The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 424 Part 189 The Queen Has Arrived

Chapter 424 Part 189 The Queen Has Arrived

"How dare you hit me!"

Xue Wu was furious, and hundreds of swords appeared out of nowhere behind her, facing Yu Mo like a peacock spreading its tail, the swords were sharp and shone with a cold luster.

With so many swords pointed at him, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid, but Yu Mo still straightened his back, and he must not back down when facing the brats, otherwise they would only get worse.

"You were the one who hit you, and you actually killed Queen Qiluo!"

According to the conversation it had with Queen Qiluo just now, she must have misunderstood it. If Queen Qiluo hadn't distributed the demon power at that time, she would never have died.

"You ugly monster, die." A sharp light flashed in Xue Wu's eyes, and the sword behind her started to move, tremble, split, and flew apart.

"Stop!" Queen Qi Luo took the first step to block Xue Wu.

"Get out of the way!" Xue Wu was so angry that she couldn't listen to other words.

"She is not malicious!"

"She said I hurt you!" About this, it didn't want to admit it.

Yu Mo didn't think he was wrong, "Don't deny it, it's your fault."

"You ugly human being!" The small body trembled with anger, and a layer of blood was stained on the cheeks, "I will kill you! I will let you go through your heart with ten thousand arrows!"

"Come on, come on, I'm afraid of you!"

There is a trick to facing a bear child, that is, it is ruthless, you have to be more ruthless than it, and you cannot let it go.

"Girl, don't say a few words." Queen Qiluo knew that Yumo was defending herself, but Xuewu's territory here angered it, and she couldn't get any benefit.

"No, I just don't like it." How can this sword be so poisonous if it traps people and kills them, "Queen, get out of the way, let her come to me if something happens."

Yu Mo folded his arms around his chest, staring at Xue Wu, with an expression of what you can do to me, "Listen, you are a broken sword, a bad sword, a poisonous sword, no wonder no one wants you, you deserve to be abandoned, Before blaming others for their mistakes, why don't you think about what you have done, I don't even want a sword like yours if you give it to me."

Hearing this, Xue Wu was so angry that her hair stood on end, and the number of swords behind her was doubled. If she activated it, Yu Mo's body would turn into a hornet's nest in an instant.

Yumo now has no artifacts and beasts to help, so he can only escape at the right time.

"I told you to be stubborn!"

Xue Wu pushed Qi Luo away, whoosh...all the swords flew out.

Yumo tried to find something to resist but couldn't find it, so he could only run away, but the scolding in his mouth didn't stop.

"Broken sword, poisonous sword, trash sword..."

Qi Luo flew up and knocked down all the swords. She is a missing body and has no attack power, but Xue Wu is her saber, and she can counteract it with demon power.

Unwilling, Xue Wu released more swords.

Yumo scolded while hiding, and the more she scolded, the more vigorous she found. Although the sword looked sharp, it didn't fly very fast. Queen Qiluo couldn't stop it, and she could dodge it.

Isn't this Xue Wu's enchantment? Why is she so weak?
How did she know that the current Xue Wu is only a part of the soul of the sword, and most of the spiritual power stays on the sword, otherwise the Taotie outside is stepping on it, and if too much spiritual power is put into the barrier, the sword body can bear it. Can't help being trampled by gluttony.

Qi Luo also realized this, and heaved a sigh of relief. If Xue Wu was under full spiritual power, the girl would definitely die on the spot.

"Ugly, stop here." Xue Wu howled.

Yu Mo responded with a grimace, "You are a sword that is not qualified to shovel shit."

Xue Wu was stunned, "Shovel... What are you shoveling?"

"Shovel shit, it's shit!" Her ability to add fuel to the fire is really first-rate.

Xue Wu frowned, chasing after her and slashing, "I'll kill you!"

"Come on, come on!"

She and Xue Wu fought around Queen Qi Luo, just like two preschool urchins.

"Don't hide if you have the ability!"

"Don't chase after you if you have the ability!"

Yumo saw a sword on the ground, and started to use it. She doesn't know how to use it, but she has never eaten pork and seen pigs running, so it is no problem to swing it a few times.

