The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 421 Part 187 Snow Dance and Nuwa

Chapter 421 Part 187 Snow Dance and Nuwa

After entering, Yumo found that there was a cave inside. The light came from twelve long-burning lamps, each of which was very large, more than 3 meters high.

The body of the lamp is made of white stone, the bottom is the square seat of the pot door, the upper part is the eight-sided stone pillar, and the lotus tray is on the upper part. In the tray is the wick of the ever-bright lamp called the eternal fire.

The fire was so bright that it illuminated the entire mysterious room as if it were daytime.

This is a very common decoration in the tombs of kings. It is said that in this way, the dead king can feel as brightly lit as the palace in his life. Queen Qiluo has died for more than a hundred years, and the lights can still be so bright. It can be said to be a miracle. .

"Girl, go forward, there is still a door!"

Yumo really wanted to study the principle of why this lamp can last for a hundred years, but he came here to get the Xuewu Sword, so he couldn't care less.

Walking to the door, I found that this door was similar to the outside door, but it was smaller, at most the size for two people to enter side by side. The totem on it was also a wolf, but there was an extra woman next to it. It looked like... ...much like a person.


The eyebrows and eyes of the woman on the totem are [-]% similar to Meiluo, and you can recognize it without looking closely.

Tao Tie joked, "This is your mother-in-law..."

Yu Mo blushed and said angrily, "Why are you researching this, open the door quickly."

"Hehe, okay, open the door. You back away first, I am worried that this door also has a trap."

Yu Mo took a few steps away, and as soon as Taotie exerted his strength, the door opened, making a sound like boulders rubbing against the ground, indicating that the door was extremely heavy.

When the door opened, they walked in.

In the front is Taotie, in the back is Zhulong, and Yumo and Duoji in the middle are protected by Bixi with an enchantment.

As soon as he entered, Yu Mo trembled all over.

"It's... so cold!" She was so cold that her teeth chattered.

The three ferocious beasts also felt the cold breath, which was as cold as that of Penglai Island.

"How could it be so cold!" No matter how cold the dog environment here is, it can't be so cold.

When the door was opened, the cold air flowed like a puff of smoke, and walking inside was like flying through the clouds.

"It's so foggy, I can't see clearly..." Yu Mo swiped with his hands.

"Let's walk slowly, pay attention to the ground as much as possible, and don't step on the mechanism." Taotie reminded.

When walking forward, I didn't come across the mechanism, but I soon came to the end. At the end was a stone pillar with exquisite carvings, which were divided into three parts.

The lowest part is an octagonal pillar, with pointed arched niches on each side, and inside the niches are relief sculptures of Jiyue. Three of them kneel or sit on the Sumeru-style lotus seat, playing flutes, pipas, panpipes and other musical instruments. happy.

Yumo doesn't quite understand the meaning of these totems, but he can roughly guess what they mean. The same is true of the Ming Tombs that he has been to. There are more or less such entertainment scenes in the tombs of the kings, which means that the kings You can still enjoy the beauty of the world after death.

Just south of the middle of the stone pillar is the inscription - "Peerless elegance, few like morning stars.".

Yumo has been able to fully understand the characters of Shanhaijie, which is a great compliment.

On each side of the top of the stone pillar is carved a double-layer pointed arch niche, and inside the niche is carved a statue of a magic beast dog, a total of [-] statues in different shapes, each with its mouth facing the stone pillar, with it as the center.

"Girl, there is no way."

"Huh? Gone?" She focused on the stone pillar, but didn't notice that Taotie stopped and bumped into it.

"Well, this place is not very big, it's just a room, there is no other way."

After so much effort, the coffin was still not found.

"Impossible, it must have been hidden by the agency again."

Taotie thinks this possibility is very high, but it can't do anything to crack the mechanism.

