The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 415 Part 180 Dorji Was Caught

Chapter 415 Part 180 Dorji Was Caught

At this point, it is impossible to talk any more, but Cang Wu still feels that he has to bear most of the responsibility.

"Madam, resign from the position of elder, you should think about it for two more days."

What he meant was to ask her to think carefully about the mistakes she made, why drag the Huansi Mansion into the water together, the dog monster clan did not even have the crime of sitting, they are all doing things by one person.

Wisteria raised the wine glass and played with it in her hand, her eyes were cold, "I have made up my mind."

She will not regret it, even if she dies, she will disturb the whole dog world.

This is what he owes her.

Cang Wu suddenly tightened his cheeks, and quietly clenched his fists to show the anger in his heart at the moment.

Wisteria felt his aura falter for a while, she had already planned to die, and it was useless for him to say anything, seeing him getting angry, she couldn't help but feel happy, he never cared about her, no matter what she did Whatever he said, he treated her as if she didn't exist. This was the first time he had stirred up waves in his heart. She unconsciously opened the corners of her mouth and smiled. She seemed happy, but only she knew what it was like in her heart. .


It was so bitter that she could no longer taste the sweetness.

There has never been a perfect thing in this world. She used to think that there was, and that through hard work, the incompleteness could be repaired, but the fact is that no matter how much I hope, no matter how sincere, the incomplete thing is still incomplete. As time goes by, the incomplete Eventually it becomes unrecognizable.

"Madame was never a dull person..."

"Is my husband praising me, or criticizing me..." She played with the wine glass enough, raised her head and drank the wine in the glass. This wine is his favorite, and there is a hint of honey in the mellow aroma. But she couldn't taste it, all that entered her throat was bitter.

So bitter, so bitter!
Cang Wu frowned, watching her pour another glass, after drinking another glass, blushed, but there was no trace of confusion in her eyes, she was awake, but tried to force herself into confusion again.

"Enough!" He held down the flagon.

Wisteria asked in surprise, "What's your husband's intention?"

"Watching the moon and tasting wine is an elegant thing. It's not good for Madam to be so greedy."

"Are you afraid that I'll be drunk and pester you?" She exhaled, the smell of wine was sweet and mixed with the fragrance of her body, she raised her hand lightly, her eyes were charming, and her index finger touched his chin.

Cang Wu shuddered, and his body reflexively moved back, "Madam, take care of yourself."

"Self-respect?" Wisteria chewed on the word, "Self-respect, you want me to be self-respect, I am your wife." How can he say the word self-respect in a marriage that only has the name of husband and wife, but not the reality of husband and wife.

Wasn't humiliation enough for her?
"Ma'am is drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!" She thumped the stone table in the pavilion with a snap.

The eyeballs under Cang Wu's eyelids moved slightly, and his quiet pupils slowly raised up to look at her bit by bit, until the eyes were filled with her figure.

Hehe, this is the first time again.

He finally has her in his eyes...

Wisteria's eyes concealed all the sadness in the world, she clearly hated him so deeply, but she still could not restrain herself from following him closely with her eyes. In her eyes, he was always shrouded in a faint light. Under the light, she couldn't see anything except him.

In the past, every time she looked at him like this, her mind would go blank, only the light on his body was in her eyes, but now she won't anymore, she is controlling herself with the will of hatred, and will not sink any further .

At some point, the moon was covered by clouds, and in the darkness, she was holding the wine while he opened his bright eyes, and their eyes collided with each other without any concealment.

"You must continue like this?" Cang Wu pursed his thin lips, silently staring at her in the dark.

There were several cuts on Wisteria's lips bitten by herself. When she laughed, it hurt unceasingly, but no matter how painful it was, it couldn't compare to the pain he gave.

"It's rare for my husband to invite me to watch the moon, why don't you allow me to have a few more drinks?"

"You should know what I'm talking about?"

She is clearly insane, and if she doesn't stop her, she will probably get worse.

"Isn't it about appreciating the moon?"

"Wisteria!" he snapped.

At this moment, he and her are no longer husband and wife, but enemies, and there are only two things in front of them.

One is the expected injury, which he gave, and the other is the unexpected betrayal, which she sent.

Even though he was trying to make up for this betrayal, it seemed to be useless. What stood between her and him was a wound that was constantly being opened after years of precipitation.

"Husband, why are you suddenly angry?" The wine glass ran out, so she grabbed the jug and took a sip from the spout.

Sometimes, she really wants to go back to the moment when they first met.

The spring is bright, the catkins dance lightly, the begonias are luxuriant, and the sound of the zither... for a while it is passionate, and for a while it is unrestrained. It is this sound of the zither that attracts her. Through the darkness, beautiful memories float in her mind.

At that time, she saw him playing the piano at a glance, and his fingertips slowly stroked the strings, stirred, turned, and the sound entered her heart.

Ah, yes, she even remembered what kind of clothes he was wearing at that time.

The silk satin clothes swayed gently, white as snow, long hair, shining in the sun...

One eye is wrong for life.

It's a pity that the spring at that time has already passed, and her heart has long since lost spring.