With a bang, the swords collided with each other, and the fight was fierce, but Yu Mo just swung it indiscriminately, without any rules at all.

The more disorderly it is, the more miraculous it will be. Xue Wu, who was unable to draw out all her spiritual power, couldn't find her way, and was slapped on the forehead.

"You hit me again!"

"You're stupid! Hahahaha!" Yu Mo laughed with his hands on his hips.

In the empty space, it was very quiet and deep, but now there is a lot of noise, and with rare popularity, Queen Qiluo smiled knowingly, which reminded her of Meiluo and Shudu when she was a child. They were also like this. No one would let anyone fight, but she still didn't dare to let Yumo mess around too much. Xue Wu's temperament was irritable, and she was extremely angry, and she might have a hysterical attack.

"Girl, come here."

"Huh?" Yu Mo returned to her side.

"Xue Wu, you stop too."

Xue Wu would not stop, Queen Qi Luo twitched her eyebrows, stepped on it, and directly stepped on it, "I told you to stop, you stop, stop talking nonsense to me." She is very much like a mighty hen lion.

In terms of irascibility and hysteria, no one can compare to Queen Qiluo.

"You actually help her, not me?"

"She is my daughter-in-law and my son's heart. If I don't help her, can I help you?"

"You are biased." Xue Wu lay on the ground like a frog scratching her limbs.

"If I'm biased, I won't be with you for so long. Now I just want you to promise me one thing. If you refuse in every possible way, then what else should I care about you? It's better to be annihilated."

Hearing the words Hun Fei Annihilation, Xue Wu turned pale, and immediately said: "No, Qi Luo...don't do stupid things, you want to possess, right? Then possess, I won't stop you. "


"Yeah!" It nodded emphatically, but it didn't finish, "but don't take too long..."

Yumo saw the clue, this Xuewu looked domineering and cold-blooded, but in fact she was very dependent on Qiluo, just like a child depends on his mother.

"Whether the time is long or not is not up to me." Qi Luo put as much interest as possible on Yu Mo and herself.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, but you are not allowed to say the words of Hun Fei Annihilation."

The thought body is actually a kind of soul.

"Yes!" Qi Luo agreed.

Xue Wu's eyes lit up, her little face was happy, "Then... can you wake me up."

"Get up!" Qi Luo let go of her feet.

After Xue Wu got up, seeing Yu Mo sticking to Qi Luo, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she released her sword again.

"Xue Wu, stop bullying her."

"Hmph!" Xue Wu put away the sword, but stomped heavily on her feet angrily, and pushed Yu Mo away, "You are not allowed to get so close to Qi Luo, she is mine."

Yu Mo: "..."

Is this jealous?

Looking sideways, she saw Xue Wu kneeling on the ground, burying her head on Queen Qi Luo's lap, rubbing her head vigorously, seeing Yu Mo watching, it gave her a hard look, "Go, what are you looking at! Ugly!"

Yu Mo gave her a middle finger.

It didn't understand, but felt that it was definitely not a good thing, and wanted to activate the sword array again, but before it could be activated, Queen Qiluo touched its head, and it softened, rubbing against her like a cat.She shook her head, she didn't care about it, the important thing was the next possession.

Taotie tossed and tossed Xuewu sword lying on the ground for a long time, but it still didn't respond, and the ice on Yumo's body didn't melt. It was anxious and angry, so it picked up Xuewu sword directly, thinking that it would just do nothing, and put It breaks off.

But the Xuewu Sword is a famous sword in the world, it cannot be broken if you want to, it is extremely hard, even if it is a fierce beast with powerful monster power, it cannot be easily broken.

"Choujian, are you a shrinking turtle? Get up for me!"

"Okay, stop yelling, it's important to save the girl first."

Zhulong had already chiseled the icicle until only a thin layer of ice remained. Duoji's ability was more remarkable. Yumo's hand was melted, and he was putting it in his arms to keep warm.

"Sister, hold on a little longer."

"Brother Shi, take your medicine!" Shen Nong Ding handed over another pill.

Melting the icicles cost him a lot of spiritual power, so he could only make up while melting them.

Dorje took the pill, his spiritual power recovered, and continued to release spiritual power to melt.

