The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 419 Part 185 Going Forward With Guilt

Chapter 419 Part 185

"Mastiff, there are two roads in front of you now, one is to take your son and get out of here, the other..." Mei Luo's whole body was full of murderous aura, and the fierceness in his eyes was like hell Shura, "I I don't mind taking off your son's two legs again!"

When Mastiff heard it suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.

In Mei Luo's eyes, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and a strong killing intent burst out, making people feel despair like falling into an abyss.

Because his aura was too terrifying, Mastiff immediately pulled Hui Ye away, not daring to stay any longer.

Cang Wu heaved a sigh of relief, earlier he was very worried that Mei Luo would impulsively kill the father and son.

In terms of monster power, no one in the entire dog monster clan is his opponent. He wants to kill, but it's just a matter of sweat.

But he was even more relieved, knowing that he had given the Water Gate Mansion a step down and was a qualified king.

Hui Ye left, and what was left was a mob, all kneeling on the ground trembling.

Mei Luo glanced at the past and smiled. Although she was smiling, her golden eyes were extremely deep, and anyone who met his gaze would be unable to move.

This group of people did not have the status of Kaguya, they were soldiers in the army, they were mostly civilians, and they had no backing. Seeing him so angry, they almost peed out.

"Get out of here!"

There was a roar of thunder that exploded on the ground, and everyone jumped up like birds and beasts.

After everyone had left, the place in front of the bedroom was instantly deserted, but Mei Luo's anger was still there, an unknown red light flashed in his eyes, and after a strange light flashed, his hair flew up, and he saw a corridor more than ten meters long ruined.

The colonnade broke, the roof collapsed, and a cloud of dust was raised.

Cang Wu knew that he was venting his anger and did not stop him. No matter how precious he was to Yu Mo, he could not punish Shuimen Mansion under such circumstances, otherwise Yu Mo's situation would be even worse.

He was obviously violent like a ghost, but Yu Mo was not afraid at all. He stretched out his hand to caress his chest, and said like coaxing a child, "Okay, okay, don't be angry anymore, I'm fine!"

He hugged her tighter suddenly, a trace of fear flashed through his heart, but luckily he came back in time, he buried his face in her bun, sniffing the warmth of her body, "Silence, I swear, next time Never going away for that long."

"Yeah!" She also hugged him backhand.

"Wang, can you take a step to talk?" Cang Wu didn't feel embarrassed to interrupt their love at this time.

Mei Luo thanked him very much for instructing Bu Jie to come to him, nodded, and let go of Yu Mo's arms, "Mo Mo, you go back to the bedroom first, I have something to say with Cang Wu, and I'll be right back."

Yu Mo tugged at the hem of his shirt, refusing to leave, looking at Cang Wu.

He must have wanted to talk about the rebirth array.

"What's the matter?" He bowed his head and asked, seeing her pale face, he was startled, "What's the matter, why is your face so ugly?"

His heart went up again, checking her up and down to see if she was hurt.

Yu Mo shook his head quickly, "No, it's nothing, maybe I was scared and haven't recovered yet."

He rubbed her little hands, "I'll let Mu Xiang go to the kitchen to cook you a shocking soup, okay?"

"No need, just take a rest and you'll be fine." She racked her brains not to let him go.

At this time, Cang Wu glanced over, the eyes were neither salty nor dull, but in her eyes she felt uncomfortable.

I am afraid that the matter of the rebirth formation cannot be avoided, instead of letting Cang Wu tell him, it is better for her to say it herself.

"Mei Luo, I have something to tell you."

"You say." He held her hand in his, and he could only feel at ease when he felt her warmth.

"About Dorji..."

"Duoji? What happened to him?"

"Yes..." She didn't know what to say, because she had lied to him before, and felt a little guilty.

"My lord, why don't you let me tell you." Cang Wu walked over slowly, not wanting to waste time.

Yu Mo was wary of him like a cat with its hair blown, "Don't come here."

"Momo?" Her reaction to Cang Wu was too intense, making Mei Luo feel suspicious.

"My lord, let's talk about it, it's about the rebirth array."

"Rebirth Formation, what is this?" He had never heard of it.

"A formation that can resurrect the dead..."

Mei Luo was startled, "How do you know this formation?"

"It's not the minister who knows, it's the people in Wang Huaizhong who know..."

Mei Luo thought of Yu Mo's faltering just now and understood that she had something to hide from her.

Yu Mo gritted his teeth hard, why is this person so unaware of the atmosphere?

It's not that she didn't say anything, she was just thinking about how to say it, but he refused to give her any buffer time.

It's all right now, it's time to say it.

"Mei Luo, I'm sorry, I've been hiding it from you, but I didn't intend to hide it from you, so don't be angry..."

"Why should I be angry?" He knew her temperament, there must be something unspeakable, so he didn't tell him, "Don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to do, I won't be angry."

How could he be willing to be angry with her? If she wasn't angry and he didn't come back at a critical moment, he was already very content.

