The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 413 Part 178 The more you love, the more you hate

Chapter 413 Part 178 The more you love, the more you hate

Mei Luo was silent for a moment, then took a sip of tea and said: "If you want to kill me, you don't object, and we won't die together."

Cang Wu trembled, knowing the meaning of this sentence, he lifted the hem of his robe, knelt down, "Thank you for your love."

"Get up, there are still a lot of things to deal with. Only by solving this matter as soon as possible can the people feel at ease."


Cangwu has an injury on his back, it is easy to kneel, but difficult to get up, if you are not careful, you will pull the muscles on your back, it is a burning pain, Bu Jie stretched out his hand to help him, and said dissatisfiedly: "Can you use your body now?" Don't use your strength, so you don't bother me."

"Thank you, sir!" Cang Wu barely stood up straight.

Mei Luo sees that there are indescribable complexities in her heart, she hates him, and regrets that he also has it, but when she thinks about Yu Mo, hatred prevails and her heart turns cold.

After handling some government affairs, Cang Wu resigned first and went to inspect the construction site instead of Mei Luo.

More than half of the palace has been destroyed, and it is impossible to rebuild it within a month. The restoration of some important places must not be sloppy, and it must be monitored every day.

He left, but Bu Jie didn't. He sipped his tea leisurely with his legs crossed.

Mei Luo said: "Aren't you busy?"

Although he doesn't need to deal with government affairs, there are so many wounded that the medical building can't accommodate them. Many wounded live in temporary sheds outside. Due to the different levels of injuries, some serious patients must be diagnosed and treated by him. He complained two days ago , Said that there are not enough wizards, and reinforcements are needed, but wizards have reinforcements if they want to, talent is limited, a hundred monsters with one wizard talent is not bad.

The dog monster clan is a big clan, and the total number of monster clan in the entire dog realm is as high as 87, but the number of wizards is only [-], which is considered a lot among the monster clan, so we can't cram for a while and just find someone to act.

"Busy, I just take a break when I'm busy, I'm just drinking tea, do you think that's wrong?" After the catastrophe subsided, he never had a good night's sleep, fighting on the front line of medical treatment for a month, Mei Luo When the injury didn't heal, he had to take care of refining medicine, and his hair turned white.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk about it."

Mei Luo held the document in his hand, and didn't raise his eyes when he spoke. Although Bu Jie is his uncle Wang, the age difference between the two is not too big, only 200 years old. It is more appropriate to say that they are brothers, and they also grew up together. big.

Upon hearing this, Bu Jie laughed and put the teacup on the table in front of Mei Luo, "I have something to ask you..."

Mei Luo glanced around at his face, "Please ask me for something... um... I guess..." He squinted his eyes, as expected of him growing up together, as soon as Bu Jie took off his pants, he knew he was What do you want to do, "Do you want to ask Momo to borrow the Shennong Ding?"

The Shennong Ding is the treasure in every wizard’s heart. He dreamed of getting it. Bu Jie tried hard to find it, but there was no Shennong Ding. Now that the Shennong Ding appeared, it belonged to someone else. This feeling probably made him sleepless all night. up.

"Mo Meiluo, who knows me..." He raised his thumb and praised.

"Stop doing this!" Mei Luo waved his thumb away, lowered her head and continued to read the document, "Shen Nong Ding is silent, I can't make the decision, if you want to borrow it, ask her in person."

"If I could, would I still look for you?"

"Why not?"

It's not that he didn't know about Yumo's return. It took only a stick of incense to walk from here to the bedroom, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Then the girl must be willing to see me!"

It's not that he didn't want to go to the dormitory to ask Yumo to borrow the Shennong cauldron, but he knew from Mu'er that the girl scolded him several times after she came back, because he didn't take good care of Meiluo when she was away.What a conscience, he didn't take good care of it, Bai Yu's poison is too strong, it is not easy for him to make Mei Luo last until she comes back.

They scolded so badly in private, if they met each other, would there be any good things to say?

Due to his pride, he couldn't bear this anger.

"She saved you because of her ability. I can't save you because I'm incompetent. How can there be such an algorithm? If I can get the Shennong Ding, would I still need her? You don't have to suffer for so long .”

It wasn't that he looked down on Yu Mo, but that he felt it was unfair, and Shen Nong Ding indeed took more than half of the credit for Mei Luo's ability to detoxify her poison.

"You can say that to her face."

"She had to slap me."

"Then you will suffer...she has little strength, and it doesn't hurt when she smokes." Mei Luo put the document she had read on the left, and took a new one from the right.

Bu Jie howled: "I'm your uncle!"

"It doesn't matter if it's my father." Mei Luo said in a tone that his wife is the most important thing.

"You..." Bu Jie pointed his index finger at his nose, "Do you know what you look like now?"

"What?" He finished reading another official document, and picked up a new one. There were a lot of official documents, piled up higher than his head. If he didn't pay close attention to them, he couldn't go back to eat with Yu Mo during dinner.

"A fool! The kind of fool who is fascinated by beauty!"

