The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 417 Part 183 Chaos Adds More Chaos

Chapter 417 Part 183 Chaos on top of chaos

Dog border.

Mei Luo stands on the edge of the sea, looking from here, there is an invincible sea view, the setting sun is about to set, and it is reflected in the sea, glowing red, the dusk by the sea is like a cup of black tea in the afternoon, the leisurely taste will make The nerves are completely relaxed, and you will feel extremely comfortable from head to toe.

The few civilians of the dog monster tribe live here, and most of them live by catching fresh fish in the sea, so there are many fishing boats on the sea, and there is a small town under the sea, which is not big, but very elegant. White light, the streets are lined with houses made of white sand, and the border guards of the dog monsters are not far from the town. Because there are many soldiers, there are several taverns in the town. At night, the soldiers of the guards will be there Here to spend the evening time, the white houses and the sapphire blue sea under the cliff echo each other, looking very harmonious.

When the sun changes from glaring to golden as it sets, and then from golden to orange, it falls into the sea bit by bit like a round of fireballs. At this moment, the town becomes particularly warm with the soft light. The most beautiful moment.

Under such beautiful scenery, Mei Luo couldn't help but think of Yu Mo.

This place is very similar to the Greece she always wanted to go to, so she should like it.

He came here in the afternoon, first to inspect military affairs, but to stabilize the hearts of the people. After the catastrophe, many monsters who were good at naval warfare were monitoring the dog territory near the sea area. Although the team tried to drive them away, the strength of the dog monsters was severely damaged at that time, and more than half of the army left to support the severely damaged center of the dog environment. After the reinforcements arrived, the tense situation here eased.

The guard team is in charge of the Watergate Mansion, and it is divided into four teams: red, yellow, and blue. Among them, the red dog guard team is the highest level. They guard here all the year round and have worked hard. It is the first strike team, and they have cooperated with each other for a long time, regardless of each other.

When he came, the general of the Red Dogs, Hui Ye Xiumu, was returning home. He was picked up by the deputy general, Hui Ling. The two were brothers, and Hui Ye was the eldest. In time, only the outposts at sea were left without inspection.

But it was almost dark at this time, and I couldn't see anything when I went there, so I had to wait until tomorrow.

"Agaric, ready to go back to the palace."


Mei Luo walked down the stairs slowly, walked for a while and entered the base camp of the guards.

The base camp is hidden behind a huge cliff. There will be two exits in Yanai, one leading to the sea and the other inland. About 150 ships are parked, and [-] boatmen stay in Yanai to overhaul the ships every day.

Going a little further in is the military headquarters of the base camp, and Hui Ling has already greeted him at the door.

He bowed respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, are you going back?"

"Well, it's getting late, come back tomorrow." If it was before, he would definitely stay overnight, so as not to waste time going back and forth, but with Yu Mo here, he couldn't bear her to stay in the palace alone.

There was a left envoy beside Hui Ling, and when he heard that he was going back, he secretly blinked at Hui Ling.

After Hui Ling glanced at it, he bowed again and said, "The king has just recovered from his serious illness, so it's too tiring to go back and forth. It's better to stay here. I have a jar of fine wine. Today is the best time to open it. I'm just worried that I can't find a drink together." Ming people."

"I stopped drinking, and I still haven't read some playbooks at night."

The fungus puts on the wind robe hanging on the elbow, and puts it on for Mei Luo. Others don't know his mind, but he knows it, and secretly smiles in his heart.

Fine wine is good, but it is no match for a beautiful woman in her arms.

"Wang, this fine wine is rare in a hundred years."

"Since it's rare, you don't need to share it with me. It's the same with those in the army. Those who have made meritorious work are more worthy of enjoying!"

Hui Ling's words were exhausted, she pursed her lips and frowned.

He obviously wanted to prevent Mei Luo from going back, because the left envoy brought the letter from home just now, knowing that his elder brother had broken into the palace to capture the demon girl, and he had to avenge his younger brother, if Mei Luo were to go back at this time, he would The eldest brother will be severely punished.

