Chapter 412 Part 177

"Silence? Silence?"

At dinner, Mei Luo came back to eat with Yu Mo after finishing the government affairs. Halfway through the meal, she saw her holding the bowl in a daze, and called a few times, but she didn't respond.

"Momo?" He called again, and put a chopstick of vegetables into her bowl.

She still didn't respond, she looked straight at her bowl, he pushed her, "Momo, eating, what are you looking at?"

Yu Mo finally regained her senses, and stared at him with dazed eyes, "Oh, no, nothing?" She hurriedly took a bite of the rice, and because of her haste, the rice grains choked into her trachea, and she coughed when her throat tickled.

"Water..." She coughed fiercely, and wanted to drink water only to find that there was no water in the glass.

Mei Luo poured tea for her, and she drank it upside down with a grunt. After coughing a few times, the rice grains came out, and she stopped coughing.

Mei Luo patted her back to cheer her up, "Okay, why are you still in a daze after eating?"

She laughed dryly, and picked up a chopstick dish for him, "The dish is delicious, I was shocked, stop talking, eat, eat!"

She didn't dare to say that she was in a daze because of Needle Feather, if she said it, she would expose Xue Wujian's matter, and she sneaked to Penglai Island in the afternoon without telling him, and now she regrets telling Needle Feather about Xue Wujian's matter, He got himself into trouble for no reason, and now it's impossible to withdraw, because Zhenyu already knew the location and time, and if she wasn't allowed to go, she would follow.

"Are you sick?" Mei Luo took the temperature on her forehead with the back of her hand.

"No, how come..." She wanted to say that she was not sick, but when she thought about his troubles at night, she thought it was a good excuse, so she nodded quickly, "Well, I'm probably too tired."

She is so tired!Being tormented by him, he slept very little. Considering that there will be a tough battle to be fought in seven days, it is best to cultivate health and rest in these few days.

Mei Luo touched his forehead again, "Well, I don't have a fever." But he was worried, and said again: "Do you want Bu Jie to come and see you?"

"No!" She put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, "I am a doctor myself, I don't need him to look at it, it's nothing important, just take a good rest." In the last sentence, she emphasized her tone and glanced at him , I hope he can understand.

Mei Luo saw her thoughts and moved the chair to her side.

Yu Mo became wary in his heart, and stopped him, "Eat as you eat, what do you do here!"

"In addition to rest, when you are sick, you need to supplement nutrition. One bowl of rice is not enough. Eat another bowl. This soup is specially made for you, and you drink it all. There is not a single drop left."

The soup bowl on the table looks like a small washbasin, she can't possibly finish it, "It's healthier to eat less and eat more."

She decided to stay away from him, lest he see the clue, "I'm full, eat slowly." She shouted towards the door, "Zijie!"

The one on duty tonight is Zikai, and Mu Xiang has gone to serve Le Xian, so she won't be here tonight.

"Come on, what's your order, Miss?"

"Make me a cup of tea, not too strong." She has the habit of drinking tea after meals.


"Make me a cup of tea too, strong." Mei Luo said.

Zi Kai nodded, and quickly ran to the small kitchen to make tea.

Yu Mo would walk around the dormitory a few times after dinner, just as a walk to digest food, Mei Luo followed behind, at first she followed, but soon stuck to it, stickier than dog skin plaster.

"You have something to hide from me!" Mei Luo blocked her way, recalling her behavior just now, she felt more and more suspicious.

Yu Mo was startled, and swallowed her saliva, " there?"

"I've stuttered..." He crossed his arms and looked down at her.

She only felt a numbness in her scalp, walked around him, and walked forward, "Stuttering is because I just ate enough, I haven't digested it, and my throat is blocked."

He grabbed her arm and dragged her back, "Look at me!"

"Look... what are you looking at!" She couldn't hide what was on her mind, her eyes would easily reveal her secrets when she lied, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes to look at him.

Mei Luo bent down and looked at her from below.

She quickly turned her face away, stretched out her hand and pushed him away, "I said it's okay, why are you suspicious? Oh..." She looked at him with a straight face, "I see!"


"Hmph..." Anger appeared on her face, "I must have got it, so I don't cherish it, right?"

She used the right time to beat back this ability.

Mei Luo was startled, then frowned, "Nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, just look at the suspicion on your seems like I did something wrong, as it is said in the novel... By the way, the best way to keep a man fresh for you for a long time Just don't sleep with him, you must be tired..."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is." Mei Luo picked her up and threw her directly on the bed.

Some words are useless, they have to be proved by actions, and he is happy to do so.

"You...what do you want to do?" She stepped back all the way, crossing her arms.

" are very fresh." He pulled the belt on his robe, and took off his robe, revealing his muscular upper body.

Well, it's eye-catching, the lights are bright, the skin color is shiny, and it's extra sexy. Yu Mo's eyes are a little dizzy, but it only lasted for a few seconds, because he has already rushed over.

She kicked her legs hard, "You...don't...don't come here, you just had a full meal."

