The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 408 Part 173 Linglong Appears

Chapter 408 Part 173 Linglong Appears

After hiding for a few more days, Yu Mo was used to hiding in the palace and not going out. The only thing she couldn't stand was Mei Luo's unrestrained demands. She couldn't hide or escape.Fortunately, with more broken waists, the ability to resist blows has improved, and I am a little used to it.

Now she wakes up at three o'clock every day, and after breakfast and lunch, she will discuss the method of refining medicine with Shennongding. Meiluo's poison has been cured, and judging by the lifeless physical fitness at night, her body must have recovered. She doesn't need to take medicine anymore. I am also idle, taking advantage of the free time to learn a lot from Shennong Ding.

After finishing the study, she will practice the Yuan Dan, continuously every day, vowing to recover the lost demon power, but the effect is very little, but she is not discouraged, and she will practice for an hour every day.

In the afternoon, Mu Xiang will bring snacks, so the days are quite comfortable except that the sun is not seen.

"Mu Xiang, do you have a lot of dim sum today? Why are there two baskets?"

Mu Xiang put the dim sum on the table, and after setting it up, she glanced at Yu Mo secretly, as if she didn't know whether she should say something or not.

"What's wrong?" Her appearance made her even more curious.

Mu Xiang opened another basket, and there were incense candles in it.

"This is……"

"Today is my aunt's birthday..."

Lin Lang's birthday.

Yu Mo took a breath, Lin Lang's death was the heaviest blow to her other than Mei Luo's injury, although she lived comfortably every day, in fact she just hid this burden in her heart, she remembered Lin Lang's Every minute is good, but sometimes I still don't want to believe that this aunt who treated her so well just passed away like this.

She did not blame White Fang, but herself.

"I didn't want Miss to know, but I think Miss, like us, must miss Auntie very much." Mu Xiang's eyes were red, and tears rolled in her eyes, "If Auntie is still here, Miss will definitely miss her when she finds out about her birthday." Let's have some fun... Auntie must also..."

"Stop talking!" Yu Mo's eyes were already red. If she was still alive, what would she be like now? "Where is Auntie buried?"

She wanted to go, no, in fact, she should have gone long ago, but she has been unwilling to face the fact.

"It's next to the tomb of the late queen. It was my aunt's wish that she would not be buried in the family tomb after death, but wanted to be with the late queen."

Yumo has been to Queen Qiluo's tomb, so she knows where it is.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to change clothes."

The color of her clothes is not suitable for worship. **
There is a mountain in the southeast corner of the Dog Realm. On the mountain is the exclusive cemetery of the royal family of the dog monster clan. Like the emperors in ancient times, monsters also believe that the soul is immortal, so the tomb is repaired better, and after death, they can continue to enjoy the same as before. The splendor and wealth of the demon king has grown, but compared to the tomb of the human emperor, the scale of the demon is much smaller. If the tomb of the human emperor is compared to the royal garden, then the tomb of the demon king can only be regarded as a courtyard with three entrances. The king and queen It is a joint burial system, and if there are concubines, they will be buried elsewhere.

This mountain is a naturally formed limestone mountain. There are three peaks, the east peak is the highest, and the west two peaks are lower. The peak is the chest, which is very image-like. Because most of the queens of the dog monster clan are virtuous queens, and some are even bigger than the king's virtuous name, the clansmen of the dog monster clan gave this mountain a separate name - Queen Mountain.

The mausoleum of the demon was also built when he was born, knocking, digging, digging and filling, changing east and west, and it will not be completed in a hundred years, but because the demon's life is very long, this construction will usually start after the demon king. It didn't start until the age of 1000 years old, so the construction of Mei Luo's tomb was still early, and there was no burrow yet.

Queen Qiluo made a lot of contributions to the dog monster clan during her lifetime, and she was very loved by the dog monster clan. In the end, she died after eradicating Lie Tiansi. In the hearts of the dog monster clan, her status is comparable to that of another king. The eldest princess of the wolf demon clan, considering that members of the wolf demon clan will also come to worship, if she is buried with the dog demon king, it is equivalent to worshiping the dog demon king together when the wolf demon king worships, and they will definitely have resentment. So she was not buried with the dog king, and the tomb was independent, standing side by side with the tomb of the dog demon king.

