The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 411 Part 176 Who Is Better?

Chapter 411 Part 176 Who Is Better?

The next day, Yumo was walking with his back against the wall. This time it was more terrifying than the few times. It was like parking the car. After the car entered the parking garage, the engine was started inside, and it was still inside when the engine was turned off. It just didn’t go out. She was so miserable, she took a look at her nails, and made a very solemn decision, to grow the nails long, leave it 5cm, hum... when the time comes, the bastard's back and butt will be ripped apart.

"Ahahahaha..." She put her hips on her hips, raised her head and laughed, thinking of that scene, she felt the pleasure of revenge, "Do you still bully me?"

Mu Xiang and Zi Kai glanced at each other and continued to arrange dishes on the table without making a sound.

The two of them have been serving these past few days. When they were bathing in the water room, they could see clearly that those red and purple marks were all over Yu Mo's body, and they would blush just thinking about her. It's just a show of ruthlessness in the head, and in the end it is a life of disarming and surrendering.

Tsk tsk, vulnerable.

"Miss, lunch is ready."

"Oh, here we come."

Yumo leaned on the wall and walked slowly to the table. Recently, she has a good appetite, and the dishes suit her taste. She always eats a lot. She picks up a bowl of rice and fills another bowl.

"This roasted eggplant is really delicious, and it would be even better if it was spicier." She ate it happily.

Mei Luo didn't come back to accompany her for lunch today. According to Mu Er, he was entangled by the nobles again and couldn't get away for a short time. She also knew what the nobles were up to, but there was nothing she could do to help.

After eating, she leaned on the wall and walked around the bedroom, walking very slowly, like an old lady.

"Girl, girl, Xiao Shitou asks you when he will be able to return to the dog realm?" Bi Xi flew out of the demon refining pot, and its body carried Penglai Island on its back. Can know from afar.

Little Stone is the nickname given to Duoji by Bixi, because he is Nuwashi, so it is appropriate to call him that.

"He asked again?" She kept putting off the matter of Duoji's return, because she was afraid that he would speak out about the rebirth formation.

"Well, I crawl to my head every day to ask, I'm so annoyed by him."

"You tell it, if it is fast, it will be seven days...not ten days, if it is slow, it will be half a month."

After seven days, she will challenge Xue Wu to match a sword. If she wins, she won't have to hide in the bedroom and can command the princes with her sword. I just don't know how long this challenge will take, let's talk about it first.

"Okay!" Bixi went to reply.

After Yumo finished his walk and was about to practice Yuandan, he flew over and said, "Girl, girl, Xiao Shitou asked if it would take ten days, and come now."

Hearing this, Yu Mo felt anxious, thinking that if he didn't tell him in person, he probably wouldn't be able to dispel his idea of ​​coming back.

"Bixi, let's go back to Penglai Island."



"Didn't the dog boy not let you go out?"

"Go and go back! Go invisible to me, and Azhu will come out, let's go to Penglai Island."

Zhulong immediately appeared, and one man and two beasts returned to Penglai Island in stealth mode.

"Sister, you are back, are you going to take me back to the dog realm?" Duoji asked her about going back as soon as he saw her.

She frowned, "Duoji, the situation is very chaotic now."

"Chaos? How could it be? Brother Wolf said, the dog realm is waiting to be rebuilt, and it has recovered very well."

The closure of the market was lifted. He went to buy sulfur before and saw many merchant ships.

"The chaos I'm talking about is not people's livelihood, but government affairs!"

"Isn't Brother Dog all right?"

"Okay, okay, but he was seriously injured before and needs to be recuperated, just wait a little longer, I promise you that I will take you back for at most half a month." She patted his little head, knowing that he was wholeheartedly committed to She couldn't explain clearly.

"But staying on the island is boring."

"Isn't there a leak, Maoqiu? By the way, Shudu is also there."

Furball wanted to go with him at first, but he is used to being free by nature. Being locked up in the demon refining pot will make him feel restrained. Penglai Island is his hometown, so he prefers to stay on the island. He is no longer the former Furball Yes, it is the queen of Bai Ze. Although she is a queen without retainers, she still has to maintain her style.

"Brother Wolf was chased and beaten by sister Needle Feather every day, and he hid out. He hasn't seen anyone for several days."

"Huh? Shu is gone?" She looked at Bi Xi, meaning why it didn't say anything.

Bi Xi said: "You didn't ask!"

Yumo looked back at Duoji, "What about Miss Zhenyu, did she also run after chasing Shudu?"

"That's not...but..."

"But what?"

"Compared to me, Nee-chan likes fur balls more..."

Hearing that, Yu Mo was startled, remembering that Zhen Yu asked her to beg for Bai Ze's blood before, could it be...

"Duoji, where is the hairball?"

"In the cave on the mountain." The cave he was talking about was Bai Ze's holy place.

Yumo rode on the candle dragon and rushed to the cave. When she arrived at the cave, as she expected, the needle feathers and fur balls were really on the shelves. The cave was guarded by an enchantment, so the needle feathers couldn't get in. It all depended on a roar. Fuqiu is upset, so he can only come out to face her.