The beautiful past is like a beautiful vase, once it is hammered down, it will be smashed to pieces, if you want to pick it up, if it is not done well, you will be stabbed with blood, she endured this pain again and again, until her heart was cold It's gone, it's numb, and the blood will finally stop flowing.

The hot tears that I had endured for a long time burst out of my eyes... She sniffed and sternly reprimanded: "If you are not satisfied, you can divorce me!"

Cang Wu only felt that she was like a crazy woman, there was no need to talk any more, so he waved his sleeves and prepared to leave.

In three days, he will not change.

But after three days, if she is unwilling to surrender, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

It's just that in these three days, he has to figure out how to deal with Ziying.

"where are you going!"

Wisteria stepped forward quickly, reaching out to grab him, but she couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

"Cangwu, stop." She howled.

Cang Wu stopped in his tracks, turned around quietly, his eyes were cold, "You can do it yourself."

He didn't stop, just walked towards the study.

At this moment, Wisteria stood in the garden, feeling very cold in an instant, and she really wanted to break up with him.

She used to think that as long as she waited for a long time, everything would blossom and bear fruit, but in fact, her expectations and wishes were like a piece of thin paper with beautiful scenery painted on it. purpose garbage.

"Haha, liars, you are all liars!"

Love, happiness, are all used to deceive people, no one will pity her, it was in the past, and it is the same now.

Well, if that's what he wants, she'll play with him.

She will not regret, nor will she be afraid, this is what they owe her, and she wants them to pay back with pain, how many times she has been in pain, how many times she wants them to hurt, the pain of splitting up, the pain of heart and lung tearing , she wants them to taste one by one.


She was already a bad woman, and she was destined to only float up and down in the whirlpool...

Love, what is that?
She dismissively...

Facing the night sky, she raised her hand...

A purple parrot hovered above her, flapping its wings.

"Tell Bai Yu that if he wants to get the Shennong Cauldron, he will help me again..."

After hearing this, the purple parrot on the top of the head spread its wings and disappeared in an instant.

When she woke up from the dream, the clouds cleared away, and all that was left for her was nothingness.

People are not old, but their hearts have been vicissitudes, and only hatred is left.

In the middle of the night, Bu Jie was sleeping soundly when a sudden knock on the door entered his eardrums and woke him up.

"what happened again?"

The steward replied from outside the door, "My lord, Elder Cangwu is here and wants to see you."

"Cang Wu?" Bu Jie immediately got up when he heard this, and he came to see him so late, maybe there is something wrong with his injury, he put on his robe and opened the door, "Where is the person?"

"In the study."

Bu Jie immediately rushed to the study, and halfway there, he remembered that he didn't bring the medicine box, so he asked someone to go back to get it.

When he got to the study, he saw that Cang Wu was sitting and drinking tea peacefully, he didn't seem to be bothered by the injury at all, he said angrily: "Don't tell me that you came here in the middle of the night to drink tea with me."

"Of course I have something to tell my lord." Cang Wu put down his teacup and gestured for him to close the door.

After closing the door, Bu Jie walked up to him, "Let's talk, it's better to be important, otherwise you won't think about the injury on your back."

Cang Wu knew his temperament, and he would be annoyed, but he would not really drive him away, "Please listen to me, my lord."

"Trouble!" Bu Jie moved his head closer.

After a while, he yelled, "You angered the wisteria!?"

"En!" Cangwu said calmly.

"How can you be so calm? She is so stubborn, so you are not afraid of her committing another crime?"

"All I want is for her to commit another crime..."

Bu Jie was startled, and quickly understood what he meant.

Wisteria is a spy, it is the result of Cangwu's deduction, but there is no evidence, and without evidence, people cannot be arrested, let alone punished. This is the difficulty, but she has nothing to do after that catastrophe, they are Even if she wanted to frame her, she couldn't find a chance, but if she contacted Bai Yu again, they would be able to ambush him secretly and catch him with one catch.

"Are you sure she will..." This is the key point.

"She won't simply stop. There was no movement before because she didn't need it. No one would suspect her, but I have made it so clear, I don't think she will be indifferent anymore."

Bu Jie nodded, "She has a strong temper, but...a fool knows not to act rashly at a time like this."

Cang Wu sighed, "She hates me so much!"

This kind of hatred is afraid that it can destroy the sky and the earth.

Bu Jie also knew a little bit about what happened back then, and it really didn't do any good to have the word "love" attached to it, and he felt that his decision to be celibate for the rest of his life was the right one.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Always have a plan, not only to guard against wisteria, but also to guard against white feathers.

"Braking still!"

"that's it?"

"Who will she contact and how will she contact her? So far, we have not found any clues. If we don't do this, what else can we do?"

Bu Jie felt that there was a great hidden danger in this matter, "Didn't you say that Bai Yu would abandon her chess piece?"

"Well, I said..."

"Then now..."

"Because I thought of something."

"What?" Bu Jie pricked up his ears curiously.

"Shen Nong Ding!"

Bu Jie exclaimed, "What does it have to do with it?"