After Yu Mo circled around, he returned to the stone pillar. No matter how you look at it, the mechanism should be set on this pillar, but where is it?She looked around the pillar again, and after a while, she found that on the tray where the double-layer pointed arch niche was placed, the bottom was chiseled flat on all sides, but there were two grooves carved in it, and a round shallow hollow in the center. Hole.

Looking at this hole as a whole, there is nothing weird about it, but looking at it individually, it always feels a bit awkward.

Clutching her chin in thought, she racked her brains to wonder if the hole would be of any use.

The door outside is a jigsaw puzzle. She touched these god dogs and golems just now, and they were all sealed and could not be moved. With a glance, she saw the ever-burning lamp.

The holes are transparent...

With a shock in her mind, she rushed to the long burning lamp, got some oil, and returned to the pillar.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

"Do an experiment!" She stepped up and poured the lamp oil into the groove. The oil flowed along the groove, like a champagne tower, and left to other grooves. When all the grooves were filled with oil, she The oil was lit.

The fire burned with the flowing oil, and surrounded the stone pillars. The hole was grilled by high temperature, and the hot air began to rotate...

"Hey, it's moving!" Bi Xi cried.

Yu Mo flicked her finger, "Let me just say, this thing looks like a revolving lantern!"

"Ah, what lamp?" Duoji looked at the rotating pillar curiously, and suddenly found that as it turned, the sixteen magical beasts and dogs started to move, as if they were alive.

"The movements of these divine dogs are connected together. Standing in one direction and looking at them, all the movements are demonstrated once, and they look like overlapping movements. There is something called animation in our human world, which comes from this principle."

Bixi said: "You humans seem to have quite smart brains."

There is no such thing as a revolving lantern in the world of mountains and seas.

When the movements of the sixteen god dog statues were finished, the stone pillar shook and began to sink.

"Girl, get out of the way!" Taotie stood in front of her.

The pillar quickly disappeared underneath, and a secret door appeared at the opposite corner of it. After opening, the coffin was pushed out from the wall.

"Found it!" Yumo shouted happily, rushing over in a hurry.

The coffin was huge and exquisitely carved, but it was not luxurious, but rather simple. It could only be called exquisite. The pure white color was the same as the material of the gate, both made of Mie Que Jade.

"Just find it!" Taotie came over, reaching out to push the coffin away.

Yu Mo stopped and said, "Wait a minute!"

"what happened?"

"Let me kowtow first!" Opening a human coffin is really immoral, and it's not archaeological. Before opening it, you should express your apology and respect, not to mention that this coffin is Mei Luo's mother.

Taotie said: "Girl, this is the Clothes Tomb."

"I know, but I have to kowtow." Although she and Mei Luo are not married yet, they are already husband and wife, as Tao Tie said just now, this is her mother-in-law.

"Old Tao, there's nothing wrong with a daughter-in-law kowtowing to her mother-in-law. Get out of the way and don't get in the girl's way."

Hearing this, Yu Mo's face turned red again, but he didn't refute, and fell to the ground respectfully, kneeling three times and nine times before the coffin.

"Queen Qiluo, I offended you today, but there is a reason for it, please forgive me!"

After muttering a few words devoutly, she got up.

Taotie asked: "Yes?!"

"Well, it's ok, take it easy, don't break the coffin."

"rest assured!"

Taotie groped around along the coffin lid, found a gap, dug it in with his claws, and then pushed hard.

The coffin was opened, and the moment it was opened, a burst of cold air radiated from the inside, just like the moment the freezer was opened, it was so cold.

"It's freezing!"

Yu Mo jumped, and just finished speaking, when the mist fell to the ground, ice crystals formed.

"Girl, get out of there!"

"Ah?" Yu Mo hadn't reacted yet.

When Zhulong flew over, it was already too late, and the mist enveloped Yu Mo, freezing her directly, and she became a big ice block.

"Sister!" Duoji stepped forward to beat, the ice was very thick, and there was no sign of breaking at all.

Yu Mo maintained the action just now and remained motionless.