These two mausoleums are very close to each other, and their appearance is almost exactly the same, and they are both clothes tombs, because during the battle with Lie Tiansi, the royal couple were all annihilated without leaving a single inch of flesh and blood.

In the cemetery, there are special guards and cleaning personnel. They are old soldiers who have killed the enemy with the former king and successively, or old demons who have served them.

Although he is an old demon, he does not look very old. The oldest one is more than 1500 years old, but his appearance is only 37 or [-] years old, which shows that the demon is very powerful.

When Mu Xiang came, Yu Mo followed, but she was invisible. Because Mei Luo's nose had sniffed out her presence, she specially asked Shen Nong Ding for some herbs that could dispel the smell, so when the guards passing by the garden gate checked, they didn't He was blocked and went in smoothly.

Zijie and Fungus didn't come together because they were on duty, but they had come to worship in the morning. Everything in the palace was busy and there was a shortage of manpower. Now one person is used as three people, and they can't ask for leave, and the three of them came together , who will serve Meiluo?
Although the tomb of the demon is not as luxurious and majestic as that of the human royal family, Yu Mo, a human being in the 21st century, is used to the cemetery of three inches. No matter how small the tomb here is, she will feel majestic.

Along the way, there are quite a lot of tombs. The ancestors of all dynasties were buried here one after another. At a glance, they are all small palaces. It was Lin Lang's tomb.

The stone tombstone is very new, not stained by the weather of time, standing quietly, echoing Queen Qiluo's tomb, just like she stood behind Queen Qiluo back then.

Mu Xiang opened the basket and lit a candle. There are no ingots in the mountain and sea world, but they will burn some money for the deceased. They are small silver balls, the size of marbles, which melt when exposed to fire.

The shredded tobacco of the incense candle rises with the wind, and Yu Mo slowly relieves his invisibility in the shredded tobacco.

The words on the tombstone are beautifully written, and the person who erected the monument is Ziying, who catches the eye in time. These words have been blurred by tears, falling drop by drop, and the time we used to get along is endlessly replayed in my mind , she cried even more fiercely.

"Miss, Aunt Linlang doesn't like you crying." Mu Xiang sniffed. She really wanted to cry, but she tried her best to hold it back.

"I know." Yumo wiped away tears.

When Lin Lang was alive, she had been taking care of her wholeheartedly and protecting her. Rather than being an aunt, she was more like a sister. When she was demonized and lost her mind, she also resolutely protected her. This kindness, her this kindness I will never forget it in my life.

"Auntie, I'm back, and Mei Luo is safe and well, so you can rest assured, won't you be very angry for coming to see you so late?" Wipe the dust off the stele, unlike the human world, there will be photos of the deceased on the stele, but Lin Lang's appearance is deeply engraved in her mind, every frown, smile, word and deed, she will never forget.

What I remember most is that Lin Lang said that the love between her and Mei Luo will be very difficult, and they must support each other and trust each other. At that time, she was very ignorant after hearing it, but now she has a deep understanding.

"I remember what my aunt said. Whether it's happy or sad, I will tell Mei Luo and never hide a single word. No matter how difficult it will be in the future, I will walk with him...Auntie, in fact, I was very young. I wanted to come, but I didn’t dare, because I killed my aunt, and if my aunt didn’t save me, she wouldn’t have died, and I didn’t even have time to say thank you to my aunt.”

The most painful thing in life is parting from the life and death of the closest relatives, and she has tasted both.Divorced from her parents, and farewell to Lin Lang, in her heart, Lin Lang has long been a close relative, a relative in the world of mountains and seas.

"Auntie, how can I repay your life-saving grace? Although you told me not to hide anything from Meiluo, in fact, I still have one thing to hide. If my aunt is still alive, I can ask my aunt what should I do?" How to do."

