The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 410 Part 175 Unity is Strength

Chapter 410 Part 175 Unity is Strength

"Wood Xiang, wake up!"

Yu Mo slapped her on the face, and she fell asleep like this even standing up, and she was convinced.

"Hmm..." Mu Xiang woke up leisurely, met Yu Mo's face, and opened her eyes wide in an instant, "Miss, are you okay, are you injured, that Miss Linglong..." She looked behind Yu Mo, I froze for a moment, "Where is the person?"


After talking about Xuewu Saber, Linglong left, and snapped her fingers at Muxiang when she left, dispelling the illusion she cast, comparable to hypnosis.

"Gone? When did you leave..." Mu Xiang tapped her head, feeling dizzy. She only remembered that Miss Linglong was crying, and everything after that... was blank.

how so! ?

"Just left! Are you awake? If you are awake, we will go back."

Who knows if anyone will come, for safety's sake, she'd better go back quickly.

"I'm asleep?"

"Yeah!" She twisted her nose, "Little sleepy."

Mu Xiang couldn't remember how she fell asleep at all, so she tapped her head again.

"Okay, stop knocking, you must be too tired recently."

"Miss, Miss Linglong didn't do anything to you, she is an illusionist." Mu Xiang circled around her, trying to see if she was hurt.

"No, she's very nice. I told her a lot about Aunt Linlang. If you think too much, let's go back quickly. Mei Luo will find me later and let her know that we came out without authorization. He must be angry."

Yumo was worried that the little girl would get to the bottom of it later, so she stopped the topic directly, and Linglong just left without doing anything. If she asked, she couldn't justify herself, so she had to use Meiluo as a shield.

Mu Xiang is most afraid of Mei Luo, and panics when she hears his name.

"Yes, yes." She hurriedly packed the tribute and incense candles.

After tidying up, Yu Mo hid herself and followed Mu Xiang out of the cemetery.

On the way back, Bixi couldn't speak, so he poked her with the fin.

She lowered her voice and approached it and said: "I know you want to ask Xue Wujian about it, it's inconvenient now, we'll talk about it when we go back."

Bi Xi nodded.

"Miss, what did you just say?"

"No, you heard it wrong, it's the wind, let's go quickly."

"Oh!" Mu Xiang felt dizzy, so she quickened her pace without asking any further questions.

The two returned to the dormitory safely, and seeing that Mei Luo hadn't come back, Mu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The fungus came out from the inner hall, and when it saw Mu Xiang, it yelled, "Smelly girl, where did you take Miss?"

"No, no!"

Before the fungus paid homage to Linlang this morning, Qian Dingwan asked her not to tell Yu Mo that today is Lin Lang's birthday, because she was afraid that Yu Mo would go out to worship, and he was busy serving Mei Luo, so he didn't look at her, thinking It was already evening when he got up, he was worried, so he came back to check without telling Mei Luo, and sure enough, both of them were not in the bedroom.

"He said no, show me what's in this basket."

"No!" Mu Xiang hid the basket behind her back.

"Hmph, I must have gone to Aunt Linlang's, right?"

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Mu Xiang hurriedly hid behind Yu Mo, "My aunt loved Miss the most when she was alive, and she must be happy that Miss can go on her birthday, and Miss also misses Aunt, I'm not wrong."

"You still dare to talk back." The fungus raised his hand.

Yumo shouted, "Agaric, I am going to go by myself, it has nothing to do with Muxiang."

"Miss, the wind outside is tight now, what if your whereabouts are exposed?"

The Clan Prime Minister's Mansion has been tossed by the Huansi Mansion, and they have no way to separate themselves. They can't come to ask Cangwu to send troops to Sirius Jing to be important like before. But besides Bai Fang's party, there are other nobles. , the nobles also suffered casualties, and the anger of these tribes could not be dispelled, and they wished they could unscrew Yu Mo's head on the spot to sacrifice to heaven.

Although Cang Wu intervened, but the effect was not great. It was peaceful for a while, but not for a lifetime. Now that Mei Luo recovered, the nobles used the name of He Xi to bring up the matter of arresting her again, and now they are still stuck in the meeting hall and refuse to leave .

Because Yumo doesn't want to meet people, Meiluo can only find a way to deal with it, and can't use orders to force her, so as not to let them see the clues.

As for his detoxification, it was all said that it was the credit of Bu Jie, but no one dared to question it.

The whole dog world seems to be full of joy and excitement because of Wang Fuxing, but in reality, the tide is raging. Except for some people who knew about Yumo's return, the rest are waiting for Meiluo to order her to be captured. There is one more thing...

Fungus sighed with a headache, so it's okay not to mention it.

"I'm underwhelmed, don't be afraid, don't you see that I came back safely, nothing happened." She gestured to Mu Xiang with her eyes, asking her not to tell what happened to Linglong.

How could Mu Xiang dare to say this, would it be the same as telling Mu Er, is Yu Mo in danger? , No one will know if you don't mention it.

"Brother, stop nagging, Miss is going to rest." Mu Xiang pushed him out.

