The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 422 Part 187 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet again

Chapter 422 Part 187 Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-Law Meet

Yu Mo froze on the spot.

Queen Qiluo appeared alive before her eyes, but she clearly passed away more than a hundred years ago. Could it be that she was dazzled, or dreaming, or... a drop of cold sweat oozes from her forehead, could it be that she died.

She only remembered that after opening the coffin, a cold mist was blown out, and what happened after that... She couldn't remember, and looked around again, it was all white with nothing, as if it was in the clouds.

"Am I dead...?" She asked after a moment of hesitation.

Queen Qi Luo shook her head, "You didn't die, but you were dragged out of your soul by Xue Wu. Now you are the missing body. Oh, do you understand what is the missing body?"

"I know this. I have talked with Shennong Ding like this before." She breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest. If it's a missing body, isn't Queen Qiluo in front of her also a missing body, but she is obviously dead, can a dead person have a missing body? She doesn't understand this very well, but thinking that she has entered her tomb, She also opened her coffin, and now that she was in front of her eyes, she quickly apologized, "Queen Qiluo, I'm sorry, I broke into your tomb without permission, and I will open the coffin, but there is a reason for me to do this, yes ..."

"You want to get my sword, which is Xuewu Sword."

"Hey, how do you know?"

"From the moment you entered the mausoleum, I knew it."

Yu Mo was startled and realized a possibility, "Could it be that you are still alive?"

Being in the body of thoughts and knowing about her, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for a living person to do it.

"No, I'm dead."

"Then can talk to me like this?"

She walked over slowly, both in appearance and beauty, she looked like a fairy walking down from a painting, even Yu Mo, who was a woman, was stunned.

She fully understands the reason why Mei Luo looks so good-looking.

"Is this due to a promise I made with Xue Wu?" She raised her hand, patted Yu Mo on the head, raised her chin again, and looked at her carefully, "I heard from Xue Wu that you are human?"

Yu Mo nodded, feeling flustered. The woman in front of her was Mei Luo's mother. She was considered a parent, and she was a mother-in-law. When she first came up, she asked her if she was human. Do you think she is not good enough for Mei Luo?

"That...I'm a human being, but...but...also a wizard..." She tried her best to impress herself.

"Yes, Xue Wu also said that."

"Why does it know everything!" Xue Wu probably controlled too much with this sword.

"This is the condition I mentioned when I reached an agreement with it..."

Yumo was curious, "May I know what kind of agreement it is?"

Queen Qiluo smiled, and put down the hand that raised her jaw, "This promise is that I will always be with it."


"As you can see, I'm already dead, but I'm the missing body that exists in this enchantment. After meeting Xue Wu and getting it, it asked me to promise her that no matter what happens I can't abandon it even if I die. For this promise, the moment I got it, I injected part of my demon power into its sword. This part of demon power is a part of me, which is to form The reason for the thought body."

This method was also used by Queen Bai Ze, in order to meet the fur ball after death.

It's just that when Queen Bai Ze distributed her spiritual power, she was already on the verge of death, and the remaining spiritual power was extremely weak, but Queen Qiluo distributed her demon power at the prime of her life, and this demon power can make her longing The body lasts forever.

"Since you can do this, why not with Mei Luo..." She felt that there was such a good way, there was no difference between her being dead and not dead.

"No, I'm already dead. Even though my nostalgic body is still there, I am a person who has returned to the dust after all. There is no need to leave a shadow in this world for my loved ones. And if Xue Wu disagrees, I can't come out. To see people."

Her demonic power is sealed in Xue Wu Sword, and all activities must be decided by Xue Wu.

Yumo pointed to herself, "It was Xuewujian who asked, no..." She changed her address, "I asked you to come see me."

She was so shocked that she forgot to use her honorific title just now, she is Mei Luo's mother, she must make a good impression.

"Don't be so restrained..." She chuckled, and looked around Yumo again, "It's not Xuewu who asked me to see you, I begged it, and I have been with it for more than a hundred years after death. Always give me some benefits."

Yu Mo rubbed his head, "Then...then this sword is quite human."

"No, it has a weird temper... When you came, she still mocked me, saying that your son found a woman who dared to dig up the grave of his mother-in-law..."

Yu Mo choked on his own saliva and coughed continuously.

"Don't worry, it's just a joke."

"No, no, in fact I did... dig your grave..."

This must be in the 21st century, and it must be a hot search on Weibo.

A daughter-in-law who dares to stand against her mother-in-law's grave can gain tens of millions of hits just for the title.

Thinking of this, she broke out in a cold sweat, no amount of impression points for such a rebellious behavior would be useless.

"That... I really didn't mean to..." She bowed deeply to Queen Qi Luo.

"Look up, you don't need to be so strange to me."

How dare she, still bowing.

Queen Qi Luo helped her up with her own hands, "You've already dug it up, so what's the point of apologizing, why don't you make it up..."

"Make it up?" She nodded emphatically, "Yes, yes, it should be made up, you said... I will definitely do it."