Taotie and Zhulong released their monster power, trying to break through the ice layer, but the ice layer rebounded the monster power back.

"What's the matter with this ice?" Tao Tie anxiously pounded on the ice.

After looking at it, Bixi said, "This ice is a bit like the enchantment that Bai Ze set up on Penglai Island."

"By the way, Fuqiu, Fuqiu may be able to save my sister."

"It's too late. The cold air is very heavy. When the fur ball comes, the girl will freeze to death in it."

Although Yu Mo drank Bai Ze's blood, she would not be frostbitten by the extremely cold air in the mountains and seas, but ice is an enchantment and has demonic power, which would harm her body. Yu Mo's coming here is also a temporary idea, and it is very Because of her eagerness, she didn't inform Maoqiu on Penglai Island at all, and Maoqiu didn't even know that she would break into the mausoleum.

"What should I do?"

"The neck of the Demon Refining Pot should be able to protect her." The owner of the Demon Refining Pot is Taotie, but the owner of the Demon Refining Pot is Yu Mo, so the Demon Refining Pot will listen to Yu Mo's orders.

"She won't be able to get out until the ice is broken." Zhulong circled around the ice, trying to find a thinner place to break through.

Taotie thought that the ice came too suddenly, it was caused by fog after opening the coffin, since it was an enchantment, there must be someone who activated it, so he quickly looked into the coffin.

There was only clothes in the coffin, and it looked like a human being, so there was nothing suspicious, but he found an empty groove under the right sleeve of the clothes, and the outline was a sword...

He was startled, where did the sword go! ?
At this time, Zhulong noticed a shadow above his head, and raised his head reflexively.

A snow-white sword floats in the air. It is extremely slender and white. The sword body, guard, and hilt are all white with patterns on it. There is a white ribbon on the handle. When the ribbon is flying, the sword body also action.

Taking itself as the center, draw a circle, the radius of the circle is slightly longer than the length of the sword, and draw Taotie into it.

Zhulong was shocked, and immediately shouted, "Old glutton, get out of there!"

The sword had already been drawn in a circle, and the area where it was located was completely frozen from top to bottom, forming a cylindrical icicle.

When Taotie heard the sound, he had already left, so he was not sealed inside.

"It really was a good thing you did!" Taotie was furious, his teeth were sharp and gleaming silver, "Quickly let the girl go, or I will cut you in two."


Jian is a female voice, extremely cold.

Taotie flew up and fought with it.

Although it is a sword, it does not impede movement and is extremely agile, as if an invisible person is controlling it.

It stabbed six points around Taotie, and many ice crystals appeared from the points. When the tip of the sword pointed at Taotie, a lot of cold air came out from the blade and the point, and the cold air directed towards Taotie, surrounding it. freeze.

Taotie was very fast, but was still injured by the cold air. One finger of his left hand was frozen, and he flicked it angrily, completely unaware that the frozen area was expanding, and swung his unfrozen right hand towards the sword.

This kind of cold air and tricks made Sanshou and Duoji recognize it.

Snow Dance Sword is undoubtedly.

"Have you heard that, let the girl out."

Taotie and it fought hard at the top.

Bixi and Zhulong wanted to help, but they couldn't find a chance, so Duoji could only worry down below, constantly beating the ice that sealed Yumo inside.

Xue Wu showed his power again, and the cold air overflowed from the blade again, and many snowflakes fell, making it look whiter than snow. When the snow fell, the snowflakes were dotted with starlight, just like the falling stars, and the place where it touched the snowflakes would freeze.

The two consecutive moves were so sinister, and Taotie became so angry that his body became bigger, and the ice on his left hand had spread to his wrist. It could not be removed, and he could only release part of his demonic power to protect the part above the wrist, saving his entire hand It's all frozen.

Taotie swung its giant claws and hit it, it rolled and fell, the blade pierced into the ground, and the cold air was released from the blade, causing the cold air to pass through the ground to the bottom of Taotie, launching an attack from bottom to top.

