish, and she adjusted her breathing with exhalation.

Mei Luo watched carefully for a long time, but she didn't feel anything wrong.


But Yumo felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Mei Luo's face changed nervously, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"No..." She tilted her head with doubts on her face, "When I practiced before, the dantian would be very hot, but I didn't feel anything just now."

"Try again..."


She repeated it again, but it was still the same. Could it be that the mind was wrong?

Impossible, she has already memorized this mentality fluently, it is impossible to be wrong.

"Momo, sit down." Mei Luo stretched out her hand as if on Penglai Island, a small flame transformed by demonic power sprang up in her palm, and approached her dantian.

This time, Yumo reacted immediately, shrinking her body and backing away, "Mei Luo, it's hot!"

Mei Luo was surprised, "You seem to have lost your demonic power..."

She didn't feel anything before because the demon power was protecting her, but now she feels hot, which means the demon power has disappeared.

"Hey!" Yu Mo's face collapsed, because she really thought she was a genius before, "I've been doing it for a long time, is it just a flash in the pan?"

"I just said that the secret book is a lie. I'm afraid it's just a little energy accumulated near the dantian with the breathing energy. It's gone when it's used up."

"No way!" She felt so sad, with a feeling of frustration that she studied hard but still failed the exam.

No, she had to try again.

She crossed her legs and continued to breathe.

"Mo Mo, forget it, you are human, so you can't have monster power." Although he hoped that she would have the ability to protect herself, he would not force her.

"No, I have to verify again."

It's hard to get results, how can you say that if you don't have it, it's gone.

Shen Nong Ding was also very surprised that she would suddenly lose her demon power again, but it couldn't say for sure what the specific reason was, it was still the saying that haste makes waste.

Yumo breathed out sincerely, closed his eyes, and entered into the cultivation method.

Mei Luo didn't stop her, knowing that she was stubborn and wouldn't look back until she bumped into the south wall, but after watching her for a long time, she had other thoughts in her mind.

When she breathes out, her chest rises and falls, showing curves, puffing up for a while, then retracting for a while, the vision is too sultry, and she has just experienced the matter of men and women, and women and men have slightly different ideas.

Women are generally shy and dare not think about it.

On the contrary, the man is fond of reminiscing, recalling the joyful and refreshing taste.

The bed, and her, the conditions have been met, what are he waiting for, he won't wait at all, he immediately rushed over and pushed her down.

"Momo, I'll practice again tomorrow morning..." His restless hands had already skillfully penetrated into her clothes.

The attack with the big hand was not only fast, but also precise. It was done in one go without dragging its feet. By the time she realized it, she would have been naked like a newborn baby.

"You played tricks again..."

He laughed, a very cunning smile, "After a while you won't think it's a trick."

His kiss fell from the sky like a feather, and landed on her forehead, her eyes, her nose, and her lips, and finally rubbed against her ears.

Her face started to burn red, she felt itchy on the back of her neck, she wanted to laugh, and felt like she was on fire all over.

"Next time... I will definitely not let you succeed next time..."

The fragrance in the hall became stronger, and the lover's murmurs were endless, every sound was sweet words, and every sound was a heart-to-heart echo.

This next time, of course, will be discussed next time.


It was silent.

In the backyard of Cangwu Mansion, Qingqiao lowered her head, not daring to look at the wisteria.

The wisteria in the gazebo sat here for a whole day, from sunrise to sunset, without changing a single movement, only when she came to deliver the dinner, she lost her temper for no reason and swept away the plate, leaving a mess all over the place .

Qingqiao was so frightened that she hurriedly knelt down, not knowing what she did wrong, so she didn't dare to look at her.

"Take your hand here..."

Lifting her head lightly, she didn't understand what she was going to do, but she still passed her hand over.

Wisteria smiled, and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the oil and water on her fingers when the plate fell down, "It's getting dark..."

Qingqiao doesn't understand her more and more. She used to be quiet but kind, but in the past month, her temper has become moody. Her injury is almost healed, but her complexion is still worse.

"Is the elder back?"


Hearing that, Wisteria exerted all her strength and broke a light finger in an instant.

"Ah!" Qingqiao's face turned pale in pain, "husband... madam..."

"I didn't come back, why didn't I look for it! Why!" She stood up with a hideous expression, like a lunatic.

"Yes... it was Qingqiao's mistake, Qingqiao immediately... go find it right away!" Qingqiao clutched her broken finger, knelt and backed away, and as soon as she left the pavilion, she immediately got up and ran wildly.

She has only one experience in recent days, that is, the madam is terrible.

After Qingqiao left, Wisteria sat back to her original position. No one knew what she was thinking. Under the bright moon, her face was covered with shadows, like a ghost.

He didn't go back to the house, and her waiting always ended like this.

She didn't respond for a long time, and returned to the room like a walking dead. The room was very dark, and she stood in the center, listening to the lightly swaying sound of the lantern hanging from the top under the wind.

Xu was tired of listening, she moved, wandering back and forth in the room, like a ghost.

"Lin Lang is dead... how could she die, how could she die... why is she so stupid, why, what kind of benefit did that woman do her, she is so determined." She muttered, as if complaining, But her face was excited. After a while, she widened her eyes, looked at her hands, and let out a very strange laugh, "It's not my fault, no! It's her stupidity, it's her stupidity, it's not my fault, no, no of."

At the end of the shout, she knelt down, covered her head, and shivered.

"Sister, it's not my fault, it's really not my fault, Lin Lang is stupid, she is stupid!"

In the dark room, she was alone, she was talking to herself, she was crazy, and her hair bun was untied.

There was a shadowy figure standing in the corner, watching all this through the half-covered window, and after a light sigh, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

Wisteria didn't realize it, stood up tremblingly, and started pacing around the room again, round and round...

Qingqiao didn't find Cangwu, came back with a bitter face, looked at the closed door and didn't dare to enter, accidentally hurt her severed finger, and gasped in pain.

"Who?" Wisteria shouted.

Qing Qiao panicked, and quickly knelt down, "Ma'am, it's me!"

"What are you doing sneakily, come in!"


After entering the room, she didn't dare to look up, Wisteria snorted coldly, and pointed to the copper gauze lamp on the table, "Didn't you see that it was getting dark, why don't you hurry up and light the lamp!"

Qing Qiao hurried forward, wanted to light the lamp, but found that the candle inside had burned out, so she hurriedly fetched a new candle.

After the lamp was turned on, there was light in the room, but it was still a little dim. Wisteria sat in the shadow, unable to see her face, and Qing Qiao didn't know what she was thinking now, because she couldn't see clearly, she moved the lamp closer.

"Madam, dinner... Do you want dinner?"

Wisteria turned her face away, her hair was in a disheveled bun, her eyes were red, and she kept staring at her.

"Husband... madam?" She was so stared at that her hairs stood on end.

"Is the elder back?"


She snorted softly, "Really?"

Qingqiao didn't dare to answer. She still remembered how she broke her finger in the pavilion before, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"No, no..." Qingqiao broke into a cold sweat.

Wisteria waved, "Go down, I'm sleepy."

Lightly took a deep breath, "Yes..."

After speaking, she walked quickly.

The night outside was as cold as water, and there was only Wisteria in the room. She felt very lonely, with no one to rely on. Under the candlelight, her shadow was reflected on the bed.

only shadows...

She leaned against her shadow, lay down, and closed her eyes.

Her heart has been cold for a long time, what is she afraid of, what is she anxious about...

She is right!The fault is someone else!

(End of this chapter)

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