She was talking about the rebirth formation, using Duoji alone to exchange the lives of many dog ​​and monster clansmen. From the perspective of the king, she was very afraid that Mei Luo would choose the latter. It's not that she didn't believe him, but his position was different from the She was different, she always felt that Dorje would be sacrificed, so she didn't dare to say it, and she didn't even tell Dorji that she was a nuwa stone, but if she didn't say it, it would be revealed sooner or later. Dorji still doesn't know the price of the rebirth formation , he probably told about the rebirth formation by himself, which is why she wanted Dorji to stay on Penglai Island. Penglai Island is the main body of Bixi. Dorji will be very safe on top of the enchantment, even if someone wants to attack by force, Bixi can swim right away.

As for the rebirth formation, if Lin Lang was alive, she would also be able to ask her for advice. When she was alive, she loved Duoji as much as her younger brother, and I believe she would stand in the same position as her.

Her grief came from it, and the heaviness in her heart became even stronger.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away, startling Mu Xiang behind her.

"Miss, there is someone!"

Yu Mo hurriedly called Bi Xi to become invisible again, and tried hard to restrain the sound of crying, but the invisible could not hide the sound.

The visitor came walking through a forest, with white clothes floating, because he was far away, he couldn't see his face clearly, so he could only judge it was a woman from his figure.

When they walked in, they also saw clearly.

Her eyes are like water, with a touch of coldness, her blue hair is lightly curled up, and a few strands of hair that fell dance with the wind, a little ethereal, like a fairy, when the wind blows her hair and sticks to her pink cheeks , She gently pushed it away with her hand, the fingers of that hand were slender, the skin was like creamy cream, the snow-white was tinged with pink, as if water could be wrung out, she brushed her eyebrows lightly, without applying makeup on her face, but she still couldn't hide her beautiful face , dressed in white clothes, embroidered with dark patterns of bamboo knots, exuding a touch of green, making her look more and more cold, but also has a fairy-like temperament.

When she saw Mu Xiang, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, ethereal and brilliant like fireworks.

It was this smile that made Mu Xiang and Yu Mo suffocate.


When she smiled, she looked very much like Lin Lang, at least seven points, but she looked younger than Lin Lang.

Yu Mo poked Mu Xiang's waist, and said lightly: "Mu Xiang, could it be that aunt has manifested?"

She really thought that Lin Lang heard what she said in front of the tomb, so she came down from the sky to help her.

Mu Xiang shook her head, "This shouldn't be my aunt, miss, you see there is a shadow under her feet."


Yu Mo looked at the ground, and sure enough, it was extremely long.

She actually doesn't believe in ghosts, but this is the world of mountains and seas, maybe there is, but looking closely, this woman looks like Lin Lang, but in terms of temperament, she thinks this woman is colder than Lin Lang.

"She's smiling at you, she seems to know you."

"But... Mu Xiang doesn't know her." Mu Xiang also wondered what the woman meant by smiling at her.

During the conversation between the two, the woman was already approaching.

"You are Mu Xiang?" Her voice was very similar to her temperament, very clear.

"Yes, yes, the girl is..."

"I'm here to pay homage to my sister. Today is her birthday, and she will spend it with me in previous years." After finishing speaking, she put down the bamboo basket in her hand, opened it, and took out the incense burner candle inside.

"Sister? Ah!" Mu Xiang thought, "You are Miss Linglong."

Linglong nodded with a smile, and lit the joss stick, "My sister will tell me about you every time I go home. I saw you when I came here just now, and I guessed who you are."

Mu Xiang took a step back, and after some distance, she turned her head secretly and said in a low voice, "Miss, this is Aunt Linlang's younger sister, the younger sister of the same mother, named Linglong."

"My aunt actually has a younger sister?"

"Yes, but it is said that this Linglong girl has a withdrawn temper. She rarely shows her face in public, and always hides in the mansion to study illusion. After a long time, no one will remember her."

Yu Mo took a step closer and took a closer look at Linglong.

It really doesn't make sense if they don't look like sisters.