"Miss Needle Feather..." Yu Mo ran towards her.

Seeing that it was her, Zhen Yu immediately said, "You came just in time, let him give me blood quickly."

She has never forgotten this matter, for the sake of Sichuan, she, who has always been dignified, has become a street shrew.

Mao Qiu just didn't want to, so don't look over at Yu Mo, "Mom, she's bad!"

Yumo stroked its big head reassuringly, "She's not bad, she's just too anxious for someone."

Zhen Yu shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, give me blood."

"Miss Needle Feather, didn't I tell you that I would help you solve this matter? Why can't you wait so long?" She even blatantly robbed her.

Zhen Yu's face was ugly and said: "Wait for you to solve it, the day lily will be cold, so you can't get anything about me if you care about me and me with the dog demon king."

It was really right in one sentence, she was right, she really forgot.

"No! Hmph, why should I give it to you!" The fur ball raised its hooves, causing dust to fly up.

Needle Feather waved away the dust and pointed at Yu Mo, "Your master promised me."

Yumo wanted to persuade the fight, but he couldn't get his mouth in. He was so anxious that he was sweating. Seeing that the fight was about to start again, he quickly pulled the fur ball aside.

"Maoqiu, I'm sorry for saying this, but I did promise Zhenyu. First, she helped me a lot. Second, she is not a bad person, but she has deep affection. For Shudu, she will even sacrifice everything. "

Bai Ze is a spirit beast and belongs to the species of parthenogenesis, so he doesn't understand love, but Yumo thinks about repaying gratitude, so he can understand.

"Mom means you want me to give her blood?"

Yu Mo nodded, then arched his hands and bowed, "Just a little bit, okay?"

Fuqiu glanced at Needle Feather. In fact, it didn't hate her, but it was disgusted with her plundering. "Mom, you just said that she didn't want my blood for herself, but for the Wolf Demon King?"

"Hmm! Her heart is full of the city of Shu, and she never thinks about herself at all."

It pursed its lips, "It's weird!"

"Then...are you willing?"

It nodded, "If my mother wants to give it, I will not disagree."

"Furball, thank you!" She reached out and hugged its head violently, but said with a little pain, "You are going to suffer."

"It's okay, it's just a small wound."

Yumo kissed it, and said to Zhenyu, "It's ok, Fuqiu is willing to give it, but... I can only give it a little." If you give too much, she feels distressed.

When Zhenyu heard this, her complexion became much better, "Okay, just a little bit." She took something and handed it over, "Just fill it up."

Yu Mo saw that it was a kettle, bigger than the bowl she mentioned last time, and said in surprise, "It's not a little bit."

"Shudu is tall, so a sip is enough, at least this is enough." In the matter of Shudu, Zhenyu refused to give up.

Yumo felt it was inappropriate, so he bargained: "One-third pot!"

"One pot!"

"Half pot!"

"Half pot is not enough!"

"Why is it not enough? It's not water, it's blood. You have to see if Shu can drink it. Half a pot is at most. If you ask for it, I'd rather not give it." Hairball is her treasure, she won't allow it She messes around.

Needle Feather compromised, "Okay, let's make half a pot, you can't be short of catty or two."

"I know." In fact, she felt that half a pot was too much. Shennong Ding said that to be invulnerable to all poisons, just drink a drop of Bai Ze's blood. After injecting some blood into the jug, she added some water and filled the jug halfway. She moved very fast and blocked the needle with her body. She also left the cotton cloth to stop the bleeding from the hairball. Thinking of going back to soak Mei Luo in water, so there is no need to waste it.

After getting the blood, Zhenyu was satisfied, put the water bottle away carefully, and asked, "Why are you back when you're free?"

What she said was a bit ambiguous, what is free, she has always been free, okay, but the emptiness that Needle Feather refers to is certainly not the usual emptiness.

She blushed and replied: "If you want to come back, come back, but you, why did Shu run away in anger."

When Zhenyu thought of this, she became angry, "It's not because of you!"

"Me?" Who did she provoke, and he is not on Penglai Island, so what does it have to do with her if he ran away.

"Of course it's you. If he doesn't think about you, will he run away?"

There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime, and it's not what she asked Shudu to think about.

"Okay, blame me, then I'll go back."

"Wait!" Needle Feather stopped her.


"When do you plan to marry the Dog Demon King?"

puff!Yu Mo spat in surprise.

"What's your reaction? It's so difficult to get married, isn't it? You hurry up and marry me, lest the capital of Shu always miss you."

Yu Mo wanted to say, if a man wants to miss a woman, he won't restrain himself just because the other party gets married. On the contrary, many men have a mentality - other people's wives are more fun.

"No hurry!" She was really not in a hurry, the most important thing right now was to get Xue Wu saber.

Thinking of the sword, she glanced at Zhenyu. Queen Qiluo is the princess of the wolf demon clan. Zhenyu must know about her. Although she is determined to obtain the Xuewu Sword, she has no idea what it looks like. None of them knew, the so-called know yourself and the enemy to win every battle, without some information to plan, she has no chance of winning.