Although the ice was melting, it did not melt into water, but into a puff of smoke.

"I can't go on like this, I'm afraid the girl's body won't be able to bear it!" The demon refining pot didn't take back the illusion, and the illusion of spring flowers can increase the temperature.

When the four artifacts and the three beasts were all distressed, the Xuewu sword moved again, the hilt began to glow, and when the ribbon flew, countless snowflakes flew out.

"Old Tao, it has moved!" Zhulong shouted.

Taotie turned his head and saw Xue Wu's movement, he snapped his fingers, "Is it finally here, this time I will definitely smash you to pieces."

As soon as the words were finished, cracks appeared in the icicle that wrapped Yumo, and the cracks began to wind and fall from the beginning. With a bang, the icicle shattered, and Yumo's body came out of the ice intact.

"Sister!" Duoji hugged her happily.

"Brother Ding, medicine!" The Demon Refining Pot urged.

"It's coming, it's coming." Shen Nong Ding took out the pills and wanted to stuff them into Yu Mo's mouth.

At this moment, Yu Mo's eyes opened.

"Girl, you're awake, do you feel uncomfortable there?" Bixi Zhulong Qiqi approached her and asked.

Yumo looked at the two animal faces, as if she didn't know them, and looked at them for a long time.

"Girl, what's wrong with you, I'm Zhulong!" Zhulong pointed to his nose.

"I'm Bi Xi!" Bi Xi pointed his fin at his face.

Yu Mo blinked, with some surprise on his face.

Bixi and Zhulong are both fierce beasts... the same ancient beasts as Li Tiansi.

Startled, she immediately stood up and bounced away.

"How come there are so many beasts!?" Isn't there only Taotie?

Xue Wu flew to her side, "It's all your daughter-in-law's..."

"What?" Yu Mo was stunned.

"Girl, what's wrong with you, you don't know us anymore." Bixi was in a hurry, and flapped the fins in a hurry.

Yu Mo condensed his eyes, looked down at Xue Wu, "You didn't tell me..."

"I forgot!"

Taotie was the first to see that something was wrong with Yu Mo. This kind of calm and prestige look is definitely not a girl's. Although the appearance is the same, the temperament is not right.

The woman in front of her, her eyes overflowing with brilliance, are like stars, and the luster of the silver man is so dark that they look down on the world.

This is the look that a queen will have.

Yumo on the other end is smiling, with deep and shallow smiles, sparse shadows and slanting, with arcs that are difficult to understand.

"Daughter-in-law is so capable, she even took the beast under her command."

"I think it's luck. Otherwise, how could she do it alone? It's just luck, or it's these beasts who have a problem with their brains."

"Who has a brain problem! What kind of daughter-in-law is there!" Because Yumo didn't know her, Bixi became more and more anxious, and seeing her intimate with Xuewu made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" Taotie was in trouble, and stretched out his claws, pointing directly at Yumo.

"Smelly beast, put down your claws, you are not allowed to face Qiluo!"

"Qiluo?" Taotie's mind went blank, this sword is called Yumo Qiluo...?
Haotian Tower trembled suddenly, looked at Yu Mo's face, and after a long time, began to tremble, "Qi are Qi Luo..."

"Haotian, long time no see."

Yu Mo stretched out her hand and spread her palm, Haotian Tower flew over and stood on her palm, "You are really beautiful...but how come!?"

"what happened!?"

Shennong Ding and Demon Refining Pot also sensed that something was wrong with Yu Mo.

At this time, Yu Mo, no, it was Yu Mo who was possessed by Queen Qi Luo. She was shocked when she found a bunch of artifacts and beasts around her. Knowing that, Xue Wu only said that her daughter-in-law broke in, she didn't say much else, she was very puzzled at first, the enchantment of the mausoleum was set by Xue Wu, no one can break it, unless it is the Haotian Tower, she also from the rain From Mo Mo's mouth, she knew that she had indeed used the Haotian Tower to break in, and that she had almost destroyed the Dog Realm with the Taotie Kaishen.

But other...

Her daughter-in-law actually possessed three fierce beasts and three artifacts.

This ability...