"What's the matter, I don't drink, you are not happy."

"No, I... I'm just worried about the king's health."

"Worried about my body, and let me drink?"


"Okay, it's late today, tomorrow, you won't drink up a jar of wine tonight, will you?"

"The minister is guarding the border, how can he drink too much?" If he dared to say that he had finished drinking, it would be dereliction of duty.

"That's right, leave some for me tomorrow."

After saying that, Mei Luo walked out the door.

The left envoy said anxiously, "General, what should we do?"

"You ask me, I'll ask who to go to, and you don't tell me about it quickly. Now that it's all over, I can't even make up a reason."

"My lord's biography has just arrived, I will tell you when I see it." The lord he was talking about was the head of the Shuimen Mansion, the father of Hui Ling and Hui Ye.

"Brother is really, how can you be so reckless, no, this matter must not be done, or you have to cut it first and then play it. You go to the side door and let Xiu Yuan find a way to hold the king."

Huiling and Huiye have a very good relationship, and they have many younger siblings, but the nobles are extremely defensive, even if they make mistakes, they will protect them.

"I'm going right now!"

"Wait..." Hui Ling held him back, "Tell Xiu Yuan not to be in a hurry, don't let the king see the clue."

"Understood, then... Your Excellency intends to..."

"Drag a stick of incense, I have my own way." He already had an idea.


When Mei Luo went outside, he ran into Xiu Yuan, who was Hui Ye's left envoy and military advisor.

Huiling's left envoy arrived a step earlier from the side door, and had conveyed Huiling's order.

Both are left-hand envoys, but it is obvious that Kaguya's left-hand envoy is much smarter, he is not in a hurry, and his tone is relaxed, "King, you are well."

"It's Xiu Yuan, came back from the sentry post?"

"Yes, it's a coincidence that I saw the king as soon as I came back. I have something to say to the king!"

"Oh, but it's about the outpost?" Mei Luo stopped in her tracks. The outpost is the most important thing on the border, and there must be no loss.

"Exactly, the wind and waves at sea are so strong that the sentry post will inevitably be affected by the beating. Due to the humidity, the foundation is a little loose."

"Why didn't anyone talk about this during the day!"

If the foundation is loose, it means that it will fall at any time. Without the sentry post, if there are foreign enemies to attack, who will send the message.

"Wang is angry, I just found some traces, a little repair should be fine."

Mei Luo frowned, thinking that there was something wrong with the outpost, the desire to go back weakened.

At this time, the Military Division suddenly burst into a commotion, as if many people were making noise.

"What's the matter? Fungus, go and have a look!"


As soon as the fungus stepped out, Hui Ling came out with a group of soldiers.

"Wang, look, you want to leave, but they won't let you stay and drink."

"See King!"

These soldiers and officers are all close friends of the Water Gate Mansion, and they will do what Hui Ling says, but Hui Ling didn't tell the truth, so he sighed a few words in front of them, saying that he wanted to invite the king to drink, but he couldn't open his mouth. , when everyone heard it, they felt that there was something hard to say. He couldn't speak, so let's speak together.

So many people came here just for the sake of drinking, so Mei Luo was too embarrassed to refuse, and with the matter of the sentry, he couldn't go away, thinking about going back later, maybe Yumo wished he didn't go back. .

That's good too, so that he doesn't know how to control himself.

Seeing that he was willing to stay, Hui Ling was relieved, but he forgot one thing.

Cang Wu went back one step ahead of time. He and Mei Luo came together, but they didn't stay long, it was just a routine inspection. Since Mei Luo came in person, he didn't have to do it for him. His injury hasn't healed yet. I have to go back and find Bujie for medicine.

In the palace, Hui Ye was still confronting Yu Mo and the others, but Yu Mo had two more powerful backups. If they really wanted to fight, she would definitely win.