"How is Mei Luo?" Her voice contained deep thoughts of her son, "When I left, he was still practicing in Hell Pool... I don't know what it is like now?" that moment.

She only has such a son. Although she is extremely strict with him, she loves him very much in her heart. For more than a hundred years, she has always thought of him.

"Very good..." Yumo replied, but after a while, he glanced at Queen Qiluo secretly, and said, "It's not very good."

"Huh? What is good and bad?"

"Very good means that he is not sick or in pain, but for my sake, he is very bad. You know, I am human..."

"The nobles don't agree with him marrying you?"

"Almost!" She didn't dare to say the bigger reason.

Queen Qiluo frowned, "How could it be? When his father wanted to marry me, the nobles didn't agree, but they agreed in the end. This kid is really useless." Gang's expression, "Who disagrees? White Fang? Or the three elders, Red, Yellow, and Green... Oh, yes... and the one in the Water Gate Mansion..."

all hit!

It can be seen that when Mei Luo's father wanted to marry her, these people must have opposed it.

"Where's Cang Wu? He should be on Mei Luo's side."

When she first heard that Cangwu was mentioned, Yu Mo's heart tightened. Ever since she knew that Cangwu loved Queen Qiluo, she had always wanted to know if Queen Qiluo knew about it. Wisteria?

"Eh...Elder Cangwu also opposed it at the beginning."

"Cangwu objects?" Queen Qiluo distorted her face, because she is a great beauty, even if distorted, she is still very beautiful, "What is he objecting to? What is there to object to? It is fine if Meiluo likes you. The more I lived, the more I became a pedantic person."

Hearing what she said, Yu Mo was very happy, but the reason for her disagreement was not just because she was a human being. She was considering whether to say it, but she was afraid that Queen Qi Luo would kill her in anger.

"By the way, how did you meet Meiluo? You are human, how did you come to the world of mountains and seas?"

Yumo told the story of meeting Meiluo.

"So you saved my son."

"It's just a matter of course..." She didn't tell her about Shudu, and felt that she would be sad if she knew about it. A nephew harming a son is a tragedy in the world.

"What a smooth move... Since you saved Mei Luo, why don't those people agree?"

"Queen Qiluo... In fact, it is reasonable for them to object."

"You actually speak good things for them... You have a bad temper. If you like it, you like it. Marriage is also a matter between two people. It has nothing to do with them. It's really a dog's temper to meddle in their own business."

Yu Mo choked on his own saliva again, coughing again and again.

"Girl, are you in poor health? Why do you keep coughing?"

"No, no, I'm in good health, it's what you said..." Her meddling sentence just now is really a dog's temper, and if the dog monsters hear it, they will probably cry bitterly.

However, he was right.

Otherwise, how could there be such a saying that dogs meddle in their own business with mice?

Queen Qiluo said seriously: "Am I wrong? What I hate the most are people who like to talk about rules and use them as a benchmark to measure a person or something."

"I agree with this! However, regarding their objection to me being with Mei Luo, I really can't blame them all..." She thought about it, and it would be better to say it, she came to get Xue Wu Sword for this reason , sooner or later it will be said.

Queen Qi Luo sensed the hesitation in her words, and asked, "Could it be that you did something unforgivable..."

Yu Mo lowered his head, forcing himself to take courage and nod.

"what have you done!?"

What Xue Wu can know is what happened after she entered the mausoleum, but it is impossible to know what happened outside the mausoleum.

Yumo took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and told the story of killing the dog monsters after he was poisoned by the white feather. How miserable she was, she told the truth.

During the lengthy narration, Queen Qiluo's face gradually turned ugly.

When she saw it, the tension in her heart came out again, and her palms were sweating.

"That's how it is..." She was ready to be held accountable, and lowered her head even lower.

Queen Qiluo looked at her, and it was impossible not to be angry or angry in her heart. His son suffered from the poison of Huoduoluo for her, and thousands of people were killed and injured by the dog monster clan. Even if it was not her intention, It is poisoning that has lost one's mind, and it is unforgivable, but...

She chuckled, if she didn't tell about this matter, she would never know, but she didn't hide a single word, just say how miserable it is.

Is this the girl his son is looking for?
At least he is a very honest and responsible kid.

"Hold your head up, you like hanging your head, you have to change it!"

Yumo raised his head, with a sincere apology on his face, "I am indeed wrong about this matter, and I cannot escape the blame, even if you die ten thousand times, it is not enough to pay back, if you want to avenge those dead clansmen now , want to kill me, I have no complaints."

"Kill you? Hehe, I can't kill you. I'm a missing body, so I don't have any attack power."

"Is that so?" She didn't know about it, "Then...then you can hit me! You can always do it with two slaps, so I can feel better in my heart."

"I don't hit women!" Queen Qi Luo spoke like an upright man, with a proud integrity.

" scold me..."

"Hehehe..." Queen Qiluo raised her hand and covered her lips with her sleeve and smiled, "Girl, I have seen your sincerity."

