The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 418 Part 1841 Sweet Pastry

Chapter 418 Part 184 A Sweet Pastry
rebirth formation...

Hearing this, Cang Wu frowned and looked at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo's heart was beating wildly, and he clenched his fists tightly. If he suddenly made things difficult for her, the situation would probably end in one side.

No, she will not hand over Dorji even if she dies.

Li Wang had wondered what Huiye meant by the rebirth formation before, but he had to deal with him urgently, so he didn't ask Yu Mo carefully. Now seeing Cang Wu staring at Yu Mo with a serious expression, he had a bad feeling in his heart , moved back a few steps.

Shu Du belongs to the charge and trap formation, has an impatient temper, and gets excited when encountering a fight, and has no time to care about the rebirth formation.

After Bu Jie heard the words "Rebirth Formation", he always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but couldn't remember, so he asked Cang Wu, "What is Rebirth Formation?"

Hui Ye replied, "My lord, the rebirth formation is a formation formed by the three artifacts of the Shennong Ding, the Demon Refining Pot, and the Nuwa Stone, which can bring the dead back to life."

"What!?" Bu Jie was startled, and his eyes turned to Yu Mo.

Hui Ye said again: "That rat demon is the reincarnation of Nuwashi."

"You said Dorje is a Nuwa stone!?" Bu Jie obviously didn't believe it, "How did you hear that!?"

The spies sent by Cangwu didn't know about the Nuwa stone. Although Duoji's appearance had changed, it was absolutely impossible to tell that it was the reincarnation of the artifact. After knowing that Dorji will be sacrificed in the rebirth formation, he strictly guards against the fact that he is a divine weapon, and keeps this secret all the time, so Cang Wu, Li Wang and others don't know about it.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Duoji himself slipped his mouth.

"The mouse demon said it himself."

"Do you believe what he says?" Bu Jie thinks that this is absolutely impossible, and he has never heard of an artifact that can be reincarnated into a human being.

"If you don't believe me, let the demon girl call out the mouse demon to confront."

Bu Jie thinks it's okay to confirm.

"Girl, where is Dorje?"

"He's not in now!"

"She lied, that mouse demon got into the demon refining pot." Hui Ye pointed his sword at the necklace around Yu Mo's neck.

Yu Mo held the demon refining pot, still refusing to admit it.

Bu Jie doesn't understand why she hides it. If Duoji is really a nuwa stone, and he can put on such a rebirth formation, it is definitely a good thing. As long as the person killed by her can be resurrected, the grievances can be written off. Well, when Mei Luo wants to marry her, for the sake of the three artifacts, no one will disagree.

"Cangwu, what do you think about this? Do you know this rebirth formation?"

"I know! But it's just the records in ancient books, it's not enough to believe..." He turned his eyes slightly, and withdrew from Yu Mo. Whether Dorje is a Nuwa stone, it is not appropriate to be serious at this time, it is better to rule out the immediate crisis first. , he bowed his head and whispered in Bu Jie's ear, "My lord, find a chance to leave and inform the king."

Bu Jie took a peek at Kaguya, and nodded understandingly.

Cang Wu walked in front of Hui Ye, "General, please step back."

"My lord, the demon girl is here!" The enemy is right in front of her eyes, how can she just let it go.

"I'll say it again, back off!"

Hui Ye refused to accept, and glared at Yu Mo fiercely, "If this woman is not eliminated, it will be difficult to eliminate our hatred."

"Whether she is a demon girl, whether she will harm our family, after the king returns, I can judge for myself. On the contrary, it is a general who breaks into the king's bedroom without permission, what crime should I have!"

Hearing this, no matter how stupid Hui Ye was, he understood which side Cang Wu was on.

"Elder, why did you help that witch?"

Cang Wu slashed down with his palm, and the demonic aura blasted the ground into flying sand and rocks. Hui Ye didn't expect him to make a sudden attack, and was almost chopped, but luckily he reacted quickly to avoid it.

"Elder, you..."

"Don't blame me for being stubborn." Cang Wu directly made a move and started a fight with Hui Ye.