"I will say, but..." She pointed at Cangwu with an angry face, "Let this person go, I don't want to see him."

After hearing this, Cang Wu's face, which has always been pure and ascetic, twitched, and her eyes were full of dislike for him, as if he was a pile of excrement.

"Cangwu, go down, I will look for you tomorrow."


Cang Wu just forced her to tell about the matter of the rebirth formation, now that his goal has been achieved, he will not stay anymore, there is still a lot of mess waiting for him to clean up.

Bu Jie's speed was not as fast as Mei Luo's. He rushed back after everything was over, panting like a cow, and knew that the matter was settled when he saw that everyone was gone, but he was very curious about how it was handled.

"Cang Wu, how is Hui Ye?

Yu Mo was right next to Mei Luo, and he could tell whether she was good or bad with his eyes. Anyway, she didn't lose any legs or arms.

"gone back!"

He wiped the sweat from his brow, "Mei Luo actually let him go?"

Hui Ye bullied that girl like that, how could Mei Luo swallow this breath.

"It's been released, but the bone in the shoulder is broken, I'm afraid the people from the Shuimen Manor will come to look for you later." Cang Wu walked gracefully, passing by him.

"How did you go?"

"It's over, what else is there to do?"

"The matter of the rebirth formation, you..."

Cang Wu stretched out his hand to pull him away, these three words are taboo at such a time, if the girl hears it, I'm afraid she will change her face again.

After the two left, Mei Luo and Yu Mo were about to go back to the bedroom, but when they reached the door, he suddenly turned around, "What are you two doing next?"

They are talking about King Li and the capital of Shu.

Shudu regarded this as his own home, "Drink tea!"

After playing for so long, drinking tea is not too much.

Li Wang nodded, "Yes, drink tea!"

He also wanted to know about the rebirth formation.

The more Mei Luo looks at these two people, the more she finds them garish, "Agaric, see off!"

When Shu Du's feet were about to touch the threshold of the bedroom, the door slammed shut, and the fungus quickly blocked his eyes, "Wolf Demon King, Li King, please..."

"Is there anyone who treats guests like this, without even saying thank you!" Shu Du howled towards the palace gate.

The fungus bowed respectfully, "Thank you Wolf Demon King."

"Who wants you to thank me!" Shu Du glared at the palace door, "Go and open the door!"

"The wolf demon king, don't embarrass the fungus." He is just a servant, not to mention that it was the king's order.

Li Wang said with a smile, "It seems that we are disgusting."

"It's you, not me! Speaking of which, why don't you leave?" He actually hated Li Wang.

"Brother Shu didn't leave either?"

These two people are half a catty and eight liang, no one is better than the other.

The fungus always stood in front of the hall door and smiled apologetically, "You two, look at this..."

"Smelly dog, come out, I want to talk to Momo!" He slammed on the door, which was very thick and sounded like a drum.

Yumo replied from inside, "Shudu, King Li, thank you for today, I will invite you some other day...ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she was dragged into the inner hall by Mei Luo, completely blocking her voice.

"Momo, Momo..." Hearing her voice, Shu was very excited, lying at the door waiting for her reply.

Yu Mo felt that it was not good to drive people away like this, so she broke away from Mei Luo and walked out.

"Shudu, you should go back first, by the way, Needle Feather has been waiting for you on Penglai Island for a long time."

As soon as Shu Du heard the name of Zhenyu, his head grew big, and he touched his bruised and swollen cheeks, "Momo, you don't know how hard she hits..."

He looked aggrieved, and when he was about to continue complaining to her, Mei Luo stood in front of her, "If you get hurt, go to Bu Jie."

The door closed again.

Shu Du was so angry, kicking the doorway, "What's your attitude?"

The door opened, Mei Luo poked his head out, and looked at him coldly, "If you think you have a bad attitude, go back to your Sirius Realm."


Mei Luo sneered, glanced at him, then at Li Wang, "If you're all right, you should remember whose territory this is!"

his place!

The door was closed again and never opened again, but Yu Mo's thanks came intermittently during the period.

The fungus was waiting in front of the door, Shu Du was so angry that his face turned red, and he wanted to force his way in, but he was afraid that Yu Mo would get angry, so he had to give up, but Li Wang was always calm.

"Why are you not in a hurry, let the smelly dog ​​get there first."

"Not yet married, there is still a chance."

"You can hold your breath."

"Hehe, I have to bow my head under the eaves." His great cause has not been completed yet, so what qualifications does he have to compete with a man who is a king for a woman, "It's better to meet you by chance, if Brother Shu rewards you, why not come to my place today for a drink A glass of wine."


He is determined not to go back to Penglai Island, and now he is afraid of Needle Feather.

Inside the bedroom.

Mei Luo and Yu Mo embrace each other.

"Today surprised you."

"It's okay!" She bent down on his chest quietly, "Mei Luo, about the rebirth formation..."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." He won't force her.

