Chapter 414 Part 179

In the dim study room, Wisteria could only vaguely see the outline of Cang Wu, to her, even if it was only his outline, she would be satisfied to see it.

"My husband has returned home, why didn't someone notify me?"

Qing Qiao followed her into the study together, she seemed timid and did not dare to raise her head.

Wisteria shouted, "Not going to light the lamp yet."

"Yes, yes!" Qingqiao took the fire fold and lit the lamp in the study.

The orange-red candlelight made the vision no longer dim and filled with warmth, but it failed to build a bridge of communication between the two, and instead illuminated the invisible gap between the two even brighter.

Cang Wu sat in front of the desk, silent, under the halo, his face was still gloomy.

She wanted to go there, but couldn't move. Under the candlelight, her smile froze.

"Husband..." After a long time, Wisteria opened her mouth, moved her steps slightly, and walked to the table, "It's Xu time, it's time for dinner."

Cangwu raised his head, without looking at her, he called out: "Zhiqiu, I want to have dinner in the Biluo Pavilion in the garden."


Zhiqiu was outside, and when he heard this, he went to the kitchen.

"Wait..." Cang Wu called him again.

"What other orders does the elder have?"

"Bring a jug of wine."

"Wine?" Zhiqiu blinked his eyes, "The elder wants to drink?"

He seldom drank alcohol at dinner, mostly drinking tea.

"Yeah!" Cang Wu got up, his silver hair slightly raised, even though he is over 1500 years old, his appearance is still young, but he can still be praised by others, "My wife and I haven't seen each other for a long time, I am in a good mood today, and the moon is bright outside In the sky, the beautiful scenery is pleasant, and drinking wine while admiring the moon is also suitable. What do you think, madam?"

Wisteria trembled slightly, she couldn't believe that he would invite her to watch the moon together, her expression was a little excited, she was holding on to the skirt tightly, if he wasn't right in front of her eyes, she could smell the pine scent on his body, she would have thought it was dreaming.

"Ma'am not willing?"

She shook her head hastily, "No, since your husband is so elegant, Wisteria will naturally accompany you."

Cang Wu nodded, and said please, "Madam please."

night, quiet.

The sky was dyed a delicate dark blue, and when the clouds drifted past, a silver light swept into the garden. The alluring silver light was like a woman in full dress, walking in a silent night, making the night no longer dark.

Looking up, the bright moon is like a white lotus, which seems to be in full bloom in the blue water, making the trees, flowers, grass, and even the scenery that can be seen are covered with silver edges.

There is also a lake in the garden, and the moon in the lake is even more exciting, reflected in the water, plump and round.When the breeze blows, the water surface ripples, and the reflection of the moon is scattered, but the whole water surface becomes sparkling.

The stars and the moon are shining, which is the best time to appreciate the moon.

A jug of wine, a few dishes of side dishes, drinking together as husband and wife, talking about the family's slander, is the greatest wish of Zi Teng in this life. She thought that it would be impossible to realize it in this life. Maybe the happiness came suddenly. She couldn't recover for a long time, and sat in the pavilion blankly. stone chair.

"Ma'am, why don't you talk?" Cang Wu personally poured a glass of wine and put it in front of her.

Her injury has almost healed, and this is light wine again, which is harmless to the body.

She looked at the wine glass, and there was also a bright moon in the glass, which made her eyes blurred. She picked up the glass and drank it in one gulp.

Zhiqiu was busy laying out the vegetables, and when he was ready, he wanted to serve him with him, but Cangwu waved him back, and when he left, he took Qingqiao with him.

As soon as Qingqiao left the wisteria, she breathed a sigh of relief, her hand was bandaged, and Zhiqiu caught her eyes, and he asked in surprise, "Your hand is injured?"

She hurriedly hid her injured hand behind her back, "Well, it's a small injury, it will heal in a few days."

"Why are you so careless?"

Zhiqiu has the highest status among the servants of the Cangwu Mansion, and he is kind and well-loved by the servants in the mansion. Qingqiao knows that he cares about her, but there are some things she can't say, so she squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay. , It’s just that the last time I moved a heavy object and fell on it, I learned a lot of wisdom, and I won’t do it next time.”

"Has the wizard seen it?"

"I've seen it, and I prescribed medicine." In fact, the injury was so tossing that she couldn't sleep well for several days, but Wisteria forbade her to leave, and she didn't have time to go to the wizard to see a doctor. , It's all heart-piercing pain, if you drag it on and break your finger, you may be useless, but she dare not say this to Zhiqiu, she is from Wisteria, and she lives by her breath.

"Go down and rest earlier, madam, then I will take care of you."

Shaking her hand lightly, "No, ma'am, she..." She paused, then lowered her head and whispered, "Madam, she can't leave me."

"Usually I can't live without you. If you don't need it today, you can rest assured."