Mei Luo finally raised her eyes, she wasn't angry, she was actually smiling...she still smiled silly, and nodded with a smile, "It's pretty good."

Bu Jie was speechless, and began to scratch his scalp hysterically with both hands.

The Shennong Ding is the treasure that he thinks about day and night, and it is right in front of his eyes, scratching his heart, but he has nothing to do when he encounters the iron plate of Meiluo.

"Mei Luo, this is my lifelong wish. You just let me take a look, just take a look, no, no, I need to take a look, and touch it, just touch it..."

"I said, I can't decide this matter, you can find Momo by yourself."

"The girl won't give it to me."

What kind of temperament is Yu Mo, can Bu Jie not know, she can remember Mei Luo's miserable appearance during the poisoning period for a lifetime, and it will definitely be counted on him.

"If you don't give it, then don't think about it, this matter ends here."

"What does it mean to stop here? You haven't done it yet?" Bu Jie wouldn't retreat so easily, straightened up and said, "You have already decided to marry a girl, right?"

In fact, there is no need to ask at all, it must be affirmative.

Last time, all the nobles were persuaded by him except Bai Ya, and the preparations for the marriage went smoothly. If Bai Yu hadn't stepped in, the two would have been married a long time ago, but after that incident, he wanted to marry Yu Mo It is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"What do you want to say?"

"Buy me a ticket, use Shennongding..."

Whether the other nobles agree or not is their business. He can agree, as long as he bribes him with the Shennong Ding.

Mei Luo picked up the official document and knocked it on his head, "I think you're going back as you live."

"What's wrong with this, I have one more vote, at least [-]% more chance of winning."

That's right, his identity and status are indeed worth so much.


"Stinky boy, I haven't married her yet, my heart is all in her."

"Since when did I stop thinking about her?" He had fallen from the very beginning.

"You really won't help me?"

Mei Luo shook her head, "If you don't help, you can speak for yourself if you have the ability."

Bu Jie tried all the methods he should have thought of, but it didn't work at all, so he could only yell, "I can't live through this day!"

Mei Luo rolled her eyes, ignored it, and continued to process the official documents.

Bu Jieqian was so poor that he squeezed two tears out, "I'm so pitiful... so pitiful, I lost my mother since I was a child, and I still have to share with... ummmm..."

Before the drama of bitterness was finished, an inkstone was stuffed into his mouth—it was thrown by Mei Luo, and it was very accurate, and half of it went into his mouth at once, blocking him so much that he couldn't say a word.

"If you dare to say another word, I will drive you out, or do you want to go to Hell Pool to stay for a few days."

The threat was too blatant, so Bu Jie had no choice but to compromise. He angrily sat back to his original position, poured a cup of tea, and drank it with a tight chest.

Mei Luo continued: "If you have time, give Cang Wu more medicine..."

"Yo, now you know that your heart hurts? Why did you go early?"

"It's your job."

"I'm not you, who loves others for a while, hates them for a while, you sing both the white face and the red face."

"The enemy is now, he can't do anything."

"I can't die!" No matter how depressed he is, he will not let Cang Wu have trouble, "It's that person's business, do you really plan to let Cang Wu solve it by himself?"

"This is what he requested on his own initiative, and you heard it just now!"

"Are you so calm?"

Mei Luo's eyes suddenly became dark and boundless, there was no wind, but her hair was fluttering, "I wish I could kill her directly."

If it wasn't for her, Yu Mo would have become his queen long ago, instead of the street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

Bu Jie was startled by the Sha coming from him, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Speak well, don't be so scary."

Mei Luo took a deep breath, hiding the evil spirit on her body.

"This matter has already been handed over to Cangwu, don't mention it again." He was afraid that he didn't have enough concentration.

"Okay, don't mention it, don't mention it, I'm just worried about Cang Wu, you've heard what he said, he feels guilty."

"This is a matter between the two of them. It has nothing to do with me. I will agree, and it is also for the sake of the queen mother. She will be like this, and it is also the cause planted by the queen mother. In addition, Lin Lang has merit, but it is just to let her die more decently." That's all."

If there were no such reasons, he would have done it a long time ago, and it would be easy to lose one's bones and ashes.

Bu Jie said: "But she must have a connection with Bai Yu behind her back. Let her die so easily, isn't it too cheap?"

"Do you think that Bai Yu will leave clues that we can track down? No, it is absolutely impossible. I am afraid that at this time, Bai Yu has already abandoned her as a chess piece. It is impossible to use her to catch Bai Yu."

Bu Jie was right when he thought about it, it was useless to keep her, Bai Yu would not take care of her once or twice.

"Mei Luo, do you want Master Ziying to know about her?"

"Always let her know, but not now, and it will not be too late after she dies."

"You are worried that she will try to save her."

"This possibility is not impossible... She has already lost her beloved daughter, and losing her again will be a huge blow. Although I believe in her loyalty, in that case, she may not be able to help herself."

Bu Jie nodded, he didn't expect that if the Huansi Mansion was in chaos, the dog environment that had finally calmed down would cause another wave of waves.