"That's good for digestion." He grabbed her feet, took off her shoes and socks, and kissed her all the way up her white and tender bottom.

"Haha, itchy!" Her calf was very sensitive, and she kicked again, which hit his chest.

This bit of strength was of no use to him, not only did it not deter him, but it was a bit provocative.

She didn't tease him, she just thought of a way to divert his attention, if he continued to ask, she would definitely give up, but this method was really a bad idea, it instantly turned him into a 'beast in clothes'.

But there is nothing wrong with it. Since ancient times, the best way for a woman to deal with a man is to trick her.

After making tea, Zi Kai walked in with the teapot in hand, saw that the bed was shaking, and it was shaking so rhythmically, she blushed, stepped back in a hurry, and closed the door.

I'm afraid I won't be able to drink this tea for a while.

After the passion, it was already late at night, Yumo was lying on Meiluo's chest, lingering and panting, he was also dazed, his eyes drooped involuntarily.

Mei Luo gently stroked her hair, knowing that she was sleepy, she turned sideways so that she could lie down more comfortably.

His desire has always been deep, but it will not be uncontrollable, at least she will definitely not be able to do it now.

Yumo stroked his chest with her face, and after finding the most comfortable position, she closed her eyes. She was really sleepy. Even if there was an earthquake, she couldn't wake her up, but after two hours, she Woke up again, seeing that Mei Luo had already fallen asleep, he was relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, I escaped this level.

It's just... my waist is sore again.

She stepped past Mei Luo and climbed out of bed lightly, went to the water room to take a bath for a while, and asked Shen Nong Ding for pills - for contraception.

When she felt refreshed, she climbed back to the bed softly and lay down beside him.

As soon as he lay down, Mei Luo's arm came up. It was his habit to hold her even when he fell asleep. She was also used to being held in his arms, which made her feel very safe. Wake up, she must not be able to sleep now, and it will be dawn in a while, and she started to think about Xue Wujian after she fell asleep unintentionally.

It is impossible to cancel the decision of Zhenyu, the only way is to go with her, but I don't know if there is one more person, will Linglong have any objections?But she can't go out casually, even if she can be invisible, she doesn't know where the Huansi Mansion is, and she can't let Mu Xiang or Zi Ling go there, maybe she can ask them where the Huan Si Mansion is, but Bi Xi's invisibility is through holding her breath It didn't take long to implement it, and it's very likely that her whereabouts would be exposed before she saw Linglong, so this method won't work, so she has to give up.Having said that, Linglong didn't say she couldn't lead people, and Zhenyu wasn't a helper, but an opponent.

Shouldn't be a problem.

What she is more worried about now is what kind of sword Xuewu Sword is. Even Needle Feather doesn't know much about it, so who else can she ask?

No, it will be exposed once mentioned.

Suddenly, a name sounded in my mind like thunder.


He must know.

It's just... She was a little reluctant to ask him for help, and if she let him know about it, he might tell Mei Luo.

The last thing she wanted was to let Mei Luo know that from Linglong's tone, the sword was extremely difficult to deal with and would be dangerous. Mei Luo would definitely stop her, even though she had said before Lin Lang's tomb that she would not hide anything from him. He can say anything, but this matter is different, it is related to the dog monster clan, and it is also related to Dorji.

On the one hand, she didn't want to sacrifice Dorji, and on the other hand, she wanted the dog monsters to stop hating her and recognize her, but obviously she could only choose one of the two. She chose Dorji decisively, but she would inevitably feel disappointed in her heart.

It is impossible for her to hide in the dormitory all the time, she always has to go out. Once she goes out, she will face the criticism of the dog monster clan. She believes that Mei Luo will definitely protect herself, but such protection is temporary. The only stability is the unity of the monarch and his ministers. Without this part, the surface seems to be harmless, but the bottom will be turbulent. It is not good for the ethnic group or for Mei Luo, especially now that the enemy is in front of her. She cannot selfishly let Mei Luo To protect her against the entire clan.

So she decided to come by herself.

This is a mistake she made herself, and she should pay for it by herself. She wants the people of the dog monster clan to see her sincerity, not to recognize her under the order of the king, but to change it with her own strength. , so that they can really understand what kind of person she is.

However, using the Xuewu Sword method is also cheating, it is borrowing the prestige of Queen Qiluo, but it is better than doing nothing.

She raised her head, stroked the sleeping Mei Luo with her fingers, and leaned her face against it, "Don't blame me, I just don't want to embarrass you, you have done enough for me, it's time for me to do something for you, Don't worry, I'll be fine, Taotie, Ah Zhu, Bi Xi, and Mao Qiu will all help me..."

When it was just dawn, she fell asleep, and she would not wake up until noon.

Mei Luo woke up not long after she fell asleep. After waking up, he would gently kiss her forehead, and then look at her carefully like looking at a treasure. When he was satisfied, he would get up and go to the water room to take a bath and change clothes. He does not use the breakfast in the sleeping hall, but in the meeting hall.

