The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 416 Part 182 Yumo's Decision

Chapter 416 Part 182 Yu Mo's Determination

Cold sweat dripped from Yumo's forehead. On the one hand, she was anxious to save Duoji, and on the other hand, she was afraid that the fierce dog monsters in front of her would force her to use the rebirth array to resurrect the dead.

Although she knew that she must be calm at this time and not panic, but Mei Luo was not there, and she was extremely worried that this group of people would mess around.

Damn Li Wang, he disappeared at the critical moment, and he didn't know what went wrong, but he failed to save Duoji.

The leading officer, named Hui Ye, looks about thirty years old, he was born in the Minato Mansion, he is the second in command of the dog monster navy, the first transaction is his own father, a nobleman among the nobles, his status is higher than Starting a battle with the Beast Mansion is even higher.

The navy is the most important military force of the dog monster clan. Because it is an island, it is good at fighting at sea, which is extremely important to the dog realm.

Kaguya is nearly 2 meters tall, very burly, because he is a strong monster, his appearance will not be bad, but he has been training at sea all year round, his skin is extremely dark from the sun, and he has a pair of blue eyes like the sea, which is particularly eye-catching , if it was normal, he would be a top-notch handsome man, but at this moment, his eyebrows were raised, his eyes were frightening, no matter how handsome he looked, he looked evil.

Yumo was petite, compared to him, she was like a chicken standing in front of a Tibetan mastiff, but she still walked out bravely.

Mei Luo is not around, and there is no one around who can order them, so she can only rely on herself to save herself.

"This general..." She remembered that all the dog monsters with the rank of general had a silver dog logo on the left arm of their armor.

Huiye heard that, and looked sideways at her, his eyes filled with hatred. During that catastrophe, his youngest brother was crushed by the collapsed building while playing outside, and the bones in his legs were broken, and he became disabled. He was only 50 years old and had no how long.

He loved this little brother very much, and when he remembered that he could no longer walk and could only sit in a wheelchair, his inner anger burst out immediately, and he drew out the sword on his waist and pointed it at Yu Mo.

All the guards present have seen Yumo's face when she was in ecstasy. Although she is not in ecstasy at the moment, that face is a nightmare in their subconscious mind. They didn't dare to get too close to her at first, and they were all wary of her, but Being brave in words, they didn't dare to meet with swords. When she came over, they all retreated subconsciously. At this moment, Hui Ye drew his swords to face each other, giving them a backbone and support, and they became more courageous, and took out their weapons one after another.

The days are long and the nights are short in the Dogland. As evening approaches, the sun is still shining, and the light is reflected by the weapons, piercing Yu Mo's eyes.

"General Hui Ye..." Mu Xiang ran in front of Yu Mo and opened her arms to block it, "Miss is Wang's beloved, you can't mess around."

Her feet were trembling when she spoke, and it was the first time she faced so many guards, all of them had hideous faces, but in order to protect Yu Mo, she went all out.

"Go away!" Kaguya's dark and handsome face was stained red by anger, as if he had been sunburned after staying in the sun for a long time, the black was rosy.

"How can you, a little maid, have the right to talk to our general? If you don't go down, if you dare to block the way, you will be killed."

"If you dare to touch a hair of the lady, the king will not let you go."

A guard behind Hui Ye roared, "The king is the master of wisdom, how could he be fooled by this witch."

"Miss is not a bad person!"

"She killed thousands of people of our family, she is a treacherous and evil person, she is the incarnation of the devil." Someone screamed in the guard group with a hanging voice.

"My sister is not a bad person, that's what Bai Yu did, my sister was just poisoned." Duoji twisted his body, trying to hug Yumo.

"Shut up, you mouse demon is not a good thing either, you are the same as her."

With a slap, a slap was slammed on Duoji's face, and it immediately swelled up.

Duoji let out a sound, spat out blood foam, and glared fiercely at the person who beat him, "You are not allowed to speak ill of my sister."

"Stinky rat demon, you dare to talk stubbornly." He waved his hand again as he spoke.

"Stop!" Yumo yelled angrily.

When everyone saw her angry, their faces turned blue, only Hui Ye was full of anger.

"Demon girl, why don't you catch her without a fight?"

"Let Dorji go!"

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Yes, yes!" Many guards echoed.

Yumo looked around them, Duoji had never done anything wrong to them, but because of his relationship with her, he became their punching bag, no one was willing to help him, and tried to torment him.

These people were obviously afraid of her, but because of Hui Ye's attack, they all became his followers, this kind of herd mentality, she despises the most.

"Come at me if you have something to do. If you want to beat or kill, I will leave you alone, but Duoji is not wrong at all. He just said a few words for me. Do you need to beat him until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen? You are bullying the weak!"

"Sister, don't worry about me, run away quickly!"

This sentence reminded Yumo, and he immediately called out Bixi, asking him to save Duoji.

Although Bi Xi had no fighting power, after being invisible, no one could see him, and he dragged Dorji back in two or three strokes.

