The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 420 Part 186 The Puzzle of the Mausoleum

Chapter 420 Part 186 The Puzzle of the Mausoleum

The first quarter moon hangs high in the night sky, and the faint silver light slantly shines on the cold tombstone.

Under the moonlit night, Yu Mo rushed forward, sweating profusely from running, with the help of Bi Xi, she was in a state of invisibility, entering here was like entering a land of no one, she ordered Tao Tie to attack secretly, knocking Shu unconscious. Du, snatched its Haotian Tower.

Although the artifact can only be activated by the recognized owner, but now it is three to one, she has three artifacts, the demon refining pot, the Shennong cauldron, and the nuwa stone, and they are used to persuade the Haotian Tower to forcibly break the knot in Queen Qiluo's tomb for her. boundary.

Haotian Tower was reluctant at first, but couldn't stand Shennong Ding's talk, so he had to agree, but only this time, and it must be returned to Shudu as soon as possible after it is used up, with an apology.

Yumo would not disagree with this point. She actually felt very guilty for stealing the Haotian Tower. Even if she didn't tell her, she would definitely apologize to Shudu.

I don't know if Taotie's attack was serious, did he get hurt?

"Girl, we're going in!" Taotie took the lead.

Yu Mo shook his head, putting aside all distracting thoughts, the most important thing in front of him was to get the Xuewu saber, and the matter of Shudu would be left behind.

With the help of the Haotian Tower, she successfully entered the dark mausoleum. There was no map, no goal, and she was obsessed with candlelight. Human beings are instinctively afraid of the dark, and will automatically terrorize all kinds of information in the dark. Every step she takes, her heart is hanging.

In the darkness, her vision seemed to be covered with a hazy tulle, and the furnishings and statues inside looked like they were alive, and every time she was frightened, her heart beat wildly, as if a demon was about to come out to catch her away. She kept reassuring herself not to be afraid, but the fear of the unknown was not so easy to dispel. Just walking in front of the mausoleum entrance, she was already so frightened that her face turned pale.

"Will there be a ghost coming out?" She stopped and asked.

"How can there be any ghosts? With us here, what are you afraid of?"

Bixi, Taotie, and Zhulong lead the way, and she just followed.

With a puff, the wind from nowhere blew out the candle.


Yu Mo was so frightened that he jumped up and ran away, completely forgetting his previous ambitions, and when he didn't pay attention, he stumbled and ate a mouthful of ashes.

No one has entered the mausoleum for many years. Of course, it is impossible for someone to clean it. The dust on the ground is so thick that it will leave a clear footprint. It is also covered with spider silk, which tightly wraps around her body like sticky cotton candy. The hair and face were also itchy because of the bumps, and it couldn't be wiped off no matter how much I wiped it off.

She was so frightened that she got up and fell again. She fell four times in a row, and her clothes were covered with dust, as if she had come out of a mound.

Seeing that she still wanted to run away, Taotie grabbed her back with his claws.

"What are you running for?"

"Afraid... afraid..."

"This is a mausoleum, no ghosts! And it's a tomb, there are no corpses!"

Yu Mo was right when he thought about it, he casually leaned against a wall and gasped, "Let me rest for a while..."

"I told you not to come, if you don't listen, look at you now, your face is covered in ashes, wipe it off quickly!"

She wiped her face casually, "I also want to help Meiluo, because of my affairs, he is in trouble every day, those nobles are forcing him, I don't have much prestige in the dog monster clan, and I speak lightly, but if I can get Queen Qiluo's Xuewu Saber, in view of its face, this group of people should listen to what I have to say."

The rebirth array has been revealed, as long as she doesn't use this array to resurrect the dead, the dog monster clan's hatred for her will not disappear, and it doesn't matter whether she can get the Xuewu sword or not, because even with the support of Queen Qiluo, dirty Water would still splash on her body, she had already given up, and thought about giving it up to Needle Feather, but for the sake of Mei Luo, she decided to try again, not to let the dog monsters recognize her, purely It was to help Mei Luo, and wanted to fight side by side with him.

There was a trace of icy touch from the wall she was leaning on. She couldn't help but shuddered and fell a few times. Now her whole body hurts. The candle in her hand also rolled down in the panic just now. Clearly, fortunately, when she came, she was prepared and prepared several.

After resting enough, she took a deep breath and braved up to continue exploring.

From the outside, the mausoleum was actually not that big, but after entering it, it was found that it was ridiculously big, and it was built like a maze.

She realized with horror that she might have lost her way.

Is this the first floor, the second floor, or the third floor?

She patted her hair irritably, and her beautiful bun was messed up in an instant, and her hair fell down, like a female ghost.