The reason why she let Hui Ye yell and kill without any resistance was because she wanted to make the big trouble small and not make it too ugly, thinking that they were all Mei Luo's people, no matter how much she hated her, she didn't dare to kill her first, but obviously she wanted to Wrong, apart from family feud, Hui Ye also has family hatred, and is also the brain of a warrior. He thinks that he has a brilliant record and meritorious service in defending the border. Even if he kills Wang's beloved concubine, he will suffer a little bit of flesh and blood. What's more, he has the support of the entire Shuimen Mansion behind him, so he is full of confidence.

Unfortunately, Mei Luo was not around at this time, so she had no other choice but to bear it.

"Li Wang, wolf demon king, this is a matter of the dog demon clan, and has nothing to do with you." Facing Shu Du and Li Wang, Hui Ye did not back down.

Shu Du said, "Who said it's irrelevant, silently cured Le Xian's illness, he is the benefactor of my wolf monster clan, if you bully my benefactor, how can I not help?"

Hui Ye was stunned, he hadn't thought about this, and looked at King Li again, "The wolf demon king has a favor to repay, so why should King Li get involved."

"Hehe, the general doesn't know something. Momo is the benefactor of the wolf demon king, and also belongs to this king. She is even more benevolent. She saved this king! She saved it under Bai Yu's nose."

Hui Ye was stunned, and looked back at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo said: "Don't look at it, what they said is true."

It's kind, but it paid off after all.

She rescued Lexian, Shudu also protected her, and accompanied her to Penglai Island. She even ate several of Liwang's Fire Demon Fruit. I told her about detoxification.

In this way, she owed them in turn.

"Demon girl, you have even confused the wolf demon king and Li king."

What she said has become Su Daji.

"Don't talk nonsense, what is confusing, we are in normal contact." She blushed.

Li Wang felt that this was not a mistake, but a delusion, so deceptive that her heart was all hers.

"I said, do you want to fight or not? If you want to fight, hurry up." Shu Du yelled, if Yumo didn't allow them to act rashly, he would have taken this stinky dog ​​with Haotian Tower.

What else could Kaguya say at this time, no matter what, they wouldn't let them go, so they had to force it.

"Come on, brothers, catch this witch first, and swear to use her blood to worship the undead."

"Yes, General!"

The crowd is moving, and once incited, few people can stay awake.

"Momo, back off, here we come." Shu Du stood in front of her.

Yumo won't be stupid anymore, if she doesn't do anything, she will die. She has said what she should have said before, and she is so angry when they point her nose at the witch and scold her, but her life is to be saved, and the lives of these people are also To protect.

If one dies, the enmity will be even deeper.

"Be gentle, don't kill anyone."


Both Li Wang and Shu understood her concerns. If they wanted to make a big move, they would make a surprise attack when they appeared on the stage before.

"I'm going too..."

"You don't allow it!"

Yumo stops Taotie, it is a fierce beast, and it doesn't matter what happens when it strikes.

"That kid scolded you for a long time, and I'm going to tear his mouth off." He endured it for a long time.

Bi Xi said: "Yes, tear off this kid's mouth, and then throw it to Lao Tzu to crush!"

Zhulong didn't express his opinion, but his expression was that of sharpening his knife, obviously agreeing.

"Don't make trouble, listen to me, back off!"

"You should let them know how powerful you are!" Taotie said unwillingly.

"They already know very well that I'm good, so there's no need to add bricks and tiles."

Most of the entire dog world was destroyed by her, and their fear of her had already penetrated into their bone marrow. If it wasn't for Hui Ye, they wouldn't be so reckless.

"Girl, you are too cowardly." Taotie roared.

Yumo yelled back, "It's better to be a nuisance than to cause trouble. Killing him is of no use. It's just adding one more undead. What I want is peaceful coexistence!"

She and Mei Luo being together is not just a matter of two people, it is related to the unity and stability of the entire dog monster clan. They can be hot-headed, but she can't. There must be one of the two parties who is sober, otherwise it will cause more trouble. Big curse.