She still shook her head, with timidity on her face, "It's need."

Zhiqiu didn't notice anything wrong, she just thought she was loyal, and said, "Call me when something happens, don't be too harsh on yourself, the elder has a generous temper, if you get hurt, it's okay to be lazy."


The two walked farther and farther, and disappeared under the moonlight.

In the pavilion, Wisteria finally regained her sanity. Seeing Cang Wu pouring wine for her, her heart warmed, and she hurriedly took the wine pot, "How can my husband come to this kind of thing."

"It's just pouring wine..." He didn't stop, looking at her face carefully.

Wisteria blushed from his gaze, and stuttered after pouring the wine.

"Husband, drink... drink."

"Madam please too."

This kind of drinking is almost absent in Wisteria's memory, she started to get excited again, her heart was pounding, she didn't understand why he treated her like this today, did he finally know that she was okay, or he figured it out Now, I know her affection.

During the time when he was injured, although he didn't visit her every day, he always visited her more than before, but the time he stayed each time was very short, and the words he said were insignificant. Recently, he spent more and more time in the palace. It has been five days since we first met.

Because suddenly, she couldn't organize her thoughts properly. If she knew that he would be in such a good mood today, she should change her clothes, and... She touched the appliqué on the bun, whether it was too plain, that one Where did she put the purple green hairpin? Purple is the most suitable color for her.

She is like a young girl in love, her cheeks are ruddy, full of warm spring light.It's hard to imagine that after many years of husband and wife, they still feel flustered because of his sudden invitation, and they can't even speak well.

With sincerity, gold and stone are the same. She used to think it was a lie, but now... is it time now?
Do not……

Cangwu will never change.

A cold voice swept over her in her head.

She trembled all over, as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on her head, and the chill instantly ran through her limbs and bones. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Cang Wu, who was still the indifferent man who never smiled at her.

When a gust of wind blew over, the peach blossoms outside the pavilion floated, and those petals hurt her eyes.

Peach blossom is that person's favorite flower.

This peach tree was also planted by that person when he came, and no matter how busy he was, he would never forget to take care of it. Counting the time spent with this peach tree was longer than her, she was not even as good as a peach tree.

The blooming peach tree was huge like a peach pink umbrella, covering everything she could see. As long as this peach tree was still there, he would never change. This was a fact she had learned long ago.

She just felt that her body was falling straight down, and she felt dizzy. She really wanted to cry, but she couldn't. Crying had been exhausted in daily life. Even if she wanted to cry, she would flutter like a gnat. However, her crystal-like pupils blurred, gradually showing a ruthless look, but soon after blinking her eyes, the ruthlessness quickly dispersed like mist.

He will never show affection for no reason!
She lowered her head, closed her eyes for a moment, opened them again, and regained her tranquility and clarity.

"Husband is so happy today, but what good happened?" She smiled, unable to see the previous struggle, grief, and anger.

Even though her heart was bloody, her eyes were as clear as crystal.

Cang Wu looked at her, not missing the hidden sternness, and chuckled inwardly.

He used to think that she was a gentle woman like water, quiet like a luxuriant tree, moving like a swaying wave. Unfortunately, he just admired these beauties and never thought of monopolizing them.

For a long time, he seldom spoke to her, and even if he did, she spoke first.It's not that he didn't think about treating her well, but his heart was already occupied by one person, and he couldn't give her any space.

He thought that she would be the same as himself, and after a long time, her heart would become calm. She is still a wife in the mansion, and she is also an elder outside, with a detached status. She can do whatever she wants. Given everything, she would not be dissatisfied, but it was only now that he realized that she was no longer the same as she was back then. Maybe she still looks picturesque and dignified, but her heart has changed.

She hates him!
From the brief look in his eyes just now, all he saw were these three words.

When did it start?

No, it should be how long it took her to accumulate such hatred, so hated that she could ignore the safety of the ethnic group and commit heinous crimes.

Elegant as poetry, graceful as water... is her past.

With a heart like a snake and a scorpion, with a broken heart... This is her present.

Thinking of this, he frowned, and became like this, he must have a great relationship with himself, because he turned her into a femme fatale.


It was wrong from the beginning, and the worst thing was that he shouldn't have married her.

Marrying her gave her hope. She married with hope, but he didn't give her a chance.

He subconsciously stroked the jade pendant at his waist. Even after 200 years, the sachet hidden in it still had a faint fragrance. He was calm and composed, and he hardly missed a single thing. In front of her, she made mistakes repeatedly, and the biggest mistake was that she shouldn't have married Wisteria.

Now the mistake has been made, it is difficult to turn around, since they are husband and wife, there is no love between husband and wife, there are always some years of getting along, he doesn't want her to die too miserable.

The family crime must be divided into five horses, so he wanted to persuade her to turn herself in, and then she would be able to spend the rest of her life with a glass of poisoned wine without suffering too much.