"Gaotie, do you remember the way you came here?" There are skills in navigating the maze, if you can't get out, you have to start all over again.

"I don't remember!" He looked at Zhulong, "You walked in the front, do you remember?"

Zhulong shook his head, "You don't even remember how I remember?"

These two beasts are born road idiots.

Fortunately, there is Bixi, Bixi is very sensitive to direction, besides it, there is Dorji, who has a stronger sense of direction.

Seeing that Yu Mo was lost, he flew out of the demon refining pot.

"Sister, go to the left, you haven't walked that road before."

"is it?"

Yu Mo nodded and immediately walked in the direction he said.

Dorje followed her closely, looking at her back, his eyes were a little sour.

Seeing the demon refining pot, he sighed and comforted him: "What's the use of crying at a time like this? You should be happy!"


"Well, she loves you, loves you like a younger brother, and respects you, and thinks you are equal to her. As a divine weapon, a tool, shouldn't she be happy?"

"But it's because of me that my sister took the risk to come here. If my sister gets hurt because of this, then..." His eyes became even redder.

"There are four artifacts and three fierce beasts accompanying her. With such a lineup, there is no danger. Don't think too much about it. Keep your spirits up. What you should do now is to lead her the way. This girl is also a road idiot!"

It was really true that the demon refining pot said that after going to the direction pointed by Duoji, Yu Mo got lost again and walked back to the old place, with a ridiculously poor sense of direction.

"Sister, there is a fork in the road ahead, you go to the right."

"Oh, right, well, right."

Under the candlelight, the shadows of the two people and the three beasts were stretched extremely long, going in and out of various paths, but after walking for more than half an hour, they still did not see the coffin, but under the guidance of Duoji, the coffin appeared at the end A long, secluded corridor stretches far away, slowly descending.

"Are we out of the maze?"

This place is different from the place we just walked through. There is only one road and one direction.

"It should be..." Taotie felt that he could not take it lightly, and said again: "Girl, you go behind me, and I will go first."

"it is good!"

Holding a candle in his hand, Taotie leaned on the wall and walked in. The coldness of the wall was even cooler than before. Even though the summer temperature in the dog land was very high, it could not warm the place. I believe they must have walked very deep.

Because of the darkness, the snow-white walls look gray, but there are exquisite murals painted on them. It can be seen that these are praising Queen Qiluo.

In Yumo's impression, knowledge about the tombs is very scarce. She has also been to the Ming Tombs, and she knows that the structure of the tombs is usually very complicated. Some of the places where the coffins are located may even be found.

Taotie proceeded cautiously and walked through the corridor ahead safely.

"Girl, it's okay, you can come here."


Yu Mo walked over slowly, stepping on the footprints left by him, feeling extremely nervous, afraid that he would step on some mechanism.

The mausoleums in the TV novels are full of traps!
In the last few steps, she held her breath and jumped over.


She looked back at the corridor, and patted her chest like a survivor.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are no organs in this mausoleum!"

"not necessarily!"


Under the orange-red light of the candle held up by the Taotie in front, a huge door appeared in a flash.

The range of candle light is limited, and it is impossible to illuminate the whole picture of the door, but as long as you see the door knocker, you can know how big the door will be.

"here is……?"

"It should be the mysterious room!"

The Xuanshi is the place where the coffin is placed.

Taotie exerted a lot of strength, but couldn't push the door open. It can be seen that the door is locked from the inside. It can actually destroy it with demon power, but this is an underground palace, the structure is unknown, and it is very likely that the door will be destroyed. It will make this place collapse, and the material of this door... can't use demon power.

Yu Mo touched the door, her palm didn't feel cold, but a moist and warm touch.

"Is this jade?"

"Well, it's the Mie Quen Jade that is specially used to resist the use of demon power!"

"What is this?"

"It's just that the demon power has no effect on it."

"That means we can't open it?"

"This is a mausoleum. The people who built it naturally don't want anyone to open it, but there will always be room left, especially during construction. To let the workers evacuate from inside, I guess there must be a mechanism!"


Taotie knocked on the door with his paws, listening to the sound, the door was very thick, "One word - find!"

The two and the three beasts had no choice but to search separately, groping the door inch by inch.

Although Yu Mo has a bad sense of direction, he walked around and got an idea of ​​the outline of the mausoleum. The overall layout of the place is in the shape of a circle in front and a back, with a maze on the periphery and a straight corridor in the middle.

Thinking of the promenade, she remembered that when she walked just now, she saw some carvings on the corridor, and a place was illuminated by the candle, shining like jade. It seemed that only that one place had this luster, and none of the others had it.

Will there be some mystery?
"Gaotie, I'll go back to the corridor."

"Why are you going back?"

"Find something!"