Bu Jie took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on Cang Wu and Hui Ye, so he quickly put oil on his feet and ran away to find Mei Luo.

Mei Luo at the border was drinking with the soldiers, doing fresh water and land, socializing and socializing, and it was extremely lively. In order to save time, Bu Jie flew over on a Tuntian dog, and when he arrived at the military headquarters, he rushed in directly. Fearing that the news in the palace would leak out, he had already sent someone to guard the door, but he was Uncle Wang, who would dare to stop him, he drove straight in and saw Mei Luo without hindrance.

Hearing that Yu Mo was in danger, Mei Luo crushed the wine glass in her hand, and her golden eyes pierced Hui Ling opposite her like sharp knives.

No wonder he was kept drinking, it turned out to be a deliberate delay.

He was in a hurry to save Yumo, and he didn't dare to delay, but he smashed the general Sibu with demon power in a way that destroyed the world, and Huiling was powerless to stop him, so he was slapped, and after Meiluo left, he spat out Blood.


"Nothing!" He wiped his mouth and said to Zuo Shi, "Quick, send the letter back, brother is in danger."


Before the bedchamber.

When Yu Mo understood that Cang Wu was on her side, half of the tension in her heart disappeared, but she knew that Cang Wu would help her, but she didn't want to make things worse. When this matter was over, he would definitely ask about rebirth Array thing.

She was thinking about how to send Dorje back to Penglai Island safely. Although Bixi has no combat power, but the ability to set up barriers is so strong that Taotie can't untie it. As long as he gets there, Dorji will be safe. Xie can escape as far as possible with Duoji.

On the other side, Cang Wu has already suppressed Hui Ye. Although Hui Ye is brave and good at fighting, he is still young, so he cannot be the opponent of Cang Wu, the old ginger. If you think you have done something wrong, insist on fighting him to the end.

Cang Wu really wanted to teach him a lesson, but he is the son of the head of the clan of the Shuimen Mansion, and with the backing of the Shuimen Mansion, he would look at the Buddha's face even if he didn't look at the monk's face. What's more, he has made great achievements in guarding the border, and he has never made any mistakes in the past. He broke into this place to capture Yu Mo. It is not a big mistake to get to the bottom of it. If other nobles find out, they will only think that he did the right thing. Hurting him is tantamount to hurting the hearts of the whole family, so we can only expel him, and we must not hurt him at all.

King Li and Shu have already dealt with more than half of his soldiers, and the situation has turned one-sided, but as long as Hui Ye does not fall, those troops will not retreat.

After another hour of stalemate, Mei Luo finally arrived, and before she landed, she yelled at everyone to stop.

As soon as Yu Mo heard his voice, the nerves that had been tense for several hours finally relaxed, his legs went limp for a moment, he couldn't stand firmly, and fell down.

As soon as Mei Luo came back, she judged whether she was safe or not, and when she saw that she was about to fall, she immediately flew down and hugged her.

"Momo, are you hurt?"

"No, no! Just come back!" She had reached her limit, and if he didn't come back, she would really be unable to hold on.

"King!" Hui Ye shouted, got away from the chaotic fight with Cang Wu, and knelt down in front of him.

Mei Luo was relieved that Yu Mo was fine, turned her head and the cold breath spread, Cang Wu didn't dare to hurt him, but he was fearless, raised his foot and kicked hard.

Kaguya took it abruptly, his shoulder blades couldn't bear the weight of the foot, and it was broken. He grunted, but he didn't fall down.

"Who gave you the courage to break into my bedroom? And who gave you the order to wield swords here?"

"My lord, I'm here to capture the demon girl."

If he is not blind, he is deliberately not looking, because Yu Mo is being held tightly in Mei Luo's arms at the moment.

"Where is the witch?"

"Just now..." Hui Ye took a painful breath, and looked at Yu Mo with hatred.

Yumo felt that this person was tough enough, her face turned pale from the pain, but she still refused to let her go, she usually softens her heart easily, and knew that it was not his fault, but as long as she thought of Duoji, she hardened her heart, Will not plead for him.