"No, I was wrong about this, and I shouldn't have kept it from you." It's okay to let him know, but the secret has been buried for too long, and she couldn't breathe. She took a breath and said, "Me too." I only found out about this after I got the Shennong Ding, the rebirth formation can bring the dead back to life, and the condition for activating it is to have the Shennong Ding, the Nuwa Stone, and the Demon Refining Pot."

"You have the Shennong Cauldron and the Demon Refining Pot, I know, but the Nuwa Stone, don't you?"

"I have!"

Mei Luo was startled, "When did you have it?"

"Duoji is the Nuwa stone."

"What!?" He was even more shocked than before.

"I was as surprised as you at the time, but the fact is that Dorje is the reincarnation of Nuwashi, and you can see that he has become different from before. It was caused by drinking Bai Ze's blood. You When I drank it before, didn't I say that the Yuan Dan would be very hot? Probably this is the reason."

The blood that Mei Luo drank was the last time when Needle Feather asked for blood, she left it by the way, and mixed it with the cotton cloth used to wipe the hairball's wound for him to drink. After he finished drinking, Yuan Dan kept getting hot .

"Duoji turned out to be Nvwashi..." It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but he thought it was too weird that Nvwashi was always by her side.

"Mei Luo, I have gathered all the elements of the rebirth formation, but I can't do this."

Mei Luo has already thought of this point, since it can bring the dead back to life, it is impossible for her to hide it all the time. He is not sure if this formation is real, but it is too bizarre to bring the dead back to life. It's as simple as needing three artifacts.

He didn't care about anything else, what he cared about was the side effects after the formation was activated, just like Taotie's Kaishen, which could make her very powerful, but the side effects were also very severe.

"Momo, tell me, is there any other condition?"

Yu Mo tensed up and opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

"Is it you, is it asking you to pay something?" This is what he is most worried about.

"No, it's not me!" She shook her head and burst into tears after speaking, "It's Duoji!"

When Mei Luo heard that it wasn't her, her heart sank, "What happened to him?"

"Duoji is the reincarnation of a divine weapon. If he had the appearance of a divine weapon, there would be no problem, but he is now in the form of a human, in a physical body. Once the rebirth array is activated, his aura will flow out without limit, and he will return to the divine weapon. It looks like an ordinary stone, and it is a stone that has feelings but cannot hear, speak, or see, Mei Luo, I can't let him become like this, he is my younger brother, the one I will He brought out Squirrel Village, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be involved in these things."

She cried so hard that her voice became hoarse.

"He has no obligation to suffer for the mistakes I made."

"Is it because you are worried that I will activate the rebirth array regardless of Dorji in order to revive the people?"

If it is, he will be a little angry, but he can't blame her. From her standpoint, there is nothing wrong with her thinking so.

She shook her head, "Don't mistakenly think that I don't trust you, I know that if I don't want to, you will definitely not force me, but Mei are the king, they are all your people, your position does not allow you to ignore This method can revive the people of the tribe, and... as long as the rebirth formation is used, the mistakes I made can be written off, and you and I will not be hindered by the opposition of the tribe."

He wanted to make her queen, and the biggest opponents were his clansmen.

Without these, he would be much more relaxed.

What she was worried about was not that he would force her, but that if she didn't want to, he would go through a lot of trouble trying to get the people to agree with her.

"Indeed, if you use the rebirth formation, things between me and you will be much easier..."

That's what she's afraid of.

"However, if Dorji is sacrificed, you will never be happy in this life, and you will live in guilt for the rest of your life. If you are unhappy, how can I be happy!" He gently raised her crying face, "Momo, I will not force you to do anything, as long as you feel right, happy, and not wrong, then so am I!"

What he wanted was a happy girl, not a frowning girl who would hide in a corner and cry.

The future may be very difficult, but he would rather go forward in this way than she shed a tear.

Yumo's eyes were blurred by tears, and the tears didn't stop, "Meiluo...Meiluo..." She called his name and threw herself into his arms. In this life, her greatest happiness is to know him, to be able to meet him fall in love with him.

Even though Mei Luo didn't force him, Cang Wu was unwilling to give up this opportunity to revive his clansmen, and fought hard with him. The two broke up because of this, and the matter about the rebirth formation was not hidden from the outside world, and they were all caught by the water gate mansion. People leaked out.

It can revive the dead, which made all the relatives of the dead who died in the catastrophe flock to the palace. The whole dog world was in chaos because of this incident, and the news of Yumo's return could no longer be concealed. down.

Every time Yu Mo saw Mei Luo coming back exhausted because of these things, her heart ached.

In order to protect her with all his strength, he took all the burdens on himself.

"Bixi... shall we go to Shudu?"


In the afternoon of this day, the wind was sunny and sunny, and Yumo snatched the Haotian Tower in the capital of Shu, destroyed the enchantment of Queen Qiluo's tomb, and broke in alone.

This appointment with Linglong was three days earlier.

She stepped forward firmly and went to the meeting alone without telling everyone.

There is no such thing as quiet time in this world, some are just someone who takes the blame for you and moves forward.

As he is, so is she!
(End of this chapter)

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