She was secretly pleased, her son's vision is really extraordinary, but this also made her wonder, with such ability, there are still people who dare to oppose her being the queen, are those idiots out of their minds?

This kind of merit is beyond her reach even in her lifetime.

"She's Queen Qiluo?" Taotie responded, but it only recognized Yumo as its master. It would not have any respect for the woman who occupied Yumo's body, and would only feel that she had bullied Yumo.

And hasn't she been dead for over 100 years?
Is it...

"You actually occupied the magpie's nest! Occupied the girl's body." Bixi and Zhulong, who had the same mentality as Taotie, released their demonic power in an instant, ready to avenge Yumo.

"You calm down, it's only temporary, at least two hours, at most one day, she will recover. If you don't believe me, I can let her speak out!"

After the thought body occupies the body, it cannot completely hide the willpower of the original owner. The original owner can hear everything he does and says, but he cannot control the body.

"Gaotie, Zhulong, Bixi, I'm fine!"

The voice came from Yu Mo's body, and the three beasts who were familiar with her were sure that it was her voice, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"How did you let someone occupy your body?"

"It's a long story, don't worry about it too much, time is tight and can't be wasted."

After Queen Qi Luo's thought body occupied her body, she felt extremely tired and her mind was heavy.

This is because there is a relationship between two souls in the physical body, and the mental pressure will be quite high.

"Girl, you must not sleep, remember!" Once you fall asleep, your consciousness and soul will be separated from your body, and you will not be able to return easily.

"I remember!"

"Well, let's go, while you can still hold on, let's get things done quickly." Queen Qi Luo took a step forward.

Xue Wu fled directly into her hands, she only recognized Qi Luo as the master, although it was Yu Mo's body now, Qi Luo was the dominant one, she was a little unwilling, but there was nothing she could do, otherwise Qi Luo would get angry.

Taotie was still worried that Yumo would be injured, so he asked many questions along the way.

Queen Qiluo knew everything and said everything.

"I know you are loyal, but there is really no need to worry, I will return my body to the girl..."

They walked all the way to the entrance of the mausoleum. When the door opened, it was already daylight.

The blinding light made Queen Qiluo unable to open her eyes. She hadn't touched such sunlight for a long time, and there was also the fragrance of green grass and flowers.

Nothing has changed, except that she is no longer alive.

"Qi Luo, where are we going now?"

"Go to the palace!"

In the palace, Mei Luo was looking for Yu Mo all over the world. When he woke up in the middle of the night, she disappeared. Before going to bed, Yu Mo poured him a lot of wine. I searched all night, but couldn't find her. He had been to Penglai Island, and there was no sign of her, and the smell disappeared.

He turned around anxiously, yelling at the guards in the palace to rummage through every inch of the ground. He was even worried that Yu Mo might have been kidnapped by the nobles using some shady trick, but it was impossible for them to be so courageous.

"King!" Awufei landed in front of him.

"did you find it?"

A Wu shook his head, "No!"

"Look again!" His hair was in a disheveled bun, his face was very ugly, and he was already furious with anxiety.

The nobles rushed over when they knew about it.

Congratulations for the disappearance of the witch, but they couldn't smile when they met Mei Luo's face.

At this time, Yu Mo's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Mei Luo was overjoyed, and immediately showed surprise and warm eyes, and rushed forward.

Looking at the man with fluttering clothes in front of him smiling like clouds in the sky, Qi Luo's tears fell instantly.

He's grown up... her son.

Seeing her coming back, all the nobles had hideous faces.

Under such an atmosphere, Qi Luo naturally felt deeply.

She looked at the nobles with sharp eyes.

A bunch of idiots!
This glance made all the nobles, especially Mastiff Meng, tremble instantly.

In the eyes, the woman's long hair and robe fluttered in the wind. Because of the wide robe, her body appeared to be as light as petals, but the lightness contained extreme dignity and nobility. The golden sunlight outlined her outline, and her appearance was clearly the same, but It was shining brightly and brilliantly, like a peerless lotus flower suddenly blooming.

Is this reborn?
Why is there such a feeling that the queen is ruling the world.

No, the Queen really came.

 This hanging, you are not convinced! ?
(End of this chapter)

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