"You take care of me carefully, don't come up with bad ideas, the King of Beware will throw you to Hell Pool."

"Got it, got it, you're so annoying."

"I'm worried about your life." There are many brothers and sisters in the family, but the one he loves the most is this younger sister.

"I remember, you are going to serve the king soon, by the way, remember to call Zi Jia back, she should come back to serve the young lady at this point."

There were many casualties among the dog monsters, and the people who died the most were those who were in the palace at that time. Therefore, there was a shortage of manpower, and only one person could be used as three people. The news of Yumo's return could not be known, and she and Zijia could not serve full-time. She came by time, and after finishing the work on the other side, she will be busy on this side.

"Do you think I didn't call out when I came back, and you didn't look at who Zikai was serving, he was just like a little ancestor."

Mu Xiang sighed, "When will this little ancestor be able to leave?"

"Go? How can I let her go, unless..." Mu'er glanced at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo understood, "She's just a bit more tempered, a bit willful, and her nature is not bad, just follow her."

This little ancestor is none other than Le Xian.

"How can we not follow her, she is demanding too much."

"She's a princess, naturally." Born with a golden spoon in her mouth, she's used to being pampered and pampered, and has developed a self-centered temperament. This time, for her sake, Le Xian will be put under house arrest. As long as she doesn't come back , she can't go back.

But for Le Xian, she was happy to stay in the dog environment to haunt Mei Luo, saying that she was under house arrest, but no one dared to bully her. It is also impossible for the Yaozu to fight against the wolf Yaozu at this time, it is just to vent their anger.

In the past few days since he came back, Yu Mo has also heard a lot about Le Xian. Her coquettish domineering has not diminished at all. Mei Luo was lying on the bed unable to move due to poisoning. She volunteered to take care of her. But who dares to let her take care of her? She can't even take care of herself well, and her physical fitness is poor. If she gets tired, it will kill her. Fortunately, Shu Yuan is here, who can control her and follow her behind every day hang around.

In addition, Mei Luo told her very honestly that the people who wanted to take care of him during his illness were not only Le Xian, but also Jin Ji and Miss Ji Fu from the family minister's mansion. When she was away, there were many butterflies around him For this matter, she drank a bucket of vinegar and kicked him off the bed. He was also quite shameless, saying that he wanted to show his loyalty with his own words, and then severely destroyed her.

Thinking of this made her waist ache inexplicably.

Bi Xi, who was squatting on her shoulder, poked her, "Girl, we haven't said anything yet."

She knew what it was going to say, and said to the fungus and Muxiang, "Go down, I'll sleep for a while."

Although she sleeps until noon every day, she actually sleeps very little, because there is a humanoid motor that can move endlessly.

"Miss, it's time for dinner."

"I don't have an appetite, I'll eat when I wake up, Mei Luo hasn't come back yet, let's eat when he comes back."


The fungus and woody fragrance receded.

After they left, Bixi called out Taotie and Zhulong, and the three beasts gathered around Yumo for a meeting.

"Girl, do you really believe what Linglong said?" Tao Tie felt that this matter was strange.

Yu Mo poured himself a cup of tea, "Trust me, she has no reason to lie to me, she wants to hurt me, she can kill me with a knife."

"Why do you trust people so easily?" Bixi also felt that there was a problem with this matter, and said bluntly: "I have never heard of this broken sword, maybe she wants to harm you in a place where no one will find out. It’s fine in the mausoleum, I’ll kill you and put it inside, even if people outside know that you’re gone, they won’t think of being inside.”

"Yes!" Zhulong nodded, "You can't go."

Yumo took out the feed cans and fed them, "Even if she really wants to harm me, so what, if you are here, I will have trouble?" She reached out and stroked their heads gently, Taotie and Zhulong looked like dogs , she will touch it a few more times.

Bi Xi said jealously, "They have eight strokes, but I will only have six strokes, less."

It's still counting, and the arrogant temperament is fully revealed.

Yumo stretched out his other hand and touched it a few more times.

Zhulong and Taotie saw it and immediately pushed it away.

Taotie said: "What you said is not unreasonable, if she makes a move, you will be in awe, I must abolish her."

"Yes, yes!" Zhulong agreed.

"It's over, what else do you have to worry about?"

Bixi squeezed in through the gap where Taotie and Zhulong were juxtaposed, "There is still Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu!"

"You are the most useless, you can't even hold your breath." Taotie gave it a hard look.

"Oh, I'm useless, hold back and watch, I see that you can't hold back for as long as I do, by the way, you can't even hide, hahaha!"

Stealth is Bixi's unique secret, other beasts don't know it.

Taotie got angry and stretched out his claws to pinch it.

"Girl, it bullied me!" Bixi flapped its fins.

"Gaotie, don't bully it, be friendly."

This will happen if there are too many pets, just like if there are too many dogs at home, dogs will compete for favor.



The two turned their heads away in unison, neither looking at the other.

"Remember, don't tell Mei Luo." She wanted to settle this matter by herself.

Zhulong frowned: "Don't tell the dog boy?"