Cang Wu smiled and said, "My lord reminded me of this."

"Me?" When did he say it to him.

"My lord is a wizard, so isn't Bai Yu?"

The Shennong Ding is the dream of all wizards, and it can be exchanged for anything. Before, Bu Jie was ashamed to ask Mei Luo for help. In order to touch the Shennong Ding, he even gave up his self-esteem.


Bu Jie shook his head, "Bai Yu is different from me. Although he is a wizard, what he wants more is power."

Isn't Bai Yu's ultimate goal to dominate the world of mountains and seas?

"No, he will."

"Why? How can you be so sure?"

"Because I checked, he has a reason to get the Shennong Ding."

Bu Jie really admires him. He will have careful planning and consideration before doing anything. He is called a think tank and definitely deserves his name.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, but you should tell Mei Luo about this matter, what do you want me for?" He couldn't help him.

"This matter can only be helped by adults."

"Ah?" He scratched his head, a little confused, suddenly thought of something, and after thinking for a while, he shouted, "You don't want me to ask the girl to borrow the Shennong cauldron, do you?"

Cang Wu took a sip of tea with a smile, "Exactly!"

Bu Jie: "..."

In the night sky, the purple parrot is flying and circling, because it cannot get out because of the enchantment, but it can use the bird call to transmit the sound.

This is a common method used by night falcons to convey information.

The chirping of birds is just like the chirping of insects, no matter how loud it is, it will not arouse any suspicion, but the people who hear it need to screen out useless information one by one. The black wing hidden in the dogland market, when they hear the bird chirping, their face immediately changes. Rin Rin.

Shennong Ding! ?

He narrowed his eyes, recorded the information he got on the paper verbatim, and put it in the bamboo tube. A red-headed pigeon beside him cooed, and when the bamboo tube was tied to his leg, it spread its wings and flew high. .

After delivering the message, Black Wing responded with a few bird calls, which sounded no different from ordinary bird calls.

On the street, a few drunk Gouyao clansmen hiccupped, and after hearing the birdsong, they even praised it nicely.

The night was long, but no one could discover the crisis hidden in the dark.

It was already dark, covering the floating Penglai Island in darkness. Duoji was sitting on the beach, without any sleepiness, playing with the grass he pulled out in his hand. Counting down the days on your fingers.

In the cave not far away, the candlelight was dimly lit, and Zhenyu was holding the water bottle filled with Bai Ze's blood, but she didn't feel sleepy either. She didn't want to go to the dog realm, but was waiting for Shudu to come back.

He hasn't come back for three days, and he doesn't know where he went.

When she thought of this, she couldn't get angry anywhere, her face turned ferocious, and she smashed a boulder in front of her with demon power.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't come back, let's see if he has anything to say when she gets the Xuewu Sword.

Dorje was bored outside and ran back to the cave.

"Sister Zhenyu, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Not sleepy, didn't you not sleep? Hmph, leave me alone."

She has a bad temper recently, Dorje didn't dare to provoke him again, went to the right, pulled out the quilt, and prepared to make the bed to sleep.

"Oh, why is the quilt wet?"

Needle Feather walked over and saw that it was really wet, "The sea is very humid, you always hide it and don't take it out to dry, how can it not be wet."

He's a boy, so he doesn't know this. He used to sleep on straw in the Black Rat Village, and he changed it when it was dirty, and he didn't care about drying it.

"Then how am I going to sleep tonight?"

Dogland is by the sea, and the climate is warm, but the sea is different, and it is very cool at night.

"Sleep with me." Needle feather generously gave up his quilt.

"Where's my sister?"

"I still have it!" Her storage enchantment would be full every time she went out.

"Thank you, sister Needle feather."

"There is no way to continue like this. Tomorrow we will go to the market and buy some wood. It would be better to build a hut. I always sleep in caves and get bored."

Duoji made the bed, lay on it and asked, "Sister Zhenyu will still build a house?"

"It's so difficult to build a house." She is knowledgeable and talented, and she can understand everything at a glance.

"Okay, then let's build a bigger one and surprise my sister when she comes back."

"She won't live there all the time, what's the big one doing, the important thing is refinement."

"Yeah!" Duoji nodded, "Listen to my sister."

"Then it's done, let's go to the market tomorrow and buy some more wood."

"But I have no money."

"I have it!" How could I go out without money.

"it is good!"

The next day, the two went to the market in Dogland.

The market in Quanjing has everything. The two bought not only wood, but also a lot of vegetables and fruits. After buying them, they planned to go back, but something went wrong. Waiting at the stall, he was very obedient, but when the owner of the fruit stand talked about Yumo, he wished that every word could kill her.

After hearing this, Duoji couldn't bear it anymore, and got into a fight with others.

His appearance has changed, and no one can recognize him at all, but he always defends Yu Mo in his words, offending the nearby vendors, and the matter gets out of hand. The patrolling guards rushed over. Yu Mo's name in the dog area A forbidden word, anyone who mentions it is tantamount to provoking public anger.

So Dorje was arrested.

(End of this chapter)

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