The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 423 Part 188 Borrowing Your Body

Chapter 423 Part 188

In the mausoleum, Duoji and Xuewujian are still fighting fiercely.

The three beasts became spectators, shouting at Duoji.

Taotie cheered at the side, "Duoji, kick it! I like you!"

"Small stone, spit on it!" Bixi raised the fin and shook it.

Zhulong turned into a sword and continued to chisel the ice while being a spectator.

Dorji showed his strength for the first time, and the battle was very good. He was evenly matched with Xuewujian, and it was hard to tell the winner, but his physical strength began to gradually decline.

Although Yumo was sealed into the icicle, the artifact was not affected. With the power of the Haotian Tower, any barrier can be broken, allowing them to escape, but Yumo's body is not an artifact, so there is no way to break it. is applied to.

Haotian Tower, Shennong Ding, and Demon Refining Pot are not offensive artifacts, and they can only watch the battle in silence. After watching for a long time, Shennong Ding could not sit still and popped out a pill.

"Brother Shi, take medicine to replenish your strength."

Artifacts can communicate through resonance, which cannot be heard by others, but Xue Wujian, who is not an artifact, can hear and see.

"You are victorious without martial arts!" Xuewu turned his sword and pointed at the three artifacts.

"Oh, it's talking!" Bixi said in surprise.

There was also a voice before, but it was just a couple of hums, and a few trick names were reported.

The demon refining pot couldn't bear it any longer, and exerted its strength to release the illusion, which was an environment conducive to auspicious spiritual power.

Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, trees are shady, and small rivers are flowing. The warm climate is used to resist the damage value of Xuewu's ice-type spiritual power.

With their help, Dorje instantly improved his combat effectiveness.

Xue Wujian began to lose the wind.

The Demon Refining Pot said: "How can it hear us?"

"Is it also a divine weapon?" The Demon Refining Pot felt that this was the only possibility.

"Impossible, you and I both know the top ten artifacts, there is no such thing." There is only one sword among the artifacts, and that is the Xuanyuan Sword. There is no such thing as the Xuewu Sword. After Shen Nong Ding finished speaking, another pill popped out , is red, can enhance spiritual power.

This auxiliary artifact is quite useful at certain times.

Demon Refining Pot nodded, "That's right, there are only ten artifacts, the four of us, plus the other six, have never heard of Xue Wu's name."

Shennong Ding suddenly thought, "Could it be that the state of the artifact has changed?"

The Demon Refining Pot and Haotian Tower looked at it, "How is this possible?"

"Brother Ta, you used to serve Queen Qiluo as your master, so you should have communicated with it."

"No, this sword is extremely silent. It has never spoken to me. Besides, Qiluo is very strong, so I rarely use it." When it was Queen Qiluo's artifact, it was mostly an ornament on her waist. It was embarrassing to talk about it in the past, and I really didn't want people to know about it.

"Then how could it be..." Shen Nong Ding couldn't figure it out.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Shi has the upper hand. Wait until you defeat it and catch it before you ask it." The demon refining pot expanded the scope of the illusion and continued to assist Duoji's attack.

The Nuwa stone is a stone cultivated by Nuwa's spiritual power for thousands of years. It has a powerful repairing ability. When the spiritual power evaporates, the dead trees can be rejuvenated again. This happens to run counter to Xue Wu's ability to freeze the living. Artifact support is even more powerful than opening a plug-in.

He shouted: "Let go of my sister!"

"I'll talk about it when you win."

With a bang, the two strands of spiritual power collided again, creating a gust of wind that shattered the wall.

"My sister is a good person, I don't allow you to bully her." Duoji waved her palm.

"What is a good person? In this world, both demons and people are selfish. They only care about themselves and never care about other people's feelings." It once believed in a woman, regarded her as its master, and tried its best to help her, but in the end? , she abandoned it, because the man she loved touched it without permission, and was hurt by the spiritual power it bounced off. After seeing it, she was afraid and urged the woman to leave it. It thought she would not, but in the end she The man abandoned it.

Once the oath has become a joke.

In the end, the woman was abandoned by the man, blamed it on it, and used it to kill herself.

Its self-esteem cannot accept such a fact.

Thinking of the past, it became angry from embarrassment, and raised its spiritual power again.

"Boy, I haven't seen blood for more than a hundred years, so today I will take you under the knife."

"I just want you to let my sister go!"

"I said it, I'll say it after I win!"

The spiritual power of both sides did not show weakness, and the battle was more intense than before.

After Taotie saw it, he felt that it would not be good for Duoji if he continued to fight like this. After all, his cultivation had not yet reached the point where he could fight with others for a long time.

"Ahu, find a way to trap it in your body."

"I think so too, but its spiritual power is very strong, stronger than mine." It is not easy to restrain it with illusions.

Taotie looked at Bixi, "Go!"

"Lao Tzu? How can I use a barrier, but it won't work. I tried it just now, but it can't be trapped." If it is to be useful, it has already done so.