Having said that, Yu Mo felt even more sinful, "My sincerity is not enough."

"Knowing mistakes can make a big difference..."

"But..." She still had one thing to say about the rebirth formation.

"Okay, raise your head and straighten your back. A mistake is a mistake, but it doesn't mean you will do it again, doesn't it?"

"Of course!"

"The dog monsters suffered heavy casualties, which I didn't expect. In this way, you will indeed be opposed by most people if you want to be with Mei Luo. You will enter my tomb, and the reason for wanting to get the Xuewu Sword is I also understand."

"I offended you..."

She shook her head, "Who told you about Xuewu Sword? Lin Lang is dead...Let me guess...Linglong?"

"Queen, how do you know?"

"She is different from Lin Lang, she is a ghost!"

"Yes, it was Miss Linglong who told me. She even made an appointment with me to meet here in three days and brought me to get the Xuewu sword. She also said that it would be very hard and painful to get the Xuewu sword."

"Hahaha..." Queen Qiluo laughed loudly, "She lied to you, Xuewu will not choose anyone, as long as my missing body is still there, it will always let me stay with her."


"She just wants to see how determined you are!"

"Is that so?"

"You don't know that the barrier that seals my mausoleum was set up by Xue Wu. No one can crack it, but you cracked it with the Haotian Tower, so that's another matter. Speaking of the Haotian Tower... Shu Are they all in the dog monster clan?"

"Well, he is here, I robbed his Haotian Tower..."

"Steal?" Queen Qi Luo looked at Yu Mo abruptly with her beautiful eyes, "You actually managed to snatch something from the capital of Shu?"

"Well, I asked Taotie to knock him out when he was unaware..."

Queen Qiluo's beautiful eyes widened, obviously a frightened expression, and then she had a clear expression.

"Shu Du likes you!"

Yu Mo, who was choked on the saliva for the third time, covered his mouth to hold back the itching in his throat, not letting himself cough out, lest he be said to be in poor health again.

"You... how do you know?"

"My wolf monster clan is born to be a strong monster, especially the royal family. They are all outstanding. If you snatch it, he will fight to the end. There is absolutely no chance for you to be stunned, even if it is a fierce beast. But he caught it Your way, then there is only one possibility, he has taken a fancy to you, and has no defense against you..."

What a dear aunt!

She first captivated Shudu with her bright smile and sweet words, and then let Taotie attack secretly.

The son and nephew fell in love with a woman, and the impression points in the mother-in-law's heart will drop again.

She didn't even dare to look at Queen Qiluo anymore.

"Does Meiluo know that Shudu likes you?"

She nodded.

"Did he bully the capital of Shu?"

This question was a bit advanced, she didn't know whether to say she was bullied or not.

If she was bullied, she would definitely become a troublesome woman.

But she is very honest, "It depends on what your definition of bullying is, and Mei Luo occasionally kicks Shudu..."

"Hahahaha..." Queen Qi Luo suddenly laughed again, "Kicking Shu Du's ass, I really want to see this scene..."

What's so good about this.

Yu Mo felt that the queen's temper was a bit unpredictable.

"You don't know that they didn't get along with each other when they were young. When they met when they were young, they would definitely fight. When they grow up and mature, they don't fight anymore, but they don't even look at each other when they meet. It's very boring..."

Yu Mo blinked, is this boring?

One is her son and the other is her nephew. Is it fun to fight between the two?
She felt that she couldn't keep up with Queen Qiluo's train of thought.

Queen Qi Luo had her own explanation, "Boys need to move more, and they are masculine when they fight, um... so, Mei Luo really loves you very much..."

Yumo blushed when she heard that, and said coyly, "He...he is very kind to me."

"Do you have a husband and wife?"

With such a sudden sentence, Yu Mo's face turned red to the bottom of his ears, and he didn't know how to answer.

But Queen Qi Luo guessed it, "If you are so shy, then you must have it!"

Yu Mo opened his mouth, blushing so hot that his mouth was about to smoke.

"In that case, I'm going to be a grandma."

"Ah... this..." Thick smoke billowed from Yu Mo's head.

"So shy?"

"I...I..." She lowered her head again, she was not good at dealing with such a familiar mother-in-law.

"Tsk tsk, why did you lower your head again, raise it up, and straighten your waist, you will be the queen of the dog monster clan in the future, only others bow to you, you must never bow to others..."


Yu Mo was startled, his eyes were moist when he raised his head, "You think I can be a queen..."

"why not?"

"But I..."

Queen Qi Luo stepped forward and touched her head, "Girl, no matter how big a mistake is, it can't compare to the kindness you saved my son, twice..."

Yu Mo burst into tears, this was the first time someone said that to her.

"I...I..." She cried with tears all over her face.

"Come, cry in my arms, you must have suffered a lot, right?"

"Wow..." Her grievances were vented at this moment, and at the same time, she felt... the warmth of her mother-in-law's embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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