"White Fang, what's your plan?"

"With Linglong controlling him, don't worry for now."

The current War Beast Mansion is extremely tragic and stinky, and there is no room to deal with Yu Mo.

As long as White Fang is silent, other nobles will not move rashly, and he can save trouble.


After Yumo finished practicing Yuan Dan, she ate some afternoon snacks, and while eating, she studied how to get Xue Wujian to recognize her.First of all, she thought of Taotie. At the beginning, he chose himself as the master because of her character. Regarding this point, she was quite ashamed. She felt that she was not as pure as it thought. She wondered if Xue Wujian would do the same. .

If this is the case, she will definitely be able to pass the test easily, but according to Linglong, this possibility is not high.

She glanced unconsciously and saw the books on the shelf.

These books are very familiar to her, they are the books she has studied before, sent by Cang Wu, suddenly thought, Queen Qi Luo is versatile in both civil and military, will Xue Wujian use this as a consideration, she must not be good at Wu, this article ...

She has a big head!

Text is not good either.

But... She brought the pile of books over, it's always okay to cram for a while, but she has good luck in the exams, and she can guess the questions correctly every time.

She rubbed her hands, how about trying, how much can be read, how much can be read, be prepared, not only read by herself, she also summoned fierce beasts.

Taotie, Zhulong, and Bixi looked at the book in front of them in a daze.

"What is this for?"

"Read it to you?"

"Huh?" Taotie didn't understand.

It is unknown, and Zhulong and Bixi are even more unknown.

"Help me read together. I only have one head, how much can I fit? There must not be enough time, but with you, I have four heads. Look at these, I read these, and memorize them by heart. By then Xue Wu If you ask Jianwen, you can also help me!"

This is the legendary... cheating, or the remote version.

"I don't like reading." Bixi closed the book with a fin.

"Could it be that you can't read?"

"Who says you don't know each other, I'm a rich man with a lot of knowledge..."

"Oh, so you can help me without looking?"

Bixi scratched her head, and was provoked by Yumo to open the book again.

Taotie said: "Girl, how can there be a sword that can test you on these things?"

"Be prepared!"

She doesn't know what Xue Wujian looks like, and what she will do, she doesn't even know, she can only make a decision before making a move.

Although this conspiracy seems a bit funny, it's better than nothing. What if she gets it right? If she's so lucky, maybe it's really this exam question.

Taotie doesn't want to be like Bixi, his brain is quite bright.

"If you really want to take these exams, then you can rest assured..."

"Huh?" In order to study, she even tied a forehead band with the word "struggle" on her forehead.

"You have hairballs..."

Bai Ze is an encyclopedia that can move. With it, if you still need to read a book, just ask it.

Yu Mo: "..."

Apparently, she had completely forgotten about it.

Cangwu Mansion.

In the evening, when Cangwu returned to the mansion, Zhiqiu stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "Why is the elder back?"

"Come back and take a rest when you're done with work."

"Zhiqiu is going to make tea now."


Zhiqiu is his book boy and attendant, he knows his preferences and tastes very well, and after a while, he cooked Cangwu's favorite tea and sent it to the study.

In the study room, Cang Wu sat and fell into silence.

It was rare for Zhiqiu to see that he didn't have a book in his hand, so he asked in surprise, "Does the elder have something on his mind?"

Cang Wu took the teacup in his hand, "I'm just tired."

"Zhiqiu is going to make your bed..."

"No, go down, I'll call you later."

"The dinner..."

"Don't eat." At this moment, how could he have the appetite to eat.


Zhiqiu backed out quietly and closed the door softly.

Cang Wu sat quietly on the chair, like a wooden man, the candle in the room burned to the end, and went out with a bang, the room became dark, he remained indifferent, and continued to be silent in the darkness.

After a long time, the bright moon was in the sky, and the moonlight sneaked in, reflecting a piece of light and a piece of darkness on his face.

He once thought that life would go on like this forever, until death. There are advantages to being ordinary, and loneliness has advantages to being lonely, but he did not expect that ordinaryness and loneliness would create waves.

He could no longer be indifferent, nor could he remain indifferent.

If he had known this earlier, would he have married her in spite of himself?
will not!

It's a pity that time can't go backwards, and it's impossible to start over.

He had to make a decision as soon as possible, and delaying it would not be beneficial to the entire group. He did not soften his heart at all, but felt deeply guilty for the decision he made at the beginning. All mistakes were actually caused by him.

The more you love, the more you hate...Love and hate are one, and this is the first time that he has faced up to the depth of her feelings for him.

"Ma'am, the elder, he..."

"Go away!"

Wisteria's voice came from outside the door.

Zhiqiu didn't dare to block her way, so she could only step back to make way.

It was dark in the study, and it didn't look like anyone was there, but Wisteria knew he was there, so she stretched out her hand and pushed the door open.

The husband and wife hadn't seen each other for many days, but in the dark, the two of them didn't have a single word to say to themselves.

The more you love, the more you hate, but the more you hate, the more you love.

hard to let go...

(End of this chapter)

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