Zhulong chiseled for a long time, finally cut off the icicle, and put Yumo down on his back.

"Old glutton, the ice is broken, hurry up and find a way to melt it, it's been a long time, the girl is going to freeze to death."

"This ice doesn't melt so easily." Xue Wu yelled.

"Sister!" Duoji rushed out of the battle circle, releasing spiritual power in an attempt to melt the icicle.

Xue Wu stepped forward to stop her, but was blocked by Tao Tie.

"It's time for a substitution battle."

"Smelly beast, go away."

"How dare you scold me? You broke one of my fingers, and now I want you to pay in blood."

"Obviously you cut it off yourself." It won't take the blame.

"Stop talking nonsense, watch the trick!"

Taotie made an instant move and was caught off guard.

On the other side, Duoji tried his best to melt the icicle that wrapped Yumo, but it melted very slowly.

"Sister, if you persist a little longer, you will be able to come out soon."

"Brother Shi, don't worry, the girl won't die so easily. After taking so many medicines from Brother Ding, her physical fitness is no longer what it used to be." The Demon Refining Pot comforted her.

Haotian Tower felt that if this girl died, Shudu would definitely be angry with him, "Brother Ding, hurry up and make some medicine for invigorating blood and eliminating cold. When the girl comes out, I can use it for her in time."

"Do you still need to say that, I have already started practicing."

After finishing speaking, a lot of medicines popped out of the cauldron, colorful, at least a dozen of them.

Xue Wu's enchantment, besides the ice block that sealed Yu Mo, there is another one that has not been discovered, which is the enchantment that seals Queen Qiluo, which is in its sword hilt. Queen Qiluo wept happily in her arms.

She had been away from home for a long time, and she felt the warmth of a mother in her body, which made her a little greedy. When she calmed down, she suddenly felt that she was losing her composure, and hurriedly left Qi Luo's embrace.

"I'm sorry...I...I..." She wiped her tears.

"Calm down?"

"Hmm..." Her eyes were swollen from crying, like a rabbit.

"Now that you've calmed down, let's talk about what you want to do?"

Yu Mo's brain was still a little cramped, and he didn't react, "What?"

"Silly girl, don't you want to get Xuewu and use my reputation to intimidate the members of the dog monster clan?"

"Yes, yes!" She nodded like pounding garlic.

"But Xue Wu will never be used by you."

"What should I do?"

Originally, I wanted to use Xuewu to suppress the nobles of the dog monster clan and help Meiluo reduce some troubles. Now that Xuewu sword has the company of Queen Qiluo's thoughts, she will not change her original intention easily. She didn't get the sword. Letting the people of the dog monster clan know about Queen Qiluo's tomb is another serious crime.

She was so anxious that her head was sweating, and she felt that she had done something useless.

"There is a way, but I don't know if you are willing or not?"

"What method!? No matter what method, as long as it can help Meiluo, I'm willing to do it." When she came, she had already decided to risk everything.

"Use your body!"

"Huh?" She glanced at her body, "Lend my body?"


She frowned, unable to understand this method.

"I am a thought body, and I can't go out of the mausoleum. Even in the mausoleum, I must be attached to Xue Wu's sword handle. But if I have a body, I can attach it like a soul. Time is based on people's thoughts. Be firm and determined, if you can bear it, it will last longer, if you can't bear it, it will only last for an hour."

"Attach me?" She had heard of such a weird thing, but she always thought it was a fantasy, but now it was really possible, she was a little panicked.

"Are you willing?" When she said this, Qi Luo was obviously a little nervous.

She really wanted to see her son, even if it was just a glance, it was also a sustenance for her to exist here for a hundred years. She never thought that one day it would come true, but she just had a little fantasy, but she didn't expect this girl to break in.

If it is fate, she is very grateful to God.

"What do you mean by being attached to my body, do you mean to resurrect the soul from the corpse? I mean, the body is mine, but the mind is yours."

"Almost, but it's harmless to you, it will only put pressure on your mental strength, I will shorten the time as much as possible, don't worry." She suddenly took Yu Mo's hand, "I'm ashamed to say it, it's also my selfishness , I want to see my son no matter what, this is probably a mother's obsession."

As long as she is a mother, she will still miss her child even after she dies. As long as there is a ten-thousandth possibility, she wants to do this.

Yu Mo didn't think much, and agreed straightforwardly.

"Okay, I will try my best to hold on, I believe Meiluo will be happy to see you."

"No, he won't know it's me."


"Silly girl, if I let others know that my missing body is still there, what do you think they will do?"

Yumo thought for a while, "I will definitely find a way to rescue you. You are so loved and admired by them, and you are like a hero. They are very loyal to you."

"I'm very relieved to hear this from your mouth. Yes, they may find many flesh bodies for me, but that's useless. Possession can only be done once, and it will consume a lot of my demon power. I don't care about others. Don't worry, if my power is abused, even for a very short period of time, it will cause great harm."