Mu Xiang couldn't see Yu Mo, and Linglong naturally couldn't see either, but she was still worried that Linglong would find out, so she walked over and asked, "Miss Linglong is here, why don't you see Master Ziying?"

Ziying is a well-known strong monster in the dog monster clan, maybe she will find Yu Mo's trace.

Lin Lang died to protect her. She was not entirely responsible, but partly responsible. If she knew about Yu Mo's existence, she might become murderous, so she had to guard against it.

When Yu Mo heard this, she immediately understood that Mu Xiang was secretly reminding her to leave quickly.

"Since my sister's death, my mother has been so sad that she doesn't think about food and drink. Her health is not as good as before. She suffered from a cold a few days ago and is still lying in bed. She can't come today."

"Oh, that's right." Mu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Mo also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then... Miss Linglong, I won't bother you talking with your aunt, and I'm done worshiping."

"It's okay. If you are here, my sister will be happy too."

Mu Xiang felt that it was difficult, it was better to leave, or not to leave, it would be a bit unreasonable to leave, and she was worried about Yu Mo's safety if she did not leave.

"When my sister is in the palace, can you be fierce?"

Linglong's face is cold, but she is good at talking, and she started chatting about family affairs as soon as they met.

"My aunt is very nice." Mu Xiang obviously couldn't leave.

"It's a lie, you don't need to say good things, I know her character, rigid, unsmiling, and she demands perfection in everything..." She smiled lightly, with a pair of red lips, smiling sweetly, softening her cold feeling , but there is a touch of sadness in the eyes when looking at the tombstone.

Mu Xiang was infected by her smile, and laughed along with her, "Hehe, Miss is my aunt's younger sister, so I naturally understand her, but my aunt is really not fierce, just strict."

"It's rare for someone to think of her well, unlike someone..."

This certain person was Bu Jie. On the day of Lin Lang's funeral, he scolded him for a long time, and was almost kicked out by the people of Huan Si Mansion.

"Auntie has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart..."

Linglong sighed softly: "It's true that she has a tofu heart, but she is also hard-hearted. If she wasn't hard-hearted, how could she die like this, making me and my mother sad."

Mu Xiang froze, feeling that she really hated Yu Mo, she hurriedly looked around, but because she couldn't see, she didn't know if Yu Mo had left.

How could Yumo leave? She is Linlang's younger sister, equivalent to her benefactor, but she couldn't show up, and stood quietly looking at her elsewhere. When she heard her say this, her heart twitched, and she lowered her head sadly. nod.

Bixi on the shoulder poked her.

She looked at it, and saw that its face was flushed, its two fins were covering its mouth, its eyeballs were wide open and bloodshot.

It's almost suffocating.

Oops, she forgot, Bixi can't hold her breath for too long, she has reached the limit now, she has to go quickly, just as she was about to step out, Bixi broke her power, opened her mouth with a puff, Take big breaths.

"I'm suffocating...fufu..."

The invisibility was removed, and Yu Mo had nowhere to hide. It was not appropriate to run away at this time, so he could only freeze in place.

When Mu Xiang saw her, her face turned pale, she hurriedly opened her arms and stood in front of her.

Even if she was blocking her, Linglong could still see her, and her eyes immediately turned into frost.


Mu Xiang hurriedly said, "Miss Linglong, this is... this is... Zijing!"

This lie is too bad, it tastes like there is no 300 taels of silver here, if it is a purple scorpion, why hide its tracks, just worship openly, not to mention that the purple scorpion is a weak monster, how can it be invisible.

Linglong stood up slowly, her expression was cold, her blue hair danced with the wind, emitting a delicate fragrance, which was also cold, making her look even colder and clearer.

Yumo clenched her fists nervously, her palms were already covered with sweat, she told herself that there was nothing to be afraid of, that Lin Lang died because of her, and that her family would have nothing to blame if they wanted to blame her, she raised her head bravely.

The wind blows in the cemetery, blowing through the vegetation, and the atmosphere freezes.

 Is Linglong a good guy or a bad guy?

(End of this chapter)

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