"Of course! He will definitely not let me go if he knows."

"But girl..." Taotie was still a little worried, "Why didn't that girl Lin Lang tell you about the Xuewu Sword?"

With this sword, it means that Queen Qi Luo has affirmed her, and it is more effective than anything else. If I had known, what books did she study before.

"I think it's not that my aunt didn't say it, it's that she didn't expect such a day to come, or maybe..." She darkened her eyes, "I believe this sword is not so easy to deal with."

"Then you still go!"

"With you!" She smiled and surrounded them, "You are my backing, my friends, my best comrades-in-arms, with you, I will definitely succeed."

The three fierce beasts were embarrassed and blushed.

Taotie coughed, "Well, the girl is right."

Bixi rubbed his nose, "With Lao Tzu here, she wouldn't dare to bully you."

Zhulong giggled, "However, first of all, don't we have to be united?"

Taotie doesn't like Bixi, and Bixi doesn't like to see it. This is a big problem.

"A Zhu is right, you can't quarrel anymore."

Bixi refused to accept, "Whoever quarreled with him, it is he who always bullies me."

Taotie put on a bossy look, "I am the most capable, you have to listen to me."

"Why, I'm bigger than you, why don't you say it."

Before saying the last two words, he pinched it again.

Yumo said: "You each have their own abilities, and you can't do without one of them. Since you are all my beasts, you naturally have to listen to me, right?"

She is the boss.

"Come on, reach out, we must unite."

Bixi and Taotie glanced at each other, but they were still unwilling, but Yumo urged, "Quick!"

They held out their hands.

"No, no, hug the circle."

"So troublesome!"

"Come on!" Yumo put their claws together, of course one of them was a fin.

After making a circle, she asked them to bow their bodies and shouted, "Unity is strength!"

"Oh, unity is strength!"

"Yes, yes, come again!"

"unity is strength!"

When Mei Luo came back, she saw Yu Mo forming a circle with them, looking very funny, and said with a smile: "What are you doing?"

She was startled, worried that he had heard about Xue Wujian, but seeing that his expression was normal, she felt at ease, and provocatively said, "Let them deal with you!"

"Why do I?"

"See if you dare to torment me."

Before the waist is really broken, it is also good to get a vaccination.

"Isn't it a fuss?" He walked over with a smile on his face, "I'm hurt just right, cough cough cough..." He pretended to cough.

Yu Mo was startled immediately, "Why are you coughing? Isn't everything better now? Come and sit down."

Sanshou said that only this girl would be fooled.

Break up, break up, the couple will get tired again, they can't bear it.

Bixi didn't want to go into the demon refining pot, thinking that the air outside was good, but was carried in by Taotie, this thing is not afraid of needles, it and Zhulong automatically shield their eyes and ears every time they get tired.

Otherwise, if this girl finds out, she might really have to dig a hole and bury herself.

The same goes for the demon refining pot and the Shennong cauldron, don't see anything wrong with it, don't listen to anything wrong with it.

Regardless of beasts or artifacts, they are all very moral.

In the evening, after dinner and a bath, Yu Mo and Mei Luo went to bed.

"Don't come here...just stay by the edge of the bed."

She specially asked Zi Kai to bring an extra blanket over, wrapping it around her body to guard against him.

"Momo, I'm such a strong person..."

"I don't care. If you dare to go one step further, I'll go back to Penglai Island." She now owns a property.

Sure enough, a sentence has been verified, a woman with a house is tantamount to having confidence.

"What are you going back to do, be a candle?" Candle means light bulb, and Shudu and Needle Feather are on Penglai Island.


He grunted.

"Hey, I'm afraid you'll die from exhaustion." She had wanted to say this a long time ago.

"Looking down on me?" He raised his eyebrows, but his body didn't come over, and his hands stretched out.

How could Yumo be caught by him so easily, the distance from him just made him unable to hook him, so he made a decisive face.

Mei Luo's golden eyes flashed, and she released her demon power, replacing his hand, trapping her.

The demon power can be stretched at will.

"You are rude!"

"You didn't say you can't use demon power." He didn't move his body, so it wasn't a foul, and he dragged her over directly. "You threw yourself into your arms."

"It's obvious that you are cheating."

"Is there any evidence?" The demon power was withdrawn, and she was invisible, and there was no evidence to prove it. She was pushed down with a hand, and the person fell on top.

"You're going to die in bed sooner or later," she cried.

"Death under the peony flower, it is also romantic to be a ghost."

Good sentence, I admire the brains of ancient people, but these words belong to the human world, not the mountain and sea world.

"No!" she struggled.

He rubbed his ears and temples together, "Silence, just once!"

"you're lying!"

"I won't lie to you this time!"

It's one time, but... it's fine if you don't come out.


 Puppy: I'm ready for reincarnation, let me go online quickly.

  Brother Ergou: Hurry up, hurry up, your grandma has to pass that test.

  Puppy: Grandma is dead.

  Brother Ergou: The plot needs it.

  Puppy: ...

(End of this chapter)

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