The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 409 Part 174 The Saber of Snow Dance

Chapter 409 Part 174 Snow Dance Sword

After a moment of silence, Mu Xiang was the first to make a move, and suddenly hugged Linglong, with a generous expression, and shouted: "Miss, go quickly, I will drag her along."

Loyal servants are hard to find, and I am talking about loyal servants like Mu Xiang.

Yu Mo is very grateful for this kind of heart, but she feels that Mu Xiang is undoubtedly a mantis arm blocking the car. Although she doesn't know whether Linglong's demon power is strong, at least she knows that Linlang is quite strong. As her younger sister, she will definitely not be weak. Another person from the Huansi Mansion, a nobleman, and Yin Ji, who fought with her last time, is so useless, but in terms of demon power, she must be a hundred times stronger than her. The last time was just a fluke, because Queen Qiluo was alive. Only by setting the rules can she win, otherwise she must have broken arms and legs.

In contrast, this Miss Linglong, who is not angry but already arrogant, can throw Yin Ji out of eight streets just by looking at her like this, so it is useless to run away.

"Mu Xiang, let go." Yu Mo was ready to face it.

If she really wants to fight, she doesn't have to be afraid, the demon refining pot is hanging around her neck, and the Taotie and Candle Dragon are inside, their protection is enough, of course she will not use the power of Kaishen, she will only use it appropriately Save yourself.

"Miss, I have nothing to do with you." Mu Xiang refused to let go, still hugging Linglong tightly.

Linglong didn't know if she hadn't realized it yet, or if she saw her enemy for the first time and was planning a revenge plan, so she didn't have time, so she didn't resist.

"Let go!" she yelled.

Sooner or later, she will have to face it. Since she is here, why avoid it? She owes Lin Lang a thank you and a heartfelt apology. Now that she is dead and her family is still there, it is time to express it.

Mu Xiang let go of her hand resentfully, but still ran to Yu Mo to block without hesitation.

"Miss Linglong, my aunt respected my lady very much when she was alive..."

Hearing that, Linglong chuckled, but she didn't smile on the surface, "Is the little girl trying to use my sister to suppress me?"

"No, what I mean is..." Mu Xiang didn't know how to speak, so she trapped herself, "My aunt sacrificed herself to save Miss."

The typical pot is not open, which pot is lifted.

Yu Mo covered his forehead, this was clearly adding to the chaos.

"It's true, but aside from this matter, she is the enemy of my dog ​​monster clan. As long as I call for someone to come, I don't need to do anything. Your young lady will be mobbed and attacked."

In that catastrophe, there were countless casualties and serious crimes, which had never happened in the past. It can be said that it was a heinous crime.

"This... this..." Mu Xiang was so anxious that her forehead was sweating.

She is also aware of this matter, as long as Yu Mo appears, it will definitely break the peace of the dog monster clan.

"Are you stuttering? It takes so much effort to speak." Linglong laughed.

Mu Xiang couldn't think of anything to say, so she could only continue to stand in front of Yu Mo with her arms outstretched, looking at death like home, "You kill me, if you want to touch Miss, just step over my corpse."

"Muxiang!" Yumo pulled her behind, "It has nothing to do with you, stand behind and don't talk."

"But Miss..."

"No, but if you want to talk more, I'll put you in the demon refining pot."

"No, if Mu Xiang is gone, who will protect the young lady?" The fungus and Zi Jia are not there, and she is not easy to call anyone. If someone comes, it is tantamount to exposing her whereabouts.

"I don't need your protection!" She is really a silly girl, she has no eyesight at all, if this Miss Linglong wants to kill her, how can she have the time to talk nonsense with her.

Mu Xiang is stupid, but not so stupid as to be hopeless, when she heard the words "demon refining pot", she immediately said: "Miss, yes, you can call Tao Tie out to help you."

Yumo really wanted to seal her mouth, what she wanted was to resolve the grievances, not to deepen the hatred and release the Taotie, what would Linglong think, she must think that she was confident.