"Do you know this trick? What do you think of me? The same trick is ineffective against me." Taotie bounced off the frozen mist, and his sharp claws hit the blade with a thud, causing sparks to flicker.

The Xuewu sword was not weak, it stabbed its finger, but Taotie did not bleed, but let the cold air penetrate into the wound.

"Oops!" Taotie was startled, and hurriedly backed away.

After the cold air entered the wound, he felt the biting coldness and severe pain, and immediately made a decision to chop off his injured little finger.

The little finger fell to the ground, turned to ice, and shattered when it fell.

Xuewu sword flew up and attacked it again. Bixi found that the ground was covered with ice, and his fins were frozen, so he hurriedly shouted: "This stinky sword will be frozen when it encounters anything, you two hurry up!" leave."

Zhulong found that the frozen place was at the toes, and immediately pulled Duoji away.

Duoji didn't want to, so he tried hard to break free, holding Yumo's icicle and refused to let go.

"Sister, wait for me, I will save you, I will definitely save you." His mind was full of images of Yu Mo being frozen to death, and the snake-shaped mark on his forehead flashed green light when his mind became hot.

He raised his head, and the green light fell like a green rain.

Raindrops fell on the ice, miraculously melting them.

"What's going on here?" Zhulong was shocked.

After Xue Wujian found out, he froze for a while, and pointed the blade towards Dorji.

Dorje's feet and the ground where he stands are frozen again, but the green rain is also fighting bravely. As much as it freezes, it melts as much. At this moment, Dorji's hair is flying, and when the green hair is flying, it looks like snakes dancing. He didn't seem to be conscious, it was completely the spiritual power belonging to Nuwashi in his body that was reappearing.

He was still young, and with such spiritual power, he was extremely strenuous, and soon began to pant, but he refused to let go. The green halo was melting Yu Mo's icicle, and it was almost melting it.

Xue Wujian shouted: "Chu Wu, Yuebai!"

As the sound fell, a dazzling beam of light surrounded the sword body, bursting out with overwhelming pure white light.

Duoji opened his mouth and shouted in the same way, "Nuwa, revival!"

What greeted the pure white light were emerald green light waves, intertwined with each other, forming a twist.

"Second dance, Bailian!"

Xue Wujian draws a white lotus flower blooming in the air, with blossoming petals like falling snow.

"Nuwa, Cuisheng!"

In the second round, the two twisted strands of spiritual power flew apart, and the fine powder shone like diamonds and stars.

The whole room shook, and the white and green lights collided again, evenly matched.

"Sanwu, Blade Extinguisher!"

"Nuwa, destiny!"

In the third round, Taotie was no longer able to get in, and he couldn't enter the battle circle between the two of them at all.

"When did this kid become so powerful?" Taotie was stunned.

Zhulong stepped forward to bandage its wound, "It's not that he's amazing, it's that Nuwashi is amazing!"

If the Xuewu Sword is destroyed by ice and snow, then Nuwa Stone is revived by the green power of all things.

Spiritual power and spiritual power, within the same boundary, these two exist like natural enemies.

Spring is actually the end of winter.

"How is the girl?"

"There's no sound, I wonder if it's frozen?" Bi Xi slapped the icicles with his fins.

"There are a lot of melts below, break from below." Zhu Longzhen stabbed the base of the bottom icicle with the blade.

"Girl, you have to hold on, or I will be ashamed to see the dog boy."

At this time, Yu Mo couldn't hear or see anything, and his eyes were filled with ice and snow.

This is where! ?
In the whiteness, she saw a person.

"Excuse me……"

The man turned his head slowly.

Her hair fluttered and her face was beautiful, but she recognized her.

"Mei Luo... No, no, you are... Queen Qi Luo?"

She smiled, beautiful beyond measure, but still let people feel the aura of a queen ruling the world.

"You are my daughter-in-law?"

 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet!

(End of this chapter)

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