She clutched Mei Luo's skirt tightly, and all she could smell was his scent, which made her feel at ease.

"You want to say that she in my arms is a witch?"

Kaguya took another breath, nodded stiffly, "Exactly!"

With a bang, Mei Luo kicked her up again, "If you dare to curse her again, I'll cut off your hands!"

This moment is when his anger boils to its peak. He was at the border when Yumo suffered. If no one sent the letter to Bu Jie, he might not know what happened here until he came back tomorrow night. As long as he thinks of Yumo, he will When he is in danger, he can't restrain his temper, even if Cang Wu keeps gesturing to him with winks.

As a king, he should deal with everything calmly. He knows this better than anyone else, but as long as Yumo is involved, he can't calm down. He understands Cangwu's meaning very well. Huiye is not an ordinary soldier. The future heir of the Watergate Mansion.The most valiant and combative navy of the dog monster tribe all come from the Water Gate Mansion. The monster tribe in the mountain and sea world does not have the so-called crime of overpowering the master. The stronger the courtiers, the happier the king will be. I wish they could be stronger and make him less worried. If it was anything else, no matter how much trouble Hui Ye made, he could turn a blind eye to it, but this was not the case. He had to make Hui Ye understand that Yu Mo was not someone they could bully.

"My lord, is it wrong for me to take revenge when the demon girl killed my people?"

Cangwu really wanted to kick Kaguya to death at this moment, forget about it, Suwen heard that he was upright, he used to think it was a good thing, but now he thinks that this is not upright, it is dull, he knows how to go to the end, he can't even make a turn, If he continues to push like this, Mei Luo will really kill him.

"Wang, General Hui Ye is also in a hurry, it's definitely not on purpose."

"It's not intentional!" He actually gave him a step down, but he didn't understand.

Hui Ye didn't understand, but Cang Wu definitely understood, he was worried that there would be movement in the Water Gate Mansion right now.

Sure enough, a group of people rushed out of the barrier destroyed by the capital of Shu.

"King, please listen to this old man!"

The person who came was none other than the head of the Shuimen Mansion, Hui Ye's own father - Mastiff Meng.

Mastiff Meng's lifespan is the same as Cang Wu's, both are [-] years old, he can be regarded as the strongest monster among the strongest monsters, so he looks extremely young, not at all like Hui Ye's father, he is almost like a brother, especially When the two stand together, the sense of brotherhood is stronger, but he calls himself an old man, which makes people who don't know it feel extremely funny.

Mastiff bowed respectfully in front of Mei Luo, and said: "Your son is reckless, please don't blame the king, when I go back, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Mei Luo sneered, "This is really interesting, he has been making a fuss in front of the bedroom for a long time, but he didn't see you coming to teach him a lesson, now that I'm back, you're here!"

These words make it clear that even if the son is guilty, he is also guilty, plus the crime of asylum.

Mastiff knew that this young king was difficult to deal with. He had indeed known about Hui Ye's trespassing in the bedroom for a long time, but the reason for trespassing was to arrest the witch. His youngest son was injured by the witch and became disabled. He felt heartbroken when he thought of it, so after the people in the mansion saw the patrol team arresting Duoji on the street, he sent people into the palace to inquire about the news and vowed to kill the witch. To take revenge, in order to get the whereabouts of the demon girl, he used his connections and arrested Duoji in the mansion. He thought that the demon girl was in the Sirius Realm, but he never thought that she had been back for a long time. This act of trespassing in the palace came out of anger, and it happened that the king was not in the palace, which was an excellent opportunity for revenge, so he immediately notified Hui Ling, trying to delay the time for the king to return to the palace.

Who knew that so many Cheng Yaojin would come out, he glared secretly at Shudu and King Li, his eyes were cleverly concealed, but when he saw Yumo, his eyes were on fire, and he couldn't hide it.

Yumo keenly felt his hostility, she knew how much she had hurt them, she would not run away, as long as she didn't use the rebirth formation, she could pay back whatever she wanted.