"Stand back!"


She gestured to untie the demon refining pot to frighten her, "Will you go?"

"Go, go, Miss, don't send me into the demon refining pot." Mu Xiang retreated, but she was still worried, "Miss, you have to be careful, I heard that this Miss Linglong is the master of illusion. The talent is much higher than that of my aunt."

"To shut up!"

Mu Xiang quickly covered her mouth and stopped talking.

After solving Muxiang's croaking, Yumo looked up at Linglong with her head upright, without a trace of fear in her eyes, only apologetic and grateful.

"My aunt died for me. If Miss has any resentment, feel free to come to me."

"Even if it kills you?"

When Mu Xiang heard this, she wanted to rush up again, but was blocked by Yu Mo's raised hand.

"I don't want to die!"

"How can I apologize if I don't die?" She straightened her face, which seemed to be as cold as frost and snow.

"Death is not an apology, but a blasphemy to my aunt. She exchanged her own life for mine, so I want to live, and I will live with my aunt."

Linglong slightly opened her eyes, "Is this your truth?"

"Yes, heaven and earth can learn from each other. Every word comes from the bottom of my heart. Not only do I want to live, but I also want to fulfill my aunt's wish."

"Sister's wish?" She frowned, seemingly not understanding what she meant.

"My aunt loves me because of Aiwujiwu. What she loves the most is actually Meiluo. What she hopes most is that Meiluo can be happy, and I will definitely fulfill her wish."

Linglong trembled, the expression on her face changed slightly, and she looked sideways at Linlang's tombstone.

Memories drifted to a midsummer night 300 years ago. The gardenias planted in the palace were full of branches, and the fragrance was tangy. The cry of the baby when it fell to the ground resounded throughout the palace. Pentium, calling for the birth of the little prince, made a fuss all night.

She was brought into the palace by her sister to help because of the lack of carers around the queen.

After the little prince fell to the ground, everyone else danced and danced happily, but her sister burst into tears and held her hand tightly.

"Linglong, the queen is born, a little prince is born, the future king of our dog monster clan is born."

"Sister, this is a happy event, why are you crying?"

"I... I'm just happy."

"General Linlang, the queen invites you in!" The maid walked out of the bedroom and waved to her.

She stepped forward quickly, "Is the queen safe?"

"Both the mother and the child are safe, but the queen is a little tired after giving birth for a day and a night."

"What did Master Bujie say?"

"She said she would be fine after a few days of sleep, but the queen didn't want to sleep, she hugged the little prince and refused to let go, so she asked me to come out and call you, and said she wanted you to hug her too."

"Me? Really?" She was overjoyed.

"That's right, Wang wants to hug him, but he won't let him. He said he wants you to be hugged first."

"I'll go, I'll go right away." Lin Lang glanced at the younger sister beside her, "Linglong, wait here."


Lin Lang rubbed her hands on the skirt vigorously, and after rubbing it several times, she followed the maid into the bedroom. When she came back, her face was flushed with a smile, and she gestured to her the size of the little prince, "It's so big, it's a good cry!" Loud, but he stopped crying when I hugged him."

She smiled so hard that she couldn't see her eyes, like a spring breeze.

"Sister, those who didn't know thought it was you who gave birth."

"Smelly girl, what nonsense are you talking about, this is the future king of our dog monster clan."

"Yes, yes, respect, but respect, you have to let me sleep too. In the middle of the night, I talked about half-sunny babies, but I don't understand."

She came to help in the palace, and she didn't have her own room, so she could only sleep in Lin Lang's room.

"I'll take you to see it tomorrow, it's so cute."

"Got it!" She turned over, after a busy day, she was so sleepy.

"I don't know what the king will name the prince."

"How do I know..." She let out a sigh.