At noon, Yu Mo woke up, and after breakfast and lunch, he began to practice Yuandan.

There are still six days left before the time agreed with Linglong, so you can practice as much as you can, and you can fight with as much capital as possible.

Council Hall.

The sunlight blew slightly and fell into the hall through the panes. The original meeting hall was destroyed in the catastrophe, and the new one was not yet completed. This place is only temporary, so it is slightly small and the layout is not refined enough, but it is located in a secluded place.

After breakfast, Mei Luo will go through the replays of the missions sent out the day before. Most of them are about building and defending against foreign enemies. It is not difficult to deal with, but it is time-consuming. It will be noon when the tasks are completed.

Cang Wu went out in the morning to inspect the military affairs on his behalf, and would report back at noon.

The five elders each have their duties, he is in command, but now only Huang Hua, Hong Song and him can do things, Wisteria is not fully healed and is still in the period of recuperation, as for Qing Shan, he is already useless, even if heals, he can only Can live in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

Dada and Awu have always been Meiluo's right-hand men, and now the reinforcements of the cat demon clan need Dada to manage them, and Awu is sent out to investigate the movement of the night falcon clan.

Since the two elders can't manage the affairs, the extra affairs are shared by Hongsong, Huang Hua, and Cangwu. In fact, Wisteria has not been a director for a long time. Too big a question.

Huang Hua had some brains, but she was impatient, and would want to drink if she couldn't do it for an hour.

Cang Wu became the backbone, the busiest and the most tired.

Because Mei Luo recovered, Bu Jie put aside the matter of refining medicine, but there were many wounded in the dog monster clan, he had to supervise, and he had no time, but he came today. Once others come, the meeting hall will not be quiet. It's as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Hey, you're so ruthless, you can bear it." Bu Jie patted the plaster on Cang Wu's back.

Cang Wu hissed expressionlessly, his back was ripped apart, all caused by the whip.

After taking the plaster, Bu Jie turned his head and glanced at Mei Luo, who was in the first place, "What he does is also for your own good!"

Mei Luo raised her eyes, "It's nothing more than a small punishment and a big punishment."

The source of the injury was because of Yumo's trip to Penglai Island. He knew that Cangwu was there to save him, but it didn't mean he could put Yumo in danger. This time he succeeded. If he didn't, he would die May not know what happened to her.

This incident was a thorn in his heart, he couldn't treat Cangwu calmly, if it wasn't for the fact that the enemy was in danger and the people's hearts were not stable, he couldn't be left without him, otherwise he would directly send Cangwu into the Hell Pool instead of Use a whip mixed with demon power to whip him on the back a few times.

"Okay, the girl is your darling, but Cangwu is your subject, a great loyal minister, you can just curse a few words, why bother to do it. Look at this wounded one, it won't take ten days and half a month for him to be fine." No."

Cang Wu is a great demon, ordinary weapons can't help him, but there will always be courtiers who make mistakes in the clan, and the criminal law will use torture tools mixed with demon power against these powerful demons.

A lock whip is a kind of metal whip with nine sections, and each section has thorns and thorns on it. When the whip is lowered, the bones of the weaker monsters can be broken. Cangwu is a strong monster, and the bones will definitely not be broken, but It would also be bruised and bruised, and it was already very painful just once, but Mei Luo came directly ten times, and by the seventh time, his face was pale, and he could not stand up when lying on the ground. Fortunately, Bu Jie came in time, and the remaining The three strokes were avoided, and Cang Wu was taken to the mansion for treatment. For two full days, he couldn't get out of bed, and it was only on the third day that he could get up and walk a few steps.

There is no serious problem today, but the wound heals slowly, and it still needs to be nursed carefully.

Cang Wu put on his robe, bowed to Mei Luo and said, "I know that I have committed a crime, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

"This matter is over, don't bring it up again." When he mentioned it, he felt angry, put down the pen in his hand, and asked with a stern expression, "What do you plan to do about the spy?"

He entrusted this matter to Cangwu. Now that Yu Mo has returned safely, this matter cannot be delayed any longer. As long as the spies are caught and the situation is explained to the tribe, Yu Mo's mistakes can be reduced by half.

There seemed to be something unspeakable hidden in Cang Wu's eyes.

"You can't bear it?" Mei Luo actually guessed it.

"It's not that I can't bear it, it's that I feel ashamed!" In his heart, nothing is more important than the safety of the ethnic group, but this case is different. During the investigation, he realized that maybe he was the one who caused the crime. "I thought you didn't understand the word shame."

These words sounded a bit ironic, but they were actually the portrayal of Cang Wu. If he really understood guilt, that person would not have done such a rebellious thing.

"Wang, can you give me a few more days?"

"how long?"

"Three days!"

"How about three days?"

Cang Wu clenched his jaw tightly, stepped forward and clasped his fists, "Then even if I want to die together, I will kill her."

(End of this chapter)

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