"My lord, Huiye is also because of the deep brotherhood. I think my youngest son broke his legs in that catastrophe, and he is still unable to stand up. Wang's heart is soft, and he will be deceived by her again, so..."

"Shut up, he doesn't know, you should know, I want to make her queen, you agreed before."

He would agree, half of which was due to Bu Jie, and of course this was before the catastrophe happened.

"But... she hurt the king." This is the biggest sin.

"What's the matter? Even if she hurt me a thousand times, I won't change my love for her. On the contrary, you all shouted that she wants to be a witch, and that she is a scourge, forcing me to hide her. Now It got worse, and I came directly to insult you. I asked you Mastiff Meng, how did you become a courtier? You said she hurt me, but she also saved me. You said she killed a member of the dog monster clan. The treatment she did before was all fake, or did you all forget it!?"

If they wanted to settle accounts, he would settle with them, sum by sum.

He was really angry, and the anger that had been suppressed for a long time burst out in an instant.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Mastiff's forehead. In fact, they all knew that Yumo would hurt Mei Luo. It was definitely not intentional. It was caused by Bai Yu's poison. Happy, what should I do if I start the game?
This is one of them.

The second is that she killed too many members of the dog monster tribe. Although Bai Yu caused it, she was the one who did it, and they watched her do it. Bai Yu wanted to hate her, and they couldn't ignore her existence. Coupled with Bai Fang's instigation, most of the nobles joined the team to boycott Yu Mo.

The third is that she is human.

This is by no means convincing to them.

In fact, before Hui Ye came, he was also worried that Yumo was guarded by Taotie, and his son would not have a chance to win in a real fight, but what he thought was that as long as she used Taotie, the title of great witch would never be taken off again. He would gather a group of nobles to come here to crusade, but unexpectedly, Yu Mo insisted on not using Taotie's power to open the gods, and delayed the time for a long time, making him miss the best moment.

"You're just like them, you just don't want me to make her queen, don't you?"

"This..." There is really no way to refute this mastiff.

Since the king is going to be a queen, he should choose among the daughters of the nobles. White Fang has daughters, so he has four daughters.

Apart from him, other nobles also had this idea and wanted to push their daughters out.

A few days ago in the meeting hall, Mei Luo was troubled by this matter. A bunch of nobles who wanted to marry their daughters pestered him. If Yu Mo could not be exposed at that time, he really wanted to throw them all out.

This is also the main reason why Fungus complained before, but he didn't dare to say it in front of Yumo.

It’s not wrong for nobles with daughters to want their own daughters to be queens. What’s wrong is that they shouldn’t meddle in it. Of course, they can’t be blamed for that. But he himself was not interested, so he asked Cang Wu and Bu Jie to do it for him.

In order to balance the power of the nobles, Cangwu chose the little-known daughters of the Thousand Beast Mansion, namely Jin Ji and Yin Ji. At that time, this matter had actually made no waves, because Cang Wu had made a decision. Right, no one can surpass him, and these nobles didn't move their minds anymore, but later, Meiluo brought Yumo back, no gold and silver twins, and the chosen queen was no longer wanted, so the daughters of other nobles would be gone again. There is a chance, the seed of Bolan was buried at that moment.

Who would have thought that a human woman would be the first to ascend, and Bu Jie was a lobbyist, and the reason is very good. Your daughter can become a queen. Can you get artifacts and monsters?

Have it?

How could this be possible!

If you don't have one, just stay put and don't think about it.

There is really no rebuttal for these reasons. Since their own daughters are not good enough, these nobles don’t want the daughters of other families to be able to do it. With this mentality, Bu Jie’s lobbying was logically successful.

Never thought that a catastrophe would come suddenly.

The human woman who was originally the queen became a big devil and even ran away.

This immediate incident has become a hot topic again.

But no matter what the incense is useless, at this moment, Mastiff Meng understood one thing thoroughly.

Their king has completely fallen into the hands of this so-called witch. Except for her, no other woman will have a chance, and his son has just offended this woman who made his king fall.

This is the step he missed!
(End of this chapter)

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