From that day on, whenever Lin Lang saw her, she always brought up the matter of the little prince. At one time, the prince could kick his legs, at another time, he could crawl, and at another time, he was wetting the bed again. She could talk about big things for a long time.

When the prince grows up, she hardly ever goes back to the mansion. From others, I know that the prince is very naughty and mischievous everywhere. The queen is so angry that she always spanks his ass, and she is the one who begs for mercy every time. .

Later, there was another little prince of the wolf demon clan. The two children were together, and the quarrel was turned upside down. She was the one who cleaned up the mess and pleaded for mercy. Every time I visited the palace, she was never seen. You have to worry about the little prince and follow behind every day.

Those days are far away in my memory, but now I think of them so close.

Indeed, her sister loved him very much.

When Queen Qiluo died in battle, her elder sister cried for seven days and knelt in front of the tomb, refusing to leave. It was only when Elder Cangwu insisted on making the little prince king that her elder sister regained her spirit and waited every day. In front of the gate of Hell Pool, never going home all day.

"Linglong, I want to protect him for the queen. No one can hurt him, no one." She swore with her life.

She still remembers the scene when the little prince came out of the hell pool, her sister was so happy and burst into tears, when he came to the throne, her sister wiped the crown again and again, and knelt in front of Queen Qiluo's tomb for a long time She refused to get up, and when she came to the throne, with tears in her eyes, she put the crown on the little prince herself.

It was her sister's wish for the prince to become a king.

She thought this was all her sister's hope, but one day, her topic changed, and she looked at the woman standing in front of her.

"Linglong, Wang is in love with someone!" She had a worried face.

"Linglong, I plan to go to the palace as a maid!" There was incomprehensible firmness in her eyes.

"Linglong, the temperament of that girl and the queen seems to be..." She smiled softly, as if she had returned to the days when she was serving Queen Qiluo.

"Linglong, if one day I die, do me a favor and take care of that young lady." Her voice was light, but her tone was full of sincerity.

Sister, I thought I knew you better than anyone else, but in fact someone knows you better than me.

That's what you want, right?

But my sister... If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have died!

"Linglong, why do you always hide in the house and never go out?" Every time she came back, she would say this sentence.

"Sister, why should I go out!"

"You will be the next head of the Huansi Mansion. What do you do in hiding all day long? It's good to go out and bask in the sun."

"Hey, it's so annoying!" She would rather hide in the house and study illusion, and never see people for the rest of her life.

"Stinky girl, I've never seen anyone lazier than you!"

Her forehead was flicked by her fingers, and she screamed in pain, but she couldn't forget her sister's smile.

The strong, gentle, elder sister who always knows what she wants to do is the person she respects the most besides her mother. She does not leave the mansion because she knows her birth, which makes her sister unable to inherit the Huansi mansion, just because Her innate talent for illusion is extremely high, surpassing her.

Huansi Mansion no longer needs her existence.

However, her sister never blamed her for it, and was even proud of her.

She thought she would die on the battlefield, but she never thought that she would die at the hands of her own people in order to save someone. She couldn't accept this fact. She hated, was angry, and felt unfair...but...

She looked at Yu Mo again.

"Linglong, if one day I die, do me a favor and take care of that lady until... she becomes the queen!"

"Sister, this girl is human, how can she become a queen?"

"There is always a way. If I die, you will think for me!"

Hehe, sister, you left me a big problem.

But how I can make your wish dashed, I haven't told you yet.

Actually... I like my sister the most.

When tears fell, she was shocked.

Because she never cried, not even when she was born.

When her sister died, she couldn't shed tears either.

But now, she was crying, tears streaming down her face.

"Miss Linglong...what's the matter with you?"

Yu Mo subconsciously stepped forward to comfort her.

Linglong raised her head, and behind her, she saw a figure.

elder sister……

The smiling Lin Lang was as gentle and beautiful as she remembered.

Linglong, she is a very interesting girl, you will like her.

"Hateful, you will bother me even if you die!"