"The witch is doing something wrong!"

The method of invisibility is not even for the big demon, this action made the guards who were already afraid of her subconsciously panic.

Bi Xi released her invisibility and returned to Yu Mo, "Girl, these monsters are not good, let's go back to Penglai Island."

"I'm not going back!"

"Ah? Don't go back? Then what are you going to do? Will you be killed after being scolded by them?"

Yu Mo raised his head, took a deep breath, and fisted with both hands, "I have been evading for a long time, and I can no longer evade."

She had an ostrich mentality before, thinking that she could avoid these things by hiding, and kept a little luck, but she was actually afraid of facing them, but now she can no longer escape, the more she escapes, the deeper the hatred will become A knot that can never be untied.

I thought I could use the Xuewu Sword to reconcile this matter, but now I'm afraid it's useless.

They already knew about the rebirth formation, even if she got the Xuewu Sword, as long as she was unwilling to use the rebirth formation to save the dead, she would still be a cold-blooded and heartless person in their hearts.

She regretted bringing Dorji back. If she knew that this would happen, she would definitely keep him in Sirius Land.

"But girl..."

"Bixi, you don't have to worry about me, they won't act rashly now, they are afraid of me."

It was obvious from their expressions that there was hatred and fear in their eyes.

"elder sister……"

Bi Xi untied the rope that bound Duoji's body, and after he was free, he rushed to her immediately.

"Duoji, listen well, no matter what happens later, don't worry about it, just hide in the demon refining pot and don't come out."

"I do not want!"

"No, no, you are not allowed to be disobedient at this time, if you refuse, I will not want you!"

"Sister!" Duoji tightened her skirt, afraid that she really didn't want him anymore, but he didn't understand why he hid in the demon refining pot, "Sister, we have a rebirth array, we can save those Those who died, as long as they are resurrected, these people will not scold my sister anymore."

"Things are not that simple..."

"It's not easy anymore, as long as..."

"Duoji!" Yu Mo turned cold, grabbed his shoulder and shouted, "Don't mention the rebirth array again."

"But..." Duoji was very confused, obviously he could use the rebirth array to solve the problem, why didn't she do it.

"Azhu, Taotie, come out!" Yu Mo pulled him back.

As soon as they heard her calling, Taotie and Zhulong immediately came out of the demon refining pot.

In fact, they already knew what was going on outside in the demon refining pot, but if Yu Mo didn't call them out, they would come out rashly, fearing that something bad would happen.

As soon as Taotie and Zhulong appeared, all the guards in front of them showed fear.

The two beasts in their eyes are not what Yu Mo saw, but real ancient beasts.

"Gaotie, let the demon refining pot protect Duoji."

"it is good!"

"Sister, I don't want it!"

Taotie didn't care whether he wanted it or not, and directly threw him into the demon refining pot.

After Duoji went in, he wanted to come out, but the demon refining pot blocked the entrance and exit, so he could only beat the enchantment in the demon refining pot.

"Girl, what are you going to do? As long as you tell me, I will do it." Tao Tie raised his head and stared at the group of people in front of him. In his eyes, these dog monsters were vulnerable.

Zhulong has released a protective barrier to surround Yumo. There is nothing to be afraid of with bright swords and spears, but she is afraid of hidden arrows. She suffered this crime last time on Mount Xumi.

Kaguya didn't retreat, but the people behind all retreated, leaving a space in the middle, making him stand out even more.

Yu Mo took a step forward, bowed and said, "General Hui Ye, I won't deny my fault, but please hold your hands high and don't play Duoji's idea."

"He just said that he is the reincarnation of Nuwashi, and he told us that as long as you gather all the Shennong Cauldron, Demon Refining Pot, and Nuwashi, you can create a rebirth formation and bring back all the people you killed."

"No such thing." She firmly denied.

"No?" Hui Ye didn't believe it at first, but under the torture, Dorje couldn't lie, and his physique was amazing. Regardless of the whip or the stick, after the wound appeared, it would slowly heal after a while.

He had never seen such a physique before, so he believed that he was the reincarnation of Nuwashi.

In the world, only Nuwa stone has such repairing power.

"Yes, absolutely not. He was just worried that I would be killed by you, and he was talking nonsense."

Hui Ye frowned, but felt that Yu Mo's reaction was a bit suspicious.

"You let the mouse demon come out to confront."

"It's not necessary!" Yu Mo sternly refused.

Duoji didn't know the price of the rebirth formation, and if he came out, he would only confirm the fact of the rebirth formation.

Hui Ye was very shrewd, he would not give up just because of her refusal, and said: "Whether there is, it will be clear if you show it."

Yu Mo was startled, her face turned pale.

Shake it off?
He said it lightly, but he didn't know that Dorji would be turned into a stone because of it.

"I'll say it again, it's not necessary!"

"Then you are lying and concealing it on purpose. You witch is too vicious, and you will not use any means to save people."

Yu Mo was forced to blush, "How can the dead come back to life?"