Wisteria looked at him quietly as before, under the moonlight, his whole body was condensed in the white light, his skin was like white jade reflecting the sunlight, his hair trembled in the breeze, emitting traces of silvery light.

No matter how long the years have passed, he is still so handsome, and his eyes are still so cold, but she has seen him several times, when he sees that person, his cold eyes are always full of spring water Like sparkling brilliance.

Why must it be that person, and why can't it be her?
She couldn't figure it out from the beginning to the end, what is the difference between her and that person?

Why can his heart be so devoted, yet so cold at the same time.

She doesn't understand, and I'm afraid she won't understand in this life.

When the heart is cold, nothing is important anymore, the important thing is that all the people she wants to care about and love will live in hell.

"Wang recovered, is it difficult to understand?"

She twitched the corners of her eyes, feeling that this sentence was by no means literal.

"That's right, it's our family's good fortune that Wang can recover." She poured another glass of wine for him.

"It's just a pity..." He took a sip of his wine and paused for a while.

"What a pity?" Wisteria grabbed tightly with the hand on her leg.

"It's a pity that we still haven't found out how Bai Yu's men got into the palace!"

After the word fell, the husband and wife looked at each other as if they had agreed.

His eyes were calm.

So does she.

It's just a dark tide in my heart.

He got it!

Wisteria froze, because she was too familiar with him, so she could guess what was going on in his heart without saying anything.

It turned out that this invitation to appreciate the moon was actually a grand banquet.

Ha ha……

She secretly smiled in her heart, showing no trace on her face.She didn't care how he knew, she had thought about what her worst ending would be from the very beginning, but... did he think about saving her?
It must be gone. In his heart, that person's son is the most important thing.

"This matter really needs to be investigated carefully. It seems that the husband is going to work hard again."

Cang Wu didn't expect her to be so calm, so calm that she couldn't see any flaws. She didn't understand, or she was sure that even if he knew everything, she would be sure to shirk all the blame.

By the way, there is no evidence.

All the evidence that could prove that she was a spy were all destroyed in the catastrophe. The formation of the Huansi Mansion, the enchantment talisman used by the white-feathered men and horses to sneak into the palace, and the spices given to Yu Mo, all these evidences were gone.

She can use this to fight back.

Without evidence, Ziying cannot be persuaded. Forcible detention will cause a backlash in the entire Huansi Mansion. The most fearful thing right now is civil strife, especially Ziying just lost her daughter. Tell her at this time that her own sister is the culprit of the catastrophe. How could she believe it? Even if there was evidence, she might not believe it. Besides, Wisteria was seriously injured before the catastrophe. From the perspective of outsiders, the catastrophe had nothing to do with her.

The difficulty is here.

He will find out that Wisteria is a spy, and it is also because Muxiang occasionally talked about spices. This is not something worth noting at first, but the timing is too coincidental. It was found out, but these can only be guesses without evidence. To convince everyone, only she herself admits it, but judging by the current situation, she will not admit it, rather than dying , it is better to say that she has long thought of a way out.

The biggest retreat is the Huansi Mansion.

Cang Wu narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, he could kill her directly, but the assassination will not have any effect. Only her obeying the law can reduce Yu Mo's guilt. The nobles were dissatisfied, and even suspected that Mei Luo had randomly found a substitute for Yu Mo.

Then torture her to force her to confess.

He thought about this method, but she visited Huansi Mansion every day, and every day after she went, she would agree on the time of her next visit. She never missed the appointment, and she was not even late. If she missed the appointment suddenly, Ziying would definitely be suspicious and send someone to come Xun, how to explain it then?
He asked Mei Luo to give him a three-day grace period, because he knew that this matter must be handled properly, and only she confessed the crime in person.

Capital crimes are hard to forgive, but at least he can die righteously. This is the only thing he can do, and it can be regarded as repaying the relationship between husband and wife, but now it seems that she has no remorse at all, not the slightest bit.

"Your injury is almost healed. There are many government affairs in the palace. If you are free, please help Hongsong."

"I've been out of business for a long time, and my sister is sick again. I'm afraid I won't be able to live without her for a few days. Husband, please don't embarrass me."

This is to remind him that Huansifu is her backing.

"Do you remember that you are one of the five elders?" As an elder, he dared to judge the clan, whether he could live up to the oath of the day.

"Since that's the case, it's fine to resign, and those who can live there."

Wisteria sees the trick, although it is not to the point of tearing her face, but she has revealed her thoughts, and she doesn't care about anything anymore.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, that is what this saying means.

She is not afraid of death or the destruction of her family, she only has revenge in her heart.

"Really?" Cang Wu lowered his eyes and sneered.

She can commit such a heinous crime, so what else should she care about.

(End of this chapter)

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