"Ah?" Yu Mo hurriedly backed away, thinking she was talking about herself.

Linglong withdrew her tears and said with red eyes, "Do you want to be a queen?"

Yu Mo was so surprised by this sentence that she didn't know how to answer. Miss Linglong's words and deeds were completely confusing, but she didn't hide it, "Think about it!"

"Well, at least I still have ambition..."

Is this ambition?
She just wanted to be with Mei Luo, and to make the dog monsters not hate her.

"You killed so many people from my dog ​​monster clan, it's hard to be a queen!"

Is not this nonsensical?She also knew, that's why she hid in Mei Luo's bedroom and didn't see anyone.

"But it's not that difficult..."


The tear stains on Linglong's face were still there, but her face had returned to ice-cold, so cold that those tear stains seemed to be frozen.

"Queen Qiluo had a saber..." She pointed to the queen's tomb nearby, "It's inside."

"What exactly is Miss Linglong trying to say?"

"My sister once told me that Queen Qiluo said that she would give this sword to her daughter-in-law, but..." She stopped talking, and when she looked at Yumo, there was a hint of provocation in her eyes, "But it depends on whether she can Can handle it."

Yu Mo shook her head, not understanding what she meant at all.

"Stupid, this sword is called Xuewu, from the blade to the hilt, to the fringe, it is all white, there is only one in the world, it is extremely sharp, it can cut through anything, including monsters, but only Only those who can be called heroines with the temperament and integrity like Queen Qiluo can control it, otherwise it will not move, it is worse than a rusty kitchen knife, it has been sleeping for thousands of years, countless people have tried it, but they can't use it, only Queen Qiluo can control it, so it can be said to be the symbol of Queen Qiluo, seeing the sword is like seeing her herself."

Yu Mo's eyes widened, and she understood what she meant.

"As long as you can make Xue Wu shine again, everyone in the Dog Monster Clan will not dare to disrespect you, because that means that Queen Qi Luo approves of you. As long as it is someone or something she approves, the Dog Monster Clan will recognize you."

This is the influence of Queen Qiluo.

Yumo stared blankly at Queen Qiluo's tomb. If you look carefully, you will find that the words on the tombstone are somewhat blurred. It is said that it is because the members of the dog monster clan miss her very much, and they will come forward to touch her when worshiping. As a result, after a long time, the words on the top have been touched lightly, faded, and it has been repaired, and it will still be the same.

Loved so much, looking at the entire mountain and sea world, there is no such a queen who can still make the tribe unforgettable even a hundred years after her death.

As long as you can get that sword, let it shine again, and become your own sword, it is equivalent to Queen Qiluo's consent.

Without the rebirth formation, she can also undo the hatred of the dog monster clan towards her.

The wind was blowing gently, blowing the hair on her forehead, revealing the tightly knit brows, and the eyes under the brows were brighter than the stars.

"Then...then..." She loosened her brows, her eyes were a hundred times brighter than before, "Then try it!"

"It will be difficult."

"Not afraid!"

"It will hurt too!"

She doesn't understand why it still hurts when holding a sword, but...

"Not afraid!"

"it is good!"

Linglong smiled, "Come back in seven days, I'll wait for you, but I can't stop telling everyone, including Wang, that as for the girl behind you, I've used illusion to make her unconscious."

Yu Mo turned her head and saw Mu Xiang standing upright, but her head was drooping, and she had been in a coma for a long time.

"Why does it take seven days?" Isn't it possible now, she has come all the time.

"This tomb is sealed, and there is an enchantment. You need to get the unlocking amulet from the person who sealed the enchantment in this tomb before you can enter. Otherwise, if you destroy it, you will not be able to enter. Besides, I will Good time to build a coffin and think of a good reasoning!"


"If you die, you don't have a coffin. Wouldn't it be shabby? If you die, I will be responsible. Shouldn't I think of a way to save my life? I don't want to die young."

Yu Mo: "..."

Suddenly there was a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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