"Then why did he say a rebirth formation for no reason?"

She was speechless.

"General, this witch is definitely not willing to save her!"


"She wants to destroy our dog demon clan."

"The king is bewildered by her."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yu Mo could only think of one sentence—a dog barking in the shape of a hundred dogs barking, even if there was nothing wrong with it, they would be firmly convinced by this group of people.

"General Hui Ye, Elder Cangwu, and Wang have all gone to patrol the border, and they won't be back in a short time. This is a good time for us to kill this demon girl and snatch her artifact."

Fear and hatred occupied their minds, they didn't have time to delve into the issue that the artifact could only be commanded by the master, they just wanted to resurrect the dead clansmen.

Hui Ye said: "Demon girl, if there is a rebirth array, the sins you committed can be written off, why don't you use it."

"I said there is no rebirth array!"

"General, she wants our family to be exterminated."

Although Huiye really wanted to kill her to avenge his younger brother, the matter of resurrecting the tribe was more important.

"The witch..."

"You keep calling me a witch, how can you have any sympathy for a witch?"

"You..." Hui Ye was annoyed.

"I'll say it again for the last time. There is no rebirth formation. This is a non-existent thing. You don't have to think about it." She knew that saying this would make her more vicious in the hearts of the dog monsters, but there was no way, she couldn't bear it.

"Don't be stubborn!"

Yu Mo looked directly at him, with clear eyes, determined.

"Okay, since you are ruthless, don't blame us for doing it."

"I said, if you want to beat, scold, or kill, it's up to you."



Both Mu Xiang and Tao Tie were in a hurry.

"Don't come here, this is between me and them."

"Girl, you are crazy, they will really kill you."

"I said, don't come here, and don't do anything! Otherwise, I don't want you anymore."

This threat actually has no influence in Taotie's ears. The contract of summoning beasts is not something she can just give up if she wants to.

no way!

"I don't allow you to act recklessly!" He grabbed the huge sword that Zhulong transformed into and rushed in front of her.


"You bastards, if you dare to bully my master, I will crush you to ashes."

Taotie is an ancient ferocious beast, how could this group of guards be able to stop it with force, all the guards retreated in an instant.

Hui Ye still stood at the front, "Then let me experience the power of the beast."

He wasn't brainless, but he was desperately trying not to back down.

Seeing how heroic he was, the crowd felt ashamed of their retreat, and the brave ones rushed forward.

"We have many people, don't be afraid!"

"Haha, don't be afraid, I will let you know what it means to be afraid later."

"Gao Tie!" Yu Mo reached out and grabbed his fur.

"Girl, you step back."

"I said... ah!"

While talking, someone made a sneak attack and shot an arrow over. Fortunately, the protective barrier of the candle dragon blocked it, but Yu Mo was still taken aback.

"Which bastard did it?" Tao Tie was furious, and swung his giant knife to chop it down.

Yu Mo immediately blocked in front of him, and he quickly stopped.

"Girl, get out of the way!"

"You and I have already killed many of their relatives and companions, and we can't kill any more."


"I said, I can solve it myself."

"How do you solve it?"

At this moment, Hui Yekuang charged over violently.

The barrier is very strong, blocking his sword, but he is a big monster, and the barrier has cracks. It's not that the candle dragon is not strong enough, but most of its monster power is on the huge sword of the incarnation.

Kaguya slashed again, and the barrier shattered in an instant, like falling glass, and the shards flew.

"Girl, be careful!"

Zhulong hastily released another barrier to protect Yu Mo, but Yu Mo had already been captured by Hui Ye, only three inches away from the sword.

That's too late.

With a clang, the sword collided with each other, sparks were wiped out.

Yu Mo raised his head and said in surprise, "King Li?"

"Back!" Li Wang led her to jump back a few steps.

"Where did you go just now? I didn't ask you to save Duoji."

"I went, but he was not in the prison where the spies were held. He was taken to the Shuimen Mansion. I can't enter that place."

The Water Gate Mansion is a land of nobility, even if he is a royal, he still needs to apply for it, and Dorje was taken to the Water Gate Mansion in secret. He spent a lot of time inquiring about it, but the speed of others is still the same. One step faster than him.

"How did you get in?" Didn't he not enter the enchantment symbol in the bedroom area?
"Of course someone helped me."



Just as she was about to ask, Shu Du rushed in.

It's a pity that Yu Mo didn't recognize it, because Shu Du's face was painted, all of which were beaten by needle feathers, and it's still swollen up to now.

As soon as he knew that something had happened to Dorji, he came to the dog realm. His appearance was so miserable that no one could recognize him, and there was no big commotion. He knew that something was going to happen to Yumo, so he hurried in.

Shu has the Haotian Tower, and the enchantment is useless to him, which is why King Li rescued Yu Mo. will end at the end of December, it seems impossible.

  I miscalculated the number, 100 million words is over, but I am not ten thousand, hahaha.


(End of this chapter)

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