She walked like flying, and ran towards the corridor. After staying in the mausoleum for a long time, she was less afraid.

Taotie was worried about her, and asked Bixi and Zhulong to follow her.

In the corridor, Yu Mo lay on the ground and looked for the cornerstone under the colonnade. The cornerstone is made of aragonite, which is as smooth as new and spotless. It is carved with landscapes and flowers, which is extremely ingenious.

"There it is!" She found the jade she had seen earlier, and the feeling of getting it was the same as that of the door.

She brought the candle close to it, it was embedded in a corner that was hard to find, it was white jade, like the color of pearl, she tried to flick it.

There was a crisp and clear click.

"This jade is dynamic."

Zhulong and Bixi heard that they leaned over, because the jade stone had not been touched for many years, and a lot of dust fell when it was touched.

"I'll pull it out and try!"

"Wait!" Bixi stopped her, "Let me make you a protective barrier first, in case it is a mechanism, you can save your life."

After the enchantment of Bixi covered her, she rubbed her hands, thinking that it would take a little effort to pull it out, but she pulled it out easily without thinking.

"It's a key!"

To be exact, it was a huge key, more than one meter long.

Holding the key, Yumo ran back to Taotie.

"Gaotie, look!"

Taotie was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but glance at Yu Mo.

This girl's luck is always so good.

The key is found, but where is the keyhole?
This is another new question.

At this time, Yumo showed her super IQ. This kind of mystery has been seen in comics before, such as "Conan" and "Kindaichi". Researched it and found that there is a spot on the door that is a different color than the rest.

She tiptoed to touch it, but she couldn't reach it, so she patted Taotie, "Squat down!"

"doing what?"

"I'm not tall enough to touch it!"

Taotie squatted down as promised, Yumo stepped on its shoulder and studied the place carefully.

The totem on the top couldn't see anything, but she could see that this totem was related to several other totems. She broke it with her hands and found that it could move.

"I see!"

"Ah, you know again." Bixi was an eye-opener.

"Taotie, move to the left, yes, it's right here, no, just a little bit to the right, just a little bit!"


"Yes, it's here, don't move." She raised her hands and moved towards the totem next to it, "Put this here, this there, and this..." She paused, "Here It doesn't seem right, I can't fight it..."

"Girl, what are you messing with?"


"What?" Taotie didn't understand.

"There are several patterns on the door, which look independent, but I think they can be put together. You can see that they can move, which means that they can indeed be put together. Wait patiently. I am in high school. During the summer vacation, I played a 5000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and it was still a starry sky, which was super difficult, but I still figured it out, so it didn’t bother me.”

"Are you sure this is the puzzle you were talking about?"

"Try it! We don't have any other ideas right now anyway."

This time, Zhulong took the initiative to release the barrier to protect her, "Girl, take your time, don't worry."

"Well, don't worry."

She is also afraid of death, and will not joke about her own life.

With a click, with Yu Mo's dexterous hands, a piece of graphics perfectly connected to the gap between the pictures, turning all the totems into a whole.

"All right!"

As soon as the words fell, the door trembled, causing her to almost fall off Taotie's shoulders. Fortunately, Taotie caught her quickly with his sharp eyes and hugged her in his arms.

"Girl, let's stay away!"

After leaving, the trembling of the door became more and more intense, the dust fell from the shock, and when the dust flew up, it became difficult to breathe.

Yu Mo covered her nose and mouth, but she was still coughing from choking.

clack clack...

It is the sound of the gears, because they have not been used for many years, and there is no lubricating oil, so the noise is very loud when they are running.

The picture on the totem gradually became clear. It was a huge wolf, extremely gorgeous, with snow-white fur and golden green eyes, masculine and majestic, but with a hint of feminine charm.

The whole totem looked like a beautiful wolf flying in the air. After a while, a keyhole appeared in an inconspicuous corner.

"Success!" Yu Mo couldn't help clapping his hands and shouting.

"Girl, you're really good!" Bixi raised her thumb with her fins.

"Use the key to insert it and have a look!"

Taotie picked up the key and inserted it in without encountering any obstacles. After turning it hard, there was another clicking sound, and the gear turned again.

The sound of machinery continued to roar, and there was more and more dust. The door shook again, as if it had triggered an earthquake, and even the floor under his feet trembled.

After the sound of the gears stopped, the door slowly opened. When it opened, it was bright inside. The subtle light refracted over, making Yu Mo's eyes hurt a little. As the door opened, the light became brighter and brighter until it was fully opened. .

There is no vibration, no noise, and it is so quiet that no sound can be heard.

Yu Mo opened his eyes after adapting to the light, feeling a little excited.

Inside is the coffin.

She summoned up her courage and took the lead.

(End of this chapter)

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