Shu Du and Li Wang had already fought with Hui Ye's men and horses. After hearing Yu Mo's words, their moves were only to subdue them, not to kill or hurt them. The main method was to stun them.

Hui Ye has an extraordinary team leader ability, which was honed in the war. He quickly changed from panic to calmness, and played the general's ability to face Li Wang Shu in an orderly manner.

Because they can't make ruthless moves, they can't release too much monster power, and they have to use physical strength to make up for it. There are many of them, so it is not easy to fight.

"Brothers, listen to my orders and adopt siege tactics!"

"Yes, General!"

Both Shudu and Li Wang felt that Huiye was a difficult master, and he had to be killed first. As long as he was gone, that group of people would be a mob and a mess, but they underestimated the fighting ability of the dog monster clan. They are all elite soldiers, with a lot of experience in front of the battle. It is useless if they are disrupted or scattered. With Kaguya as the center, they are very courageous in defense and attack.

"This is really endless!?" Shu Du knocked out the vanguard and was entangled by the ambushing people.

What's interesting is that these people didn't dare to hurt Shudu. He had a special identity, and behind him was the entire wolf monster clan. If he was injured, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the wolf monster clan.

Li Wang is the same, he is an ally, even if he is injured.

Therefore, this frame cannot rely on brute force, but on outsmarting.

Yu Mo stood in a safe place, although he knew that he would not bleed, he was still sweating in his palms.

In fact, she just wanted to stall for time until Mei Luo came back, but it had been a long time and it was getting dark, and he still hadn't come back, so she was in a hurry.

On the other side, after Cang Wu came back, he didn't notice anything unusual, so he went directly to Bu Jie's mansion. He asked Bu Jie to ask Yumo about borrowing the Shennong Ding, but Bu Jie was still hesitant, so he urged him in the name of Shangyao.

After being nagged by him for an hour, Bu Jie couldn't take it anymore, so he could only agree, and in a hurry, he planned to see Yu Mo immediately, but when he entered the palace, he found something was wrong, and immediately notified Cang Wu who was waiting in his mansion.

The two hurried over.

"What are you doing!?"

Bu Jie rushed in from the door and yelled at the two parties.

Hui Ye didn't know that Bu Jie and Cang Wu were on Yu Mo's side, so he immediately said, "Master Bu Jie, Elder Cang Wu, you came just in time, this witch is back."

Bu Jie scolded: "What witch, this girl saved your king, she was the one who cured Mei Luo's poison!"


Hui Ye was stunned, but quickly realized, "Didn't the demon girl also hurt the king? If she didn't hurt the king, how could the king be poisoned again? She should have saved the king."

He was so thorough that he decided that Yu Mo was a witch, and it was difficult to change his mind.

Cangwu didn't expect Yumo to be exposed so soon. He planned to solve the wisteria issue, and then try to ease the hatred of the ethnic group towards her, but now it is impossible.

"General Hui Ye, you should guard the border, how can you come back without authorization."

"I'm taking a rest today. I heard that the demon girl is back, so I came here to arrest her."

"Arrest? Who gave you the order!"

"The demon girl destroys my dog's realm and hurts my people. Everyone can punish her. Why do you need to order her?"

"Absurd, whether to arrest or not is up to the king."

"The king has already been confused by this demon girl."

Cang Wu cast a cold look, "Are you talking about Wang being fatuous?"

He played a trick and directly put Hui Ye in.

"Chen...Chen...don't dare!"

Dare to say that the king is fatuous, that is disobedience.

"If it's not, then back off!"

"Elder, why did I arrest this girl for one reason?"


Yu Mo's heart shook, knowing what he wanted to say.

"No, he did it on purpose."

Kaguya was not affected by her, "Elder, it's the rebirth formation."

Yu Mo's face turned pale, besides Mei Luo, the last thing she wanted was to let Cang Wu know.

He is a person who thinks wholeheartedly about the ethnic group.

What a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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