"Miss Needle Feather, I want to ask you about something..." She is so knowledgeable, she must know something.

"Do you want to ask which one is good at making bridal clothes? Then you are asking the right person. I really have a few good ones. Although there are also houses in the clan that specialize in making clothes, I have compared them and they are really good. No one can do it well..." She had planned her wedding very early, and she said it clearly.

"No, not this..."

"No? Then what do you want to ask?"

Yu Mo asked cautiously, "Does Miss Needle Feather know about Xue Wu Sword?"

Upon hearing this, Needle Feather's expression changed immediately, and he looked at Yu Mo with sharp needle-like eyes, "How did you think of asking this?"

"Uh... this..." She had a hard time justifying herself, so she had to tell her about the meeting with Linglong, and she told Zhenyu because she knew she would definitely help her.

After hearing this, Zhenyu stroked her chin, "So it's like this...but..." She looked up at Yu Mo, "Can't you use the rebirth formation, why don't you use this method, and have to take this risky move?"

"Plan B!" The fact that Duoji will be sacrificed by the rebirth formation is only known to the artifact and a few beasts. She doesn't plan to tell the needle feathers. The less people know about this, the better.

"Than... plan? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it means a backup plan. Think about it. I killed so many people. Even if I can bring them back to life, there must still be people who are afraid of me. They will definitely say that I am a scourge. If I can kill them once, they can come back again." Second time, should I use the rebirth formation every time I make a mistake? In order to prevent such things, I think Xue Wujian's method is better, it can be said to be once and for all."

Needle Feather nodded, "That's right, Princess Qi Luo's approval is more convincing than anything else."

"Right, you think so too."


"What, tell me, I told you the truth, and please don't hide it from me." Apart from her, she couldn't find anyone else to know about Xue Wujian.

"I'm not trying to hide it, but I think this method is quite dangerous."

"You don't need to tell me, I know it will be dangerous, but I don't know how dangerous it is."

"Well, let's put it this way!" Needle Feather pointed to the big rock in front of him, meaning to sit down and talk.

After the two sat down, she said, "No one knows the origin of this Xuewu sword, and it's not clear what material it is made of, but it has a characteristic, that is, only women can use it, and men can't use it."

"Hey, there is another saying, isn't it a sword, why are there still men and women?"

"What you don't know is that this sword is extremely yin, and it repels a man's masculinity. If a man touches it, he will be thrown away immediately. Moreover, it is a very beautiful sword, and it is not suitable for men to use."

"Miss Linglong said that the person who can use it must be the person it wants to recognize?"

"Well, there is such a saying."

"How to approve?" This is what Yu Mo wants to know the most.

"I don't know either." Needle Feather spread his hands, "I only know that the original owner of Xuewu Sword was hurt by love and committed suicide with it."

"Ah!" Yu Mo was shocked.

"It absorbed all the grievances of the master, and became a spirit sword. It will choose its own master, but very few people can succeed, and no one knows what its conditions are? But those who fail are frozen into icicles , it is impossible to melt for ten thousand years."

Yumo's heart twitched.

"However, you don't have to be afraid. Regarding the matter of choosing a master, you actually have more say than me. Didn't all the beasts and artifacts around you choose you as their master? They can, and Xue Wujian might as well." .” Needle Feather looked at Yu Mo with a slightly displeased look.

Yu Mo caught her head straight, "What do you mean by looking at me like that?"

"It's incredible."

"What's so incredible?"

"You're a human, not a demon, you're not good at martial arts, and you're not good at literature..."

Yu Mo interjected, "How do you know I'm not good at writing?" A dignified undergraduate student who is going to study for a doctorate in the future, is this called writing bad?
"I heard Shudu said that you can't read..."

Yu Mo: "..."

It's hard for Shu Shu to say anything, let's talk about this.

"I just don't know the characters of Shanhaijie, but I do now, and I can write very well."

"Really?" Needle Feather looked disbelieving.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you about this anymore, you can talk about Xue Wujian."

"It's gone!" She spread her hands again.

"After working for a long time, you only know the surface."

"I didn't say that I was very clear. You have to ask yourself." She is very knowledgeable, but she really doesn't know about Xue Wujian.


She moved to Yu Mo's side, "You decided to go, right?"

"Yes." She will not change this decision.

"I'll go with you."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"Look at Xuewu Sword." She said sincerely.

Yu Mo felt that it would not be that simple.

"Have you never seen the Xuewu sword?" This is Queen Qiluo's sword, it is impossible for her not to have seen it.

"I've seen it."

"Then we still want to see?"

"Hehe, if you say you are stupid, you are really stupid..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Zhen Yu burst into a smile, "Isn't Xue Wujian good at choosing a master? Then let it choose, whether it chooses you or me."

Yumo's eyes widened.

"Let's compare it once. Shudu always says you are good, so let her aunt judge who is better."

Yu Mo: "..."

I knew she had a conspiracy!
(End of this chapter)

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