"I understand!"

"So this opportunity is only once, so I feel sorry for Xue Wu!"


"The loss of demon power will make the time of my missing body no longer eternal."

Yu Mo was shocked, "Then...then..."

She really didn't want this warm person to disappear.

"I'm dead, I'm a person who doesn't exist anymore. I just want to see my son and solve his problems. This is what a mother should do, and I'm very protective..." She looked at Yu Mo with an expression Anger raised, "Those who bully their daughter-in-law are bullying me!"

After hearing this, Yu Mo was so moved that she burst into tears and said, "I will, I will definitely love Mei Luo."

"That's what I want!" She hugged her tightly, "Girl, thank you!"

Thank you for coming, thank you for giving my mother me a chance.

When Xue Wu and Taotie were fighting fiercely, the ribbon on Xue Wu's sword hilt gave off a faint light.

It took a step back, frowned and said, "Qiluo?"

"I have something to tell you!"

"I'm fighting with the stinky beast, don't bother me, isn't it for your wife?"

"It's about my daughter-in-law. Come in, I have something to say, or I'll get angry."

"No, no, I'll come right away, right away."

Xue Wu glanced at Tao Tie, and shouted: "You are lucky."

"Ah?" Taotie didn't know, but the attack did not slow down, but it missed, Xue Wu didn't move, and fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

Bi Xi poked Xue Wu with his fin, but it didn't respond.

"It must have been afraid of me." Taotie said with his hands on his hips.

"I'm afraid you're useless, the girl hasn't been rescued yet!" Bi Xi pointed to Yu Mo who was still lying in the ice.

Startled, Taotie immediately squatted on the ground and roared at Xue Wu, "Chou Jian, get up, let's fight again."

Xue Wu didn't have time to go back to it, she had already gone to her enchantment.

Yu Mo was startled when she saw Xue Wu, it turned out to be in human form, and it was a loli, a very stinky loli, who looked only seven or eight years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, fair skin, and a pair of big, round eyes. Her eyes and red lips, in the 21st century, she will definitely be discovered by scouts and become a child star, and she will definitely be popular.

But his temper is not very good, he is obviously shorter than her, when he looks up at her, he has a condescending attitude.

"You are Qi Luo's daughter-in-law? How ugly!"

A tendon on Yumo's forehead bulged.

"Xue Wu, don't bully her as soon as she comes up, she has a good temper and doesn't care about you."

"I don't care, I just don't like her!"

"When will your temper change?"

"What to change, I've always been like this." Xue Wu puffed up her cheeks, "Tell me, what do you want me to do here?"

"I want to do something for this girl."

"What's up!"

"Attach to her..."

Before the words were finished, Xue Wu exploded, "No!"

"Just for a moment."

"No, what if you are attached to her and let others know what to do, and it will shorten the lifespan of your missing body."

"I won't let anyone know."

"No, I won't allow it!"

"I've been with you for a long time."

"You promised me that you would always be with me."

"I promised you, but I can't think of any other way to help my son." Qi Luo squatted down and looked at it, "Xue Wu, I beg you so hard, promise me, okay?"

Xue Wu's face was full of anger, and her face instantly became ferocious, "You obviously want to abandon me."

"I do not have!"

"You're dead, let him settle his son's affairs by himself, and you must help him in whatever you do, or use this method."

"Are you willing to change the owner, for example..." Qi Luo pointed to Yu Mo, "My daughter-in-law..."

When Yu Mo heard this, she immediately straightened her back, feeling that a sword should not be looked down upon.

"Hmph, I don't want it!" Xue Wu looked disdainful.

"That's it... I'm attached to her and use her body to act. You don't count as a change of master, isn't it great?"

"But it will shorten the lifespan of your thought body, I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Xue Wu stomped her feet angrily, looking like a brat.

Yu Mo only felt that the baby was not pumping, if it was normal, he would have slapped him long ago.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Qi Luo threw the question to it, "I want to help my son. It’s okay if you can help my son.”

Xue Wu couldn't think of a way out, her face turned red from holding back.

Suddenly, she burst into tears, "I see, you must not like me anymore, you must be blaming me."

Qi Luo frowned, "What do you blame?"

"If it wasn't for sealing part of the demonic power in my sword hilt, you wouldn't have died in the battle against Tian Xie. You must have been thinking about this, right?"

"This is what I promised you, don't blame you."

This was indeed part of the reason for the battle against Lie Tianxi back then. If it wasn't for this, she would not have died, at most she would have been seriously injured, but she kept her promise and would never blame her.

But Yu Mo was different, when he heard this, he got angry, rushed over and slapped him.

Qiluo was terrified.

Xue Wu couldn't believe it, her red eyes from crying turned into anger, and she stared fiercely at her.

Yu Mo also stared at it.

She was born to deal with this kind of brat the most.

(End of this chapter)

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